Chapter 243
Everyone looked at Chen Hao suspiciously, not believing it at all.

At this time, before Hua Wei could say anything, Chen Hao flipped his hands, and then a dozen storage bags appeared in his hands.Then, like a big hand, more than a dozen storage bags flew towards the crowd.

"There are 100 Yuan Pills in each of the storage bags, it can be regarded as my gift to you."

"One million Yuan Dan!" Everyone was shocked, and Hua Wei took the storage bag with a look of disdain. Just when she was about to say something sarcastic, her divine sense had already penetrated into the storage bag.

At this moment, she saw that there were hills of Huiyuan Pills piled up in the storage bag, and the torrential aura of the pills filled the entire storage bag.

At this moment, Hua Wei opened her small mouth wide, and swallowed the words mocking Chen Hao that were about to spit out.Then, she screamed: "It really is 100 million yuan pills! Chen Hao, why do you have such a large amount of pills?"

Hua Wei was shocked, and looked at Chen Hao in horror.At this time, she was convinced that the man in front of her was really not talking big, but that he really had these resources.

100!The thirteen people here, that is, Chen Hao threw away 300 million Huiyuan Pills!This is a huge fortune.

The girls looked at the storage bag in their hands, then at Chen Hao, and then at Zhao Zhiqing.While shocked, he was a little overwhelmed.

100 million back to Yuan Dan.At this moment, they felt that the storage bag in their hands was as heavy as a mountain.They didn't even think about it, if there was no Chen Hao, would they have so many pills in their lifetime of practice?

The girls looked at Zhao Zhiqing, wondering whether they should accept her or not.

Zhao Zhiqing smiled slightly, and said: "Since brother Murong gave it to you, you should be his subordinates. Don't be polite to him."

"Thank you, Brother Murong." The girls thanked Chen Hao, and hurriedly put the storage bag into their own storage bag.

And Chen Hao seemed to think that the women were not shocking enough, so he saw his big hands grasping in the void.The next moment, in the void in front of him, thirteen flying swords exuding a powerful aura appeared out of thin air.

"A high-grade magic weapon."

All the girls exclaimed, one of them stared at these high-grade magic weapon flying swords with bright eyes.

Chen Hao smiled slightly and waved his hand. Immediately, these flying swords flew up out of thin air: "One for each of them, I gave it to you."

This time, the girls stopped being polite with Chen Hao, and after choosing a flying sword each, they accepted the master sweetly.

"Boy, you are really generous. A high-grade magic weapon, the flying sword, is probably worth no less than 100 million yuan pills." At this time, the system in the system red envelope world said with a smile: "Is it possible that you are You have taken a fancy to them and want to bring them into your harem, right?"

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "I'm not a stallion, I don't have that much energy to deal with these women. Do you understand this is called investment?"

It's not that Chen Hao is very generous. He will send 100 million pills to anyone he sees like this, and he will give him a flying sword of the highest grade magic weapon.In this way, even a big sect can't support it.

The reason why Chen Hao did this was nothing more than investment.He wanted to tell others that as long as he joined Qingxuan Peak, he would have a lot of pills and flying swords.

"How about you, are you happy to accept my gift?" Chen Hao looked at everyone with a smile.

All the girls nodded excitedly, chattering there one by one, full of excitement.

"I got the flying sword of the top-grade magic weapon level. I'm afraid that the core disciples of Yinxian Valley don't have the same treatment? Look at you, why don't you go outside and try the new flying sword?"

"Senior Sister Zhao, I'm going to try the new flying sword now." Hua Wei greeted Zhao Zhiqing excitedly, and then rushed out like a streamer.

Immediately, the other women also left the hall one after another, and went outside to test their swords.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of sword energy and laughter outside, it was very lively.

And Chen Hao just said to Zhao Zhiqing with a smile on his face: "Get ready to accept disciples. Within three days, there will definitely be a large number of disciples who want to join Qingxuan Peak."

All the girls excitedly tested their swords on the Qingxuan Peak.All of a sudden, the sword energy on the Qingxuan Peak was raging, and the light of the sword was very lively.

Originally, Qingxuan Peak was just the most common mountain in Yinxian Valley.However, after the Qingxuan Peak was bestowed upon the newly promoted saintess of the sect, the place gradually became alive.

However, although Zhao Zhiqing is a saint, her actual strength is too low, and she doesn't have any resources.As a result, no one joined Qingxuan Peak at all.

However, just because no one joined Qingxuan Peak doesn't mean that no one paid attention to Qingxuan Peak.

In fact, during these three months, many disciples were secretly observing Qingxuan Peak nearby.

On this day, there were bursts of laughter from the Qingxuan Peak, which was originally quite quiet.Immediately, the disciples who were paying attention to Qingxuan Peak looked over in surprise.

Seeing this, they were immediately taken aback!
On the Qingxuan Peak, there are sword lights criss-crossing, and the sword lights are flying.Gorgeous and powerful.In fact, what shocked them was not how powerful the girls were.

In fact, the strengths of the girls in Qingxuan Peak vary widely, there are foundation building stages, rotation stages, and integration stages.And the one with the highest strength is just a heartbeat period.

These realms are not worth mentioning at all.However, at this moment, the powerful aura emanating from the Qingxuan Peak is very powerful.

"Flying sword, a high-grade magic weapon!"

When seeing the flying swords in the hands of the women, someone suddenly exclaimed.

However, what shocked them was obviously more than that.Not only one person has a high-grade magic weapon, 13 people, each of them has a high-grade magic weapon in their hands!
When did Hidden Immortal Valley become so powerful?A high-grade magic weapon in hand?
While everyone was shocked, they looked at their own flying swords.Don't talk about high-grade magical artifacts, even middle-grade magical artifacts don't count.It's just a poor low-grade magic weapon.

In fact, in the world of comprehension, which one of the top-grade magic weapon-level flying swords and magic weapons is not worth more than one million?Among the countless sects, most monks use low-grade magic weapons.

Even if they are the core disciples of the top ten sects, it is almost impossible for them to have high-grade magic weapons.

Generally speaking, it is obvious that only true disciples can be high-grade magic weapons, and not everyone has them.

And Huawei's women hold a high-grade magic weapon flying sword. Obviously, this is not the style of Yinxian Valley, but the treatment of Qingxuan Peak.

While everyone was shocked, the girls on Qingxuan Peak seemed to be tired from playing.Some people seem to have spent a lot of their true energy.Ever since, these people sat cross-legged on the ground, and then took out a lot of pills and stuffed them directly into their mouths.

Eating pills is like eating beans.

"This... those are Huiyuan pills." Immediately, someone saw the pills in the hands of the girls clearly, and then exclaimed.

"Huiyuan Pills! They actually have so many Huiyuan Pills." Seeing the girls devouring Huiyuan Pills one by one, the monks near Qingxuan Peak swallowed hard, with shocked expressions on their faces. color.

It should be noted that monks in the foundation establishment period can only receive five Huiyuan pills from the sect in a month.As for the girls on Qingxuan Peak, some of them even swallowed more than a dozen Huiyuan Pills at once.

Too extravagant.

Envy and jealousy.

However, things are much more than that.On the Qingxuan Peak, some women seem to have regained their strength.But he was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, as if he was practicing.

As time went by, the Huiyuan Pills were swallowed by these cultivating women...

As pills were swallowed continuously, more and more vitality accumulated in these women's bodies.After a long time, there were bursts of loud noises from these women.

A breath that was much stronger than before emanated from them—their realm was actually broken by the aura contained in the elixirs they used vigorously.

During this process, the people near Qingxuan Peak made a count.In the process of their cultivation, some people even swallowed more than 100 or even more pills.

As low-level monks in the Hidden Immortal Valley, it is impossible for them to have so many Huiyuan Pills on them.Because it's impossible.However, now they take pills casually, that is to say, they don't care about these pills at all.

Why don't you care?Most likely it was because they had a lot of pills on them.

But, where do these pills come from?It was obviously related to Zhao Zhiqing.

Disciples one by one quietly left the vicinity of Qingxuan Peak.

Not long after, a piece of news about Qingxuan Peak spread in Yinxian Valley.

Inside the Qingxuan Peak, everyone holds a high-grade magic weapon and eats the pill as if it were fried beans.

Qingxuan Peak has a lot of resources and magic weapons!
All of a sudden, this news quickly spread in the Hidden Immortal Valley.At the beginning, many people did not believe it.It's just that the girls on the Qingxuan Peak seem to have revealed their products, the magic weapon flying sword and the elixir intentionally or unintentionally.

Moreover, the realm of the people above Qingxuan Peak seems to have improved.

In this way, they had to believe it.And at this moment, news spread that Qingxuan Peak had started accepting disciples.

Immediately, under the Qingxuan Peak, many Yinxian Valley disciples were used.

"Cultivation, aptitude is not important. The important thing is loyalty and loyalty. Aptitude can be poor, but we have pills, which can improve your cultivation. However, I don't want all of us in Qingxuan Peak It’s all because of our resources.”

"Even though we have infinite elixir, we can raise a person from a low-level monk to a high-level one. However, if they are not loyal to our Qingxuan Peak, what do we want them to do? Once we have no resources, such people will leave Qingxuan Peak as soon as possible. hanging peak."

"So, character is the most important thing in recruiting disciples. What we want is quality, not quantity."

On Qingxuan Peak, in the main hall, Chen Hao counted the fifteen people in front of him as if he had regarded himself as the master of the place.

Yes, fifteen people.In addition to the original thirteen girls, there are two more people—Jiang Le and Chang Le.Anyway, these two guys didn't join any sect, so Chen Hao brought them closer to Qingxuan Peak.

Listening to Chen Hao's lecture, everyone nodded secretly.Even Hua Wei, who had always been at odds with Chen Hao, did not contradict him at this time.

Chen Hao's resource offensive has already paid off.If Hua Wei is still the same after receiving Chen Hao's high-grade magic weapon-level flying sword and 100 million pills——then Chen Hao can only admit that his attempt to buy people's hearts has failed.

"In the early stage, resources were limited. We must ensure that everyone who joins Qingxuanfeng has resources available. Therefore, we must control the number. In addition to considering resource issues, another reason is that we must Cultivate the core disciples of Qingxuan Peak first."

"Qingxuanfeng will become stronger and stronger, but you alone are not enough. Therefore, we recruit more elites, and when you become stronger, you can control them!"

"Also, I suggest that when recruiting disciples this time, it's best not to have their realm higher than the heartbeat stage. Well, considering Zhiqing's relationship, try to recruit female disciples in the early stage."

"I'm done talking, what do you guys think?" After Chen Hao finished speaking, he sat down on the chair.Then, after Zhao Zhiqing and the others discussed some details, they began to confirm the recruitment of disciples.

Naturally, Chen Hao wouldn't worry about this.Therefore, in the next time, he will either practice in the red envelope world of the system, or wander around on Qingxuan Peak.

Zhao Zhiqing and others were busy recruiting disciples, and no one cared about Chen Hao.Chen Hao was also happy to spend a few days walking around almost every corner of Qingxuan Peak.

Because the disciples to be recruited need to pay attention to character and so on.Therefore, it took half a month for Qingxuan Peak to recruit a hundred disciples.

Moreover, these 100 people are all women.The strength ranges from the foundation period to the fusion period.No one is beyond the heartbeat period.This is because, once a disciple is too strong, Zhao Zhiqing and the others will be unable to control it now.

On this day, after Qingxuan Peak recruited a hundred disciples, it stopped recruiting disciples.

This move made many people sigh and regret, saying that their fate is not good.But those male monks sighed... Fortunately, this was only the first time that Qingxuan Peak recruited disciples.

They want to join Qingxuan Peak, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the top of Qingxuan Peak.All of a sudden, the earth shook and the mountains shook.A wave of murderous intent shot out from the top of the Qingxuan Peak and shot straight into the sky.

Everyone turned pale with shock, they all looked towards Qingxuan Peak in shock.At this time, looking from a distance, the Qingxuan Peak, which could be seen at the top of the mountain at a glance, is now shrouded in a thin layer of white mist.Faint murderous intentions were hidden in the white mist, which looked daunting.


Suddenly, a stone tablet suddenly fell from the sky, and a huge stone tablet like a small mountain peak fell from Qingxuan Peak.Then it was inserted directly under Qingxuan Peak.

A few big characters in bright red like blood stood on the ground along with the huge stone tablet.

"There is a Great Immortal Formation inside, stop those who come, otherwise there will be no death or injury." The bright red characters looked very dazzling and gloomy under the sunlight.


Everyone in Qingxuan Peak looked at each other, not knowing what kind of drama this was.

"Students of Qingxuan Peak don't need to panic, I will naturally teach you how to enter and exit the Great Immortal Formation." Chen Hao's voice came, and then a figure slowly descended from Qingxuan Peak and came in front of everyone.

Seeing Chen Hao, everyone in Qingxuan Peak felt relieved.This guy is always very mysterious, and all the girls are very convinced of him.

"Everyone, please follow me. Everyone else, please leave too." Chen Hao smiled slightly, then turned around and walked towards Qingxuan Peak.

The people from Qingxuan Peak hurriedly followed, looking around in the formation, looking like curious babies.However, if they knew that this formation was the one that killed Fei Mingzhong, a monk of the Yuanxu Sect's combined body stage, how would they feel?

The Absolute Immortal Array is a lore-killing array, extremely powerful.Although Chen Hao's current strength is not enough to exert the power of the Great Immortal Formation.

However, when arranging this Great Immortal Formation, Chen Hao used hundreds of magic weapon-level flying swords and dozens of spiritual-level flying swords.

So many flying swords are arranged around Qingxuan Peak, covering the entire Qingxuan Peak in the Great Immortal Formation.If the power of the Absolute Immortal Formation is unleashed with all its strength, even a cultivator in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage will not be able to forcibly break through this formation.

Moreover, during this process, with the help of the system, Chen Hao arranged several large spirit-absorbing arrays in Qingxuan Peak.

The so-called spirit-absorbing array is also an array that attracts the vitality of heaven and earth.With the existence of these formations, the Great Immortal Formation can continue to operate automatically, and will never collapse due to lack of spiritual energy.

Moreover, with these large spirit-absorbing formations, the vitality of the world in Qingxuan Peak will become more and more intense in the future.

It took Chen Hao half a month to arrange these formations.

In the main hall of Qingxuan Peak, more than a dozen people gathered together again.Here, Chen Hao explained the method of entering and exiting the Great Immortal Formation.Instruct these people to pass this method on to the one hundred newly recruited disciples so that they can enter and exit the Great Immortal Formation.

Only, this time the problem came.

Hua Wei asked: "The Absolute Immortal Formation sounds very powerful. But as long as we have more disciples in Qingxuan Peak, the method of entering and exiting the formation will probably be leaked. At that time, wouldn't this formation be useless?" used?"

Hearing this, the others all nodded their heads, and they all had the same meaning.

Chen Hao smiled, and then said: "After all, this is within the Immortal Valley, and the Great Immortal Formation is usually not activated. Even if you enter the formation by mistake, you will only be trapped inside the formation."

"Because of this, it is useless even if you know how to enter and exit the formation. Because once the formation is activated, these entry and exit methods will be invalid immediately! At that time, no one can freely enter and exit the formation. Of course, I have activated the formation. I taught Zhiqing the method of formation. At that time, when you are strong enough, you can gradually master the Great Immortal Formation."

"Is this formation really useful?" A female disciple asked.When they were passing through the formation just now, they really didn't think there was anything special about this formation.

Except for some clouds and mist on his body and some vague murderous intent, the rest is the same as usual.Moreover, the most peculiar thing about this formation is that the inside of Qingxuan Peak cannot be seen clearly from the outside, and even the divine sense cannot penetrate it.But inside the formation, it is easy to see the situation outside.

"Outside of the ancient spring city, I used this formation to kill the elders who were in the fusion stage of the Yuanxu Gate. Do you think this formation is useful?" Chen Hao said with a smile.


Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at each other with horrified faces.At this time, they realized that they had just walked through the gate of hell.

If Chen Hao had launched the formation attack at that time, they would have been blasted to powder long ago.

In the following time, Chen Hao generously took out 100 middle-grade magic weapon-level flying swords and [-] million yuan pills and handed them over to Hua Wei and the others.

These are the treatment for newly joined sect disciples.The high-grade magic weapon flying sword was gone, but everyone got a middle-grade magic weapon-level flying sword and [-] yuan pills.

This also made these people overjoyed.

At the same time, Chen Hao even let out the words: You can use the Huiyuan Pill, don't be afraid of wasting it, as long as it is within your tolerance, you can directly pile up the realm!

I can provide as many yuan pills as you want!Moreover, as long as your strength reaches the realm of the core disciples of the Hidden Immortal Valley, you may even have flying swords or magic weapons at the spiritual level!
Hearing Chen Hao's words, the people on Qingxuan Peak almost went crazy.

I won't worry about Huiyuan Pill, I don't have to worry about everything.Even as long as it reaches the stage of spiritual silence, there may be a spiritual weapon!This treatment drives them crazy.

Of course, it is not without conditions that Chen Hao spared no expense in training them.He needs loyalty!You need to be loyal to him and Zhao Zhiqing.

In fact, these days, Chen Hao's performance has been a bit overwhelming, and he has vaguely become the master of Qingxuan Peak.Of course, Zhao Zhiqing wouldn't mind either.

Qingxuan Peak is about tens of miles in size. In the following time, Qingxuan Peak and others also started to build Qingxuan Peak during their frenzied cultivation.

Finally, with their efforts, Qingxuan Peak became more and more lively.Moreover, within a month, disciples had breakthroughs in realms one after another.

The most gratifying thing is that Zhao Zhiqing's cultivation has entered the integration period, and she didn't accumulate it with pills.Instead, rely on your own practice for safety.

Her cultivation speed is really shocking and shocking.Even, it far surpassed Chen Hao's speed.Of course, Chen Hao just sighed.

The stronger Zhao Zhiqing was, the happier Chen Hao was.Moreover, although Chen Hao is only in the mid-stage of Xuanzhao now, he can almost sweep away the monks in the heart-beating stage.

So, sometimes realm doesn't mean anything to Chen Hao.

On this day, Chen Hao wandered back to the main peak from the distance of Qingxuan Peak.Along the way, he met many disciples of Qingxuan Peak, and these female disciples called him kindly: Brother Murong.

These people all knew about the relationship between Chen Hao and Zhao Zhiqing, and everything they used now was provided by this seemingly harmless, but notoriously vicious person.

Chen Hao was very happy in his heart for the names everyone called him.Therefore, always smile and nod in response.

(End of this chapter)

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