The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 113 Acknowledging the wrong person

Chapter 113 Acknowledging the wrong person (ask for a ticket)
"Xiao Wang, you really are open-minded."

Fang Jincheng gave a thumbs up, and then a guilty expression flashed across his face, and said: "Xiao Wang, I really didn't know you were a big shot before, and I have offended you before, please forgive me."

Wang Xiong smiled and said, "Boss Fang, what are you talking about? The husbands of my aunts want to find some jobs. You help me arrange them in the construction team. From now on, I will let the past go!"

"it is good."

Wang Xiong's commanding tone made Fang Jincheng a little unhappy, but thinking of Mr. Liu's order, he had no choice but to agree.

Seeing him nodding, Wang Xiong felt proud for a while, and looked at Chen Hao provocatively, as if to say, look at me, I can ask the technical manager of the construction team to arrange a few people with just a word, but what about you?
Didn't you brag about being awesome before?

Since you have the ability, then you come to instruct Fang Jincheng, but Fang Jincheng doesn't know you at all, so the cowhide is blown.

With Fang Jincheng's affirmation, the atmosphere became lively again.

Moreover, Fang Jincheng's attitude towards Wang Xiong and Aunt Fat was even lower, which made Aunt Fat mother and son very useful, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

In order to embarrass Chen Hao even more, Wang Xiong deliberately said in a weird way: "Mr. Fang, I am so cautious and arrogant, when you help him arrange work in the construction team, you should leave him a decent position. "

Fang Jincheng is a fine individual, and he is good at flirting with others, so he immediately understood what Wang Xiong meant.

"Oh? Xiao Wang, I don't know what major you are studying in college?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

The fat aunt sneered: "Boss Fang, you think highly of him, he hasn't even graduated from high school."

"Oh, sorry, I'm blind."

Fang Jincheng showed a guilty smile. Everyone thought it was over, but unexpectedly he continued: "It's a bit troublesome not to graduate from high school, but there is really a position suitable for this little brother."

The fat aunt's mouth twitched slightly, and she jokingly said, "Mr. Fang, the position you offered might not be appreciated at all. He just threatened that even if he is willing to be the project manager, he just nods."

"project manager?"

Fang Jincheng glanced at Chen Hao coldly, and said, "Young man, don't let your tongue out when you brag. You still want to be a project manager, and even your small body makes you think highly of you if you move bricks."

Wang Xiong sneered inwardly, but on the surface he put on a peaceful face, waved his hands and said, "Chen Hao, Mr. Fang is just talking casually, don't take it to heart."

"Really? But, it's very expensive for me to move bricks, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford them."

Originally, Chen Hao just wanted to quietly watch Wang Xiong pretend to be aggressive, but if he didn't stand up at this time, he would really think it was a joke to kill the bone-eviscer demon Zhang Yunlong once he disagreed with him.

But Fang Jincheng said: "It turns out that this little brother is called Chen Hao. To be honest, Xiao Wang obviously has a background, but his ability to do things does not depend on his background. He can do a lot at a young age. What about you? You didn't graduate from high school. Forget it, he's still proud and arrogant, compared to Xiao Wang, he's a world apart."

Speaking of this, Fang Jincheng said coldly:
"I don't understand, where do you get the confidence to say that I can't even afford you if I ask you to move bricks?"

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao, wondering how he would answer.

Chen Hao smiled, and stretched out a finger: "I'm afraid to scare you by talking too much, so let's just count this in a day."

"100 yuan?"

Fang Jincheng was stunned for a moment, and then mocked: "Others can earn about two or three hundred yuan a day moving bricks, but you can earn 300 yuan a day. I really can't afford it? Do you think so?"

"Not 100 yuan, but 1000 million!"

Chen Hao shook his head and said softly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Fang Jincheng choked and coughed, and then the mocking smile on his face became wider.

"Haha... You kid is really crazy. It takes 1000 million to afford him to move bricks. Does he think he is moving gold? Poverty really limits my imagination."

Don't talk about him, Wang Xiong and others also looked at him like an idiot.

"Xiao Fang, what happened, why are you laughing like this?"

At this moment, a suspicious voice came from a distance.

Looking up, it was Liu Biao and his party.

They have just been received by the village head in the office of the village committee, and now they are going to inspect the terrain around the village to prepare for the construction of some supporting facilities.

"Boss Liu!"

Seeing that it was Liu Biao, Fang Jincheng quickly stopped smiling.

Hearing Fang Jincheng's address to Liu Biao, all the people present showed solemn expressions. That was one of the investors who developed the village.

Especially Wang Xiong stood up, for fear of neglecting the boss of the company in front of him.

Liu Biao looked at Fang Jincheng, who was holding back a smile and lost his composure, and asked again: "What's going on?"

Fang Jincheng pointed at Chen Hao and mocked: "Mr. Liu, this kid actually said that if I want to hire him to move bricks, I have to spend 1000 million. Does he think everyone is as stupid as him? Isn't it ridiculous? ?”


It's not ridiculous at all that Brother Chen's hands are more than 1000 million.

Liu Biao turned around and slapped Fang Jincheng hard on the face, and shouted, "What's your attitude? I must not let you down when you see him. That's what you did to me. Are you out of your mind?"

The sudden slap not only stunned Fang Jincheng, but also stunned everyone present.

Fang Jincheng touched his sore cheek, and argued with aggrieved expression: "Mr. Liu, you told me not to neglect Xiao Wang. This person is at odds with Xiao Wang. I..."

Liu Biao interrupted directly: "Xiao Wang? Which Xiao Wang?"

Wang Xiong hurriedly said with a shy face: "Mr. Liu, this Wang Xiong is an intern in your civil engineering branch."

"Who are you?"

Liu Biao didn't even look at Wang Xiong.

Fang Jincheng frowned, and shrunk, "Mr. Liu, isn't he the young man with extraordinary temperament you mentioned?"

"Extraordinary temperament? Just like him is also called extraordinary temperament?"

Liu Biao glanced at Wang Xiong disdainfully, then glared and said, "Xiao Fang, your eyes go up your ass, I don't know him at all."


Fang Jincheng was taken aback for a moment, but what Liu Biao said next made him completely dumbfounded.

"Let me take a closer look, brother Chen has extraordinary temperament."

Brother Chen?
Fang Jincheng's face changed drastically, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he had admitted the wrong person.

It turned out that Chen Hao, whom he despised, was the one he could not neglect.

The others seemed to understand something, and they all turned their attention to Chen Hao.

It turned out that Fang Jincheng easily agreed to arrange work and was very polite to everyone. It was all because of Chen Hao, not because of Wang Xiong, but because he had admitted the wrong person.

When those women looked at Wang Xiong again, their faces showed deep contempt.

 The new week asks for recommendations, collections, and rewards! !Thanks to users Mowen, users, Wuxin for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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