Chapter 118 Hypocrisy

"Do not……"

Chen Hao looked unhappy.

If you really listen to what you say, then you will really lose money and people.

It's just that he was interrupted by Master Haotian before he finished speaking.

He said compassionately: "Young man, it's really not easy to earn some money in this world. I see that your life is not easy, so I show mercy and give you the last spot. I don't want you to waste your money for nothing. It's not against you." Have a plan."

"Master Haotian is truly a bodhisattva!"

"Master Haotian is not at all selfish like other masters, he is so kind, he is my idol!"

"I've decided that from today on I won't be obsessed with the three boys, but Master Haotian's little fan girl!"


Everyone was once again overwhelmed by Master Haotian's words.

If there is fan favorability, it can be seen that those fans' favorability for Master Haotian has risen in a straight line.

Master Haotian is just a peerless good man, this is the idol of Quanming.

Unlike some flashy stars, it's just a hypocritical vase.

Master Haotian has the ability to appraise treasures, but he never considers his own interests, but always cares about others.

I don't even want others to suffer, so I don't hesitate to spend my mind to help others appreciate treasures.


Chen Hao didn't expect the other party to be so shameless as to say something so grandiose, but those people just believed it.

With his acting skills, it's a pity to be a liar. If he went to the Oscars in the United States, he would definitely win the best actor.

"Brother Chen, if you refuse again, Master Haotian will be unhappy, and the opportunity in front of him will be lost in vain." Hu Dashan also persuaded him.

Chen Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Hey! Brother Hu is a typical example of being sold and helping him count the money."

At this moment, Master Haotian spoke again.

"You don't have to worry, since this master gave you the last spot, it will never be changed! I will help you choose the treasure right now. You don't have to be too grateful, as long as you have kind thoughts in your heart."

Chen Hao was speechless for a while, this Master Haotian is too self righteous.

"Just this one, I guarantee you will make a profit."

Master Haotian didn't give Chen Hao a chance to speak at all, and immediately took out one of the treasures from a pile of treasures, and then greeted: "Boss, pay this young man! Give him a [-]% discount for my sake."

"Master is really benevolent!"

Hearing this, countless people around admired Master Haotian again and gave him praise.

"Young man, you are so lucky. For the sake of the master, I will only charge you 4 yuan for a [-]% discount." The stall owner came over.

"Fart's treasure!"

Chen Hao was speechless for a while, this treasure is a high imitation blue and white porcelain, in fact it is not even worth 50 yuan.

Get [-]% off.

forty thousand!

How dare the lion open its mouth.

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't move, Master Haotian thought he was excited, and said with a smile: "Young man, this is the most expensive item I selected with all my skills today. You've made a lot of money, so don't get too excited!"


A trace of astonishment appeared on Chen Hao's face, and then he shook his head slightly.

"Master Haotian, right? If you want to lie, you can lie, and I don't bother to care! Why did you find me? Why do you pretend to be coercive?"


Hearing Chen Hao's words, everyone around them froze in place, followed by an uproar.

"This kid actually said that about Master Haotian?"

"Master was kind enough to help him, but he actually said that Master is lying and pretending to be coercive?"

"What a guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Hu Dashan also kept winking at Chen Hao, and then whispered in his ear.

"Brother Chen, hurry up and apologize to the master, otherwise you will anger the master and cause public outrage."

"Apologize?" Chen Hao smiled, "Why should I apologize? He is a liar."


As soon as Hu Dashan heard this, he knew it was going to be bad, but it was too late to stop it.

Sure enough, Master Haotian's expression darkened instantly: "Little brother, do you have any misunderstandings about this master? Or did you say that this master offended you?"

He didn't expect Chen Hao to say that.

"Misunderstanding? Don't you know what I mean by this?"

Chen Hao was a little impatient.

"Stop putting on that condescending face in front of me, I look disgusting, don't be shameless."

If it wasn't for fear of causing panic, he would have slapped the opponent to death long ago. After all, he is not a bloodthirsty person.


Master Haotian's face was livid, he looked around, and said with a righteous face: "This master helps people appraise treasures, and I have always followed my heart and have no shame in my heart! No one has ever said that I am a liar. If you don't believe me, everyone present can stand for me. I testify, have I ever deceived you?"

"Yes, Master Haotian has a kind heart, how could he be a liar!"

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I think you want to die."

"Master, don't be angry!"


One sentence made Chen Hao the target of public criticism, and those people looked at Chen Hao wishing to tear him apart.

"Brother Chen, why don't you listen to advice?"

Hu Dashan was anxious and wanted to hold Chen Hao.

"Follow your heart and be ashamed of your heart?"

Chen Hao had a sneer on his face.

"That's right, your original heart is a deceitful heart, and you must follow your original heart when you are deceiving people, and of course you have no shame in your heart."

You are a liar, why pretend to be a wolf with a big tail?
But the liar's face was thicker than he imagined.

You must know that other liars will definitely mess up once they are exposed, but this guy is not only calm and composed, but also a word of misfortune, making himself a target of public criticism.

Seeing that everyone's every move is in his own hands, Master Haotian said again: "I am magnanimous, if you apologize to me right now, young man, I can let the past go, otherwise you should understand what kind of punishment you will receive."

"Brother Chen, the master is giving you a chance, just give in and apologize without losing a piece of meat."

Seeing the turning point, Hu Dashan hurriedly said.

But Chen Hao was still unmoved, so Hu Dashan had no choice but to intercede with Master Haotian again.

"Master, my brother has a stubborn temper. Once he becomes stubborn, he won't be able to pull eighteen cows back. I apologize to you on behalf of my brother, and I am willing to spend money to buy the treasure you helped my brother choose."

Master Haotian's face looked a little better now. With a wave of his sleeves, he reluctantly said: "Forget it! Seeing that you are so sincere, I promise you..."


I saw Chen Hao took a step forward and shook his head: "Brother Hu, it's actually very simple to prove whether what I said is true, as long as you polish the things you just bought or let other appraisers appraise them, you will immediately You will know the result! What's the use of talking so much nonsense here?"


Master Haotian seems to have expected it long ago.

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(End of this chapter)

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