Chapter 120 Regret (for the first order)

"Colorful Dragon Elephant Jade Pendant!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

"The last time I saw this item at an auction house in Mingfeng City, someone bought it at a high price of 30."

Hearing this, the surrounding people were in an uproar.

"As expected of Master Haotian, you have really good eyesight, and you picked the baby right away!"

"I bought it for 50 yuan, and when I sold it, it was 25 yuan, a [-]-fold increase!"

"so amazing!"

"A master is a master. A small item can make so much money. The one you selected for me just now is so big. Wouldn't it be a lot of money?"


Everyone's face was full of enthusiasm.

The master is still a master, and it is really unusual to make a move!

"It's your turn!"

Master Haotian flicked his palm and looked over proudly.


Chen Hao nodded.

Knowing that the other party is a liar, there must be a backhand, but I didn't expect this backhand to be so powerful!
Perhaps he was the one who bought the colorful dragon and elephant jade pendant at the Mingfeng City Auction House last time.

After using the mind-eye technique to observe, Chen Hao also selected a palm-sized treasure and handed it over.

"1000 yuan!" The stall owner glanced at it and said lightly.

"Okay, hurry up and polish it!" Chen Hao waved his hands after paying the money.

"Hmph, polish it out later, let's see if you are still so arrogant!"

Not long after, the thing wrapped in rock mud showed its original face, it was just the most ordinary vase.

"Haha... Let me just say, how could he learn how to appraise treasures at a glance?"

"If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work. You also learned from the master and chose a treasure that can't see the shape. Now you are forced to pretend that it is not, and you will lose face."

"Just wait, there will be a good show soon, just watch him prepare to accept the master's punishment!"


On the expressions of everyone, there were expressions of sarcasm, gloating, ridicule and so on.

However, right now!


Chen Hao threw the vase directly to the ground.

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

They looked at Chen Hao in confusion, not understanding what this guy was going to do.

"Death struggle!"


At this moment, the vase also shattered.

Broken ceramics are scattered all over the place, and the broken pieces prove once again that this is indeed the most ordinary vase.

However, when everyone saw a picture scroll revealed from the residue of the vase, the expressions of the people around them changed.


No one thought that there was a pair of calligraphy and painting hidden in the interlayer of this vase.

Chen Hao took out the calligraphy and painting with a smile, and spread them out.


"This... this is the authentic work of Bada Shanren!"

After someone recognized this calligraphy and painting, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"How much is this painting worth?"

People who don't know this thing can't help but ask.

There is no intuitive concept of the authentic works of a certain painter, but if you tell the value, you will know everything.

"A few years ago, I heard that there was an auction in Hanyang City, and the final transaction price reached 1000 million!"

The speaker swallowed.

"1000 million!"

Everyone present almost went crazy.

Buy something for 1000 yuan, and sell it for 1000 million?

It doubled ten thousand times at once!
real or fake?

In an instant, there was a commotion all around!
Whether it was Master Haotian, Hu Dashan, the stall owner, or other people around, their eyes almost popped out, their faces full of horror.

"Brother Chen, congratulations! Congratulations!" Hu Dashan cupped his hands repeatedly at Chen Hao.

"This this……"

The stall owner was trembling, and looked at the painting on the ground in disbelief.

As a stall owner, he knew many treasures and prices, and knew that what the man just said was not wrong!
This thing is definitely worth the price!

1000 million!
In a blink of an eye, he became a multi-millionaire, the richest party!
But it was Master Haotian who vomited the most blood.

The competition between him and Chen Hao has long been thrown out of the sky by him.

You must know that those treasures were all passed through his hands. He had already identified that the things Chen Hao chose were just ordinary vases.

Before, he was still laughing at Chen Hao as an idiot in his heart, and he still wanted to be with himself for that little skill, but who would have thought that there would be calligraphy and paintings worth tens of millions hidden in the vase.


That's 1000 million!
With this money, he still cheated a woolen yarn!

He has long since retired and enjoyed himself.

Thinking of this, Master Haotian wished to slap himself a few times, and regretted it.

"You're lucky, and you picked the right one, but it doesn't mean you win. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!"

Master Haotian knew that he might have met a real treasure appraiser.

According to the first rule of deceit, if he doesn't leave, he may be ruined.

Seeing his actions, Chen Hao couldn't help admiring.

As expected of a professional liar, he immediately found an excuse to leave when he knew the situation was wrong. This decisiveness is admirable.

After all, I have gained a lot of benefits by giving advice to others just now, so it is better to stop here than to continue to make trouble here.

The longer the tossing time, the more unfavorable it is for the liar.

But how could Chen Hao let him go so easily.

"Master, don't rush to leave. Maybe I really got lucky this time, why don't we try again."

"Yes, master, don't leave in a hurry! You just underestimate the enemy, we trust you!"

Those brainless fans of Master Haotian are still quite loyal, and they definitely won't stop distrusting him because of an accident.

Otherwise, how can it be called a brain fan?
"I'm really in a hurry, I have to leave immediately!" Master Haotian waved his hand.

"No matter how urgent you are, I don't mind delaying you for a minute or two. I just have something to ask for advice!"

Chen Hao grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Boy, you..."

Master Haotian struggled angrily, his face turned red, and he even used all his strength to nurse, but found that Chen Hao couldn't even lift a little finger.

That's natural.

It would be strange if he did.

Chen Hao's five-level acquired cultivation was for nothing.

Master Haotian could only stop obediently, and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

Seeing him stop, Chen Hao turned his head to look at Hu Dashan and said with a smile: "Brother Hu, do you believe that I am a treasure appraiser now?"

"Believe it! Brother Chen, I really believe it."

Hu Dashan didn't believe that the calligraphy and paintings worth tens of millions were appraised all at once.

"Trust me, you just dropped the baby you just bought."

Chen Hao pointed to the treasure that Master Haotian had just chosen for him in his arms.


Hu Dashan was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth and threw out the treasure he was holding in his arms.


With a crisp sound, the baby shattered directly, and the true face hidden under the rock mud was exposed, it was just a pile of broken porcelain.

It can be judged from those porcelain slags that it is a fake.

But some people didn't seem to believe it, thinking that it might be the same as Chen Hao's selection just now, there is an interlayer in the porcelain, which is a surprise.

After rummaging through all the porcelain shards, people have to believe that it is a pile of shards, and there is nothing else of value.

 The first order is very important. Eggplant asks for the first order, asks for the first order, asks for the first order, please subscribe, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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