The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 108 The Plan Begins

Chapter 108 The Plan Begins (Seeking Tickets)
The Chaos Good Fortune Jue is also amazing, known as the number one skill for cultivating immortals.

How could it have only four and a half stars in the systematic evaluation, because it was only the first volume.

The same should be true for high-tech production workshops.

There are only two stars for such an awesome product.

If there is nothing tricky about it, Chen Hao absolutely does not believe it.

Shouldn't there be defects such as the temporary unavailability of this function?
The system responded: "The operation of the high-tech production workshop requires new energy sources. In this era of the host, no scientists have developed such energy sources. The new energy sources of the high-tech production workshop can only last for two years."

"Knew it."

Hearing the system's answer, Chen Hao was not too surprised.

Fortunately, however, it is only a matter of new energy sources.

For two years, those two years were enough for him.

"Haha, two years of free labor! System, let's continue, I feel that my luck has improved again."

Chen Hao said happily.

There are still two chances, so I naturally hope to grab something better.

"It will start after three seconds of grabbing the red envelope, please host, get ready, three, two, one, start."

Facing a series of red envelopes flashing in front of his eyes, Chen Hao grabbed one of them excitedly.

Before he could see the color of the red envelope clearly, the red envelope disappeared immediately.

"Congratulations to the host for grabbing a special type of red envelope, gaining a special skill primary mind-eye technique, with a rating of two and a half stars."

Special skills elementary mind-eye technique?

It sounds awesome.

"System, is this elementary mind-eye technique similar to the undulating pupil technique of immortal cultivators?"

When he was in the Cangyun Realm, Chen Hao once met a monk who had practiced the wave eye pupil technique.

After opening the Eye of Waves, it will form a domain of its own, strengthening its own attack and weakening the enemy.

The system said disdainfully: "The fluctuating eye pupil technique is not even worthy of lifting shoes for the mind-eye technique. The highest-level mind-eye technique can look up to the nine heavens, go down to the nine secluded worlds, and see through emptiness. Everything in the world has nothing to hide from."

Hearing the words of the system, even Chen Hao was a congenital cultivator with extraordinary knowledge and was shocked.

Although I had some expectations for the skill Mind Eye Technique, I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Looking up at the nine heavens and looking down at the nine secluded worlds, you can see through the void.

Clairvoyance is simply weak compared to it.

Although it was the highest level mind-eye technique, it didn't prevent Chen Hao from being lustful.

He also got a piece of news: the mind-eye technique can be upgraded.

After merging the primary mind-eye technique, Chen Hao understood its usage.

The primary mind-eye technique is actually a pupil technique, the result of the first level of practice of the mind-eye technique.

However, Chen Hao doesn't need to practice, he can use it after fusion, it's simply cheating!

He can multiply the power of his eyes by consuming true energy, and his eyes can see things within a radius of five kilometers.

"Nimma! It's even easier to use than the divine sense of an innate monk."

The consciousness cultivated by innate monks can only sense things within three kilometers at the beginning.

The primary mind-eye technique also has another function, that is identification technique.

However, in addition to consuming true energy, this function also requires mental strength.

"Is there such a cow?"

Chen Hao was a little skeptical, then took out his mobile phone, stimulated the true energy in his body, stared at it with concentration and began to work.

"Mobile phone iPhone 7, brand: Apple (Apple's) 10th generation mobile phone, produced in 2017, produced by Huaguo Foxconn's OEM factory."

Immediately, more information about the iPhone 7 in his hand appeared in his mind.

"real or fake?"

Chen Hao still checked the barcode on his phone, and it was exactly the same as what he knew.

"Try this coffee table again."

Then, he locked his eyes on the coffee table, and sure enough, more information about the coffee table appeared in his mind.

"Tea table, brand, produced on July 23, [-], inferior tea table produced in Wu City, Zhejiang Province, China."

The date of manufacture is written on the label on the back of the coffee table, July 23, [-]... It's just that only it knows that it was produced in Wu City, Zhejiang Province.




"Wooden chair, handmade, date unknown, the wood was produced at Shilipu Hill, Gaoqiao Village, Lanshan County."


"Unidentifiable, possibly from the excrement of a certain creature."

"I'm going, this is bird shit!"


After several tests, Chen Hao has basically understood the identification function of the primary mind-eye technique.

It also does not identify all items.

However, as long as it is a treasure or a product manufactured by a company, it can be identified.

After several tests, Chen Hao didn't expend much zhenqi but exhausted one-third of his mental power.

"Grabbing the special skill of elementary mind-eye technique, I didn't lose at all, but I made a lot of money."

Chen Hao nodded secretly in his heart, and continued to grab the red envelope for the last time.

"Congratulations to the host for grabbing the consumable red envelope, getting a gift pack of aphrodisiac medicine*1, and a rating of two stars."

A big gift package of aphrodisiac medicine?

After Chen Hao opened it, he found that besides the five bottles of aphrodisiac medicine, there was also an instruction manual for the preparation of aphrodisiac medicine.

"Good guy! Buy one get one free."

After looking at the instructions for preparing the aphrodisiac, Chen Hao had another plan in his mind, and then his consciousness withdrew from the space.

"Although the aura of the spirit stone crystal has been exhausted by me, it is a rare treasure in itself, which can absorb aura on its own. It is just like this. If it is buried in a deep mountain, the mountain will pass through millions of years. A year or even longer, the spirit stone veins will be re-formed."

Chen Hao took out the crystal of Lingshi thoughtfully.

"And I can use it as a foundation to arrange a secondary spirit gathering formation."

The spirit-gathering array is a formation that gathers spiritual energy to supply immortals to practice.

The spirit-gathering effect of the secondary spirit-gathering array is a bit worse, but its supply group is not immortal cultivators, but heaven, material and earth treasures, which is a formation specially set up for the production of heaven, materials and earth treasures.

Arrange the secondary spirit-gathering array, cultivate medicinal materials such as Qixinghua, and combine high-tech production workshops to mass-produce beauty creams.

Of course, it also includes the aphrodisiac that I just got.

This is Chen Hao's current plan.

The high-tech production workshop can realize intelligent unmanned production, and Chen Hao does not need to worry about the secret production methods of beauty creams and aphrodisiacs being leaked.

Moreover, the high-tech production workshop is 50 years ahead of the current level of technology. If it falls into the hands of others, it cannot be cracked with the current technology.

The next day, Chen Hao contacted Liu Biao and others.

"What did you say? Will you surprise us?"

"Okay, just wait, I will notify Lao Yao and the others now."

"We also made an appointment to meet at Yonghe Restaurant."

After Liu Biao hung up the phone, he said excitedly, "Honey, quickly get my car keys, I'm going on a long journey."

"Look at how excited you are. We didn't see you so excited when we were exercising on the bed last night. Let's just let it go."

A voice of resentment and blame from the beautiful woman came from the bedroom.

"Honey, can we not mention that, otherwise, where would you let my man's dignity go?"

Liu Biao's face immediately collapsed.

 Thanks to users Kuo Shao, user Feng Yang, and user Adversary for their rewards!By the way, please recommend, collect and reward all kinds of requests! !
(End of this chapter)

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