The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 125 Glass Seed Emperor Green Emerald

Chapter 125 Glass Seed Emperor Green Emerald
"There are idiots every year, especially this year. An idiot who doesn't even know the rules of betting on stones dares to boast that he has cut out glass-type emerald green jade? I, Hu Yunshi, have traveled all over the years and cut no less than a thousand stones. piece, and cut out a few pieces of egg-sized glass seed imperial green.”

Speaking of this, Hu Yunshi looked proud, and then sarcastically said: "Is that kind of top-quality jade so easy to cut out? It's really overpowering."

Chen Hao was stunned.

Where did this bastard come from, why does it look like he is here to pick things up?

Just ridiculed Tang Jun's half-baked stone gambling level and his layman, and now he is starting to teach himself again?

What the hell kind of onion are you? I don’t look like Tang Jun, who is easy to bully, and the tiger treats me as a sick cat when he doesn’t show his power.

Sensing the disdain in the other party's eyes, Chen Hao rolled his eyes and looked at him: "I said donkey-faced man, why do you always haunt us and make trouble with us? You are everywhere?"

"How do you talk? I'm as lazy as a country bumpkin like you." Hu Yunshi pulled his long face down and said, "How about we bet on the stone to see who is better?"

"How to bet?" Chen Hao asked.

"Young Master Chen, you..."

Tang Jun spoke anxiously.

The other party is a stone bettor, so don't get caught up in the other party's aggressive tricks.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Chen Hao agree, and Chen Hao said to him: "A man can't say no, he has to do it if he can't."

Hu Yunshi said: "Seeing that you are a country bumpkin, I don't want to bully you either. We gamble with a gamble. How much is the value of one side's cutting out of wool, and the loser has to pay compensation, how about it?"

Chen Hao muttered a little, but didn't respond, it turned out to be this kind of gambling.

Hu Yunshi sneered and said: "You bumpkins who have never seen the world dare not gamble. Why do you come here? Many people here are betting three times, five times, and ten times. I advise you to go home early to farm. That's where you stay."

"Hmph! You don't have to run on us, who is afraid of whom? Young Master Chen, I'll bet with him with you."

Looking at the resolute and domineering Chen Hao, Tang Jun also mustered up his courage.

He has been bullied by Hu Yunshi all these years, and he has lived a useless life, and seeing Chen Hao's appearance, he knows that he can't stop him at all.

Since he can't stop it, then let's accompany him to go crazy, even if he knows that this bet is almost doomed.

Hu Yunshi patted the gambling stone material he had already selected from the gambling stone pile, and said to the waiter: "Choose this one."

The waiter asked someone to move the gambling stone to the stone cutter.

After paying the money, Hu Yunshi sarcastically said: "You bumpkin who has never seen the world, you should hurry up and choose one."

"There's no need to choose, I'll take this one."

Chen Hao took out the fist-sized black betting stone from before.

"Haha, this broken stone is obviously the leftover material that fell from cutting the stone. It looks like waste stone at first glance. Is there any need to compare it?" Hu Yunshi looked disdainful.

The potbellied middle-aged man next to him shook his head, and said, "It's the leftovers from that piece of gambling stone that someone spent 200 million on before.

"It's too obvious, it's indeed a waste rock." Almost everyone frowned.

Tang Jun was suddenly nervous, looked at Chen Hao, and said, "Anyway, I haven't solved it yet, let's change it."

"Don't change it, or some people will renege on their debts, so this is it."

Chen Hao shook his head.

Just kidding, there is a glass-type imperial green jadeite worth 500 million yuan inside, which is far better than the gambling stone that Hu Yunshi chose.

"A bumpkin is a bumpkin. I'm probably still fantasizing that glass-type emperor green jadeite can be cut out of this gambling stone, hahaha..."

Hu Yunshi's arrogant laughter spread throughout the audience.

"You're really right. It's the imperial green jadeite made of glass. I'm looking forward to what kind of expression you'll have after it's cut out. Hit yourself in the face!" Chen Hao sneered in his heart.

Hu Yunshi drew a few lines on his gambling stone, and then asked the stone cutter to cut it according to this line.

sizzle sizzle...

The sound of friction between the gears of the stone cutter and the stones filled the entire exhibition hall, and everyone focused on opening and watching the progress of the stone cutter.

After all, it is interesting for two people to bet on stones, not to mention that one of them is a well-known stone bettor in the stone gambling circle of Mingfeng City.

After the first cut, the stoner scoops water from the bucket and pours it on the cut surface.

"Green, look, it's green." A person suddenly shouted.

Through the stone cutter, you can see a trace of green on the cut surface, which complements the mist on the cut surface under the reflection of water light.

"It's gone up, the bet has gone up!"

"Stone Gambler is really amazing! This knife didn't even hurt the jade meat, it's so accurate, it's worthy of being the legend of our Stone Gambler in Mingfeng City."

Some people around looked at Hu Yunshi with admiration.

"Xinmao Orb has a successor!"

There were also a few people who sighed.

In the end, Hu Yunshi's jade was unlocked, worth 300 million.

"Rand bumpkin, see if you see it, this is technology."

Hu Yunshi was condescending, looking down at Chen Hao with a proud face.

"Isn't it just 300 million ice jade? It's nothing special."

Chen Hao curled his lips in disdain, and then took the dark gambling material to the stone cutter.

"Master, you cut a knife here first, and then..."

The inside of this fist-sized gambling stone is indeed glass-type imperial green jadeite, but the distribution of its jade flesh is relatively complicated. If you don't pay attention, it will hurt the jade flesh. If you lose a little, it will be 10,000+. He couldn't help but be more cautious.

The people on the side heard Chen Hao chattering non-stop with the stone cutter workers, and immediately quit.

When will you finish talking like this?

"Hey, brother, you just admit defeat, isn't it just a piece of waste rock? Why bother doing foreign work here, isn't this a waste of everyone's time?"

"That's right, brother, it's not shameful to lose to Mr. Mingfeng City Gambling Stone, besides, your bet is not big..."


Even the stone cutter worker shook his head and said, "It's okay to understand this piece of waste rock."

The sound of discussions one after another filled my ears like a devil's voice, and Chen Hao was very upset.

"You don't understand that I come by myself."

Chen Hao picked up the cutter next to it and chopped it straight down.


The moment the stone was split, the soft light reflected on the cutter was very conspicuous.

That knife also missed Yurou.

"Ah, it's actually green?"

"It's gone up, it's gone up."

The people next to him all cried out in surprise.

Even Hu Yunshi and the stone cutter were dumbfounded, and said to themselves: "That stone can't be green, unexpectedly..."

When Chen Hao finished removing the stone completely, everyone screamed again.

"Oh my god, it turned out to be a glass kind of imperial green jadeite!"

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(End of this chapter)

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