The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 130 The Ultimate Blood Jade

Chapter 130 The Ultimate Blood Jade
Hearing that Hu Yunshi's two pieces of glass species Emperor Green were worth more than [-] million yuan, Tang Jun ran to Chen Hao and said viciously:
"Brother, you have to work hard, otherwise, your brother and I will only be able to eat instant noodles for the next year and pretend to be pitiful."

After all, with a bet of [-] million, he would be distressed if the output was lost, and he, Young Master Tang, would have to live a hard life for a while, unless he sold his collection.

cough cough...

Chen Hao pretended to cough, and then whispered in Wang Jun and Tang Jun's ear, "After you got to know me, brother, have you ever seen me do something that made me suffer?"

Tang Jun thought about it, whether it was picking up antiques or betting on stones before, it seemed that Chen Hao was always sure of winning.

But if he wins.

With a bet of [-] million, plus the opponent's [-] million glass emperor green, there are already [-] million.

Thinking of this, Tang Jun's breathing became short of breath.

What's more, even if Chen Hao is less than [-]% sure, he will go all out for the sake of his brother.

"Young Master Tang, seeing how excited you are, why don't you come and help me. I heard that you are also a good stone gambler." Chen Hao laughed.

Now, he has done it himself.

Tang Jun glared at Chen Hao angrily after hearing the words.

In the stone gambling circle in Mingfeng City, no one knew that he was a stone gambler, otherwise Hu Yunshi would not have ridiculed him as soon as he saw him.

Nine out of ten times the stone bet was broken, so what is it if it is not the stone betting hand?

"Slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue!"

Chen Hao felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose.

No, he accidentally exposed Tang Shao's scar.

However, soon you will become a good stone gambler that everyone in the stone gambling circle envies.

Tang Jun set up a machine to understand stones, and he has to say that his stone-cleaning skills are still good.

After all, I often gamble on stones. Although I have almost never raised it, but my stone-cutting skills are really nothing to say, yes.


Seeing this scene, the people around sneered: "If you cut into this bird shape, you will continue to cut it? Isn't this not going to the Yellow River?"

"Who says it's not? They don't want to cut the other two stones, but pin their hopes on the stones that have been discarded and cannot be discarded."

"Hehe, maybe someone took the shit and cut out the emerald again?"

Although the words seemed to be good for Chen Hao and the others, the tone was extremely disdainful, making it obvious that they were talking ironically.

"If I could cut it out, I'd eat all the broken stones on the ground..."


"Stop, stop quickly." Tang Jun shouted suddenly.

This voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Chen Hao was even more taken aback by his sudden shout, and almost lost control of the strength in his hand and crushed the handle of the stone cutter.

"What's wrong? Is it green?"

Chen Hao asked excitedly.

Of course, he already knew the internal situation of this gambling stone, so the excitement was naturally faked.

When the people around heard it, they looked at Tang Jun even more nervously.

Don't produce green, otherwise it will be cut into this kind of bird. If it can still produce green, is there any reason?
"Not green..." Tang Jun took a deep breath and shook his head slowly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just say, how could it be green?

At the same time, he looked at Tang Jun with dissatisfaction.


What are you bluffing about when you're not green?
Chen Hao also pretended to be disappointed, and said, "Why are you so excited that you didn't come out green?"

"Can't you be excited if it's not green? You know? It's red." Tang Jun said excitedly.


What do you mean?
It is not a woman, where did the aunt come from?

When the short-haired middle-aged man heard this, his body trembled suddenly.


Thinking of the gold threads cut out from the other two gambling stones before, could it be the red jadeite?
Even Hu Yunshi's face changed slightly, is it Hong Fei?
The people around who didn't know Hong Fei sneered, "It's not that you're green, what's so exciting about being red? Just find a virgin and you can see red..."

Tang Jun got angry immediately, turned his head and shouted: "Whose dog is barking? Even Hong Fei doesn't know, how dare you bet on stones?"

Hong Fei!

The middle-aged man with short hair was excited, it was really Hong Fei!

Shanxi Boss Dong also ran over in a hurry, squatted down and took a look, nodded and said, "It's really Hong Fei, there are not many such things."

With Boss Dong's affirmation, the people around exploded again.

"Nimma! It's too unreasonable to cut into this kind of bird and you can still cut out emeralds."

"Fuck! This is a rhythm that is against the sky!"


Chen Hao said with a smile: "Young Master Tang, if you don't make a move, it's fine. Once you make a move, you will become a blockbuster and create a miracle."

"Hey, that's right, don't you see who I am? Think back then..."

Tang Jun boasted brazenly, and then proudly said to the crowd: "Who said just now, if you can cut it out, you will eat all the broken stones on the ground on the spot."

After the speaker heard the words, his face flushed red, and he quibbled: "I'm talking about cutting out green jadeite, but what you're cutting out is red emerald, it doesn't count at all."

"That's right, there's nothing to be proud of just cutting out the red jadeite. Hu Gongzi also cut out the third piece, and now the valuation of his three pieces of jadeite has come out, and the final price is 2000 million. You think you still have a chance to win Hope?"

The people around Hu Yunshi spoke disdainfully.

Hu Yunshi’s third piece of gambling stone is not the imperial green glass, but it is also an extremely rare top-grade jadeite, and it is also the main force of high-end market consumption.

Shanxi Boss Dong also nodded.

"High-quality red jade is still very popular, but it is not enough to win against Mr. Hu, unless it is blood jade."

It has just come out now, and I don't know the head of the water. I can only know it when the cut surface is bigger.

With the end of the next cut, Tang Jun hastily poured a bucket of water on it. On the smooth cut surface, under the reflection of the water, a touch of blood red appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh my god, what a blood jade!"

"What blood jade? The same top-level jadeite as the glass emperor green, blood jade?"

"Oh my god, how many blood jades are there in such a big gambling stone?"

There was an exclamation of astonishment in the crowd.

The faces of those who had disdained Chen Hao and the others froze even more.


It's as big as a football.

How much is such a large top-quality blood jade worth?

One billion?

Two hundred million?

Hu Yunshi swayed three times, his face turned pale instantly, he knew he had lost.

The middle-aged man with short hair smiled wryly.

If my boss found out, he would probably vomit blood with anger.

Gambling stones worth hundreds of millions were sold at the price of cabbage.

When this top-quality blood jade revealed its true face, its huge size shone red brightly under the fluorescent light.

Tang Junle couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore.

"Boss Dong, give me an estimate."

"It's not easy to estimate the price. It's too big. This top-quality blood jade alone is worth about [-] million yuan."

Boss Dong from Shanxi shook his head. Such a large piece of red jadeite is mostly made of high-grade ice, and the rest are top-quality blood jade. How would he value it?

 The fourth update arrives, please subscribe and recommend all kinds of requests, the fifth update will be later


(End of this chapter)

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