Chapter 217 Nine Characters
Although the two bastards were excited, they also remained calm.Before Chen Hao was almost killed by that golden skeleton, they had long been frightened.

After a careful round of probing, the two of them finally confirmed that there are no powerful restrictions and formations to protect these treasures.

That's right, the power of chaos here is so strong, even with the incomparably powerful restraints and formations arranged by the golden bones.Because these formations have no power to support their operation, they may have collapsed long ago.

Chen Hao and the system rushed up, circled around the stone table, and kept looking at the giant bow and the sky-shaking arrow.

"System, what is the origin of the Qiankun bow and the sky-shaking arrow? Why are there engraved characters on the arrow?" Chen Hao clearly saw that among the three arrows, there were engraved with heaven, earth, and people, three ancient characters. Word.

Perhaps he had calmed down from the excitement of seeing the Qiankun Bow for the first time. After the system took a deep breath, he said, "The Qiankun Bow is one of the divine bows of the same era as the system red envelope. The so-called Qiankun means heaven and earth." Yin Yang. Have you seen those three arrows?"

"The arrow is named Shocking Arrow, Heaven, Earth and Man. Shoot the sky, the earth, and the people. Kill everything!" "It's not so magical, is it?" Chen Hao said in disbelief, "You mean, this magic bow , Can you shoot through the sky? Can you penetrate the earth? Shoot everyone?"

"Strictly speaking, the so-called human does not only include human beings. It includes all life." The system said solemnly.

"Is it really so miraculous?" Chen Hao maintained his doubts.

"I don't know, I just heard about it. Moreover, not everyone is capable of controlling the Qiankun Bow. Shooting the sky, shooting the ground, and shooting people. If you don't have a certain strength, you may not be able to do it at all."

Chen Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a smile: "Since I have met this kind of treasure, does it mean that I am destined? Maybe I can control the Qiankun Bow."

While speaking, Chen Hao already had in his mind the invincible appearance of holding the Qiankun Bow, traveling across the world, meeting immortals and killing immortals, and gods blocking and killing gods.

The system slapped Chen Hao awake from his fantasy.He gave Chen Hao a disdainful look, and said, "Under the sun, there must be someone who can control the Qiankun Bow. But that person is not you. Whether you can pick up the Qiankun Bow is still a question."

Chen Hao didn't mind the system's attitude towards him, he just smiled and grabbed the Qiankun bow with his big hand; "I don't believe it, I can't even hold a bow?"

However, before the words fell, Chen Hao's face turned bitter.Because, although he grasped the Qiankun Bow, that Qiankun Bow was as heavy as a mountain and remained motionless.

The scorpion shaking the tree is talking about Chen Hao's current situation.

"Isn't this magical bow really too heavy?" Chen Hao was a little unconvinced, and immediately raised his strength to the limit. 29 extremely condensed, infinitely close and substantial panchi phantoms leaped in the void above his head.

Chen Hao yelled loudly, with veins popping out of his face, looking hideous and terrifying.

"Get up!"

I saw him yelling, holding the divine bow in both hands, the ultimate strength exploded, and the whole body was suddenly surrounded by black energy.The power exploded, and the Qiankun Bow was picked up by him.

It's just that Chen Hao's forehead with blue veins protruding out is just able to hold the Qiankun Bow.Want to draw a bow and shoot an arrow?Totally impossible.

"The Qiankun Bow weighs [-] catties. The three Sky-shocking Arrows each weigh [-] catties. The total weight is exactly the weight of the Qiankun Bow." The system said next to it.

The Qiankun Bow disappeared in Chen Hao's hands, and he has already taken it into the system red envelope world.Immediately, he took the three sky-shocking arrows in.

"One hundred and eight thousand catties!" Chen Hao was a little speechless, who was so bored to make a bow and arrow so heavy?Even if it's just the weight, I'm afraid it can crush some monks to death.

"You took it in?" The system stared at Chen Hao with wide eyes.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "Of course, if I don't take it away, will I keep it for others? Besides, other people can't enter here at all. I even feel that these treasures are left here, waiting for me to come."

Seeing Chen Hao's brazen look, the system was a little speechless.

"Although I can't draw a bow and shoot arrows for the time being, I will be able to one day. Taking a step back, even if I really can't use it, I can't put it here. Otherwise, I will give it to someone else. Besides, if Wouldn't I be very depressed if my enemy gave it to me? I call it "killing the wrong and never letting it go, I don't care if he can use it or not, let's get it first." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Receive the unusable Qiankun Bow and Zhentian Arrow into the system red envelope world.Immediately, Chen Hao looked at a stone table next to him.

An immortal garment was placed on the stone table, exuding colorful rays of light, illuminating the entire stone room brightly.Chen Hao took the fairy clothes over, but he was taken aback when he saw it.

"Bagua Immortal Clothes?"

Looking at this fairy clothes with colorful rays of light, Chen Hao was startled.There are some quaint purple patterns engraved on the fairy clothes, but I can't tell what it is.

What made Chen Hao speechless the most was that there were some gossip patterns engraved on it.Perhaps, this is the origin of the name Bagua Xianyi.

Sensing the powerful aura emanating from the gossip fairy clothes, Chen Hao looked at the system and asked, "This gossip fairy clothes should be at the level of immortals, right?"

The system nodded, and then said: "Although the Bagua Immortal Clothes are not as famous as the Qiankun Bow, it is also a very powerful magic weapon. In addition to possessing unparalleled defensive power, it can even be invisible."


Chen Hao was shocked.

"Don't make such a fuss, although the Bagua Immortal Clothes can be invisible, it also depends on the skill of the caster. If you are not strong, even if you can be invisible, you can't hide in front of the strong." The system said with a sneer.

Chen Hao smiled awkwardly: "Anyway, this is also a fairy weapon, and it should be a little more powerful than the purple ribbon fairy clothes?"

While speaking, Chen Hao had already collected the gossip fairy clothes into the red envelope world of the system.

Inside the three stone tables, there are Qiankun Bow, Sky-Shaking Arrow and Bagua Immortal Clothes.The last ones are Bagua Immortal Clothes, which are all existences of Immortal Artifact level.

On the last table was an unattractive jade slip.

Chen Hao rubbed his hands, looked at the jade slip with his eyes free, and said a little excitedly: "Could it be that this jade slip records all the magical skills and magic methods of the golden skeleton?"

While speaking, he was about to pick up the jade slip on the table.However, the system took the jade slip into his hand before he did.

Chen Hao just saw the system take the jade slip into his hand, and then saw the system standing there with a dull expression on his face, motionless.

Seeing this, Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.The appearance of the system is definitely not the appearance of being in danger.Because, although the system looked sluggish, it was also a little shocked.

But this is the shock of surprise.

It wasn't that he was in danger, so the old guy in the system could be so shocked... Then he must have encountered some kind of treasure.

Could it be that this is really all kinds of magical skills of the golden skeleton?Chen Hao was in his heart.Immediately, he rushed forward without doing anything, and snatched the jade slip from the system's hand.

Then, he couldn't wait to poke his divine sense in.

The jade slip did not set any restrictions, and Chen Hao easily poked it in.In fact, there is nothing in the jade slip, only the simplest paragraph.

Nine-character mantra... Bingzi Jue...a mantra...a mudra.Everything else is gone.After looking at this so-called Bingzi Jue, Chen Hao didn't find anything special.

It can even be said that Bingzi Jue is much more ordinary than the major sects in the cultivation world, and even the most basic exercises of the major sects.

"What's so dull about this? Could it be that you saw something else?" Chen Hao withdrew his divine sense from the jade slip, and looked at the system hesitantly.

"There are only military formulas in it." The system's eyes lit up, but it still couldn't help being excited.

"Bingzijue, it's not a big deal, there's nothing to be surprised about. I think this technique is more common than those most basic cultivation techniques."

While speaking, Chen Hao was about to throw out the jade slips in the book.

However, at this moment, he paused, then looked at the system in surprise, and said, "No, this jade slip is put together with the Qiankun Bow, Bagua Immortal Clothes, etc. And it's just as simple as an ordinary exercise? That is at least the same level as Qiankun Bow, right?"

When he said this, Chen Hao's divine sense penetrated in again.This time, Chen Hao looked at Bing Zi Jue seriously for a long time, and even deeply imprinted the few words of Bing Zi Jue in his memory.

However, Chen Hao still didn't find anything.

"Chen Hao, sometimes I have to say that your luck is really good. I won't talk about the Eight Trigrams Immortal Clothes, but you were able to get the Qiankun Bow! And now you even got the Bingzi Jue in the Nine-Character Mantra ! That's a military art." The system said with a sigh.

Chen Hao stopped talking and just looked at the system.After a long time, after the system finished sighing, he asked: "System, what is the secret of this military formula?"

"Bingzi Jue is one of the nine-character mantras of Taoism. And the nine-character mantras are similar to the red envelopes of the system, and even more powerful than the red envelopes of the system. According to legend, if someone can understand the nine-character mantras, then they can find out The secret of this world dominates everything!"

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, looked at the system and asked in a low voice, "Is that so?"

The nine-character mantra of Taoism is the supreme practice formula in the cultivation world.Different from the system red envelope, each word of the nine-character mantra has a formula.Each word has a corresponding handprint.

Each word will have a different power.Some can enhance speed, some can increase lifespan, and some can enhance the power of one's own attack skills.

(End of this chapter)

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