Chapter 131 The Billionaire

"Two hundred million, my darling! Brother, we still have two pieces of gambling stones and won the stone betting boy without cutting it. It's really boring. It's too easy to win!"

Tang Jun deliberately amplified his voice, doing so purely to disgust Hu Yunshi.

Who made him look down on them before, and still be arrogant.

"I didn't expect that I also cut out the best ruby. I'll see who dares to say that I am a stone mold player in the future! Hahaha..."

Tang Jun kept giggling while holding the top-quality blood jade, then reached out to Hu Yunshi, and said, "Sorry, we won! Hurry up and hand over the [-] million yuan, and by the way, your glass seed emperor green with more than [-] million yuan! "

The group of supporters around Hu Yunshi could hardly accept the facts in front of them.

Not to mention Hu Yunshi himself, he actually lost to the country bumpkin he despises, and the other party only used one gambling stone, and even he thought it was the abandoned Burmese standard king, which made him resentful and embarrassed.

"This time, count me as guilty!"

In front of the public, Hu Yunshi naturally did not dare to renege on the debt, and immediately took out a Swiss bank promissory note from his pocket that could be overdrafted by [-] million.

"Thank you, I won't send it."

Tang Jun accepted the check with a smile, satisfied.


Hu Yunshi's face was livid, and he flicked his sleeves, ready to leave.

At this moment, there was another shocking exclamation from the side of the stone cutter.

"This... this is Huangzhong's top-grade Minghuang Jadeite!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar!
Even Hu Yunshi, who was about to leave, stopped and stared at the Minghuang Jade in shock.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect to see three of the four emerald kings who are usually extremely rare."

The color of emerald is not only green, red, but also yellow, purple, etc., each of which has its best.

Among them, the best in green is the glass kind of emperor green that everyone often says.

The best in yellow is called Minghuang, the best in red is called blood jade, the best in purple is called violet, and the best in purple is mostly round and small in size, so it is also called For purple eyes.

Emperor Green Jadeite, Minghuang Jadeite, Blood Jade Jadeite, and Purple Eyes are collectively known as the Four Kings of Jadeite.

"Brother, it's another top-quality jadeite, but it's a little smaller. It's worth 9000 million yuan."

Tang Jun gave Chen Hao a thumbs up. He really admired this brother.

As soon as he came into contact with gambling stones, he successively cut out glass-type emperor green, top-quality blood jade and Minghuang jadeite.

There is really no one at this stone gambling level.

Even Hu Yunshi's master, the International Stone Gambling King, was far behind.

He wants to tell those people that his brother is really gambling with stones for the first time, but no one will believe him.

"Three pieces of top-quality jadeite were cut out three times in a row, not only in Mingfeng City, but even in stone gambling circles across the country and even the world can be called a legend!"


"Heroes come out of youth, and generations of talented people come out!"

Many people sighed deeply.

Then, everyone looked at the last piece of gambling stone that Chen Hao chose.

"Tell me, can its last gambling stone cut out purple eyes?"

If it was before, they would never believe it, but seeing Chen Hao's stone gambling level with their own eyes, they were also shaken.


Only Chen Hao understood for a while.

Purple eyes, he thought, but unfortunately all the gambling stones present did not have purple eyes, it was a piece of high-grade ice jadeite.

In the end, Boss Dong from Shanxi estimated the price of the jade that Chen Hao had solved.

Excluding the top-grade blood jade, 9000 million Minghuang jadeite and 1000 million high-grade ice jadeite add up to [-] million.

Adding the 2000 million bet and the 2000 million jade that Hu Yunshi lost to him, the total is [-] million.

The most important thing is that top grade blood jade, 5000 million, [-] million more than Chen Hao's previous estimate.

The total is 2000 million!

Even Tang Jun was shocked, more than 6 million?

And what Chen Hao paid was 800 million yuan to buy gambling stones.

In the blink of an eye, Mingfeng City gained a billionaire, perhaps the youngest billionaire in Mingfeng City.

At the same time, there is another legend in the stone gambling circle, a stone gambling master who can even be compared to the international stone gambling king.

One knife heaven!

Everyone around looked at Chen Hao with envious eyes.

And Hu Yunshi looked at the pile of emeralds, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

After the game was over, in order not to reveal the secret of his space ring, Chen Hao asked Tang Jun's bodyguards Aaron and Ali to put the jade into the safe, and then moved it into Daben's trunk.

"Young Master Tang, how much did we win from Hu Yunshi?" Chen Hao asked with a big lobster in his mouth, muttering.

"Counting his jade, the total is 2000 million and [-] million. Haha... that idiot Hu Yunshi, I think his expression when he just left is so happy, he must be vomiting blood because of your anger now!" Tang Jun laughed.

"2000 million and [-] million! Hehe, I made a lot of money this time. According to our previous agreement, let's divide it equally between the two of us." Chen Hao burped.

Tang Jun was stunned when he heard the words.

That's 2000 million, even if it's divided equally, it's 1000 million, which is equivalent to all the collections in Tang Jun's collection room. It's a lie if he doesn't move.

But my brother gave it to himself without even blinking his brows.

"No, no! These are all won by you." Tang Jun waved his hand immediately and said.

"Young Master Tang, you took the risk for me, how can you be indecent? If you lose the [-] million bet, brother, I have no money to pay, so why don't you pay it? Now we have won, and the spoils are not much." It's a penny, it's only right and proper." Chen Hao said excitedly.

In the end, Tang Jun couldn't hold back Chen Hao and accepted the 1000 million.

"Brother, I always feel that there are many eyes staring at us."

After putting all the jade into the safe, Tang Jun felt a little uneasy.

"Young Master Tang, we have more than 6 million on us now, and that's a treasure in the shape of a human being. It's no wonder people don't think about it." Chen Hao laughed.

"Those people in this manor dare not do anything, but we are in danger when we leave the manor. Damn, if I knew we would get rich, I would have brought more bodyguards."

Tang Jun regretted secretly, but who could predict the future?

"Not necessarily." Chen Hao's eyes flashed coldly.

"Brother, this is unlikely. If those people dare to do something, the owner of this manor and the organizer of this black market will definitely not let them go."

After hearing the words, Tang Jun stared with deep suspicion.

"Those people dare not, but what about the people in this manor?"

Chen Hao had no sadness or joy on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

These words immediately shocked Tang Jun into a cold sweat.


Faced with the temptation of [-] million, I am afraid that the owner of this manor will not be indifferent.

He immediately urged: "Brother, let's go quickly."


 Last night, I fell asleep code and code, and the fifth one was even later, sorry!Seeing that Eggplant is working so hard, please give me some strength, please recommend and subscribe

(End of this chapter)

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