Chapter 206 Killing (Fill)

However, soon, the smiles on their faces stagnated, and they all looked forward dully, with their mouths opened even wider, as if they had seen a ghost.

After a muffled sound, Chen Hao had already punched the giant claws that were swiftly slapped by the demon wolf.A powerful force erupted, and the void seemed to be blasted open.

At this moment, Feng Jun and others were shocked to see...

After the impact, Chen Hao and the magic wolf were immediately sent flying by the huge force!

"How is it possible? This guy's physical body is so strong?" Feng Jun and others were taken aback, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Chen Hao killed Zhu Xi who was in Xuan Zhaoqi that day, but it was with a weapon.No one knew that Chen Hao's physical body was so powerful.

With one blow, Chen Haoru was hit hard, and his whole body was immediately sent flying.The body, which was as powerful as a high-grade magic weapon, broke countless huge trees immediately, before finally falling to the ground.

And the devil wolf seems to be more miserable than Chen Hao.The huge figure was directly sent flying, smashing countless trees, and finally the ground trembled when it hit.

The moment the demon wolf fell to the ground, it immediately became frightened and raised its head to the sky with a long howl.The animal's physical body is extremely strong, and there is no injury at all.

Instead, Chen Hao felt that his fist was a little numb from the shock.

The demon wolf let out a loud roar, emitting a black evil spirit all over his body, and turned into a streamer of light to kill Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sneered in his heart, and black power emanated from his body, crushing a boulder under his feet.Immediately, like a goshawk pouncing on his food, he charged towards the wolf again.

The magic wolf is worthy of being one of the most powerful monsters on the outermost edge of the magic mountain.The flesh is like copper skin and iron bones, extremely frightening.However, Chen Hao's physical body is many times stronger than the magic wolf.

However, even so, it would be difficult for Chen Hao to kill the magic wolf in a short time with his bare hands.Moreover, it seemed that Chen Hao had no intention of killing the wolf immediately.

boom! boom! boom!
The battle between the two was very fierce, and the magic wolf was constantly blown away, and it was Chen Hao who was shot out.The power that erupted from the war destroyed the nearby forest into a mess.Countless big trees hugged by several people were constantly destroyed by the two of them.

"Damn it, this bastard is really tough." Feng Jun, who was secretly watching this scene from behind, became grim.The more he discovered how powerful Chen Hao was, the more unhappy he became.

Moreover, the battle between Chen Hao and the magic wolf.That was a face-to-face hand-to-hand fight, punching to the flesh!It completely violated their cognition of fighting with flying swords.

The battle was fierce, and if it wasn't for the abnormal physical bodies of these two guys, they would have been beaten into meat sauce by the other party long ago.

The more they watched, the more depressed Feng Jun and the others felt.And seeing Chen Hao's bravery, they unconsciously compared themselves with him.

In such a comparison, they found sadly that their physical bodies were completely vulnerable, and they were incomparable with Chen Hao.All of a sudden, everyone looked at Chen Hao with cold eyes.A look called resentment flickered from their eyes.


Chen Hao didn't pay attention, and was slapped hard on the chest by the demon wolf.The sharp wolf claws immediately drew several bloodstains on his chest.The huge power was even more shocking, making Chen Hao's blood churn.

It can even cut through the flesh of a high-grade magical weapon, so one can imagine how terrifying the wolf's claws are.What Chen Hao didn't know was that the wolf's claws of the demon wolf were a good material for refining weapons, and they were extremely hard.

The moment Chen Hao flew upside down, there were five sharp cracking sounds from a secret place not far behind him.Immediately, five streamers of different colors appeared.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, he could already see the five streamers...the five flying swords clearly.The four flying swords are just low-grade magic weapons, and they pose no threat to Chen Hao.

However, one of the flying swords made Chen Hao frowned slightly, because Chen Hao noticed that the flying sword seemed to be a high-grade magic weapon.

Top grade magic weapon!

Chen Hao's physical body is also at the level of a high-grade magic weapon.It should be said that he is not afraid of this flying sword.However, no one would foolishly let their physical body meet the opponent's flying sword head-on.

"Sure enough, I did it, I really want to die."

A murderous intent flashed between Chen Hao's brows, and he grabbed the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear with his backhand, poured in his strength, and stabbed at the high-grade magic weapon that was strangled quickly.But he turned a blind eye to the other four flying swords.

The spear directly pierced the tip of the top-grade flying sword, and a powerful force burst out.The flying sword, a high-grade magic weapon, was thrown upside down by the bombardment.

But at the moment when the spear collided with the high-grade magic weapon, the other four flying swords were inserted into four places on Chen Hao's body.


Seeing that his magic weapon worked, he stabbed Chen Hao fiercely.The four foundation-building monks couldn't help but cheered, and rushed out of hiding.


There was a look of disdain in Chen Hao's eyes, and he freed his left hand, and actually grabbed the four low-grade magic weapons directly in his hand.Then the power bursts out...


The four low-grade hands made teeth-stinging sounds, but were directly caught by Chen Hao and turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.


The moment the flying sword was destroyed, the four foundation-building monks spat out a mouthful of blood, and their minds were already severely injured.

"How dare you do it, you all go to die."

Chen Hao let out a murderous growl, shook the spear in his hand, and shot back the demon wolf that had been slaughtered behind him.

At the same time, he turned into a flash of light, and rushed towards Feng Jun and others.With a sweep of the spear, the wolf with a weight of a thousand catties behind it was immediately knocked out like a piece of batter.And Chen Hao even turned into a flash of light, and rushed towards Feng Jun and the others.

Chen Hao's speed is not very fast, but in the foundation building stage, his speed is not bad.Coupled with the current full-scale Mercedes-Benz.

With a sound of "shua", Chen Hao rushed to the front of the several Foundation Establishment Stage disciples who were overjoyed.With a flick of the spear, like a black potential dragon, it broke through countless barriers of time and space, and instantly appeared in front of a late-stage Foundation Establishment disciple.

With a sweep of the spear, the wolf with a weight of a thousand catties behind it was immediately knocked out like a piece of batter.And Chen Hao even turned into a flash of light, and rushed towards Feng Jun and the others.

Chen Hao's speed is not very fast, but in the foundation building stage, his speed is not bad.Coupled with the current full-scale Mercedes-Benz.

With a sound of "shua", Chen Hao rushed to the front of the several Foundation Establishment Stage disciples who were overjoyed.With a flick of the spear, like a black potential dragon, it broke through countless barriers of time and space, and instantly appeared in front of a late-stage Foundation Establishment disciple.

This foundation building disciple was still excited because he stabbed Chen Hao with his flying sword.But all of a sudden, he saw a black gun head stabbing swiftly like lightning.

Immediately, he was taken aback.

However, the moment he reacted, he felt a pain in his heart.Looking down, he found that Chen Hao's black spear had already pierced himself to the point of chills.

"You actually killed me?" The disciple looked at Chen Hao in shock and disbelief.The latter just snorted coldly, and with a shake of the spear, the disciple was directly shattered into several pieces.

Immediately, Chen Hao took a step forward.The spear in his hand shone with black light, sweeping away thousands of troops.

boom! boom! boom!
Those three disciples in the later stage of foundation establishment realized it, but they didn't have time to escape, and they were directly smashed by Chen Hao with a single shot.

In the end, only Feng Jun was left staring blankly at Chen Hao.However, the tip of Chen Hao's spear had already touched Feng Jun's forehead.

Feeling Chen Hao's naked, undisguised murderous intent.Seeing the cold-blooded and ruthless scene of Chen Hao just now, Feng Jun was instantly sweating.

"My grandpa is Elder Feng who led the team this time. You can't kill me. If you kill me, my grandpa will know immediately, and you will definitely die when the time comes."

Although Feng Jun was frightened, he still moved out of Elder Feng.

A cold light flashed across Chen Hao's eyebrows, and he sneered: "Are you threatening me? I forgot to tell you, I hate others threatening me the most."

While speaking, the spear directly pierced Feng Jun's head, killing him directly.

Chen Hao will never be soft on those who want to kill him.

Being swept away by Chen Hao's shot, the demon wolf was very angry.With a loud roar, he rushed towards Chen Hao.


Chen Hao let out a low growl, and immediately there were twenty phantom figures of panchi hovering in the void above his head!Then, under Chen Hao's control, it seemed as if all the power of the twenty dragonflies had been poured into the spear, and then stabbed fiercely with one shot.

The demon wolf let out a shrill scream, and its huge body was already sent flying.However, this time is different from the previous ones in that the entire head of the demon wolf has been smashed.

One can imagine how terrifying Chen Hao's power is.

In fact, the power of Pan Chi, a not too low-level dragon, is already extremely terrifying.It should be known that just the power of the flood dragon can make Chen Hao smash a ten thousand catty boulder with one punch.

And the power of Pan Chi can smash a small mountain with one punch.However, the demon wolf is also a monk after all, and its strength is also strong. It is really difficult for ordinary late foundation establishment monks to deal with it.


On a peak beyond the Magic Mountain.The two elders leading the team of Xutianzong were sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak, looking at the magic mountain lingering in front of them.

Suddenly, Elder Feng's expression changed drastically!With a thought, he took out a token in the shape of a jade slip.However, the token was shattered the moment it appeared.

Seeing the torn token, Elder Feng's eyes instantly turned red, and the icy murderous intent swept out like a flash flood, covering the sky and rushing straight to the sky.

Elder Lin, who was sitting cross-legged across from him, was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. He was caught off guard and was shocked back a few steps by Elder Feng's soaring murderous intent.

Elder Lin was furious in his heart, and shouted angrily: "Feng Ningbo, what are you doing!"

After Elder Lin yelled angrily, he found that Elder Feng hadn't had a seizure.He didn't even look at himself, just stared at the broken token in his hand.

Seeing this token, Elder Lin's pupils shrank sharply.

As the elder of Xutian Sect, he naturally knew what this token represented.

This is the token of life and death!

What is Life and Death Token?In fact, there is nothing special about this token of life and death.Before the monk was alive, as long as a ray of spiritual thought was injected into it, when the monk suffered an unexpected death, the spiritual thought in the token would naturally dissipate and the token would also shatter.

This is the token of life and death.

Seeing the broken token in Feng Ningbo's hand, Elder Lin instantly understood.This token must belong to Feng Jun.After all, many foundation-building monks who have experienced in the magic mountain are not eligible to have life and death tokens.

In Xutianzong, only major figures or their descendants or powerful disciples of the sect, such as true disciples, will have life and death tokens.

Seeing Elder Feng's expression, I'm afraid that something unexpected happened to Feng Jun.

"Feng Ningbo, calm down! The Demon Mountain Trial is already full of dangers. Don't you know that it is normal for a few people to die?" Lin Zhilong said coldly.

"On the outskirts of the magic mountain, there is no monster that can kill Feng Jun." Feng Ningbo stood up, left a sentence with a murderous expression on his face, and then disappeared in place with a flash of his figure.

Lin Zhilong's face darkened, and he followed closely.

Not long after, the two elders of Xutianzong appeared at the scene where Feng Jun and others were killed.

The scene was a mess, and the surface of several kilometers around was destroyed.Apparently there was a big fight.The bodies of Feng Jun and others were lying on the ground.

Especially Feng Jun, his entire head has been blown to pieces, if not from his clothes, he can be identified.Otherwise, he would not know his identity at all.

"Who is it, who is it!" Feng Ningbo shouted angrily, full of murderous intent.

Looking at the crazy Feng Ningbo, Lin Zhilong checked the scene with a gloomy expression.He soon discovered that besides the corpses of Feng Jun and the other five, there was also the corpse of a demon wolf not far away.

Like Feng Jun, this demon wolf's head has been blown to pieces.

"Who has such a powerful strength?" Lin Zhilong frowned slightly as he looked at the unscathed body of the wolf.

Of course, among the demonic wolves, which are equivalent to the foundation-building stage monsters, Lin Zhilong can crush hundreds of them to death with one finger.It's just that the ones who entered here were the monks of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Who is so powerful that they directly smashed the head of the magic wolf?
A magic wolf, four late-stage foundation-establishment monks, and one early-stage foundation-establishment monk all died here.Moreover, looking at the handwriting, it must be done by the same person.

Feng Ningbo and Lin Zhilong immediately deduced the origin of the matter from the traces here.

"Who the hell?" The anger in Feng Ningbo's heart almost made him burst into flames.Endless murderous intent filled the air, very terrifying.

He picked up Feng Jun's high-grade magic weapon-level flying sword, and said with a gloomy face, "This is the area near Xutianzong. Who killed them?"

(End of this chapter)

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