The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 126 The 1 Million Gambling Game

Chapter 126 A Hundred Million Gambling Game (Subscribe)

Glass kind of imperial green jadeite!

"Is this kid really a novice? Or is he blind?"

Many people muttered in their hearts.

"It really made me worry for nothing. It turns out that he likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

Tang Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked excited.

"Haha... Let me just say, my brother is a treasure appraiser, so he won't jump into the sea."

He held the glass-type imperial green jadeite carefully in his palm happily, and said, "I remember someone who swore before that my brother would not be able to cut out the glass-type emperor-green jadeite. This is a slap in the face."

" is it possible that a piece of waste rock can also cut out glass-type emperor green jadeite!" Hu Yunshi's face was gloomy, extremely unwilling.

"Why is it impossible? That's because my brother's stone gambling skills are superb, and the apprentice of the international stone gambling king is no more than that."

Tang Jun felt very relieved at the moment, and finally he could feel proud in front of Hu Yunshi.

"According to the bet you said earlier, this glass emperor green jadeite is worth 500 million yuan, accept the bet and admit defeat!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you give it or not, my brother is not short of money."

These words made Hu Yunshi flushed with anger.

"Little man wins!"

Hu Yunshi angrily transferred the money to Chen Hao, and said coldly: "It's just bad luck, how dare you bet with me if you have the ability?"

The betting son lost to a little-known country bumpkin, and his reputation was ruined by word of it. Naturally, Hu Yunshi would not allow him to become a stepping stone for others.

Moreover, Hu Yunshi also firmly believed that Chen Hao just got lucky.

In fact, it's not just him, other people have the same idea as him.

When betting on stones, even the king of betting on stones makes mistakes, luck also accounts for a large part.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Why not, but this time I will set the rules."

"Okay." Hu Yunshi said.

"It's still a gamble. We each choose three gambling stones, and then cut each of them. The one with the highest value wins, so that someone who loses is not reconciled and thinks I'm being fooled." Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

"no problem."

After Hu Yunshi heard about Chen Hao's gambling method, he was very happy, which was exactly what he wanted.

Choose three gambling stones, even if you are lucky, you can get two right at most.

For the realm of the International Stone Gambling King, nine points depend on eyesight. Although he does not have the state of his master, his eyesight has reached seven points, and the remaining three points are due to luck.

In the last fight, he just lost to luck.

"Since you are looking for abuse yourself, you can't blame me."

Hu Yunshi decided to teach Chen Hao a hard lesson.

"Just doubling the rate is meaningless at all. I want to increase the bet. I think Tang Jun should also have no objection."

Tang Jun waved his hand.

"How about five times the magnification? I'm not happy if it's too small." Chen Hao replied.

" are representing the heir of the Tang Jun Tang Corporation, and I am representing Xinmao Jewelry. With a mere [-]x ratio, you, a country bumpkin, can afford it too? It's too cheap!" Hu Yunshi smiled disdainfully.

Chen Hao was stunned for a moment, representing the Tang Corporation?

Nima, when did you say this?
Dare to let this guy set himself a trap.

Either way.

Anyway, when gambling on stones, he now considers himself second and no one dares to recognize the first.

This time he must let this guy steal the chicken without losing money.

He turned his head to Tang Jun and signaled with his eyes.

Tang Jun said coldly: "Brother, you just agree, it doesn't matter how much you bet."

"Young Master Tang, I didn't expect you to have such great confidence in me."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"To be honest, the stone gambler in front of me is a scumbag in my eyes. I can win with my eyes closed. He is willing to give us more money, so we will reluctantly accept it. After winning, we will split the bill fifty-fifty."

His words spread throughout the hall, and everyone's expressions were filled with horror.

"Made! This guy is too arrogant."

"Yeah! I think he was dazed by the money, thinking that the first time he cut out the glass seed Emperor Green won the stone bettor, so he is defiant!"

"Young master betting on stones just now was just bad luck. A bet on a single stone can't show his true level at all."

"Stone Gambler possesses [-]% of the skill of his master's international stone gambler. Even his master dare not close his eyes and say that he can win [-]% of his apprentices. How can the brat win with his eyes closed?"

Many people shook their heads greatly. They admired Chen Hao's luck before. After all, no one can cut the glass-type emperor green jadeite for the first time.

But at this moment, every word Chen Hao said was arrogant in the eyes of everyone.

"Good! Very good!"

Hu Yunshi laughed back angrily: "Since you are full of confidence, the winning side of us can take away all the emeralds soon, and the losing side will give the other party [-] million yuan."

"One hundred million is one hundred million, and our brothers will take it."

Tang Jun helped Chen Hao agree, and then said lightly: "I wonder who can come out and be a notary for us?"

Among the crowd, the middle-aged man with a big belly came out.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered a [-] million bet. I'll be a notary. Do you have any objections?"

Tang Jun and Hu Yunshi recognized the man's identity and said briskly.

"It turned out to be Boss Dong of Shanxi Coal Bank, so there is no problem."

Dong of Shanxi Coal Bank is always a celebrity in the stone gambling industry. This person loves to gamble with stones, but he loses more than he wins, and he is always fair and just. His reputation in business is very good in the industry, and he will not favor anyone.

As for the [-] million gambling capital, as the heirs of the Tang Corporation, the second son of the Xinmao Group, and the senior consultant of Xinmao Jewelry Gambling Stones, they would never renege on their debts and would not ruin their reputation for [-] million.

"Okay, now you can choose to gamble on stones. You can choose all the stones in the hall this time." Boss Dong said.

All the stone materials in the hall belonged to the organizer. For convenience, there were five stone gambling stall owners in total.

Chen Hao and Tang Jun shuttled around the stone gambling stalls.

Same as the method at the beginning, Chen Hao first selected the stone with emerald inside with mind and eye.

When I came to a booth, I glanced casually, looked at all the gambling materials, and then went to the next booth.

When choosing a gambling material, it is inevitable to encounter Hu Yunshi.

He was like a star holding the moon, with a few flatterers following behind him, accusing Chen Hao of being overwhelmed.

"Young Master Chen, there's no need to argue with those flatterers. When you win Hu Yunshi, I'll see if they still have the face to play in the stone world."

Tang Jun snorted.

In less than a moment, Chen Hao screened out all the raw materials that could produce green as quickly as possible.

The ones that can really produce green account for less than 5.00% of all wool wool.

Moreover, even if it contains emeralds, most of the water head is not very good.

"Looks like he's going to bleed."

Chen Hao sighed, and could only focus on half-gambling wool.

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(End of this chapter)

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