Chapter 127 Biao Wang (for subscription)

The price of the half betting materials is too high, and it is completely unnecessary for him who can see all the betting materials at a glance.

Of course, except for the particularly large increase.

Chen Hao came to the middle of the woolen cloth and closed his eyes.

"Look, that man actually closed his eyes."

This scene naturally attracted the attention of other people in the hall.

"He just said that he can win the bet with Mr. Shi with his eyes closed. He really thinks that he can win with his eyes closed, hahaha..."

"Idiot! Picking stones from half-baked wool, instead of opening your eyes to observe carefully, you closed your eyes instead. You are a fool!"

"That's right, betting on rocks is all about eyesight, especially betting on wool. Luck is almost zero. How can you win with your eyes closed?"

Hu Yunshi's admirers crazily burst into laughter!

In their eyes, Chen Hao's actions were completely idiotic!
However, in the face of the tsunami-like ridicule, Chen Hao turned a deaf ear and still closed his eyes.

"Mind-eye technique, what is the mind-eye, it is naturally the eye of the mind!"

The highest state of the mind-eye technique in the primary stage is the eye in the heart, to observe with the heart.

Under the eyes of his mind, he can see the interior of all the half-baked wool in front of him.

"I didn't expect my true energy and mental power to be consumed so quickly."

There is a limited time to select the stone materials, and there are hundreds of half-materials piled up on the site. If Chen Hao uses his eyes to detect them one by one, it will be inefficient.

Only the eye of the heart, the highest state of the primary stage of the mind-eye technique, can allow Chen Hao to see through the internal situation of the half-gambler at a glance.

The internal situation of each gambling stone appeared in Chen Hao's mind one by one like a three-dimensional image.

Most of the large pile of half-gambling materials in front of me are medium and low-grade oil-green jadeite, and there are only a few pieces of gold-threaded jadeite.

As for the ice jade, there is only one piece, and the branches are scattered, so small that it can only be carved into a hanging rack.

"Little brother, how about this half-head-sized piece of material? The price is 100 million yuan, do you dare to cut it?" An old man asked.

"This stone..."

Only then did Chen Hao notice a human head stone under his feet.

This piece of semi-white wool was wiped, and the green color was not big, except for a little bit of stone skin, all that could be seen with the naked eye was emerald.

"Little brother, it has an extraordinary history. A Jade King once took a fancy to this gambling stone, but unfortunately our boss took the lead."

The Emerald King is an existence second only to the international stone gambling kings in the stone gambling world. In addition to his superb stone gambling skills, he also has an extraordinary bearing. Even in the face of juniors, he is never arrogant. Whenever he comes to ask for advice, he will comment on it.

Hu Yunshi's level of betting on stones has been taught by his master. Maybe his level is not far from the Jade King, but he is narrow-minded, even if he reaches the level of the Jade King, he cannot become the Jade King.

"Our boss knew that the Emerald King also took a fancy to this betting stone, so he planned to give him the betting stone, which can be regarded as making friends with the Emerald King."

"Of course the Emerald King doesn't recycle it, but commenting on this gambling stone, he said that according to his experience, the quality of the jade inside should be excellent, the lowest being the ice type, and it may even be the emperor of the emeralds, the glass type emperor green jade."

"If you don't cut this stone, we old guys will regret it forever." The old man urged him.

"If I cut this stone, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Chen Hao shook his head resolutely.

Not all wools that perform well will go up after being cut, and there are also losses. For example, the notary of this gamble is the boss Dong from Shanxi. He bought a piece before, but he lost money.

For example, in the piece in front of me, the outer skin is very good. Although it is a little smaller, there is actually a crystal clear bead in the middle of the emerald.

But the closer it is to the bead, the worse the quality is, and the quality of the emerald at the center is already dark blue.

After a few minutes, Chen Hao walked into the last and a half gambling area full of hope.

Not long ago, he had picked out two and a half pieces of gambling wool from other stalls, and now there is only the last piece left.

"This is the last half-gambling wool stall, I hope I won't be disappointed."

Chen Hao used his mind-eye technique to observe.

He made an amazing discovery on a gambling stone that resembled a dragon's head.

The inside of the gambling stone is actually all red, especially the center core of the dragon head has a piece of red jadeite the size of a football.

Its quality has reached the level of blood jade, which is no less than that of glass-type imperial green jadeite.

Football-sized superb blood jadeite?How much is this worth?Is this against the sky?
The Minghuang jadeite added to the piece of wool he had just picked out.

Even with Chen Hao's calm mind, he couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

Nima, didn't it mean that the top-level jadeite can't be produced a few times a year?

Especially the four kings among the emeralds, he cut three of them himself today, and they were all in different colors.

I saw three of them today, and they were of different colors. Could it be that I am having an affair with the goddess of luck?
This piece of half-gold wool is just the opposite of the piece of half-growth wool that an old man recommended not long ago that the Jade King once liked.

The outer stone skin of this dragon head stone is not very good, there are only a few python patterns, and the side of the stone is smooth, it looks like it was cut from a larger stone.

This made Chen Hao a little curious.

You must know that this dragon head stone is about 200 catties, and a part of it that was cut out weighs more than 200 catties. One can imagine how big the original gambling stone was?
However, the cut surface of this gambling stone does not show green, and there is not even a trace of fog. It stands to reason that it should be placed in the whole gambling wool.

"How do you sell this piece of material?" Chen Hao asked.

The short-haired middle-aged man in charge of the booth said calmly: "This piece of material is 2000 million."


Chen Hao was speechless for a while.


It's only 2000 million if you open your mouth and shut your mouth, which is one-third of his worth.

Compared with this, the previous few million can only be regarded as small troubles.

Even Tang Jun, who often gambled on stones, opened his mouth, a little inconceivable.

"This is too expensive!"

This is definitely the most expensive half-baked wool he has ever come across. Not only is it expensive, it is simply ridiculously expensive...

"If you know that this piece of material comes from the bid king of the Burmese public offering last year, the price of this bid king was marked at [-] million. You don't think it is expensive."

The short-haired middle-aged man naturally understood their expressions, and the corner of his mouth showed bitterness.

"Is this the other half of the Biaowang cut?" Tang Jun exclaimed after hearing the words.

"Young Master Tang, what's going on?"

Chen Hao suddenly became interested. It seemed that this piece of half-gambling wool had some stories to tell.

"I heard that last year, the bidding king of the Burmese public auction was sold for an astonishing price of [-] million yuan. It was bought by a rich man and disappeared. Later, it was reported that the bidding king was divided into three parts and collapsed. , let many people regret it for a long time."

Tang Jun shook his head and sighed, he didn't know whether he was shaking his head for the King of Biao, or he felt worthless for the one hundred million.

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(End of this chapter)

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