The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 128 1 yuan is worth 3 yuan

Chapter 128 One Piece Worth Three Piece (Subscribe)

When the short-haired middle-aged man talked about the standard, he looked pensive.

"Little gentleman, you only know one thing and don't know the other. After cutting into three pieces, our boss cut the other two pieces into waste rock slag, except for taking out a few catties of gold-threaded red fei If there is nothing to gain, it can be said that the family has collapsed."

"Our boss was also disheartened, so he took out the last remaining piece and sold it."

After Chen Hao finished listening, he silently mourned for the big boss.

A [-] bid for the king, but it was cut to pieces. A few catties of gold-threaded red jadeite is indeed dispensable to a [-]. some.

But that boss was too unlucky.

If they chose to cut this piece, it would be a completely different result, and even surprise him.

Not to mention anything else, just the top-quality blood jadeite the size of a football can make the boss a lot of money.

What's more, there are many high-quality ice-quality jadeites around the top-quality blood jade.

"Young Master Tang, how much is a pair of blood jade bracelets in the world?"

Chen Hao reckoned that the top-quality blood jade the size of a football could take out fifteen pairs of bracelets.

"My dad gave my mom a pair last year, and it cost 1000 million at that time."

Although Tang Jun wondered why Chen Hao asked a question unrelated to stone gambling at this time, he still told him.

"1000 million, for those fifteen pairs of bracelets, plus the rest of the top-quality blood jade polished into hangers, earrings, etc., if you count the high-quality ice-quality jadeites around, then the estimated value of this piece of jadeite is in
5000 million. "

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's breathing became a little short.

5000 million!

If it was all turned into cash, it would weigh more than 500 kilograms, probably enough to fill a small room.

Treating money like shit is pure nonsense.

Because you have never seen what it looks like to be really rich.

Just imagine, you suddenly come to a house made of pure gold, can you still calm down?
Fortunately, the big boss was unlucky, and he didn't cut the last piece out of frustration, otherwise how could he be cheaper?
This is much better than buying antiques and picking up leaks!
If the trophy of the Leak Picking King can be awarded, he deserves to be the Leak Picking King!

I bought it, I must buy it.

Let alone 2000 million, even 5000 million or [-] million must be bought.

"No matter what happened to the former bid king, 2000 million can buy one-third of the bid king. It's quite face-saving and worth it."

Chen Hao's eyes turned red, like a bewildered gambler.

He was not afraid that the middle-aged man with short hair would regret it after hearing this.

After all, if the boss behind him didn't sell it, he wouldn't put it here, he would have cut it himself.

"Do you really want to buy it?"

The middle-aged man with short hair said in surprise.

You must know that this gambling stone has been placed for too long. Many people were either intimidated by the price of 2000 million, or they heard that it was scrapped and the bidder gave up.

Only two-thirds of it cut out a few catties of gold silk seed red jadeite, who knows what can be cut out of this piece?

If everything goes down, the 2000 million will be in vain. Even if you have money, you can't know that you will pay it back and spend it. The money is not picked up all over the street.

Chen Hao is also able to see through the inside of the gambling stone because of his mind and eye skills, and he is 2000% sure, otherwise he would not have spent [-] million to buy this scrapped king.

"Of course, just swipe the card now." Chen Hao took out the bank card and said.

"Brother, you are crazy!"

Seeing that Chen Hao spent 2000 million to buy this scrapped bidder, Tang Jun was puzzled and asked in a low voice.

This is too crazy.

"It's not that I'm crazy, it's that this rock has other worlds. As long as we cut this rock, this one alone may determine the outcome." Chen Hao responded.

"Brother, I'm a little dizzy."

His words made Tang Jun's heart skip a beat. Seeing Chen Hao's confident look, it didn't look like he was joking. Could it be that the former King of Standards made them cheaper?
"It's too early to get dizzy!"

Chen Hao thought to himself, after the stone is completely resolved, you may not be the only one who will be dizzy.

The two of them brought the selected stones to the stone machine, and at this time Hu Yunshi was already sitting beside the stone machine and waiting with his legs crossed.

"This one was chosen by you? Tsk tsk, it's really big. One piece is worth three yuan."

Hu Yunshi teased, his words were full of irony towards Chen Hao.

"Haha... Mr. Hu, he must think that the bigger the stone is, the more jadeite it will contain! Sure enough, I don't know anything about stones, and it's pure luck to be able to cut out the glass emperor green just now!"

"A bumpkin is a bumpkin! Mr. Hu, you can beat him with your eyes closed, which is not a challenge for you at all."

The few people behind Hu Yunshi tactfully answered, and arrogant laughter spread throughout the audience.

"Mr. Hu is really capable. If he loses to my brother who knows nothing about betting on stones, isn't it true that Mr. Hu's level of betting on stones is no more than that." Tang Jun sneered.

Those people's faces turned blue, and they immediately retorted: "He's just a blind cat who met a dead mouse, and he has no strength at all."

"Luck is also a kind of strength. Anyway, he once lost to my brother once."

Tang Jun's words made those people speechless for a while, and no one admitted it.

"My master said that no one can be truly undefeated. Even with his current level, he can't say that he is undefeated in a hundred battles. Losing once or twice is nothing. On the contrary, he can grow in defeat and make himself The real victory is only when the level of competition is raised to a higher level!"

Hu Yunshi resolved his passive situation with a few words.

"Listening to Mr. Hu's words is better than reading ten years of books. We have been educated."

"Yes. Winning or losing overnight is nothing!"

Those few people suddenly realized that they worshiped Hu Yunshi even more.

"The attribute of this godstick does not belong to that liar Master Haotian."

Chen Hao was speechless for a while, and at this moment he heard Hu Yunshi tsk-tsk again.

"This is the Burmese standard king that was cut so badly that it couldn't be broken anymore. It has made people miserable. The rest of the Jade King review that I invited just shook his head and sighed that 90.00% will collapse. 2000 million , Tsk tsk, I have to say, not only are you so cruel that you have to lose your money, you are also quite courageous."

"I'm not very courageous, how dare I bet with you?"

A slight arc was drawn at the corner of Chen Hao's mouth.

Hu Yunshi is the second son of Xinmao Group, so it is impossible to be intimidated by the 2000 million.

The reason why he didn't choose this gambling stone is the 90.00% probability that it will collapse.

It's a pity, it happened that the one percent possibility made him miss the only chance to get back to the situation.

Chen Hao had already quietly looked at the gambling stones Hu Yunshi had selected with his mind and eyes, and the three pieces together were not as good as the recognized king of cutting and scrapping Burmese.

 The second update arrives, please subscribe and recommend all kinds of requests, there will be five updates today

(End of this chapter)

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