The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 119 Someone Killed

Chapter 119 Someone Killed (First order)

"I said before that I will leave here tomorrow. Those big treasures will take at least a day just to polish them. As for letting others appraise, it is said that there has been no real treasure appraiser in this county for many years. , Master’s time is not something you can waste.”

Speaking of this, Master Haotian took another look at Chen Hao.

"Why, do you want to say that I don't have time to stay here because I have a guilty conscience and want to leave, so as to take the opportunity to accuse me of innocence?"

Speaking of this, Master Haotian straightened his body, showing a look of arrogance.

"I'm upright in Tiantian, I act upright and sit upright, and I'm not afraid of being framed! It's just that you, a young man who talks nonsense, not only doesn't know how to be grateful, but also appreciates my kindness in helping you choose treasures, and even calls me a liar without any real evidence. Do you know the harem who framed the appraiser!!"

These words made Chen Hao's eyes widen.

The degree of shamelessness of this person is beyond his imagination, just like others thought that his arrogance was boundless.

He never understood what those people were feeling before, but now he understands when he sees Master Haotian.

Now it seems that no matter what industry you must pay attention to professionalism.

The guy in front of him is a professional professional liar, he has even thought about the way out, it is impeccable!
Before spreading the news that leaving this place tomorrow is actually paving the way for his retreat.

In case of an accident, you can beat it back.

Even if he said that he didn't dare to wait for the treasure to be polished, no one would believe it!
The liar in front of him must have also studied psychology. One sentence caused a lot of waves, and once again pushed Chen Hao in front of everyone, thinking that he was an ungrateful person, but he himself was a noble person, but he suffered innocent injustice.

"Boy, immediately kneel down and apologize to Master!"

"Where did the wolf-hearted people come from, and framed the master's innocence?"

"Dare to say that the master is a liar, believe it or not, I will kill you in minutes?"


The anger of those around me confirmed this again,
Those people accused Chen Hao one after another, and became even more angry with him.

And Master Haotian is a polluted white lotus.

Can someone as noble as Master Haotian be a liar?
What a joke!
"Brother Chen, what should I do now? I don't know how to help you." Hu Dashan even had a headache.

"That's it!"

Chen Hao sighed, and looked at Hu Dashan: "Brother Hu, do you know why I said you were cheated? In fact, I have another identity that I didn't tell you, and that is the treasure appraiser!"

"Brother Chen, this is not a joke."

Hu Dashan obviously didn't believe it.

Although he only recently fell in love with antiques, he is also very clear about these antiques, and this thing is really reliable.

"Haha... I heard you right. This guy actually said that he is a treasure appraiser. If that's the case, then you can choose one for us to see. If you choose a waste product, don't pretend to be here, get out immediately!"

There were bursts of sarcasm from the crowd.

"That's right. Since you say I'm a liar and you're a treasure appraiser, you must have a unique way to identify treasures."

Hearing this, Master Haotian nodded.

"This master will give you one last chance. Let's choose a treasure that can be polished the fastest at the same time! As long as the treasure you choose is worth more than mine, I don't care about the accusations you made of framing me earlier."

"But if it's a waste product, you not only have to buy the treasure that the master chose for you, but you also have to kneel and kowtow to apologize in front of everyone!"

Hearing this, Chen Hao almost didn't laugh.

This guy is simply asking for his own death.

Is he out of his mind?

"Brother Chen, are you sure? I don't remember that you knew how to appraise treasures before. Don't lose at that time, and I can't help you end it."

Hu Dashan asked worriedly again.

"It's really no problem. Appreciating treasures is too simple for me, and I learned it just by looking at it a few days ago."

Chen Hao smiled.

He has the mind-eye technique, so it's not easy to appraise treasures!

But what he said almost didn't make everyone completely overwhelmed!
Treasure appraisers are extremely rare in the antique world, and even one city may not have one.

I dare to say that I have learned it at a glance, and I also say that appraising treasures is very simple!
how can that be?

Everyone looked at Chen Hao in disbelief.

"Haha... It turns out that the guy who likes to pretend the most is himself! He has always been pretending!"

"With just one glance, he regards himself as a treasure appraiser! This bragging, I'm so convinced!"

"If you can't pretend to be coercive, you'll get caught! This is the kind of person you're talking about!"

"Today I really gained knowledge, just wait and see him being abused in a while!"


The sound of sarcasm resounded continuously.

The brainless fans of Master Haotian even shook their heads again and again. Everyone's expressions included ridicule, sarcasm, pity, and watching a show!

Master Haotian couldn't help bursting out laughing.

Originally, he was still a little worried, maybe this eighteen or nineteen-year-old kid really has some skills.

He has studied treasure appraisal for more than ten years, and now he can barely be regarded as an apprentice of treasure appraisal. This guy actually said that he learned treasure appraisal just by looking at it.

What's more, since he came here to cheat people to make money, he naturally prepared methods in advance.

Even, he can take the opportunity to increase his reputation, and if he doesn't make it, he can also take the opportunity to attract a few more fools and invest money like crazy.

"one stone two bird!"

Thinking of this, Master Haotian was in a good mood, then he flicked his sleeves, pretending to be generous and said:
"Young man, since you are a junior, I will let you choose first."

As soon as these words came out, the people around admired Master Haotian even more.

"Sure enough, he is a generation of masters!"

Everyone knows that when choosing a treasure, whoever starts first will have an advantage, after all, there is only one most expensive treasure.

Master Haotian can be courteous to his juniors, that is the true demeanor of a master.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hao waved his hand, "No need, you are not qualified yet."

"Made! Too arrogant! I don't know how to flatter you!"

"Yeah, this kid doesn't know how to respect his elders. You don't have to lower your status to be polite to him, but use your strength to humiliate him severely."

"we support you!"

The people around were full of anger, and they really couldn't see Chen Hao's arrogant look.

"Okay, let's see how you die later?"

Master Haotian snorted coldly, touched each antique with his fingers on the booth, and finally picked up a palm-sized treasure.

This thing is wrapped in thick rock mud, and it is impossible to tell whether it is round or square, let alone what is inside it?

"Boss, how much is this?" Master Haotian asked.

"Twenty thousand!" the stall owner said.

"You find someone to polish it now!" Master Haotian said lightly after giving the money.

"it is good!"

After polishing and revealing the true appearance of the treasure, the audience let out a cry of exclamation.

 The first order is very important. Eggplant asks for the first order, asks for the first order, asks for the first order, please subscribe, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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