The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 124 Gambling Stones

Chapter 124 Gambling Stones (Subscribe)

Standing in front of the pile of gambling stones, Chen Hao picked up a piece of black fist-sized gambling material to observe on the surface, but in fact he had already used his mind and eyes to see through all the gambling stones he swept over.

"Myanmar raw stone, a piece of waste rock."

"Myanmar raw stone, a piece of waste rock."

"Myanmar raw stone, emerald inside."


Exercising the mind-eye technique was too exhausting of mental energy and energy. Now Chen Hao only used a small amount of energy and energy to screen out the waste rocks, and then looked at the remaining green ones.

This can not only save energy, but also quickly select emeralds that can bet on inflation.

However, he probably detected dozens of gambling stones of different sizes with the mind and eye technique, but there were less than ten stones with emerald inside.


This probability is too low, even lower than gambling.

In fact, what Chen Hao glanced at were the leftovers after two rounds of selection by others, and of course there would not be too many gambling stones containing emeralds.

Even if it can produce green material, the size of emerald and the type of water are different, and the performance is not satisfactory.

Chen Hao habitually glanced at the stone in his hand.

"Myanmar raw stone, emerald inside."

Chen Hao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a small stone to have emeralds inside, so he used the mind-eye technique to carefully see inside the gambling stone.

After seeing clearly the internal condition of the fist-sized gambling stone, he was shocked.

The inside of this gambling stone is so green that it turns out to be a glass kind of imperial green jadeite!

According to the stone gambling information Tang Jun instilled in him just now, it is worth 500 million.

The fist-sized emerald in my hand is actually worth 500 million!

Cutting out this stone will definitely increase the price, and it will still increase greatly!

Hearing a burst of laughter from behind, Tang Jun was a little annoyed, and turned to wait and see.

"Who, what are you talking about?"

I saw a young master Qingben coming waving a folding fan, followed by several bodyguards in black.

He glanced at Tang Jun, with a look of contempt on his face, and said, "Tang Jun, is this young master wrong?"

"It's you."

When Tang Jun saw this person, his expression turned ugly.

"That's right, it's me. Your own stone gambling skills are only half-baked, and you still have the nerve to bring a bumpkin over here. The bumpkin, gambling with rocks is extremely risky. If you come here to get lucky, you won't know how to cry when the time comes. "

Master Qingben sneered and said, "What? If you are not convinced, Master Ben will play a few games with you."

After Tang Jun heard the words, his face became even more gloomy.

But when he thought of the opponent's stone gambling level, he was very unwilling to keep silent.

"No fun!"

Master Qingben curled his lips, and walked to the side with a proud face to pick out the gambling stones.

Chen Hao heard the conversation between the two clearly. He put down the stone in his hand and comforted him, "Young Master Tang, are you all right? Do you want to..."

"Young Master Chen, no need. That person is Hu Yunshi, the second son of Xinmao Group. He is also the senior consultant of Xinmao Jewelry under Xinmao Group. He is a student of the international stone gambling king. He is the leading stone gambling expert in Mingfeng City."

Tang Jun smiled wryly.

Xinmao Group is one of the top ten behemoths in Mingfeng City, and Tang Jun can't compete with his background.

The stone gambling level, the other party is a legend in the stone gambling circle of Mingfeng City, Mingfeng City stone gambling circle is known as the son of stone gambling.

Tang Jun's stone gambling level is like a child in front of him.

"Young Master Chen, I've made you laugh this time."

Tang Jun looked apologetic.

The second son of Xinmao Group and the son of Gambling Stone, the combination of the two is indeed a big name in the eyes of others.

But in Chen Hao's eyes, he was a ball.

Since Tang Jun didn't want him to help, there was no need for him to do anything extra.

"It's okay. Let's ignore those unhappy things. I just saw a piece of gambling stone. Let's go and have a look."

Chen Hao took Tang Jun to the location where he secretly remembered that there were emerald betting stones, and then checked them one by one.

The first stone gambling stone is not small in size, no less than [-] kilograms in weight.

Chen Hao used the mind-eye technique to increase the input of true energy and the consumption of mental power, and finally saw clearly the situation inside the big gambling stone.

"Nimma, such a big man, just this little emerald?"

After reading it, Chen Hao couldn't help cursing inwardly. The [-]-kilogram stone was actually only a few scattered pieces of emerald the size of a fingernail shell, and it didn't reach the realm of ice species. It was at most a gold thread species.

The value is less than 2 yuan, and the small ones can't even make pendants. If you are unlucky, you may have to grind the gambling stone into powder before cutting it out.

After detecting a few more pieces, Chen Hao had a look of disappointment on his face, either because he was too small or the water head was too poor.

It's always a loss if you cut it out, but what Chen Hao wants to cut is the gambling stone that can increase greatly in the future.

When Chen Hao used his mind-eye technique to identify the fifth green stone, a strange color appeared on his face.

This stone is bigger than the stone bench, and the internal performance of the stone is also extremely amazing. There are two big pieces of ice jadeite.

Ice jadeite is still a high-grade jadeite.

Polished into a table, at least a few million, even if the price of polished ice jade is hundreds of thousands.

Even in Mingfeng City, where the average salary is more than 2000, it is definitely a high-end luxury, and only the top rich can afford it.

"This stone is not bad, how did you sell it?"

Chen Hao asked, pointing to the stone.

"1 yuan per catty." Said the waiter selling stones.

Hearing this, Chen Hao's mouth twitched.


I'm afraid this big lump of rock weighs more than 100 catties, so why not more than 100 million?
Not cheap at all.

This is just wool, it is calculated by catty.

As for semi-gambling wool, green has already been produced. It is sold in pieces regardless of size, and the price of each piece is astonishing, ranging from several million to tens of millions.

The two are not at the same level at all, which is why the middle-aged man with a big belly just now lost tens of millions.

"Sir, the gambling stone you want has been weighed. The total is 110 per catty, 1 yuan per catty, that is, 110 million. Just erase the 110 and give it [-] million." The waiter said.

"No problem. I'll transfer the money to you later. Let me pick another piece. How do you sell this small piece?"

Chen Hao pretended to send another gambling stone out of the pile of gambling stones. It was the gambling stone that he had detected before that contained glass-type emperor jade.

The waiter glanced at Hei Buliuqiu's fist-sized betting stone, which should be the leftovers of a big betting stone, and said, "Sir, if you like this stone, you can take it directly. It's a good addition."

"No money? Haha, that's not okay, buddy is not short of this money, if I want to cut out the glass kind of emperor green later, and you want to go back, I will lose a lot." Chen Hao said jokingly.

Before the waiter could speak, he heard more contemptuous laughter from the side.

The owner of that voice was none other than the second son of Xinmao Group, Hu Yunshi who was known as the son of stone gambling in Mingfeng City.

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(End of this chapter)

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