Chapter 242
"I'll say it again, he is my family member and will not harm the sect. Besides, this is my Qingxuanfeng matter. Even if something happens, I, Zhao Zhiqing, will bear it all! Han Tao, you talk so much nonsense, Are you questioning me? Questioning the eyes of the saint? Or questioning the eyes of the head and the elders?"

Cold sweat broke out on Han Tao's forehead. He came aggressively, and actually wanted to take down Chen Hao.But he didn't expect this newly promoted saint to be so eloquent.

With a big hat off, even if he is a true disciple, Han Tao can't stand it anymore.

"Haha, since the saint said that he is your relative, of course I won't question it." Han Tao said with a laugh.However, at the same time, he looked coldly at Chen Hao who came forward again, and said with a sneer, "It's just that some people, as men, only dare to hide behind women and let women stand out?"

In fact, Chen Hao was already upset.It's just that she heard Zhao Zhiqing's voice transmission just now, telling him not to stand out, she should handle this matter completely.

Therefore, after Chen Hao avoided Han Tao's attack, he kept silent.Just looking at Han Tao's aggressive look, he already gritted his teeth in his heart.

It's just that Zhao Zhiqing repeated voice transmissions to calm him down, and he also knew that the opponent's strength was much stronger than his own.If he doesn't use the golden skeleton, he is really not his opponent.

However, at this time, Chen Hao couldn't help it after all.Being said to be someone who would only hide behind women and be protected by women made him a little angry.

But he was furious and knew that if he didn't stand up today, this Han Tao would never let him go.Instead of acting like this, it's better to stand up and have a fierce fight with the other party.At worst, just release the golden skeleton and kill the opponent.

"Han Tao, you are still so shameless. A dignified true disciple, a cultivator in the distraction stage actually bullied a true disciple in the rotation stage to show his face."

Just when Chen Hao was about to go out and have a fierce fight with Han Tao, a voice of disdain came from afar.The next moment, a body quickly flew over from a distance, and finally landed in the middle of the two sides.

"So fast!"

Seeing this, everyone nearby was shocked.But Han Tao's face became gloomy.

"Lu Jun!" Han Tao gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Jun who was dressed in white, with a flash of resentment in his eyes.

The name of the visitor is Lu Jun, one of the true disciples of Yinxian Valley.The cultivation base in the early stage of the tribulation period.Speaking of Lu Jun, he and Han Tao are deadly enemies.

In fact, the two seemed to be relatives and brothers, and their strengths were equal.It's just that the two turned against each other for unknown reasons, and later they fought openly and secretly.However, ten years ago, Lu Jun took the lead in breaking through and entering the fusion stage, and his strength surpassed Han Tao's by ten blocks.

Since then, the two have stopped fighting.In fact, it was Han Tao who knew that he was no longer Lu Jun's opponent.

"So it's Senior Brother Lu."

After seeing the visitor, Zhao Zhiqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Lu Jun has met her a few times, and his reputation among the true disciples is not bad.

Lu Jun nodded to Zhao Zhiqing, and then looked at Han Tao: "Han Tao, how about letting me meet you today? Don't you always bully the small with the big and rely on the strong to bully the weak? Today I will let you try this too." taste."

As he said that, Lu Jun took a step forward, and a fierce aura appeared on his body, and rushed towards Han Tao.

Han Tao's face turned ugly instantly.

"I don't have the same knowledge as you." With a cold snort, Han Tao turned around and turned into a stream of light, leaving just then.However, at this time, Han Tao's voice transmission sounded in Chen Hao's ears: "Boy, you'd better stay in Qingxuan Peak all your life, otherwise once you leave Yinxian Valley, it will be your death date!"

Chen Hao sneered: "Bastard, if you dare to do something to me, see if I don't kill you!"

Oh shit!

Chen Hao was furious in his heart. At this moment, he really wanted to release the golden skeleton and kill Han Tao directly.This bastard is really disgusting.


Lu Jun exchanged pleasantries with Zhao Zhiqing, then turned around and left.

Zhao Zhiqing breathed a sigh of relief, but a look of worry flashed deep in her eyes.

In the system red envelope world.

Chen Hao sat cross-legged on the ground, while the system stood opposite him.

Chen Hao looked at the system with a slight frown, but his face was a bit serious.After more than two years in the realm of self-cultivation, his cultivation has reached the state of rebirth, and this progress has been very fast.

Moreover, it has been less than three years since Chen Hao has grown from a waste to his current cultivation level, so the progress is amazing.Compared with people of the same generation or people of the older generation than Chen Hao, Chen Hao is undoubtedly very powerful.

With the power of fifty pans, his cultivation is close to that of a monk in the heartbeat period!

However, since the trial of the Demon Mountain, all he has come into contact with are the top existences in the cultivation world.The strong man, the half-immortal Zhuang Ningguang, and even a step-immortal have all attacked Chen Hao.

These high-ranking existences put great pressure on Chen Hao.It was also from them that Chen Hao felt how small he was.

The current him can only be regarded as a rookie who has just entered the cultivation world.Most monks can regard him as an ant.

Not long ago, the incident under Qingxuan Peak stimulated Chen Hao even more.

Chen Hao is now notorious in the world of comprehension, and even the elders of Xutianzong who were in the tribulation period were wiped out a few.However, this is not Chen Hao's own strength.

The greater the prestige, the greater the pressure on Chen Hao!The greater the pressure, the more he desires to have great strength.

Therefore, when he came up to Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao immediately announced to retreat.This time, I must improve my strength, otherwise it will be difficult for me to move forward in the realm of comprehension.

"Burning the elixir, speed up the time to the maximum flow rate, this time I must break through to the middle stage of rotation." Chen Hao said after making up his mind.

The system nodded, and left in a flash.In the distance, a river of pills was grabbed by the system from the independent space, and then burned directly.

The terrifying vitality that was as powerful as the ocean exploded, and the world of system red envelopes was immediately accelerated to twenty times!
Chen Hao sat cross-legged on the ground, grasping in the air with both hands, and he grabbed two rivers of pills.Then, he opened his mouth wide, swallowing those pills like a whale swallowing water.

In the body, countless pills spread out, and powerful and huge vitality instantly filled every meridian and every inch of muscle in Chen Hao's body.

Chen Hao took a deep breath of air, and immediately operated the "Chaos Celestial Record", guiding these torrential forces in today's meridians, and began to impact the realm.

Power like a torrent continuously filled every inch of space in Chen Hao's body.Under his guidance and refinement, the power in his body became stronger and more condensed.

The elixir was continuously swallowed by Chen Hao, refined and condensed by him.During this process, Chen Hao's meridians were further widened by him, and his spirit-level physical body became stronger and stronger.

At this time, in Chen Hao's dantian, the nine black lotus seeds began to emit a faint halo, and they had gradually grown from the original small dots to the size of soybeans.

Time passed slowly, and a month passed like this.

On this day, when the nine black lotus seeds in Chen Hao's body grew to the size of a little finger...


A loud noise erupted from Chen Hao's body. Finally, he broke into the realm of a month. At this moment, he shattered the barrier and rushed into the middle stage of rotation.


Chen Hao's body exploded with an aura ten times stronger than before!And in the void above his head, fifty condensed and incomparably black pan chi phantoms appeared out of thin air.

Just after fifty phantoms of Pan Chi appeared, there was an explosion in the void, and a phantom of Pan Chi appeared again.

As the void continued to explode, phantoms of panchi continued to appear.After a long time, the phantom figures of Pan Chi in the sky above Chen Hao's head no longer increased.

Taking a closer look, at this time, there were sixty phantoms of panchi in the void above Chen Hao's head!

In the middle of the rotation, there are sixty ghosts!
If an outsider saw Chen Hao's Dragon Power, he would be terrified and terrified.Generally speaking, monks in the later stage of Xuanzhao only have the power of more than 20 panchi at most.

And Chen Hao is only in the middle stage of rebirth, and he already has the power of a dragon that many monks in the middle stage of heartbeat can't achieve!One can imagine how powerful Chen Hao is.

If Chen Hao's realm continues to break through, then his strength will become stronger and stronger!
The phantom of Pan Chi slowly dissipated, and the black streamer on Chen Hao's body surface also submerged into his body again.However, Chen Hao still sat cross-legged on the ground, and did not end his practice.

Looking from afar, Chen Hao at this time is not only more powerful, but also more energetic and energetic.

Not long after, Chen Hao stood up, and after feeling the changes in his body, Chen Hao couldn't help but screamed up to the sky.

"In the middle stage of the rotation, the power of sixty dragons! The longevity has increased by 5000, reaching [-] years!" Chen Hao's voice was full of surprise and excitement.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the longevity is getting bigger and bigger.This made Chen Hao's confidence stronger than ever!If you have enough longevity and resources for yourself to squander, as long as you give yourself enough time, you will surely be able to trample the entire cultivation world under your feet in the future!

At this moment, Chen Hao was in high spirits.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao left the red envelope world of the system and appeared on Qingxuan Peak.Spiritual Mind reached out, and then he strode towards a hall in Qingxuan Peak.

Qingxuan Peak is Zhao Zhiqing's private territory!Here, Chen Hao has no restrictions and can go anywhere.In fact, there are only a dozen or so people in the entire Qingxuan Peak, and there are only a few buildings, so there is no secret at all.

Stepping into the hall with one step, the eyes of more than a dozen people in the hall immediately looked at Chen Hao.Seeing this, the faces of these people showed surprise.

One day ago, Chen Hao was only at the early stage of Xuanzhao's strength, but one day later, he has broken through to the middle stage of Xuanzhao!This surprised everyone present. They were all surprised and shocked by Chen Haoxiu's breakthrough.

And Zhao Zhiqing's wonderful eyes looked at Chen Hao with a moving look.

"Hi, everyone." Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Chen Hao just smiled and greeted everyone.

Most of the people would nod to Chen Hao, but the woman in red just snorted coldly and glared at Chen Hao, looking very dissatisfied.

Chen Hao didn't care about it, walked to the back of the main hall, sat down in a big seat next to Zhao Zhiqing, then smiled at everyone and said: "Everyone don't worry about me, you can do what you should do Well go, I'll just pretend I can't see it."

Obviously, a dozen or so people from Qingxuan Peak must be discussing something when they gathered together.Chen Hao's face is also thick-skinned, relying on Zhao Zhiqing, he did not avoid suspicion.

There was an awkward smile on everyone's face.After all, Chen Hao is an outsider, and it is really not easy to continue discussing the things they want to discuss in front of him.

However, because of Zhao Zhiqing's face, none of them dared to say anything.

However, just because they didn't dare to say it didn't mean that no one dared to say it.

"Hmph, we are discussing about Qingxuan Peak, and you are not a disciple of Qingxuan Peak, what are you doing here?" The woman in the red dress still remembered Chen Hao's revenge for taking the sword that day, and immediately said in a cold voice.

Chen Hao didn't bother to pay attention to him, and he reclined loosely on the chair, closing his eyes and recuperating.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt it was funny, and it was difficult to connect Chen Hao in the hall with the notorious person rumored outside.

However, the woman in red looked at Chen Hao with gritted teeth, as if she wanted to pounce on him and bite Chen Hao to death.

Zhao Zhiqing just smiled and said, "Let's continue."

Although Chen Hao looked like he closed his eyes and rested his mind, was he really closing his eyes and resting his mind?

However, listening to the words of Ying Sheng Yan Yu in the hall, he felt very relaxed in his heart, so he completely relaxed.

Zhao Zhiqing and others continued to discuss, nothing more than how to build Qingxuan Peak, how to attract disciples from Yinxian Valley to join Qingxuan Peak and so on.However, after discussing for a long time, there was no result.

However, at this time, there was a slight snoring sound from the hall.

Wen Sheng looked over, but found that the snoring sound was coming from Chen Hao.As a result, the women in the hall, including Zhao Zhiqing, couldn't help being surprised.

Is this guy really the notorious Chen Hao rumored outside?Unprepared, he fell asleep in the hall.

Seeing this, the woman in red couldn't bear it anymore.Immediately screamed: "Mu! Rong! Yu!"

The high-pitched and sharp voice went straight into the ear of Chen Hao who was sleeping.Chen Hao woke up immediately, and saw him suddenly jumping up from the chair, looking around with vigilant eyes with sleepy eyes, and said loudly: "Who is it, who is calling me."

"Brother Murong, you're drooling." Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao and smiled.

Chen Hao turned pale with shock, and quickly reached out to touch the corner of his mouth, but he didn't find any overflowing saliva.Immediately, he came into contact with the funny expressions of the girls.

"Hey... I accidentally fell asleep, you guys continue."

"Hehe..." Finally, the dozen or so women in the hall couldn't help laughing.The laughing Chen Hao was very embarrassed.

"Go ahead."

"Forget it, we can't discuss anything. Let's let it go today." Zhao Zhiqing waved her hand and said helplessly.

"Well, you all want to develop Qingxuan Peak and disciples, right? I do have a suggestion, do you mind if I say it?"

"Hmph, we've been discussing for a long time with no results. Do you have any good suggestions?" The woman in red looked at Chen Hao disdainfully.

Chen Hao shrugged and just looked at Zhao Zhiqing.

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, so Chen Hao expressed his thoughts.

Chen Hao pondered for a while, organized his words, and then said: "Although I was sleeping just now, I vaguely heard what you were discussing. You all want to develop Qingxuan Peak and absorb the lineage of Qingxuan Peak It's just a disciple."

"Qingxuan Peak has been established for more than three months. However, there are only two or three of your kittens in the entire Nuoda mountain. According to my analysis, it is nothing more than the following reasons."

After glancing at everyone, Chen Hao nodded, and then said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, the dozen or so of you should have a good relationship before you came to Qingxuan Peak. Therefore, when Qingxuan Peak was established, you Just join Qingxuanfeng. Am I right?"

Chen Hao looked at the woman in red and said with a smile.

Hua Wei gave Chen Hao a hard look and snorted coldly.But he didn't speak, obviously acquiescing to Chen Hao's words.

"So Qingxuan Peak was established for three months, but no one joined except you. What is this for?" Chen Hao looked at Zhao Zhiqing.

Zhao Zhiqing smiled embarrassedly.

Chen Hao obviously didn't want Zhao Zhiqing and the others to answer, because he went on to say: "Zhiqing, you are one of the saintesses. Being able to be named a saintess in the reincarnation period, it is obvious that the school has seen your future potential. This obviously."

"However, after all, you are just a monk in the transition period, so what if you have unlimited potential in the future? What if you are valued by the sect?"

"However, your strength is too weak. In addition, you don't have the conditions to attract others to join Qingxuan Peak. That is to say, Qingxuan Peak has nothing but potential."

"We are all disciples of Yinxian Valley, but why did they join other mountains and become their lineage? Apart from having a strong person who can be used as a backer, there is another thing that the mountain has a lot of resources to provide. them."

"Unless you get a lot of medicine pills and magic weapons, this will attract a large number of disciples to join the Qingxuan Peak lineage. Otherwise, in another ten years, there will be few people from Qingxuan Peak. Of course, if ten years later Nei Zhiqing, if you have reached the distraction stage, if you are in the fusion stage, many disciples will join Qingxuan Peak."

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, and everyone else felt the same way.It's just that Hua Wei in the red dress looked at Chen Hao with disdain, and said, "Chen Hao, you have said so much nonsense, we already knew about it. Don't you have some methods? If it's just these nonsense, You better stop talking."

Chen Hao laughed it off, and didn't care about Hua Wei at all, and then said: "There is more intense weather vitality on Qingxuan Peak than in Yinxian Valley, as long as there are strong people sitting here, or there are a lot of resources, it should be able to change the current situation. Condition."

"Can you provide these three things?" Hua Wei looked at Chen Hao and sneered.

"Of course not."

Hua Wei was about to sarcastically, but at this time Chen Hao continued: "I can't provide a strong person, as for making Qingxuan Peak's heaven and earth vitality more intense, we only need to arrange some spirit-gathering formations here ...Of course, I'm also incapable of arranging them. But, Zhiqing, you can invite your master, Elder Huangfu, I believe she will be happy to help."

"And me? I can provide you with a lot of resources. Magical weapons, even Huiyuan Pill."

It turned out that Chen Hao actually wanted to provide these things to Zhao Zhiqing.

In fact, when he entered the main hall and listened to Zhao Zhiqing and others talking about this matter, a plan had already appeared in his mind.

And after waking up, he began to implement this plan.

Now, he is a casual cultivator with no background or sect.It's just that the resources in the system's red envelope world are enough to train a large group of people.And where are these people trained?
Chen Hao chose Qingxuan Peak.

Qingxuan Peak is Zhao Zhiqing's influence.Once this power rises, it will naturally be beneficial to Chen Hao.Moreover, if one day Zhao Zhiqing becomes the head of the Hidden Immortal Valley because of this, it will be of greater benefit to Chen Hao.

However, it would be very difficult for Zhao Zhiqing to become the head of Hidden Immortal Valley if she only relies on herself.To become the head of the sect, apart from the support of some old fellows of the sect, one also needs to have one's own strength.

The stronger Qingxuan Peak is, the more favorable it will be for Zhao Zhiqing to be the head!

Therefore, rather than saying that Chen Hao cultivated Qingxuanfeng, it might be better to say that he wanted to support Zhao Zhiqing to the top.

Even if Zhao Zhiqing could not succeed in taking the position in the end, with the powerful force of Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao was still able to walk in the realm of comprehension.

However, it may take a very long time to wait until the day when Qingxuan Peak becomes stronger and can be used by Chen Hao.However, everything starts from scratch.

"You provide resources?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Hua Wei immediately sneered.Although Chen Hao has been in the limelight recently, she doesn't think Chen Hao has much resources.

After all, he is just a casual cultivator in the recovery period.Not only did Hua Wei think so, even other people looked at Chen Hao suspiciously.

However, only Zhao Zhiqing's eyes were shining.As smart as she is, she already vaguely knows what Chen Hao means.However, although she vaguely guessed what Chen Hao was thinking, she absolutely agreed.

After all, it was her wish that Qingxuan Peak could become stronger, and it would only benefit her and not harm her.Even if this matter is not beneficial to her at all, as long as it is something Chen Hao wants to do, she will unconditionally support it.

"Although I don't have much resources, but in the early stage, it is enough." Chen Hao just looked at the reserves of Huiyuan Pill in the red envelope of the system.

Although he burned a lot, it was like a bucket of water in the ocean, and there was no Huiyuan Dan at all.Moreover, besides Huiyuan Pill, there are also Zhenyuan Pill and other pills.

(End of this chapter)

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