The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 212 Beasts in the heartbeat period

Chapter 212 Beasts in the heartbeat period (replenishment)
In the past few days, Chen Hao almost never stopped fighting with monsters.Although, his realm failed to break through because of this, he still only had the power of a panchi.

It's just that the power of the twenty panchi in the void above his head became more and more condensed, almost reaching a materialization.Moreover, during these times, Chen Hao was dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than before entering the Magic Mountain, no matter in terms of experience against the enemy or in the use of power.

The monks in the Xuanzhao period have the power of twenty pan chisels, and at most the power of thirty pan chisels.And the black giant ape in front of him is powerful, but he definitely doesn't have the power of 29 dragons.

After a blow, Chen Hao was directly sent flying out.In the first confrontation, Chen Hao was at a disadvantage.He reckoned that the strength of the black giant ape should be around 25 to 26 of that of a panchi.

Compared with Chen Hao, he has five more powers of panchi.

However, Chen Hao didn't feel scared because of this.Because although the monster beast is powerful, it is five or six times stronger than him.But he was a monster after all, and he didn't have any spiritual intelligence, he only knew how to attack with brute force.

In other words, the black giant ape does not know how to use dragon power at all.This made it possible for Chen Hao to defeat the black giant ape.

A huge boulder was crushed with one foot, and while Chen Hao's figure was shaking, he still turned into a streak of light and rushed up.During this process, the black Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear transformed into thousands of spear shadows, covering the world like stars in the sky, strangling the black giant ape.

The black giant ape is not weak either, with a faint black power lingering all over his body, he rushed up directly amidst the roar.

In a few breaths, the two sides have fought many times.The huge force erupted, directly paralyzing Chen Haozhen's hands, and his figure continued to retreat.

And the black giant ape was not only shaken out, under the attack of the spear, many shocking wounds appeared on his body.However, the black giant ape is a monster after all, and after spotting on Chen Hao, he rushed forward again without fear of life or death.

The battle continues!

Chen Hao's figure turned into a streamer, running at the extreme speed, and constantly moved around the black giant ape.The black spear in his hand transformed into thousands of spear shadows, continuously stabbing at the black giant ape.

"This is the time!"

Suddenly, Chen Hao let out a low cry, his figure flickered, and he rushed to the side of the black giant ape.At the same time, the spear in his hand pierced directly into one of the eyes of the black giant ape from a tricky angle.

The black giant ape has copper skin and iron bones all over his body, and even a spear of a middle-grade magic weapon can hardly hurt his body.And his eyes are the only weakness.


Chen Hao's eyes brightened sharply, he let out a low drink, and fired his spear fiercely.A powerful force erupted from the tip of the spear, directly crushing the head of the black giant ape.

After several days of continuous killing, Chen Hao became more decisive in killing.Especially for these monsters, either you die or I live.Therefore, whenever Chen Hao encounters monsters attacking him, he will directly kill them.

The black giant ape let out a loud roar before dying.

At the same time that the black giant ape was killed, two phantoms came from nearby.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Chen Hao let out a low growl, and two beams of light rushed out from the storage bag, directly strangling the phantoms that came towards the two streams.

After two screams, the two monsters that came to kill were directly strangled and turned into powder.But they were two monsters in the foundation building stage, they were totally vulnerable.

Withdrawing the two flying swords, Chen Hao sank into the jungle and continued to fly out.

Time flies like water, and half a month has passed in a flash.

Chen Hao killed a fusion monster with one shot.And Chen Hao himself staggered and fell to the ground.The clothes on his body hung on him like rags.One after another was shocking, and the bone wounds could be seen all over his body.

And Chen Hao's face was even paler without a trace of blood, and his breath was very weak.Obviously it was because of too much power consumption and serious injuries.

With a thought, Chen Hao took out two handfuls of Huiyuan Pills from the red envelope world of the system, and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

Power as powerful as a river instantly dissipated, rushing into his body, quickly replenishing his strength in the meridians.While his strength was being replenished, he was also healing quickly.

"The monsters in the fusion stage are indeed much stronger than the ones in the rotation stage. If I hadn't been caught off guard by a surprise attack, I'm afraid I would have been killed by the monsters long ago." Chen Hao's face darkened.

After more than half a month of chasing and killing monsters, Chen Hao still did not leave the depths of the magic mountain.Moreover, the monsters chasing Chen Hao now have no foundation building period.

The weakest ones are all monsters in the rotation period, and there are more and more monsters in the fusion period. Chen Hao even feels that he will encounter monsters in the heartbeat period in the near future.

The monster he killed just now should have just broken through to the fusion stage, and its strength is not very strong yet.Moreover, Chen Hao had already severely injured it when he attacked.

After being severely injured, the monster beast in the fusion period can only exert half of its usual power, but even so, Chen Hao was almost torn apart.In the end, after going through all kinds of hardships, Chen Hao finally beheaded him, and he was almost killed.

The strength of the monsters is getting stronger and stronger, and if this continues, he will eventually die in the magic mountain.

Chen Hao's face was gloomy and terrifying. When he encountered a powerful monster, he even thought of entering the red envelope world of the system and forgetting about it.

However, whenever such thoughts arise in his mind, he is strangled to death.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever.Moreover, this place is deep in the magic mountain.If he disappeared out of thin air, he might attract the attention of those powerful monsters in the Demon Mountain.

At that time, those powerful monsters will directly attack.At that time, even if Chen Hao hid in the red envelope world of the system, he might not be able to escape.

Moreover, the system red envelope is the most precious treasure in the world.If someone finds out that the system red envelope is in his hands, the world is so big that there will be no room for him.

The world of comprehension, the world of immortality, even the gods will take action to snatch it!After all, the system red envelope is coveted even by gods.

"Until the last moment, never enter the red envelope world of the system." Chen Hao gritted his teeth, stood up, and left here quickly.If he didn't leave, he might not be able to escape after being discovered by monsters.

Even now, Chen Hao is struggling. No matter how he hides, he will always be discovered by monsters.

three months later.

Chen Hao hid in a cave with scars all over his body. There were shocking scars all over his body, and the scars on his bones were deeply visible.Even, several bones in Chen Hao's body were broken.

"A monster in the heartbeat period!"

A frightening light flashed across Chen Hao's eyes, and a look of lingering fear appeared on his face.Half a month ago, he finally met a monster in his heartbeat period.

a slap!

With just one slap, Chen Hao was almost slapped to death by the monster in the spirit silence period.If his body had not reached the level of a high-grade magic weapon, the palm of the monster would have turned his body into meat paste.

If it were an ordinary monk, even a monk in the fusion stage would not be able to withstand the power of a monk in the heart-beating stage.Thinking of this, Chen Hao felt a little smug at the same time.

"But my own strength is still too weak after all." Chen Hao's face became gloomy.If he has the power of the heartbeat stage, coupled with the physical body of a high-grade magic weapon, so what if he is in the heartbeat stage?

I'm afraid that if Chen Hao stood there, even the monsters in the heartbeat period would not be able to kill him.It's just that he only has the power of the foundation building stage now, even if his physical body is extremely strong, without the maintenance of strength, he will not be much stronger.

"After leaving the Magic Mountain, you must break through the realm in the shortest possible time to make yourself stronger. Moreover, it's time to find a defensive magic weapon." Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

In the system red envelope, there are defensive magic weapons, but the level is too high, and they are all spirit weapon level things...

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly brightened, he patted himself on the head, and cursed himself for being stupid.

This is the depths of the magic mountain. Generally speaking, the monsters in the magic mountain cannot leave the magic mountain.Even if Chen Hao revealed a magic weapon of the spirit weapon level here, no one in the cultivation world outside would know about it.

Moreover, as long as he leaves here, even if he has a magic weapon of the spirit weapon level, it can be said that he obtained it in the depths of the magic mountain... Even if others are greedy, they will not have doubts about him.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's divine sense entered the system red envelope world,
"Well, it's you." Chen Hao finally found a defensive magic weapon after tossing about in the red envelope world of the system for a long time.

At this time, Chen Hao finally discovered that although there are many spirit weapons in the system red envelope, most of them are offensive spirit weapons.There are too few defensive ones.

There are only two or three pieces in total.It can be seen from this that there are not many defensive magic weapons in the world.

With a thought, a purple ribbon appeared on Chen Hao's hand, fluttering in the wind, nothing special.

"Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes!" The system couldn't help but exclaimed when it saw this ribbon.

Hearing the system's surprised cry, Chen Hao couldn't help being surprised.He knew that the purple ribbon was the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, but why was the system so surprised?Could it be that there is something special about this Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes?

"System, what's so special about this Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes?" Chen Hao asked.

"Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, which can be wrapped around the shoulders, making it invulnerable. A defensive magic weapon at the level of spiritual weapons." The system said indifferently.It was just obvious that he didn't want to say why he was so surprised.

Since the system didn't say anything, Chen Hao couldn't ask any more.At that moment, Chen Hao forced out a drop of blood, and directly confessed to Zishou Immortal Clothes.Then, the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes were put on him directly.

A burst of purple glow emanated from Chen Hao's body, indistinctly illuminating the light reflected in the entire cave.I saw a set of simple clothes appearing on Chen Hao's body out of thin air.

The size and length are just right.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, and with a thought, the fairy clothes with purple ribbon on his body turned into the clothes of Xutianzong disciples.The purple glow disappeared, and the purple ribbon fairy clothes completely changed into the costumes of Xutianzong disciples, and there was no abnormality.

Even a master in the metamorphosis period, if he doesn't attack, he probably won't be able to notice the strangeness in Chen Hao.

"With the defensive magic weapon of the spiritual level, the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, even if I face a monster in the heartbeat stage, I can retreat completely." Chen Hao's eyes flickered.

Strength determines everything. Although Chen Hao has the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes and his defense has skyrocketed, even a monster in the heartbeat period can't do anything to Chen Hao.

But because of his lack of strength, he can only retreat completely, unable to kill the monsters in the heartbeat stage at all.

"Although the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes is a magic weapon at the level of a spiritual weapon. But because your strength is too weak, you will be vulnerable even if you meet a monk whose strength is too much higher than yours."

Chen Hao nodded. If he met a master like Du Jieqi, and the other party slapped him with a palm, even if he couldn't break through the defense of the purple ribbon fairy clothes, the terrifying power could directly shock Chen Hao to death.

After a few more days in the cave, Chen Hao's injuries were already fully healed.Then he left the cave and set out again.


A monster in the heartbeat period found Chen Hao, and slapped Chen Hao hard.After a purple glow flashed by, although Chen Hao was sent flying, he found that he was not injured.

That huge force was directly unloaded by the purple ribbon fairy clothes.

"Haha..." Chen Hao couldn't help laughing when he found out that the monster in the heartbeat period couldn't get on him, his eyes showed Senhan's murderous intent.

Feiyun four steps!

Chen Hao stepped on the flying cloud for four steps, and his figure rushed up like a phantom. The spear in his hand slowly shot thousands of spear shadows, strangling the monster in the heartbeat stage.

boom! boom! boom!
Before the beast could react in the heartbeat period, Chen Hao had already attacked dozens of times.However, the physical body of this monster was too strong. After a round of attacks, Chen Hao failed to hurt him.

At this moment, a series of powerful auras rushed quickly from all directions...

Chen Hao's face changed, he shot out, and his body flickered, and he fled quickly.

Waves of roars came from all directions, and monsters kept appearing nearby, chasing and killing Chen Hao.

One, two, three... five, eight!

In just a few short breaths, there are already eight monsters in the beating period.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao's complexion changed drastically, and he secretly groaned in his heart.However, what made Chen Hao temporarily relieved was that the eight monsters in the heartbeat period seemed to be a little discordant, but they followed Chen Hao leisurely and did not make a move.

Otherwise, if the eight monsters in the heartbeat stage attack at the same time, even if Chen Hao has the purple ribbon fairy clothes, he will surely die.

The eight monsters in the heart-throbbing period pursued Chen Hao closely.This put great pressure on Chen Hao.

Because of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, Chen Hao still has the confidence to protect himself from the monsters in his heartbeat period.It's just that, now that the monsters in the heartbeat stage have appeared, shouldn't the monsters in the spiritual silence stage, which are higher in the heartbeat stage, have almost come?
(End of this chapter)

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