The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 111 The Radical Fat Aunt

Chapter 111 The Radical Fat Aunt (seeking tickets)

Early the next morning, Chen Hao took his mother and younger sister to the back mountain of his home.

"Mom, Ziyu, I have good news for you. In a few days, this mountain will be our home."

Hearing this, Chen Ziyu was the most excited: "Brother, this mountain belongs to our family?"

Li Minglan couldn't believe it and said, "Son, do you want to develop this mountain, but do we have enough funds?"

"Mom, don't worry, your son has made a lot of money after going out, and the money for my little sister's schooling will not be affected. In addition, there are several shareholders in this development. Your son only needs to provide technology for the early investment gone."

The main reason why Chen Hao chose the back mountain of his family was that he could open a secret passage leading directly to his home. When he was setting up a ecstasy formation, most people would not be able to find it, even martial arts masters would not be able to find out his secrets.

"Son, what do you plan to do? Don't throw your money in the water and not hit a single one."

Although Li Minglan was very happy about the work contracted by her son, she was also worried that Chen Hao's money was not worth it.

Once the money is lost at that time, the other shareholders will definitely complain, and the son's life will definitely be difficult.

"Mom, you can rest assured that your son never does anything he is not sure about."

The secondary spirit-gathering formation is a formation specially invented for the growth of elixir.

Not only will the planted herbs mature faster, but they will also be more effective.

In terms of the growth of the medicinal materials grown by myself, it is absolutely incomparable to those grown by others, let alone those two miraculous products.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Hao said solemnly: "Mom, next I need you to help me take care of one of the most important things. They are the core of my technology."

Hearing her son's words, Li Minglan understood that her son was afraid that others would leak the secret.

"Son, don't worry, mom will never let the third person know."

When the high-tech production workshop appeared in front of Li Minglan, she was shocked again by her son.

However, since knowing that his son met a fairy, everything has been relieved.

In the next few days, Chen Hao began to instill knowledge about high-tech production workshops into Li Minglan by means of a cultivator.

In addition, Chen Hao practiced as usual every day, and began to collect other materials for arranging the secondary spirit-gathering array and ecstasy array, and he dug a passage from his home directly to the back mountain by himself.

Don't ask him why he can do it alone.

Because he is a cultivator, the means he possesses are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

As for the stones for excavating the tunnel, it was even simpler, and they were directly transferred out with the space ring.

Every other day or two, Chen Hao also went to the county to train the workers recruited by Liu Biao and others, and explained to them the preparation techniques of aphrodisiac medicine and beauty cream.

Of course, the most core technology, Chen Hao, has input all the data into the high-tech production workshop, and it will complete it.

In this way, even if the formulas of these two products are decomposed by others, it is impossible to learn them at all.

In addition, the relationship between him and Sister Ziyu has taken a step further these days, and it seems that he is only a piece of paper away from a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Wang Yaoyao also approached him several times to discuss about the novel "Rebirth: The Ultimate Red Envelope System".

"Yaoyao, if your grandfather knows that you don't study medicine, but study novels with me, what will he think?"

"Who said I didn't study medicine, can't I do two things at once?"

This answer also made Chen Hao smile bitterly.

It can be said that Chen Hao has lived a fulfilling life these past few days, and his eyes are not shallow.

One afternoon, Chen Hao, who was practicing, received a call from Liu Biao.

"Brother Chen, the business plan for the planting base in Gaoqiao Village has been approved, and we will go to your Gaoqiao Village to investigate tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home tomorrow."

The next morning, the seven aunts and eight aunts of Gaoqiao Village gathered under the big tree at the entrance of the village as usual.

It was the slack season, and they had nothing to do, so they just sat under the big tree to enjoy the shade, chatted about homework and bragged about it, and the small days were very pleasant.

"Fat Aunt, I heard that your son came back last night and brought a bunch of presents, but it cost a lot of money." A middle-aged woman who was quite tanned asked.

"It's only a few thousand dollars."

The fat aunt didn't care, but anyone could see the complacency on her face.

"So many! Is the place where your son works a gold mountain or a silver mountain?"

The women around were amazed.

They knew that after the fat aunt's son came back from summer vacation, they went to the county to find a summer job.

"No! It's not that my Daxiong doesn't know you. He went to a famous university. During the summer vacation, he casually submitted a resume. He was valued by the boss of the integration company in the county. Now he is highly valued by the boss of that company. You can earn tens of thousands of dollars."

Fat Auntie said happily, her face even more smug.

"The boss of that company promised that my Nobita can go directly to work in his company after graduation, and his salary will be doubled again."

"Wow... that's quite a lot! Your Daxiong is really promising!"

The women around were amazed for a while, with envious expressions on their faces.

"Aunt Li, where's your son? Some time ago, he made a lot of noise in our village. How's it going? It seems that he hasn't seen any movement?"

The fat aunt then asked Li Minglan sourly, of course she did it on purpose.

Some time ago, she was aggrieved by Li Minglan and her son.

After all, Chen Hao didn't even graduate from high school due to an accident, while her son went to a brand university.

I thought Chen Hao could be overwhelmed by his ability, so he taunted him, but who would have thought that he had some kind of shit luck to make a fortune, and even got to know the gangsters in the county.

Fortunately, her son didn't embarrass her, and was appreciated by Liu Biao, the boss of the integration company, the boss of Lanshan County. Now she can finally feel proud.

"Go out for a while, it's okay."

The son only revealed to her what she should know, and Li Minglan didn't quite understand the specific business plan.

"Could it be that you went out and messed around, didn't make a name for yourself, and now you can only return to our mountain village to be an honest little farmer?"

The fat aunt frowned, and said with a grin: "That's right. Your Xiaohao knows a few gangsters, so he can only show his prestige in our village. When he goes outside, he sees that he is a real talent, and he only pays attention to diplomas. It just doesn't work."

The more she talked, the more she despised Chen Hao.

"Your Xiaohao didn't even graduate from high school. He has no diploma, knowledge, and skills. Even part-time work is difficult. If you want to make a living, you must go to college like my Daxiong, and you must be down-to-earth."

Then, the fat aunt said very pretentiously: "Why don't you ask my Daxiong to find a job for your Xiaohao?"

 Thanks to users Mowen, users, Wuxin for their rewards!By the way, please recommend, collect and reward all kinds of requests! !

(End of this chapter)

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