The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 205 The Magic Mountain

Chapter 205 The Magic Mountain (Fill)

In the universe, as long as it is a creature, it must live in various forces.However, the power that beings at different levels can accept is also at different levels.

Chaos is the origin of all matter. It can be said that everything in the world will be derived from chaos.However, the power of chaos is the most advanced power because it is the relationship of all origins.

The vitality of heaven and earth, whether it is the various forces in the cultivation world or the fairy world, is actually a chaotic force.It's just that it has diluted the power after I don't know how many billions of times.

In the universe, as long as it is a creature, it must live in various forces.However, the power that beings at different levels can accept is also at different levels.

Of course, the vitality of heaven and earth in the cultivation world is only the lowest level of vitality.In the fairy world, this vitality will be even more advanced.

Listening to the system's explanation, Chen Hao pondered.He began to understand.Cultivators can only absorb the most low-level vitality of heaven and earth in the world of comprehension.

Even if you encounter the high-level vitality of heaven and earth in the fairy world, you can't absorb it.If you insist on absorbing it, first of all, your physical body will not be able to bear it, and you will directly explode and die.

This is true for the power of chaos that has been diluted by an unknown number of billions of times.But what about the power of chaos?Can't swallow it at all.

Because the power of chaos is too advanced and the density is too high.Even, many monks will feel suffocated when they appear among the forces of chaos.

Because among the pure chaotic power, there is only a high concentration of chaotic power, and there will be no diluted power.So there is no power to absorb.

Just like the magic mountain in the realm of comprehension, people in the world are ignorant, because they cannot absorb power, and because the power of chaos is too advanced, there is even a kind of coercion.

This has led to the saying that the chaotic power in the magic mountain has turned into magic energy.

"No, if it is really impossible to absorb the power of chaos, then how can there be monsters in this magic mountain? There may be diluted vitality of heaven and earth on the periphery, but there may be no other power in the depths." Chen Hao suddenly frowned and said.

"Perhaps, the chaotic power here is not very pure, and it's not good to say that there are other forces mixed in. Or maybe the monsters in the entire Demon Mountain have already mutated." The system pondered for a while before saying uncertainly.

I don't know how many years this magic mountain has existed.It is one of the forbidden places in the cultivation world, and there are powerful monsters inside. This is absolutely true.

Perhaps after countless years, the monsters inside have mutated, and it may not be possible to directly absorb the power of chaos. "

After a pause, the system suddenly smiled and said: "For others, the Magic Mountain may be their forbidden land. But for you, it is a blessed land. Of course, you have not encountered any powerful monsters or the like." .”

Chen Hao nodded, he naturally knew what the system wanted to express.Here, other monks cannot absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and the power stored in the body will be reduced by one point.

But Chen Hao is here, and the entire Magic Mountain is like Chen Hao's power backing. As long as Chen Hao can absorb power, these chaotic power can be directly absorbed by Chen Hao.

As long as he is in the Magic Mountain, Chen Hao will never experience the phenomenon of power exhaustion.

"I want to see if the monsters in the magic mountain can directly absorb the power of chaos for cultivation." Chen Hao pondered for a moment before leaving.

At the corner not far behind Chen Hao, several figures were hiding there, watching Chen Hao all the time.Among them, one was Feng Jun who had a grudge against Chen Hao.

"Did this bastard find us?" Feng Jun looked at Chen Hao's back with a gloomy expression, with murderous intent flickering in his heart.Ever since Chen Hao entered here, he has been staying here, which made Feng Jun a little suspicious.

However, they didn't know that Chen Hao didn't just stay there...

"Boy, there are people following you all the time, be careful." The system reminded suddenly.

Chen Hao sneered, he already knew that there were people following him: "It's just a few foundation-building disciples, if I dare to do something, I'll kill them right away."

Although Chen Hao is only in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment, his strength is close to that of a monk in the Xuanzhao stage.These foundation-building monks pose no threat to him at all.

It's just that anyone who has so many people behind him feels a little uncomfortable.Moreover, this place is still under the supervision of the sect elders, Chen Hao doesn't want to do anything here.

With a flash of his figure, he unfolded his figure and quickly swept towards the depths of the magic mountain.

With the continuous deepening, Chen Hao discovered sensitively that the demonic energy was getting stronger and stronger.Of course, if he wasn't a chaotic celestial body, he wouldn't be able to notice this subtle change at all.

Finally, after going deep to a certain distance, Chen Hao encountered the first monster.

The demon wolf, the monster beast on the outermost edge of the Demon Mountain, is also one of the lowest-level monster beasts, its strength is between the foundation-building period and the spin-off period.But the magic wolf is very fierce, and the magic wolf in the foundation building stage is equivalent to the ordinary monk in the rotation stage.

Generally speaking, wolves are pack animals.However, the magic wolf in the magic mountain is a special case, usually walking alone.But even so, it still makes people turn pale.

The whole body is pitch black, with a pair of eyes shining with a monstrous green light, and the body is huge, like a tiger.A ferocious, bloody force emanated from his whole body.You can tell at a glance how many lives this guy has killed.

After seeing Chen Hao, the demon wolf, which was equivalent to the late stage of foundation establishment, let out a long howl.Then his figure suddenly arched, and the next moment it turned into a black streamer and rushed towards Chen Hao.

During this process, the two huge wolf claws of the demon wolf grabbed out in the air, as if tearing apart the void, and slapped Chen Hao's head hard.

A strong and fierce air rushed towards the face, taking people's soul.

Chen Hao had no doubt that if he was just an ordinary mid-stage foundation-building monk, he might not be able to escape at all, and would be killed by the opponent directly.

At this time, Chen Hao finally understood why those people were outside the magic mountain and entered the magic mountain in gangs.

"Bastard, court death!" Chen Hao didn't use the Hundred Birds Phoenix Spear on his back, but just let out a cold snort, kicked hard on the ground with his feet, and the huge force came out, and immediately shook the ground with cracks , extending into the distance.

Chen Hao, on the other hand, took advantage of his strength to soar into the air, and also turned into a flash of light, rushing directly towards the magic wolf.

"Is this guy crazy? He wants to fight the magic wolf at close quarters?" Feng Jun and the others behind were stunned after seeing this scene.Immediately, they all sneered. In their cognition, they can fight monsters with their bodies?
Chen Hao will definitely die.Even, the bloody scene of Chen Hao being torn into pieces by the demon wolf already appeared in their minds.Thinking of that scene, Feng Jun showed a cruel smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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