The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 114 The Bodhisattva Temple Takes Green Smoke

Chapter 114 The Bodhisattva Temple Takes Green Smoke

"Well, you Wang Xiong, how dare you lie to me!"

When Fang Jincheng thought that Wang Xiong had acted aggressively in front of him just now, and that he had been taught a lesson by Mr. Liu in front of everyone, he got angry and slapped Wang Xiong hard on the face.

Wang Xiong was dizzy from the blow.

The fat aunt felt her cheeks burn instantly, feeling ashamed.

The two of them are standing here at this moment, it's not right to leave, and it's shameless to stay, it's like needles sticking to the hair, it's extremely uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Jincheng bowed deeply to Chen Hao and apologized: "Mr. Chen, I am blind!"

"Have eyes but no eyes?"

Liu Biao snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "You're not only blind, you didn't go out with your eyes at all. You know that Brother Chen is the biggest investor in the development of Gaoqiao Village. If you can really use 1000 million, you can move Brother Chen Zhuan, I really want to treat you differently, and even give you the position of boss!"

what? !

Everyone's complexion changed, and they once again turned their eyes to Chen Hao, looking at him in disbelief.

It took a long time before everyone recovered from the shock and slowly accepted what Liu Biao said.

Low key!

He is obviously one of the investors in the development of the village, but he does not show off his identity. This is the real low-key.

If you really want him to take the position of project manager, it will lower his status at all.

In contrast, Wang Xiong is not worthy of carrying Chen Hao's shoes.

So what if you didn't graduate from high school?

Doesn't Chen Hao sit on an equal footing with the boss of the county integration company?

Is he still an investor?
It is true that Wang Xiong attended a famous university, but he is just a small employee of a branch company.

That's fine, the key is that Wang Xiong's character is not good,

He said not to rely on the background, but to rely on his own hands, but from the beginning to the end, he was the one who always showed off, with his eyes and nose turned to the sky.

"Born from a prestigious university, I'm sorry!"

The women looked at Wang Xiong with even more disdain, and even looked at the fat aunt with full irony.

She kept comparing her son with Li Minglan's son.

From elementary school to high school, Wang Xiong was no match for Chen Hao in any aspect.

Until her son was admitted to a prestigious university, and Chen Hao didn't even graduate from high school because of an accident.

This made Aunt Fat feel very high-spirited for a while.

But now?

Wang Xiong couldn't compare to Chen Hao even more. The two of them lived together day by day. Chen Hao's current achievements may still be the goal of Wang Xiong's lifelong pursuit. The two can no longer be compared.

This is Chen Hao's big promise and big achievement.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, Fat Aunt and Wang Xiong had already petrified there, with horrified expressions on their faces.

"The biggest investor in village development?"

The two of them felt a little dizzy, especially Wang Xiong, who understood the meaning of this sentence better, which means that Chen Hao is definitely worth tens of millions now.

Ten million worth, that is an astronomical figure.

The two felt even more ashamed, wishing they could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Aunt Fat had previously laughed at Chen Hao for messing around outside and failing to make a name for himself. Who would have thought that he would be worth tens of millions if he kept quiet.

My son and Chen Hao are not in the same order of magnitude at all, and they are not as good as shit in front of Chen Hao, there is no comparison at all.

What she did before was all about looking for abuse!
"Xiao Chen, I thank you on behalf of the whole village. Our Gaoqiao Village finally has its day."

The village head thanked Chen Hao while holding Chen Hao's hands.

The life of Gaoqiao Village is getting worse year after year, and the days are hopeless. After the young people in the village leave the village, almost no one comes back.

Now Chen Hao has brought a group of powerful friends to develop the village and seek development for the village. The talks just went well, so he, the village chief, is naturally excited.

"Xiao Chen, this is the preliminary plan we have drawn up. Take a look. Also, your village was originally a good leisure place, but the road is too difficult to walk, full of potholes. When it rains, the road is even more impassable. The car can't get in at all and needs to be repaired."

Liu Biao handed a proposal to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao nodded, "Yes, this road must be repaired."

The roads in the village and the county seat have always been the biggest headache for the village. They used to suffer from lack of funds.

The village head also responded to the above for a long time, but the above kept refusing for various reasons, and said that the village should pay for the road construction.

Pay yourself?

The road to and from the village needs at least 400 million yuan. Gaoqiao Village is a well-known impoverished village, and it is impossible to pay that much money.


"Xiaohao, you have done a great thing for our village."


Not only him, but other people in the village are also very happy.

"Trigger a special task: It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together. If you have money, everyone can earn it together. The host needs to help the people in the village get out of poverty and provide everyone with a job. Task reward: Grab a red envelope once for juniors."

The system came out to show off its presence again, and issued a special task that Chen Hao could not give up.

"Cough cough..."

Chen Hao coughed dryly, pointed to the mountains around the village and said:

"The development of this village is actually to plant medicinal materials. I want to develop the village into a medicinal material planting base. If you have nothing to do or feel that it is inconvenient to work in other places, you can come to work here. I will pay you a salary of [-] a month. , not lower than the wages in the city."


Everyone was stunned, and no one thought that Chen Hao would pay such a high salary.

You must know that if you work in the county, if you do not include food and accommodation, the maximum is [-] a month.

Even in Mingfeng City, if a person from a peasant background went to work in a factory, it would be great if he could get two thousand five thousand.

Now Chen Hao paid three thousand, which is not low, it is much higher than the salary in the city.

"Of course it is true. Do you think 3000 yuan is too high? As long as our company's products are launched, the company will grow bigger and bigger, and the income will increase in the future."

"Planting and taking care of medicinal herbs also requires people. I don't feel at ease about hiring outsiders. If we have money, we can't afford outsiders, right?"

Hearing this, everyone was once again deeply shocked.

"I didn't expect Xiao Hao to start a company."

"That's right, a real dragon came out of our Gaoqiao Village, it must be smoke from the Bodhisattva Temple!"

"I want to tell my family the good news quickly, and tell him not to go out to work. Working in other places is not as profitable as working here with Xiao Hao. Let him come back quickly."


"Xiao Hao is really the living Bodhisattva of our village! Unlike some people who can only show their abilities verbally, and finally ask us to beg for it, it is not like Xiao Hao, who does not forget his roots when he is prosperous."

The fat aunt, mother and son were once again treated as a ruthless negative example, and they were shot while lying down!
"Mom, let's go, I really can't stay in this village anymore."

"Well. I'll talk to your dad later, let's move out!"

Rather than suffer other people's stares here, seeing Chen Hao's brilliance and prosperity, envy and jealousy, it is better to see nothing!
 Thank you users for your unintentional tipping, and become the first deacon in this book!In addition, I ask for a wave of recommendation votes in the new week. Everyone votes, give eggplant a little encouragement, and give eggplant a little motivation to code, eggplant will work harder.

(End of this chapter)

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