Chapter 240
Like Xutianzong, there are many saint sons and saintesses in it.But there is only one chief disciple.

If Zhuang Ningguang abdicates, then the suzerain will be born from among the chief disciples and the holy sons and daughters.

Zhao Zhiqing actually became a saint.Moreover, Chen Hao estimated that her strength should not have reached the integration period.Being selected as a saint at such a low level meant that Hidden Immortal Valley had taken a fancy to Zhao Zhiqing's potential.

The body of a fairy!

As long as Zhao Zhiqing grows up, her achievements will definitely not be low in the future.Hidden Immortal Valley saw the huge potential of Zhao Zhiqing, so it focused on training her from the beginning.

After the shock, Chen Hao was very happy in his heart.Now it seems that Zhao Zhiqing's joining the Hidden Immortal Valley is definitely the most correct.Even without Chen Hao, Zhao Zhiqing will have smooth sailing and great achievements in the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Brothers, I want to meet your Senior Sister Zhao. I don't know if it's possible or not? I really need to see her for something important." Chen Hao looked at the two guys and said.

When these two guys talked about Zhao Zhiqing's appearance, they looked adoring and admiring.Seeing this scene, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing.

After all, with Zhao Zhiqing's beauty and current status, it would be strange if these male disciples didn't admire her.

"No problem, this matter is on us." The two guys immediately patted their chests and said to Chen Hao.

"Let's go, we will take you there." While speaking, a monk turned around and was about to leave.

Chen Hao was surprised, and quickly said: "Senior brothers, aren't you going to guard the gate?" Chen Hao pointed to the Yinxian Valley Zongmen and said.

"Haha, Junior Brother, we are not guarding the gate. This time, we just happened to come out and meet you. By the way, what do you call Junior Brother?"

"Chen Hao."

"It turns out to be Junior Brother Chen Hao. You and our Senior Sister Zhao are close friends in the world, right? I wonder if there is a chance to introduce us? We have admired Senior Sister Zhao for a long time."

"Yes, Senior Sister Zhao is the number one beauty in our Yinxian Valley. We are not qualified to know her. By the way, my name is Jiang Le, and his name is Chang Le." These two guys seem to be familiar with each other. It seems to be very enthusiastic for some purpose.

"There is a chance, definitely, definitely." Chen Hao replied, but he almost laughed out loud in his heart.These two guys have similar personalities and the same name, so they are really a perfect match.

"Oh, no, Junior Brother Murong, you said your name is Chen Hao?" Suddenly, Chang Le slapped his thigh fiercely, turned to look at Chen Hao, and exclaimed.

"Chen Hao? Are you the Chen Hao who has been in the limelight recently?" Jiang Le also looked at Chen Hao in shock.At the same time, when talking, these two guys involuntarily took two steps away from Chen Hao.

Seeing the reactions of these two guys, Chen Hao was a little speechless, and said, "You two, I'm not that scary, am I?" The implication was that he had already confirmed his identity.

"Are you really that fierce man who turned against Xutianzong and killed more than a dozen elders of Xutianzong?" Chang Le looked at Chen Hao with a dull expression.

Chen Hao nodded.

Seeing Chen Hao nodding, Chang Le and Jiang Le took a few steps back, then looked at Chen Hao warily, and said, "Chen Hao, don't you want to kill the two of us?"

Chen Hao was speechless, completely defeated by the two of them, and said: "Do I have any grudges against you? Why did I kill you? Besides, you two are monks in the heart-beating stage, and I am a young monk in the recovery stage." , how did you kill you?"

Jiang Le and Chang Le shook their heads quickly: "You can even kill people who have crossed the tribulation period, let alone the two of us?" Then, the two guys said with a bitter face: "I said Chen Hao, no, Brother Murong, you have to be merciful, we have an eighty-year-old mother on top, and... well, anyway, you can't kill us."

"Do you still want me to introduce Zhao Zhiqing to you?" Chen Hao really wanted to blow these two bastards away, it was too nonsense.

"You really won't kill us?"

Chen Hao shook his head: "Although I have killed a lot of people, everyone deserves to be killed. You two shouldn't have my idea, right? If that's the case, maybe I can only kill you."

Chang Le, Jiang Le quickly shook his head.

"That's it. I, Chen Hao, will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. What are you afraid of? Let's go, let's go find the saint."

Chang Le and Jiang Le led Chen Hao with doubts.

It's just that, not long after, these two guys, no, it should be said that these three guys have been hooked shoulder to shoulder, as if they have been similar for decades.

"Brother Murong, you have been in Xutianzong for so long, have you ever seen the saintess of Xutianzong? I heard that there is a saintess who is really beautiful." Chang Le said with a wretched face.

"When I was in Xutianzong, I was just a little monk in the foundation period. How can I have the qualifications to marry those saints? I haven't even heard of them." Chen Hao rolled his eyes. He had never heard of these saints. Child saint.

He doesn't even know who the chief disciple of Xutianzong is.

"By the way, what is your relationship with our Senior Sister Zhao? Could it be that kind of relationship?" Jiang Le suddenly smiled wretchedly, and looked at Chen Hao with a look that you understand.

"You don't care." Chen Hao rolled his eyes again.He only realized now that these two guys are really too wretched.

"However, Brother Murong, I can warn you, if you really have that kind of relationship with Senior Sister Zhao, you have to hurry up. There are many people in the school who want to get Sister Zhao's idea recently." Chang Le suddenly said with a serious face.

"Huh? Someone has an idea for Zhao Zhiqing? Who has the guts?" Chen Hao suddenly became furious, his tone was cold, murderous intent burst forth, and the killing intent pervaded the air.

Feeling the cold killing intent emanating from Chen Hao, Jiang Le and Chang Le were shocked.Judging from Chen Hao's reaction, the relationship between him and Zhao Zhiqing should be unusual.

Otherwise, he would never have such a strong reaction.

Jiang Le and the two looked at each other, and then said: "Brother Murong, don't blame the two brothers for talking too much about this matter. Senior Sister Zhao is really too beautiful, and she is the saint of the sect. You don't want to get his idea? Especially those holy sons and even the chief disciples of the sect, and even young talents from other sects want to pursue Senior Sister Zhao..."

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous intent flashed between his brows. Looking at the two of them, he asked, "Ordinary pursuits are okay, has anyone used third-rate methods?"

Jiang Le and Chang Le shook their heads quickly.The two of them are just the inner disciples of Yinxian Valley, and they just heard about it.As for who among them pursued Zhao Zhiqing?It is unknown.I don't even know what means they used to pursue Zhao Zhiqing.

Chen Hao was a little anxious, he wasn't afraid that Zhao Zhiqing would follow someone and become the other's cultivation partner.It's just that Zhao Zhiqing is too simple and not deeply involved in the world, so he is worried that other people will use unscrupulous tricks.

"Go, hurry up." Chen Hao was anxious, and couldn't help urging Chang Le and the two.

"Two junior brothers, what are you doing in such a hurry? Hmm? You actually brought this outsider around the sect? What are you going to do?"

Chen Hao wanted to find something to see Zhao Zhiqing, but there was someone who didn't follow his wishes.No, a group of people suddenly walked up ahead and stopped the three of them.

Seeing the person coming, the faces of Chang Le and Jiang Le suddenly became gloomy, and Chang Le took a step forward, looked at the man who was talking and said, "Xu Rui, what we do is none of your business? Besides, Brother Murong Although he is not a disciple of the sect, but he is a friend of Senior Sister Zhao, what's wrong with me bringing him in?"

Xu Rui looked at Chen Hao and the three of them and kept sneering: "The saint's friend? Are you laughing to death? There are so many people in the world, if everyone says he is the saint's friend, don't you All of them must be brought to the sect? What do you think of Hidden Immortal Valley? Is it an inn?"

Hearing this, Jiang Le and Chang Le's faces became more and more gloomy, endless anger accumulated in their chests, but they failed to burst out.

Looking at the expressions of Jiang Le and the two, although they looked very angry, they did not dare to explode.Chen Hao thought deeply in his heart. With the personalities of these two guys, they are definitely not people who can endure toughness.

So there are only two possibilities for this situation now, one is that Chang Le and the two have suffered from Xu Rui's hands.The other one is that Xu Rui has a backer, which Chang Le and the others cannot afford to provoke.

Seeing Jiang Le's blushing faces, Xu Rui smiled coldly, then looked at Chen Hao, his face turned cold instantly, and the momentum swept towards Chen Hao like a stormy sea during the heartbeat period.

From his point of view, Chen Hao is nothing more than an ant in the transition period.He can humiliate as much as he wants.Moreover, seeing that he and Chang Le have a good relationship... Xu Rui sneered in his heart, and a powerful aura enveloped Chen Hao directly.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass into the Valley of the Immortals? Do you know that trespassing on the Valley of the Immortals is a capital offense? Kneel down!" While speaking, Chen Hao was about to kneel down like a stormy wave.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Chen Hao didn't want to meddle in the grievances between Xu Rui and Jiang Le.After all, this is within the Hidden Immortal Valley.However, this Xu Ruihao, who is so immortal, wants to target himself?And you have to kneel down by yourself?

It should be noted that even in the face of Zhuang Ningguang and others at the semi-immortal level, they never thought of humiliating themselves like this.

However, Chen Hao didn't know that the reason why Xu Rui targeted him so much was entirely because of the relationship between Chang Le and the two of them.Xu Rui's cultivation base is comparable to Chang Le's, and he can't humiliate Chang Le and them.

Therefore, he could only turn to humiliating Jiang Le's friends.

Seeing this scene, Chang Le and Jiang Le looked at each other with shock in their eyes.Xu Rui messed with Chen Hao, isn't this courting death?

They even wanted Chen Hao to kill this bastard.However, once Xu Rui is killed, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the two of them will not be able to continue in Yinxian Valley in the future.

With a flash, the two of them took a step forward, stood in front of Chen Hao, and looked at Xu Rui coldly: "Xu Rui, brother Murong is a friend of the saint, what are you going to do? Do you want to disrespect the saint?" ?”

Xu Rui sneered: "Of course I don't dare to be disrespectful to the saint, but someone pretends to be a saint's girlfriend and deceives me. Xu Rui can't stand it. This person looks like a thieves, and he can tell that he is a liar. You are actually given by him. You lied. I will drive him down the mountain today. Otherwise, if he is unfavorable to the saint, can you afford the consequences?" While speaking, Xu Rui strode forward to take down Chen Hao.

Jiang Le and Chang Le scolded Xu Rui as a bastard in their hearts.Does Chen Hao look like a thief?This guy is clearly looking for trouble.

It's nothing more than looking for trouble, but I found Chen Hao, a murderous god.You, a young cultivator in the heartbeat period, are like an ant in front of Chen Hao.

"Damn, you have to find the right place if you want to die, don't get us involved." Jiang Le and Chang Le cursed in their hearts.If they were outside the sect, the two of them would not stop Xu Rui at all.But now, no matter for the good of anyone, he must stop this farce.

"Go away!"

Xu Rui yelled and looked at Chen Hao murderously.The big hand grasped falsely, and the next moment a flying sword exuding a strong aura was caught in his hand.

"If you don't go away, don't blame me for being ruthless and beheading you two."

Chang Le and Jiang Le's expressions instantly became ugly.

Xu Rui's backer, the two of them can't afford to provoke him, and the flying sword in Xu Rui's hand made him suffer even more!Even, the magic weapon flying sword and the like in the hands of the two were directly chopped off by this spiritual weapon.

"Xu Rui, brother Murong, you can't afford to offend me. I advise you not to make trouble." Jiang Le said with a gloomy face.

"Go away! Believe it or not, I killed you two? Two trash, defeated." Xu Rui strode forward, full of murderous aura, and the flying sword in his hand exuded a powerful murderous aura.

The faces of Jiang Le and the two became more and more ugly.When the two had magic weapons, they were still not opponents of each other's spiritual weapons, let alone the two had nothing in their hands now?
"You two get out of the way, I want to see what kind of arrogant capital this bastard has." Chen Hao was angry, and pulled Jiang Le and the two away, and headed forward.

"Brother Murong..." Chang Le and the two were immediately taken aback.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. This bastard got into my hands. I have to teach them a lesson today. Don't worry, I will be very measured and I won't beat him to death."

Xu Rui, in the early stage of the heartbeat, is stronger than Chen Hao, but his strength is limited.Given that the power of the dragon was not much different, Chen Hao had the confidence to beat him down.

"Hahaha..." Hearing Chen Hao's words, Xu Rui and his pig friend burst out laughing.Everyone looked at Chen Hao with idiot-like eyes.

But Chang Le and the two behind Chen Hao also looked at Xu Rui and the others with pitiful eyes.Anyway, the matter has come to this point, both of them relax, waiting to see Chen Hao abuse them idiots.

"Give me a sigh!"

Xu Rui yelled, and Chen Hao was enveloped in endless momentum, wanting to make Chen Hao kneel down.

Chen Hao just snorted coldly. He has even experienced the aura of a fairy, so why was he afraid of the aura of a small and cautious monk?

"You bastard, today I will teach you to be a human being, don't look down on others, open your dog's eyes to see who you can't offend."

"You're courting death!" Xu Rui yelled, reaching out his big hand to grab Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sneered, and disappeared in a flash.When he appeared again, he was already in front of Xu Rui.Then, I saw Chen Hao punching hard, hitting Xu Rui's abdomen.

The fist, which contained the power of Chen Hao's fifty flat chi, exploded in an instant, and directly sent Xu Rui flying.

Xu Rui let out a scream, and flew out like a loser.But at this moment, Chen Hao was stepping on the military formula, his figure was as fast as lightning, and he chased after him.

boom! boom! boom!
Chen Hao shot left and right, punching and kicking Xu Rui.

The sound of punching to the flesh is very shocking!However, Xu Rui's screams like killing a pig made people's hair stand on end.

Seeing this scene, Chang Le and others were shocked.Chang Le and the two were surprised that Chen Hao was still so vigorous without relying on the golden bones.

The people on Xu Rui's side were shocked by the fact that Chen Hao was only in the recovery stage, but Xu Rui was in the heartbeat stage and had no power to fight back.


Accompanied by the sound of bone fractures and Xu Rui's screams, it spread continuously, which was very terrifying.

A black shadow flitted across the void, and then fell fiercely in front of Chang Le and the others.This is a person, yes, I can barely see what a person looks like.All I saw was that this person's face was beaten like a pig's head, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and his jaw was directly crooked.

Presumably this is the reason why Chen Hao made rude remarks in order to punish him for looking down on others.In fact, the worst thing was Xu Rui's limbs, which were all interrupted by Chen Hao!

When Xu Rui fell in front of Chang Le and the others, he was already foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes.It's already more air intake and less air output.

Chen Hao clapped his hands, and walked over leisurely. Looking at Xu Rui who was foaming at the mouth, he seemed to be very upset, and kicked Xu Rui to the front of several other people.

Those people looked at Chen Hao with eyes as if they had seen a ghost, and they were very shocked.

The cultivator in the resplendent period actually beat a monk in the heartbeat period so helplessly that he was like a pig's head.Is that human being?Are you a human?
"Hey, I'm awake, it's time to go." Chen Hao patted Chen Hao awake who was in a daze.

Chang Le and Jiang Le wiped away the saliva that overflowed from opening their mouths wide, then took a deep look at Chen Hao, then turned their heads and left.

"Who the hell is it? How did you beat Senior Brother Xu like this?" Looking at the backs of Chen Hao and the three of them, Xu Rui and his group said in shock.

"Have you heard that Chang Le called that man Brother Murong, and his surname is Murong! Could it be that he is the recently notorious Chen Hao who turned out of Xutianzong?" Suddenly, a person said in shock.

"It's very possible! They are all monks in the Xuanzhao stage. They are fierce people who can kill even a monk in the Transcending Tribulation stage. It is normal for Senior Brother Xu to be beaten."

"It turned out to be Chen Hao!"

After guessing Chen Hao's identity, everyone's expressions suddenly became embarrassing.It's not good to offend anyone, but this god of killing.What should I do if I am hated by him?
A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling uneasy.

"Damn it, you bastards, hurry up and save me." At this moment, Xu Rui woke up slowly, only to find himself lying on the ground like a dead dog.But the few bastards around him looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly, he became furious.

However, because of the swearing, the wound on the corner of his mouth was opened again, and immediately the pain caused him to curse again and again.

Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly began to give Xu Rui medicine and the like.

On the other side, Chang Le and Jiang Le were so shocked that they didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, Chang Le glanced at Chen Hao, and then said, "Brother Murong, can I ask you a question?"

"What's the problem?" Chen Hao was used to the surprises of these two guys.

"I want to ask, are you still human?"


Just when Chang Le just asked, Chen Hao stretched out his foot and kicked him out. "Of course I'm human. Don't you think I'm a demon?"

Chang Le ran back immediately, and smiled: "I really doubt whether you are really just in the state of revolving photos? That speed is too abnormal. Xu Rui is a monk in the heartbeat stage. In front of you There was no chance of fighting back."

Chang Le and Jiang Le were shocked.They and Xu Rui are deadly enemies.Three days ago, Xu Rui cut off the magic weapon flying sword and the like on the two of them.

However, Chen Hao beat Xu Rui to death with his bare hands. This is the difference.

"It just caught him off guard." Chen Hao waved his hand.

In fact, although Chen Hao caught Xu Rui by surprise.But without a strong backing, even if Xu Rui was attacked by him, he would not be able to injure him at all.

So this time, he wasn't just a fluke.

"However, you beat Xu Rui..." Jiang Le looked worried.

"What are you afraid of? I, Chen Hao, am not even afraid of the entire Xutian Sect. How could I be afraid of one of his little backers?" Chen Hao said carelessly.

To be honest, he really wasn't afraid.Even if the sky falls, he can open up a new world again.

"That's right, you even killed the elders of Xutianzong like that, what are you afraid of." Chang Le and the two looked at each other, and they were slightly relieved.

Qingxuan Peak is an independent mountain in Yinxian Valley.The owner of this mountain is none other than Zhao Zhiqing who has recently become a saint in Yinxian Valley.

In fact, there are not many such independent peaks in Hidden Fairy Valley.The Chief Disciple, Holy Son and Daughter and certain disciples will all have an independent mountain.

Chang Le and Jiang Le brought Chen Hao under the Qingxuan Peak, and they didn't dare to trespass.Because every mountain belongs to the private forbidden land of the owner of the mountain.

Ordinary disciples are absolutely prohibited from trespassing, otherwise all consequences will be at their own risk.

Therefore, even though there is no one at the foot of the mountain, Chang Le and the two are still very disciplined and dare not go up the mountain without authorization.

Chen Hao looked at it. Compared with the nearby peaks that have been operating for a long time, Qingxuan Peak is far inferior in terms of aura and prosperity.At best, this mountain is just the most ordinary mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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