The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 110 The Prototype of Business

Chapter 110 The Prototype of Business (seeking a ticket)


Liu Biao and his wife looked puzzled.

Before Chen Hao could speak, Liu Biao's expression changed drastically, and he covered his lower body with his hands.

"Old Yao, where is the bedroom?"

Yao Tianming suddenly realized, and quickly stood up and led Liu Biao out.

"The food is here, you guys eat first! My husband and I have something to settle."

As Liu Biao spoke, he pulled Ding Qiong to follow closely behind.

"You bastard, you are talking nonsense in public, you are going to die!"

Ding Qiong pinched his arm hard, but she couldn't hide her flushed and excited face.

Knowing that her husband can restore his glory, and not caring about the presence of outsiders, he lost his composure with excitement.

Even Lin Ziyu, who had never done anything before, understood what was going on, and was so shy that she didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Hao, you are really bad!"

"Sister Ziyu, how can it be? I'm helping Brother Liu regain his prestige as a man, let him regain his confidence, and improve his quality of life."

Chen Hao said without embarrassment.

"All right, all right, you're right."

Lin Ziyu got up and went to the bathroom.

Yao Tianming who just came back said with a smile: "Xiao Chen is right, I have never seen Ah Biao so excited."

"No way, I'll put A Biao and his wife in the bedroom next door. But don't worry, my restaurant uses soundproof materials, so it won't affect everyone."

Otherwise, they would really not be in the mood to eat if there was an unsuitable scene next door.

"Next room?"

"Brother Yao, you have made me suffer!"

Chen Hao was very speechless.

He is an immortal cultivator on the fifth floor of the day after tomorrow, and the sound insulation material exists in name only for him.

Even if he blocked his ears, he could still hear it clearly, and the unsuitable gasping of the children next door made him extremely embarrassed.

"Xiao Chen, your face is red and hot? Do you have a fever?"

Wen Yingtao noticed Chen Hao's strange behavior and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom too."

Chen Hao quickly found an excuse and left the box.

Unless he enters the ninth level of acquired heaven, he cannot close his five senses.

When Liu Biao and his wife returned to the box again, Ding Qiong's face was full of pink, and there was a charming look in the corners of her eyes and brows, and she looked at her husband with affection, which was completely different from before.

Liu Biao's face was pale and exhausted, but his expression was extremely excited.

"Xiao...Xiao Chen! Your medicine is amazing. I have never been so brave as today." His tone stuttered a little.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "Brother Liu, you can take it easy. My aphrodisiac medicine is very effective, and a few sips at a time is enough."

"I know, I know! Xiao Chen, your medicine is amazing! Do you have any more? I bought them all, and I want as much as I have. Wife, are you right?" Liu Biao said boldly, patting his chest.

"go away."

Ding Qiong pretended not to hear.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "Brother Liu, this is what I asked everyone to talk about today. The hair growth medicine you mentioned last time could not be put into production due to some special reasons, but there is no problem with this aphrodisiac medicine at all. Brother Liu, you What do you think?"

"Xiao Chen, I personally tried your medicine, and it didn't have any problems, and it didn't have any side effects like the aphrodisiac wines on the market. It is the gospel for our men, and it can be called the greatest invention of the 21st century. Once it is put into production, That would be incredible, and the future is bright."

Liu Biao was excited again.

"Xiao Chen, is what you said true? Can it really be put into production?"

Not only Liu Biao, Yao Tianming and others were also very excited.

Due to force majeure, the hair growth tea last time has made everyone feel extremely regretful and lost a business opportunity.

Now hearing what Chen Hao said, they simply couldn't sit still.

"Of course, I don't dare to jump into the sea without being [-]% sure. Besides this aphrodisiac, I also have another product, beauty cream." Chen Hao laughed.

As soon as these words came out, Ding Qiong cried out in surprise.

"Beauty cream? Xiao Chen, could it be that you also invented the beauty cream that is circulating in our women's circle?"

Liu Biao saw that his mother-in-law lost her composure and thought it was another amazing product, so she asked:
"Honey, you know?"


Ding Qiong nodded, and said: "The beauty cream has defeated the Haitian Group's flagship product beauty water once it came out. It's a pity that its maker only produced 5000 copies, and now it is priceless, starting from [-] yuan a piece It has been fired up to [-] yuan."

"Unfortunately, I didn't buy it. Hey!"

Speaking of beauty cream, Ding Qiong sighed.

"so smart?"

Liu Biao and others were taken aback. They never expected that a beauty product would be sold at a sky-high price, and its popularity in the women's circle would continue to rise.

"Yes. My family once said that the beauty cream is the number one beauty tool for women."

Wen Yingtao also boasted for a while.

"I can prove that the beauty cream can whiten and protect the skin, and the effect is amazing!"

Lin Ziyu also stood up and said: "Sister Qiong, I still have a little to use up, you can try it."


Ding Qiong took a small bottle of beauty ointment, was stunned for a while and said, "Ziyu, the packaging of your bottle of beauty ointment looks a bit different from what is rumored in the circle."

"Because it was made by Xiao Hao first, and the packaging is unique."

Lin Ziyu didn't know what to think of, and her heart was sweet.


"I remembered. I heard that the beauty cream has something to do with someone becoming a confidante in a rage. So that concubine is you."

Ding Qiong exclaimed again.

"Xiao Chen, you are amazing. If these two products can be made bigger, it will be a big industry in our Lanshan County."

Wen Yingtao was already looking forward to it, as if he could already see the glorious prospect.

"I'm looking for a few old brothers this time to discuss cooperation with you. I wonder if you are interested?" Chen Hao touched his chin and said.

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Liu Biao and others showed expressions of disbelief.

The two products of aphrodisiac medicine and beauty cream, they believe that they will definitely occupy the domestic market in the future, sit No.1 in their respective fields, and even go to the world.

Its profits are very considerable, and it is conservatively estimated that there are tens of millions of profits a year.

It should be noted that when they add up, they can only earn 3000 to [-] million a year at most.

But they didn't expect such a good thing to happen to them.

"Xiao Chen, you are really our brother, no closer than a real brother. You are willing, we have no reason to refuse."

Liu Biao and the others agreed without hesitation, and were a little more grateful to Chen Hao.

"Xiaohao, can I also invest?" Lin Ziyu asked with her big eyes blinking.

"Sister Ziyu is naturally fine."

Chen Hao nodded and continued:

"I'm going to... In addition, I also plan to set up a planting base in our Gaoqiao Village, specializing in the cultivation of several rare herbs. In this way, we can save a lot of expenses."

These words made Liu Biao and others look at Chen Hao with admiration.

"Brother Chen, I didn't realize that you are still a business genius. You only need to pay for the technical procedures and funds. It's not a problem at all. I'll talk to my brother and ask him to take care of us more." Wen Yingtao said.

Afterwards, everyone further refined the business plan.

"Then let's wait for the pot to fill up!"

This feast of wine has been eaten for several hours.

 Thanks to users, Wuxin 2098 Book Coins for their rewards!By the way, please recommend, collect and reward all kinds of requests! !
(End of this chapter)

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