Chapter 218 Soldiers

According to the legend, one word of one of Daojia's nine-character mantras is enough to run wild in the world.If you can comprehend the nine-character mantra, then you can dominate everything in the world!

Even the universe can be dominated!

However, the Taoist nine-character mantra has always been like a legend.No one has ever been able to collect all of them, and it is even more impossible to comprehend them all.

Throughout history, one of the nine-character mantras occasionally appeared in the world.But every time it will cause shocks in the world, bloody storms, and blood flowing into rivers.

Moreover, every time people who get the nine-character mantra, there is no one without great achievements.It really is an existence that is invincible across the world.

It's just that the nine-character mantra is too attractive to all monks in the world.Although, everyone who gets the mantra has monstrous mana.

However, in the end, all the monks would rise up and attack, and eventually fall!
And every time it falls, the nine-character mantra will disappear!It seems to have completely disappeared with the death of the cultivator.

"I always thought that the nine-character mantra of Taoism was just something in legends, and I had never heard of it. But today I saw it with my own eyes, which is a bit unbelievable." The system stood where it was, trying to calm down its mood.

However, it is obvious that even a well-informed system can hardly calm down after seeing the supreme formula of the Nine-Character Mantra.

However, relatively speaking, Chen Hao was not that excited.After the excitement passed, Chen Hao quickly regained his composure.

Because the nine-character mantra is too far away for him.He hadn't heard of it at all, and, most importantly, he had seen the mantra of Bing Zi Jue, but he didn't find anything special about it.

It was precisely because of this that he did not continue to be excited.

"How do you know that this Bingzi Jue is not fake? Seeing how excited you are, I really don't know what you are excited about." Seeing the system being excited all the time, Chen Hao finally said a little impatiently after a long time.

"What do you know." The system glared at Chen Hao.Just when he was about to scold, he laughed again.

Those who do not know are not guilty.The nine-character mantra should not have appeared in the realm of comprehension.Even in the fairy world, there is a very high chance of it appearing.

It can only appear in the highest God Realm!
However, now it has appeared in the realm of comprehension.So, the authenticity of Bing Zi Jue is really open to question.

"It's hard to distinguish the true and false of Bing Zi Jue. If it is true, then why did it appear here? Then who was that golden skeleton before his death?"

The system pondered.

"If the Bingzi Jue is true, the Qiankun Bow, and the Bagua Immortal Clothes are not small. But they are all concentrated on one person. Then, the identity of this person is a giant-level existence even in the fairy world. "

"It's just that such an existence died in the realm of comprehension. There must be something hidden behind it. Chen Hao, if you get the Qiankun Bow, Bagua Immortal Clothes, and Bingzi Jue, I'm afraid it will cause endless troubles in the future."

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, thought for a while and said: "Treasures are lived by virtuous people. I met these treasures and got them, which means they are destined for me. No matter what, I want these things." .”

"As for the golden skeleton, this kind of existence is at least at the level of an immortal emperor. It's too far away from me, even if he was hunted down by his enemies and died here. That's none of my business."

"These treasures are mine now. Anyone who dares to take advantage of my treasures will make trouble with me, Chen Hao. Anyone who dares to make trouble with me will be courting death!" Chen Hao's eyes shone brightly, and an invincible aura of contempt for the world emanated from him It exploded, sweeping in all directions.

Looking at the confident Chen Hao, a hint of surprise appeared on the system's face.Then he nodded secretly.

However, since an enemy that even the golden skeleton can't resist, how can Chen Hao be able to fight against it?
"Before you have absolute strength, it's better to use these treasures sparingly. Otherwise, the enemies of the golden skeleton may be the top experts in the fairy world, and you will find it difficult to compete." The system warned.

Chen Hao nodded, his body flickered, and he and the system both entered the system's red envelope world.

Bingzijue, after comprehending it, has unparalleled speed in the world!In addition, there is the vitality of life extension and rejuvenation.

The so-called "moving as fast as a dart" refers to the tactics of soldiers.

In addition to these, each word of the nine-character mantra has a corresponding handprint.The handprint corresponding to the Bingzi Jue is the main attacking big handprint - the Great Vajra Wheel, which is extremely powerful.

In the red envelope world of the system, Chen Hao and the system stared at each other, and then looked at the military formula recorded in the jade slip.These two bastards have never seen the real nine-character mantra... In fact, there are really few people in this world who have seen one of the nine-character mantras.

At this time, the system has also calmed down from the excitement of seeing the nine-character mantra.As a result, the two of them looked at each other a little bit.


It's really because there is nothing special about Bingzi Jue.Even the system can't tell the truth from the fake.

Therefore, they just studied it here for a long time, and they still don't know whether it is true or not.

"Chen Hao, just practice." After a long time, the system suddenly said to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao jumped up: "Why am I practicing? Why can't it be you?" Chen Hao pointed at the system, and almost cursed: "I don't know if this soldier formula is true or not. What should I do? What should I do if my practice becomes obsessed? You are a weapon spirit, you practice first, even if you don’t realize that it is fake, you probably have nothing to lose.”

Now it's the system's turn to jump up: "I think the Bingzijue must be true. Of course, if it's fake, I'm afraid it will be annihilated as soon as I practice. After I am annihilated, the system's red envelope will have no spirit! Or, as long as I'm still here, even if you go mad, I might still keep you."

If those powerful people in the fairy world or the god world knew that these two bastards were accusing each other for the military art, and if they didn't want to practice, they might just slap the two bastards to death.

If it were any other person, after obtaining the supreme tactic of Bingzi Jue, they would regard it as life and immediately practice it.Where would it be like these two?
However, from another perspective, it can only be said that these two people are open-minded and will not be easily affected by certain things.

Moreover, after Chen Hao obtained the Bingzi Jue, he actually consulted with the system... although the system is just the magic weapon of the system's red envelope.But it also shows Chen Hao's sincerity towards the system.

"This... I don't know if it's true or not, so it's better not to practice." After a long time, the system suddenly said embarrassingly.

"Practice, you have to practice, why don't you practice? What if he is real?" Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flickered.He has already made up his mind to practice military art.

Life extension, and unparalleled speed!

speed!Chen Hao's current speed has been unable to keep up with his strength, which makes him a little embarrassed. Now that he has the tactics of soldiers, how can he not practice?
So what if it's an adventure?
Cultivators are cultivators against the sky. If they don't take risks, they might as well go home and be a mortal and live an ordinary life.

"However, if you find anything wrong with me, you must stop me immediately." Before practicing, Chen Hao said to the system with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I won't let you have trouble." The system solemnly agreed.

Immediately, they accelerated the system's red envelope world time to five times, and began to formally practice military tactics.Bingzi Jue, a formula with only a few dozen words, is as common as the most basic skills of the general Xiuxian sect.

No one knows that this is one of the supreme nine-character mantras of Taoism.

With a mentality that he would rather believe it, Chen Hao began to practice this military formula.

There are only dozens of words in the formula, and Chen Hao has already memorized them fluently.However, half a month has passed, but there is still no success in cultivation.

Not only that, Chen Hao didn't even feel that this was really one of the nine-character mantras.

For half a month, even the Immortal Cultivation Technique has already been successfully practiced.But Chen Hao got nothing.At this time, Chen Hao once again doubted whether his Bing Zi Jue was the real Bing Zi Jue.

Even, the system advised Chen Hao to stop practicing.

"The Golden Skeleton must have been a great person during his lifetime. If the Qiankun Bow and Bagua Immortal Clothes were really left behind by him, then the Bingzi formula here may be true. Otherwise, this person would never have left this formula."

And what made Chen Hao most determined to practice was the Great Vajra Wheel Seal.

Chen Hao had nothing to gain from the art of soldiers.After practicing for half a month, I got nothing.However, in the past half a month, Chen Hao succeeded in practicing the Great Vajra Wheel Seal corresponding to the Bing Zi Jue.

Chen Hao stood on the top of a mountain with a solemn face, waving his hands quickly, forming a handprint.Then Chen Hao let out a low cry, and his handprint was punched out by him.


In the void ahead, a huge handprint appeared out of thin air, like a mountain, entrenched in the void.It's been a long time.

Looking at the huge King Kong wheel print like a mountain, Chen Hao was a little depressed.The system next to him looked at the huge handprint in surprise.

"This is the Great Vajra Wheel Seal? It's just a pity that it only has shape but no power."

Chen Hao shook his head helplessly and smiled: "This is the Great Vajra Wheel Seal. However, although I have succeeded in cultivating it, it has no power at all without the power of the military formula."

Although the huge Great Vajra wheel print in the void looks majestic, as the system said, it is just superficial.There is no power at all.

The system protruded a force, and bombarded the huge King Kong wheel mark from a distance.

The seemingly majestic Great Vajra Wheel Seal was vulnerable to a single blow. It shattered with a "poof", turned into an invisible force, and returned to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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