Chapter 211 Fierce (Fill)

However, the system cannot isolate the fierce power of monsters unless Chen Hao enters the red envelope world of the system.

It's just that Chen Hao will not enter the system's red envelope world until the moment of life and death.After all, although the system red envelope is powerful, it is only a foreign object after all, and he must not rely too much on these foreign objects.Otherwise, it will only be bad for him but not good.

Chen Hao didn't dare to fly with his gun in the depths of the magic mountain, but spread out his figure among the woodlands, turned into a streak of light, and quickly flew away towards the outside of the magic mountain.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from afar, shaking the heavens and the earth, the awe-inspiring magic mountain and all the beasts bowed down on the ground, and the whole earth seemed to tremble.

A fierce force like a vast ocean swept across the depths of Moshan in an instant.

At this moment, the big hand that had been dark suddenly protruded from the depths of the magic mountain, tearing apart countless time and space, and grabbed Chen Hao directly.

Sensing the terrifying aura like a stormy sea, Chen Hao's face instantly turned pale.

That breath was too powerful, too terrifying.The coercion came, and before the big hand grabbed it, Chen Hao's body, which had been suppressed by the terrifying aura, was about to shatter, and even his soul felt like it was about to be shattered.

There was no way to resist, and even Chen Hao couldn't even raise the thought of resistance.After all, the opponent is much, much stronger than himself.

Just like ants and elephants, how can they resist?

"A master of the tribulation period!"

While Chen Hao's face was pale, the system's voice was low and murderous.

At this moment, the system is very angry.There was actually a period of crossing the catastrophe to attack Chen Hao.If it was his heyday, a cold snort could kill a master in the tribulation period.

It's just that he has been beaten and disabled now, and his strength is less than one billionth of his full body period.It is not an opponent in the Transcending Tribulation Period at all.

"Chen Hao, come in quickly." At this moment, the system didn't care whether the system's secrets would be revealed.Let's save Chen Hao's life first.

Otherwise, Chen Hao would die, so what's the use of keeping the secrets of the system?

Chen Hao gritted his teeth, remembered this aura, and vowed to kill this person after he became stronger.With a thought, you will enter the system red envelope world.

At this moment, a cold snort came from the depths of the Demon Mountain, followed by an indifferent voice: "You guys are so bold, how dare you go against my words and move him, are you looking for death?"

The moment the cold snort came out, the big black hand in the void that was grabbing towards Chen Hao exploded violently.Immediately, a muffled humming sound came from afar, as if the monster that shot was injured.

Chen Hao was taken aback. Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew that he was saved.

"Leave the magic mountain quickly. I have restricted people above the fusion stage from doing anything. You should leave the magic mountain as soon as possible." Just as Chen Hao was hesitating, a voice rang directly beside his ears.


Chen Hao was taken aback, and immediately thought of the tough man who had just crossed the catastrophe.Thinking of the scene where the hunk grinned at himself before he disappeared.

"Could it be that the fierce man secretly protected himself?" Chen Hao was surprised, but his figure turned into a streak of light and flew towards the distance.

After all, the other party said that only strong players above the fusion stage cannot make a move.However, under the fusion period, there are still several strong players with great realms, none of which the current self can compete with.

"Chen Hao, you must have attracted the attention of these monsters just now despite the deterrence of the thunder." The system said in a low voice.

Monster beasts are different from human monks. Both of them cultivate, although they are against the sky.But the cultivation of monsters is much more difficult than that of human monks.Even the catastrophe is much more terrifying than the human race.

Moreover, among the monsters and alien races, no one knows how to refine alchemy or weapons.The way they collect pills and magic weapons is to snatch them.And it is obvious that Chen Hao is not afraid of the power of thunder, and only in the foundation-building stage, he obviously has a top-grade magic weapon.

There is a magic weapon that is not afraid of the power of thunder, even a master in the metamorphosis period is envious.Therefore, after the fierce man finished his tribulation, those monsters immediately set their minds on Chen Hao.

However, when these masters were about to make a move, they were warned by that hunk, and restrained masters above the fusion period from making moves.

It's just that monsters above the fusion stage can't shoot, but those below the fusion stage can.Ever since, countless monsters began to order their subordinates to snatch it.

Powerful auras of ferocious beasts continuously appeared in the depths of the Demon Mountain, deterring the Demon Mountain and making Chen Hao's face change constantly.

The distraction period, the out-of-body period... the continuous appearance of monsters of various powerful realms made Chen Haodong hide in XZ, suffering unspeakably.This is only in the depths of the magic mountain, because there are not many monsters.Otherwise, Chen Hao might not have a chance to hide if the monsters rose up.

On the outermost edge of the magic mountain, for some unknown reason, since the fierce man in the depths crossed the catastrophe, the monsters here have rioted.Constantly powerful monsters rushed out from the depths of the magic mountain.

For a while, only the experienced disciples of the major sects in the foundation establishment period suffered heavy casualties.Even the monsters in the rotation stage are enough for these foundation-building stage disciples to drink a pot, not to mention, there are more and more monsters that are not just in the rotation stage.

The integration period, the heartbeat period, the spirit silence period... Countless monsters came out of the magic mountain densely, sweeping everything, and no one knew what they were going to do.

The faces of the elders of the various sects who noticed this scene suddenly changed, and immediately began to call the disciples.

The monster rioted for some unknown reason.It is no longer suitable for experience.

A series of tyrannical divine thoughts kept passing by... Chen Hao hid in a cave, concentrating on his breath, not daring to take a breath.

"If you go on like this, you will be discovered by them sooner or later. It's better to enter the system's red envelope." The system said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao shook his head, with a determined expression on his face: "Entering the system red envelope may allow me to hide for a while, but can I hide forever? What if one day I lose the system red envelope? Besides, as a monk, the pursuit of being strong Pursuing immortality is my ultimate goal, and I will never hide from cultivation.”

"Although there are many crises now, it is the best opportunity to practice! If I can escape from the hands of many powerful monsters, then it will be the beginning of my success. The road of the strong will be followed by countless strong corpse. And these monsters of my blue rank are my stepping stones!"

When he said this, Chen Hao showed a feeling of looking down on the world, and he really had the aura of dominating the world.

"It's just that, after all, you are only a monk in the foundation-building period, and you have no ability to fight against these things. Forget it, I will teach you a breath-holding technique."

While speaking, the system directly involved Chen Hao into the red envelope world of the system.

The breath-holding technique, the general breath-holding technique can hide one's own cultivation base and aura.However, these breath-holding techniques are generally not strong enough, as long as the opponent's strength is higher than their own by a certain level, they will be discovered.

It took one day for Chen Hao to practice this set of exercises successfully.And in a day, it's only about two hours outside.

With a flash, Chen Hao left the system world and appeared in the cave.

Released his divine sense to look at the surrounding environment, then he carefully turned into a streak of light and disappeared into the cave.

Because his strength is too weak, even if he successfully cultivates the Breath Containment Technique, he will be discovered by powerful monsters.Therefore, he just moved forward cautiously in the jungle, at an excruciatingly slow speed.

At this rate, it might take several years for him to leave the Magic Mountain.

Five days passed in a flash.After five full days, Chen Hao was already struggling in the magic mountain.But fortunately, those powerful divine thoughts have disappeared these days.

There are quite a few monsters walking around.

Chen Hao sent a monster flying out with a single shot, then he rushed forward and stabbed the monster to death with a single shot.

After killing the monster, Chen Hao stretched out his body and flew towards the front without stopping.

"Chen Hao, I feel something is wrong. How come there are more and more low-level monsters in the depths of the magic mountain?" the system said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao nodded, feeling puzzled.According to his understanding, there are only powerful monsters in the depths of the magic mountain.However, in the past few days, even the monsters from the Foundation Establishment Stage appeared.

For three or four days in a row, Chen Hao had already killed countless monsters.Moreover, as there are more and more monsters, Chen Hao's chances of being discovered become stronger and stronger.

Almost as soon as Chen Hao left, several monsters rushed over.There are monsters in the foundation building stage, the rotation stage, and the fusion stage.

These monsters just took a look at the scene of the battle, then stretched out their bodies, and chased after Chen Hao in the direction where Chen Hao left.

In the depths of the magic mountain, on a peak called the holy mountain by the magic mountain, in the main hall.

A middle-aged man full of demonic energy was sitting on the main seat with a big sword.On the two sides of the main hall, there are people with different shapes sitting upright, but they are all strong men exuding a powerful aura.

During the Tribulation Transcendence Period and the Integration Period, there are more than a hundred monks of various realms.However, under the suppression of the middle-aged man above, these hundreds of people dare not even take a breath.The entire hall was extremely quiet.

If Chen Hao was here, he would have known that the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the main seat was the tough man who crossed the catastrophe not long ago.

This person can sit on the main seat of the hall. Could it be that he is the King of the Demon Mountain?But if he is the king of the Demon Mountain, then he was only in the realm of the Tribulation Stage before, how could those monsters in the metamorphosis stage allow him to rule here?
In fact, the macho sits on the main seat, and his identity has been clearly revealed.

The fierce man swept these powerful monsters under the hall with cold eyes.Each of the transformed monsters exuded a ferocious aura.

There are hundreds of monsters in the combined body stage and the catastrophe stage, but not all the powerful monsters in the Magic Mountain.It's not that the strong man's appeal is not good, it's that the forces in the Magic Mountain are complicated, and he only needs to call these people over.

"That human monk, I appreciate it very much." Glancing at these people, the macho said indifferently.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they all looked at the macho with ugly expressions.

"I know that you all covet the treasures of that monk. But I warn you, if any of you dare to snatch it, don't blame me for killing you." The voice was flat, but the endless murderous intent contained in it made the powerful monsters present Heart chills.

Others may not know who this guy is.But they know.

This guy is not only strong in cultivation and aptitude against heaven, he is also ruthless.From the cultivation of a little demon to his current status, countless monsters have died in his hands.

Among them, there is no lack of cultivation in the transformation period!

No one present would suspect that if he really dared to do something, this guy would definitely shoot him immediately and kill him.

Seeing the change of expression in the crowd, the fierce man sneered in his heart, and continued, "Of course, you can also snatch it. But those above the spiritual silence period are not allowed to do it. Once I find out, I will wipe out all the people who did it."

Everyone's face changed again, but they were relieved in their hearts.That human monk is nothing more than a foundation-building period monk.Those above the spiritual silence period can't do it?
Then take pictures of monsters in the rotation period, fusion period, and heartbeat period to snatch them.Even if the human cultivator is powerful and cannot kill the monsters in the rotation period, then the fusion period and the monsters in the heartbeat period will definitely die.

It was for this reason that in the next few days, Chen Hao encountered more and more low-level monsters.Otherwise, once those powerful monsters make a move, Chen Hao will really have to hide in the red envelope world of the system.

Chen Hao, who was on the run, didn't know that it was all because of that tough man helping him.However, if Chen Hao knew that the hunk had helped him, he might be shocked again.

After all, no one will give you help for no reason, and the two parties don't know each other yet.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.If Chen Hao knew about it, he would definitely think of this saying.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the front.At the same time, countless tall trees in the jungle were directly torn apart.Then a black giant ape rushed out from the front, stretched out its big furry hand, carrying a terrifying aura, and slapped Chen Hao's head hard.

Chen Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the black true vitality flickered on his body, lingering, and with a low drink, he rose into the air, and stabbed the black giant ape's palm with guns in both hands.

"The monster beast in the late stage of rotation." The system reminded.

While the system was speaking, the two had already exchanged blows.The power of twenty panchi hovered in the void above Chen Hao's head, baring their teeth and claws, very powerful.

A ferocious force erupted, sweeping in all directions.Hundreds of meters away, countless giant trees and boulders were all smashed to pieces under the impact of this terrifying force.

And Chen Hao and the black giant ape were sent flying by the terrifying force.

(End of this chapter)

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