Chapter 241

Of course, Chen Hao knew that it wasn't that Yinxian Valley didn't want to see Zhao Zhiqing, it was because Zhao Zhiqing had only been a saint for three months, and it was too late for the crystal green peak.

Once Zhao Zhiqing started recruiting disciples, Qingxuan Peak would become more and more lively.

This so-called recruitment of disciples is not a true disciple.Becoming a disciple of Qingxuan Peak, is still a disciple of Yinxian Valley.

However, compared with other disciples, these disciples not only enjoy the treatment of Hidden Immortal Valley disciples, but also the treatment of Qingxuan Peak.

Moreover, once Zhao Zhiqing becomes the head of the Hidden Immortal Valley in the future, then the Qingxuan Peak lineage will naturally become the head of the Hidden Immortal Valley, which will have many benefits.

"Hidden Immortal Valley disciples Chang Le and Jiang Le are asking to see Senior Sister Zhao." The three of Chang Le stood under the mountain peak and sent their voices up.

It's just that after a long time, there was no response from the mountain peak.

After several times in a row, there was no response from above, and Chen Hao got a little impatient waiting.

"Let's go, let's go up." Chen Hao greeted the two of them, and then rushed up with a shake of his figure.

"Brother Murong, this can't be done!" Chang Le and the two were about to stop it, but Chen Hao had already rushed forward.In the end, the two of them just sighed and followed.

"Who? How dare you trespass on Qingxuan Peak!"

Qingxuan Peak is not very high, and it didn't take long for Chen Hao and the others to rush to the top of the mountain.However, the moment Chen Hao just showed his head, there was a scream from above, and then there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a sword light strangled towards Chen Hao's head like lightning.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous intent flashed between his brows.I saw his big hand stretched out, black power lingered on his fist, and slammed towards the flying sword that was strangling.

Chen Hao's physical body has reached the level of a first-grade spiritual weapon.With such a punch, the flying sword that came from the strangulation would definitely be blown away by Chen Hao's punch.

Seeing that Chen Hao was about to blow up the flying sword with one punch.However, at this moment, Chen Hao suddenly turned his fists into claws.When he reached out with his big hand, he immediately grabbed the flying sword.

"Bold madman!"

At this moment, a woman in red clothes rushed out from the nearby woods, looked at Chen Hao angrily, with an angry look on her face.

"Madman, let go of my flying sword. Otherwise, I will definitely kill you!" The woman in red looked at Chen Hao angrily, her body trembling constantly, as if she was very angry.

Chen Hao looked over, but saw that it was a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, who was also extremely attractive.The fiery figure looks very proud against the backdrop of the red clothes.

However, at this moment, the girl's pretty face was full of murderous intent.However, even in this way, it couldn't hide her hot figure and beauty.

Chen Hao held the flying sword in one hand, looked at the girl in red and laughed: "You woman is really rude. Not to mention sneaking up on me, since I have already taken your flying sword, you still have to I give it back to you?"

"You should be killed for trespassing on Qingxuan Peak." The girl in red said angrily.

"I heard that Qingxuan Peak belongs to your saintess, and you are not a saintess, so you have no right to say that." Chen Hao said lightly.

The red-clothed girl was angry, and said with a cold snort: "You apprentice, our senior sister won't see you, you leave Qingxuan Peak immediately."

"It's still the same sentence, you are not a saint, how do you know she won't see me?" Chen Hao smiled, looked around, and found that the place was still a bit barren.But there are a few buildings ahead.

"Who is making noise here?" A woman in green shirt came slowly, looking at Chen Hao and others with a cold expression.

Perhaps it was the sound here that alarmed the people in the house, and at this time, people came over one after another.They are all a group of women, and none of them are very strong.

"Senior sister, these three people not only trespassed on Qingxuan Peak, but also took my flying sword." The woman in red said aggrievedly.

Chen Hao missed a glance and found that Zhao Zhiqing was not among these people.

"You two are disciples of Yinxian Valley, but you are not a disciple of Yinxian Valley! Don't you know that trespassing on Qingxuan Peak is a capital offense?" The woman in blue looked at Chen Hao and the others indifferently.

Although Chang Le and Jiang Le are monks in the heart-beating period, they are surprisingly silent at this time.It can be said that they pinned everything on Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled faintly, waved his big hand, and flicked the flying sword of the woman in red.Immediately, he glanced at everyone still, and suddenly said loudly: "Zhiqing, your brother Chen Hao is here, why don't you come out?"

"Bold! Where did Deng Tuzi come from? How dare you call Her Highness the Holy Maiden's name directly!" Hearing this, everyone around was furious, and they all glared at Chen Hao.But only Chang Le and Jiang Le were calm.

"You all back down." At this moment, a voice as sweet as a yellow warbler came from afar, and then a white-clothed Shengxue slowly walked towards this side.

"His Royal Highness." Many women hurriedly saluted.But Chang Le and Jiang Le both looked excited.Only Chen Hao looked at the visitor with a smile on his face.

The person who came was none other than Zhao Zhiqing, the owner of Qingxuan Peak and one of the saintesses of Yinxian Valley.

Looking at the clouds and clouds in front of me, the clouds and mist are lingering, and the scenery is infinitely good.

Chen Hao turned his head, and looked tenderly at Zhao Zhiqing, who was dressed in white Shengxue beside her, like a nine-day fairy descending to the mortal world.Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, and gently straightened Zhao Zhiqing's black hair that was blown by the mountain.

Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao and smiled all over him.

Looking at Zhao Zhiqing's beautiful smile, Chen Hao was startled, and stared blankly at Zhao Zhiqing, even forgetting to put his hands down.


Zhao Zhiqing laughed lightly.

"What's wrong? Are there flowers on my face? Look at me motionless." Zhao Zhiqing said with a smile.

"You are so beautiful." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Hearing this, a blush flashed across Zhao Zhiqing's face.She has always been very confident about her beauty.Moreover, from childhood to adulthood, no matter where she is, there are always countless people following her, just because of her beauty.

I don't know how many words that praise her beauty, some of which are much more gorgeous than Chen Hao's simple words.However, for those, Zhao Zhiqing was just as cold as ice and ignored them at all.

So what if you talk about hype?She, Zhao Zhiqing, remained calm.

However, when Chen Hao said "You are so beautiful." This ordinary sentence, which could no longer be ordinary, came out of Chen Hao's mouth, Zhao Zhiqing felt very happy and happy.Even, there are some shyness and happiness.

Some words, even if you say earth-shattering words, will not change a person's mind.However, some very common words, when uttered by a specific population, sound better than any good words in the world.

Chen Hao sighed in his heart, he hadn't seen Zhao Zhiqing for more than two years.The current Zhao Zhiqing is even more beautiful than before.And noble and generous.

It's no wonder that so many people wanted to pursue Zhao Zhiqing.

On the contrary, look at yourself, in addition to being notorious, people have matured a lot.But he didn't become handsome.Chen Hao secretly slandered himself in his heart.

"I heard that many young talents are chasing you recently." Chen Hao looked at Yunjuan Yunshu in the distance, and then whispered.

Zhao Zhiqing looked up at Chen Hao, and said playfully, "What? Are you worried?"

Chen Hao withdrew his gaze, looked at Zhao Zhiqing, then nodded and said, "I'm very worried! You are so beautiful that many people will pursue you because of your beauty. You are too simple. In this cultivation world where the weak prey on the strong, I I'm afraid you will suffer! You are so kind, I'm afraid you won't see what a bad person is."

Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao, with a sweet smile on her face: "With you here, I'm not afraid of anything. You don't have to worry, I won't open my eyes to look at those people. In my heart, you will always be alone .”

While saying this, Zhao Zhiqing lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Hearing this, Chen Hao was a little moved. He grabbed Zhao Zhiqing's hand and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't allow others to hurt you. Not anyone! But..."

Chen Hao sighed, and continued: "Now I have offended Xutianzong and Yuanxumen. It is almost the enemy of the whole world."

"I have confidence in you." Zhao Zhiqing smiled sweetly.

"Zhiqing, I want you to promise me one thing." Chen Hao grabbed Zhao Zhiqing's soft catkin, and looked at him solemnly.

Zhao Zhiqing's face flushed, and she wanted to withdraw her hand shyly, but she was a little reluctant, and finally just nodded shyly.

"My enemy is very strong. But, I am strong enough to protect myself. In the future, no matter what danger I encounter, even after hearing about my fall, you should not impulsively seek revenge for me, or look for me or something ,do you know?"

"Why?" Zhao Zhiqing looked up at Chen Hao with puzzlement in her eyes.

"I'm afraid those people will deal with you! In the future, if I am not in danger, I will come to you. However, once I encounter any danger, you must not come to me. I don't want you to be in danger."

Zhao Zhiqing didn't speak, but just shook her head.

"If I were in danger, would you come to save me regardless of the danger?"

Chen Hao nodded.

Zhao Zhiqing continued: "You came back to save me, but why didn't I go to you? Why didn't I go to save you?"

Chen Hao was silent.He had to convince Zhao Zhiqing.Otherwise, this silly girl will definitely be in danger in the future.Chen Hao didn't want her to encounter any danger.

"Murong, since it's so dangerous outside, you might as well stay at Qingxuan Peak. Even if you don't join Hidden Immortal Valley, you can still stay at Qingxuan Peak. You are safe here."

Chen Hao shook his head, looked at Zhao Zhiqing, and said slowly: "Zhiqing, do you still remember what happened when I was a child? I was a waste, a waste that could not cultivate. Do you remember what wish I had at that time?"

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, and the things about her childhood flashed through her mind, bit by bit, clearly.

"At that time, I longed for one day to have great power! However, I was a piece of trash after all. If it wasn't for the coincidence that I was able to cultivate later, I am still just a piece of trash now. Now, I can practice with great difficulty How can I hide here and not get out?"

"It's true that the outside is very dangerous. However, danger and opportunity exist together. In this world, if you want to have great strength, you can't just rely on penance. You must fight. Only in battle can you quickly improve yourself Strength."

"Besides, you also know my character. If you can't beat me, you run away. I cherish my life very much." Chen Hao said with a smile.

Zhao Zhiqing didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Hao quietly.She knew Chen Hao well, once he made a decision, he couldn't change it.

"By the way, this is my soul crystal. Once I die, the soul crystal will be broken. As long as the soul crystal is not broken, I will be safe. You don't have to worry about it." Chen Hao took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhao Zhiqing.

Zhao Zhiqing took it carefully, as if this jade slip was Chen Hao's soul.

Afterwards, eleven storage bags appeared in Chen Hao's hands—these storage bags were taken by him after killing those monks.

"In each of the ten storage bags, there are 1000 million Huiyuan pills in each, a total of [-] million Huiyuan pills! And in this storage bag is a sword and eight trigrams fairy clothes, which are fairy clothes of the fairy level! There is a fairy Weapon Feijian, and dozens of spirit weapons of different grades. These are all for you."

Zhao Zhiqing was shocked, she didn't take these storage bags, but just looked at Chen Hao with a horrified expression.

"What's wrong?" Chen Hao asked softly.

"Murong, why do you have these things? You give me all these, what will you do?" Zhao Zhiqing didn't want to take it, thinking that it was all Chen Hao's stuff.

Immortal weapon, spiritual weapon, [-] million Yuan Dan!Is this something a monk in the rotation period can do?Not to mention the immortal artifacts, which are almost invisible even to the top ten sects.Even if it is [-] million yuan pills, even ordinary small sects can't produce so much.

"Don't worry, these are just a part. I naturally keep a part for myself."

"Really?" Zhao Zhiqing took the eleven storage bags in doubt.

Chen Hao nodded, watching Zhao Zhiqing put the eleven storage bags into her own storage bags.

"I got these things in the depths of the Devil's Mountain. There are still a lot of pills. If you think it's not enough, I can give you some."

Zhao Zhiqing shook her head quickly: "It's enough."

"You don't want to use those fairy artifacts for the time being, so as not to conceive the crime. But the gossip fairy clothes, you can wear them after you recognize the master. With this fairy clothes on you, I feel much more at ease. "

Zhao Zhiqing took out the gossip fairy clothes as she said, and put them on directly after recognizing the Lord with a drop of blood.Like the purple ribbon fairy clothes, the eight trigrams fairy clothes can also be changed at will.It's just that Zhao Zhiqing hid it in her body.

Once she is attacked, Bagua Xianyi will naturally appear to resist the attack.


After handing the gossip fairy clothes to Zhao Zhiqing, Chen Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.After entering the realm of cultivation and realizing the dangers in the realm of cultivation, Chen Hao was always worried about Zhao Zhiqing's safety.

Now, Zhao Zhiqing has become the Saintess of Hidden Immortal Valley, and she has a fairy weapon by her side.At least she has the power to protect herself.Now, Chen Hao can also venture outside with peace of mind.

"Chang Le, Jiang Le, get out of here!"

At this moment, a huge voice came up from the bottom of Qingxuan Peak, it was very ear-piercing.

Chen Hao and Zhao Zhiqing frowned slightly, especially Zhao Zhiqing, there was a hint of resentment between her brows.

"I'm afraid they came to trouble me." Chen Hao smiled at Zhao Zhiqing embarrassedly.

"Whoever dares to make trouble in Qingxuan Peak, I want him to look good." Zhao Zhiqing's pretty face was full of evil, and her voice was cold.The aura of the Saintess of the Hidden Fairy Valley can't help but come out.

Chen Hao next to him watched but nodded secretly.Zhao Zhiqing has always been very simple and kind-hearted.It is difficult for such a person to survive in the realm of comprehension.

When Zhao Zhiqing and Chen Hao's group landed at the foot of Qingxuan Peak, many disciples from Yinxian Valley had already gathered at the foot of the mountain.

And a few of them are the most obvious, standing under the Qingxuan Peak, looking arrogantly at the Qingxuan Peak group slowly coming down.

One of them was Xu Rui who was beaten into a pig's head by Chen Hao not long ago.It's just that the current Xu Rui is standing here fiercely, without any trace of injury.

I have to say that the magic pills in the realm of comprehension are amazing.Ordinary people suffer from muscle and bone injuries for a hundred days, but these skin injuries are nothing in the cultivation world.As long as there are ordinary pills, combined with the cultivator's own cultivation, he can recover in a very short period of time.

"Unexpectedly, Shengnv Zhao actually went down the mountain in person. I really feel honored to be here."

Just as Chen Hao and his party had just descended the mountain, the eyes of the leader of a young man dressed as a disciple of Yinxian Valley lit up, and a smile that he thought was bright appeared on his face and looked towards Zhao Zhiqing.

When she saw that young man, Zhao Zhiqing's complexion sank, and she returned to her icy look.She just glanced at the young man indifferently, and then said indifferently: "Han Tao, what do you mean by making a scene under Qingxuan Peak?"

Hearing this, Han Tao's eyes immediately shot two terrifying rays of light at Chang Le and Jiang Le, and finally his gaze was fixed on Chen Hao.

With a sneer, Han Tao immediately said: "This time, apart from paying homage to the saint, there is also a small matter to deal with."

"I don't know you before, and I don't want to see you at all. You'd better leave me immediately, or don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Zhiqing interrupted Han Tao coldly.

Han Tao was startled, and a gloomy murderous intent flashed between his brows.On the surface, he still kept his smile unchanged.In fact, at this moment, his heart was full of anger, and his murderous intent burst forth.

He is the true disciple of Yinxian Valley!
What is a true disciple?

Only after reaching the stage of distraction can one be qualified to become a true disciple of the Hidden Immortal Valley.The ten sects are all the same.

In other words, the true disciples of the top ten sects are at least monks in the distraction stage.As for a small sect of the Qingguang Sect that intercepted Chen Hao that day, the strongest among their sects was only in the distraction stage.

If one of the true disciples of the top ten sects is drawn out, it is enough to establish a sect outside.

As for Zhao Zhiqing, although she is the Saintess of the Hidden Fairy Valley, her strength is low, and she is only in the respawn period.How could Han Tao not be angry for treating Han Tao like this?
However, although Zhao Zhiqing's strength is low, her status as a saint is higher than that of a true disciple.

Han Tao smiled slightly and said, "Since the saint doesn't welcome me, I'm ashamed to stay. However, before I leave, I need to do a small thing."

While speaking, Han Tao looked at Chen Hao with murderous intent in his eyes.Then he reached out with his big hand and grabbed Chen Hao in the air.

"Han Tao, you are courting death!"

Seeing that Han Tao dared to attack in front of her, Zhao Zhiqing, who knew the strength of the other party, changed immediately.She yelled angrily, and stood in front of Chen Hao in a flash.

However, Chen Hao's body flickered, and he stepped on the military formula, and disappeared in place long ago as a stream of light.than speed?Even Han Tao, who was distracted, was no match for him.

Of course, Chen Hao is fast.But once Han Tao launches an attack, it will be difficult to dodge with his current strength.

Seeing Chen Hao retreating like a ghost, Han Tao was not only surprised.But when he saw Zhao Zhiqing standing in front of Chen Hao, he was shocked even more.

"this person!"

Han Tao was angry in his heart, but he had to withdraw his big hand.Although he was a true disciple of Yinxian Valley, he didn't dare to hurt Zhao Zhiqing.

After all, Zhao Zhiqing is the saint of the sect!At least, within the Hidden Immortal Valley, if he dared to hurt Zhao Zhiqing, he would face the most severe punishment.

Moreover, Zhao Zhiqing was deeply loved by Huangfu Ranxue and the head of Yinxian Valley, and she was a celebrity in Yinxian Valley.If he dared to make a move against Zhao Zhiqing, he might have no good fruit to eat.

"Han Tao, you are so courageous, you ignore the rules of the sect, and openly attacked me on Qingxuan Peak, attacking the saint, what should you do?" Zhao Zhiqing looked at the other party with a murderous look on her pretty face.

So what if the other party is a monk in the distraction period?Although Zhao Zhiqing is not as strong as the opponent.But she knows how to use her identity and the rules of Yinxian Valley to maximize her own interests.

Han Tao's heart burst with murderous intent, wishing he could slap Zhao Zhiqing to death.But on the surface, there was a bright smile on his face: "The saint is joking. How could I, Han Tao, do anything to the saint? But..."

Han Tao's face became gloomy: "I heard that spies from other sects sneaked into Yinxian Valley recently, trying to provoke the relationship between the sect and other major sects. Their intentions are terrible. I just heard that someone sneaked in Qingxuan Peak, Holy Maiden, you are pure-hearted, I am afraid you will be fooled, so I just want to take that person down for interrogation."

"He is my relative, not a spy as you said."

Zhao Zhiqing looked at Han Tao with a face as heavy as water.

"Saint, you are new to the cultivation world, and you don't have a deep understanding of this sinister cultivation world. Even some of your relatives will eventually be against you.

Moreover, even if he is your relative, it may be because of this relationship with you that he has achieved the interests of sowing dissension between the sect and the major sects.

Therefore, I should take this person and hand him over to the sect for interrogation.If it is proved that he has no purpose, we will naturally not continue to embarrass him.Otherwise, holy lady, how do you want the sect to explain? "

Han Tao aggressively approached Zhao Zhiqing.

(End of this chapter)

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