Chapter 244 Invitation


Chen Hao stepped into the main hall of the main peak and yelled, but found that there was a stranger in the hall.In fact, he was not a stranger anymore. Chen Hao had met this person at the Immortal Cultivation Conference.

"Uh, boy Chen Hao met Elder Huangfu. Since you have something to discuss, I won't bother you." Saying that, Chen Hao was about to leave the hall.

"Chen Hao, this time I came here because of you." Huangfu Ranxue looked at Chen Hao and said with a smile, as if she had a good impression of Chen Hao.

"Uh, Elder Huangfu came to see me? What's the matter?" Chen Hao asked with a look of astonishment on his face, but he didn't leave.

Huangfu Ranxue signaled Chen Hao to sit down, then looked at Chen Hao and asked with a smile: "Chen Hao, you have been in Yinxian Valley for three months, right? How do you feel about Yinxian Valley?"

Chen Hao looked at Huangfu Ranxue, but felt a little suspicious in his heart, not knowing what she meant.But he still replied: "It's okay, um, it really deserves to be one of the top ten sects. It occupies a vast area and has strong troops. I think Yinxian Valley is definitely capable of aspiring to be the top ten sects."

Hearing Chen Hao's answer, Elder Huangfu was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face, and he continued: "In the past three months, with your help, Qingxuan Peak has gradually improved. The cultivation of all the disciples Both have grown. You have spared no effort to help, which really makes me ashamed."

Chen Hao smiled shyly: "It's okay, I'm not helping Zhiqing. Although she has the care of you, Elder Huangfu, I still don't trust her, so I can only do my best to let her Get stronger, that's all."

"If you look like this, it's a bit unfair, Chen Hao, I have a suggestion, I don't know if I should say it or not?" Huangfu Ranxue looked at Chen Hao and smiled.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "Could Elder Huangfu want me to join the Hidden Immortal Valley? If that's the case, I'll have to think about it."

Huangfu Ranxue was taken aback, her purpose today was to hope that Chen Hao could join Yinxian Valley.After all, no matter in which aspect, Chen Hao is definitely a talent.

"Don't worry, our Hidden Immortal Valley will not be like Xutianzong. If you can join Hidden Immortal Valley, we will definitely not interfere with any of your secrets."

Chen Hao pondered for a moment. In fact, he had already considered the matter of joining the Hidden Immortal Valley many times.However, he was worried that Yinxian Valley, like Xu Tianzong, would covet his things.

After all, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of straw ropes for ten years.Chen Hao didn't want to be plotted against again and again.Moreover, although he joined a sect, he had a great backer.But there are also many restrictions, it is better to be a casual cultivator to feel at ease.

"Sorry, Elder Huangfu, I need time to think about this matter." Chen Hao did not immediately refuse.

Huangfu Ranxue didn't force it, and everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while before taking their leave.

"Elder Huangfu."

When Huangfu Ranxue was about to leave Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao followed her up.

"Have you considered it?"

Chen Hao shook his head, and then he said: "I want to know, is it possible for Zhiqing to become the head of Yinxian Valley?"

"It's possible, but if you don't have a certain strength, you can't become the head."

Chen Hao nodded, as long as it is possible.As for strength?With the aptitude of Zhao Zhiqing's fairy body, I believe that He will improve her strength soon.

As for Qingxuan Peak, with his strong resource support, what are you afraid of?
Huangfu Ranxue left, while Chen Hao stood alone on the top of the mountain, lost in thought.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Hao finally made a decision: "It's also time to leave."

The realm of comprehension is so big that Chen Hao's way is ahead, not just stuck on Qingxuan Peak.

In the next few days, Chen Hao transferred some magic weapons, pills and the like to Zhao Zhiqing, and then left Qingxuan Peak and Yinxian Valley alone.

The reason why she decided to leave Qingxuan Peak now is because Qingxuan Peak has already entered the right track, with the support of Chen Hao's elixir and magic weapon, with Zhao Zhiqing's ability, she can naturally control the future development of Qingxuan Peak.

Therefore, he left without worrying too much.After all, Zhao Zhiqing also had her own way to go, and Chen Hao didn't want to interfere too much with the other party.

During this process, he did not look for Huangfu Ranxue.He meant to think about it, but he didn't say when he would give Huangfu Ranxue an answer.

Outside the Immortal Valley, Han Tao, who had already received the news, was lurking in a valley with a certain disciple, waiting for Chen Hao's arrival.

After leaving the Hidden Immortal Valley, Chen Hao took control of the spear and flew towards the distance.

Just when Chen Hao was about tens of miles away from Yinxian Valley, and when Chen Hao was flying fast, a monstrous hand came out from above the sky, shattered the void, shattered the sky, and faced Chen Hao grabbed the head and face directly.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous intent flashed between his brows.I saw him with a sneer on his face and indifferent eyes.But he didn't look surprised.

Obviously, he knew that this kind of thing would happen.

"court death!"

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and sixty incomparably condensed panchi phantoms hovered above his head.I saw him burst out with a punch.


Condensing the power of sixty panchi, it is earth-shattering, and even the sky can be smashed.However, the moment this force hit that big hand...

I saw the big hand that collapsed and slammed down violently.Immediately, Chen Hao's skyrocketing power was directly shattered.However, the big hand was not hindered by anything, and it still grabbed Chen Hao extremely quickly.

Chen Hao frowned slightly. At this moment, he rushed directly from the void to the ground.Then, I saw him stepping on the military formula, his whole body turned into a streak of light, and quickly flew towards the distance.


After the loud noise, the big hand slammed down violently, and the terrifying power exploded, and a mountain was shattered.Within a few miles, everything was blasted to pieces.

However, Chen Hao's speed was terrifying. At the last moment, he rushed out, but the power of the big hand did not affect him.

However, at this time, Chen Hao stopped walking.Because, in front of him, more than a dozen monks wearing the costumes of the disciples of Yinxian Valley have appeared.

The first one is Han Tao, a true disciple of Yinxian Valley and a monk in the state of distraction.

However, at this time, his face was very ugly.It was he who made the move just now.

The dignified master of the distraction stage didn't even touch the corner of the clothes of Chen Hao, a monk in the rotation stage, which made him very embarrassed and ashamed.

Chen Hao stopped and looked at Han Tao and the others angrily.Although he had already guessed that Han Tao would attack him, he was still very angry when he saw him.

"Han Tao, you intercept and kill me! Unexpectedly, the true disciples of Yinxian Valley are so despicable and shameless." Chen Hao looked at the other party and said angrily.

"I'm shameless?" Han Tao sneered: "If you hadn't been in Qingxuan Peak all day long, I would have killed you long ago. Would I have waited until then? However, I also feel lucky. If I gave you that day If you killed it, I didn't know you had so many magic weapons and pills on your body."

While speaking, Han Tao had a greedy look on his face.And the other disciples of Yinxian Valley also looked at Chen Hao with bright eyes.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. What Chen Hao did on Qingxuan Peak in the past few months has already spread.

Possessing a large number of magic weapons and pills... In the eyes of some people, Chen Hao has already become a mobile treasure house.As long as Chen Hao is taken down, he will become rich overnight and possess endless magic weapons and elixir.

Hearing this, Chen Hao was a little surprised.At first, he thought that Han Tao was looking for his own bad luck because he left Xu Rui's relationship a few months ago, but he didn't expect that the other party was looking for the magic weapon and resources in him.

"I have plenty of magic weapons and elixir. However, you, a bunch of trash, want to get them from me? You don't have the ability yet." Chen Hao sneered.

Among the top ten sects, Yinxian Valley is not only vaguely the top ten sects, but also has the best reputation.It's just that no matter where you are, there will always be some black apples.

Just like a disciple like Han Tao, and he is also a true disciple.Seeing that they seem to be very experienced, it seems that this kind of thing has been done a lot.

"Really?" Han Tao sneered, and waved his hand: "Take him down, remember, don't kill him."

Hearing this, more than a dozen disciples from Yinxian Valley grinned grinningly and rushed towards Chen Hao.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, fierce murderous intent splashed in his eyes, and the killing intent permeated the mountain forest.

"Anyone who takes my idea will die, and you are no exception!" Chen Hao sneered, and suddenly shouted: "Wan Jian Jue!"

call out!call out!call out!
At the same time as Chen Hao shouted loudly, dozens of flying swords splashed out from his body, spurting out hundreds of millions of sword lights, attacking indiscriminately in all directions, strangling him.

All of a sudden, the sword qi criss-crossed, and countless sword shadows shattered everything, killing the whole world.

Hundreds of millions of sword glows tore out, and the sky was filled with dense sword glows.Hundreds of millions of sword lights filled every inch of space!For the first time, those disciples who rushed over did not react for a while, and more than half of the disciples were directly smashed to pieces.

But the rest of the disciples reacted quickly, sacrificed their flying swords, and flew up, resisting the sky-filled sword light.

Clang uu!

The sound of metal and iron clanging continued to spread.

At this moment, Chen Hao moved.I saw him stepping on the Bingzi Jue, stepping on the unparalleled speed in the world, his body turned into a black streamer like a phantom, and moved quickly.

The black Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear transformed into a black dragon, constantly swallowing light in Chen Hao's hands.

A shot pierced out, like a roaring dragon, Zhang Ya had five claws.A monk in the heartbeat period didn't react at all, and was directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist by Chen Hao.

Immediately, Chen Hao's figure flickered and disappeared in place.The spear in his hand shattered the void, pierced through billions of time and space, and directly stabbed a disciple of Yinxian Valley to death.

With one shot, the disciple of Yinxian Valley was picked up, and the spear shook.A terrifying force erupted, directly smashing the disciple to pieces.


With a low growl, Chen Hao swung his spear, and smashed a disciple of Yinxian Valley into pieces with one shot.

boom! boom! boom!
In a short period of time, Chen Hao exploded with extreme strength, and killed all the dozen or so Hidden Immortal Valley disciples in the blink of an eye.

A few breaths!
In just a few breaths, Chen Hao killed all these dozen people.The speed is fast, the attack is ruthless, it is really ruthless.

Hai Tao stared blankly at the scene in front of him. At this moment, he hadn't woken up from the shock of Chen Hao's quick killing of these people.

He never thought that Chen Hao's strength was so terrifying.

Although not many people were brought this time, most of them were monks in the integration period.These people are all disciples attached to him.

He is just an ordinary true disciple, not a holy son, let alone the chief disciple.He also didn't make any special contribution to the Hidden Valley, so he didn't have his own mountain.

Originally, there were not many people attached to him, not to mention that he had only been promoted to true disciple not long ago!Coupled with the fact that there are no resources at hand, these monks in the integration period can already be regarded as elite disciples among those who are attached to him.

Of course, he still has Xu Rui, a monk in the heart-beating period, who is only a limited number.

Today, most of the elite disciples attached to him were killed by Chen Hao within a few breaths, which shocked him and made him feel heartbroken.

If the news spread at this time, and all the people he brought out were killed, who would dare to cling to him in the future?
"You're looking for death! I'm going to kill you." Han Tao reacted, stretched out his big hand, smashed the sky, crushed the sky, and slapped Chen Hao blindingly.

At this time, Han Tao was very furious.This time, his strength has been increased by ten percent.However, in his anger, he was not affected by his anger and lost his mind.

He knew that as long as he killed Chen Hao and seized his resources, there would be a large number of disciples attached to him.

Therefore, although he shot with anger, he secretly paid attention.

"Are you a master in the distraction period? I killed several of them that day." Chen Hao sneered, his figure flickered, and he disappeared directly on the spot.


The big hand slapped it, smashing it into pieces for a few miles around.However, Chen Hao disappeared out of thin air.

"Han Tao, I, Chen Hao, will remember what happened today, and I will settle it with you when I succeed in cultivation." Chen Hao's voice came from afar, and then Han Tao saw dozens of miles away, Chen Hao's figure was like lightning, he moved and jumped on the ground, and disappeared quickly.

"Chen Hao? He is the Chen Hao who came out of Xutianzong and killed several elders of the Xutianzong during the tribulation period?" Han Tao was stunned, and stood there with a dull expression, forgetting to chase Chen Hao .

Actually, it's not that he forgot.Instead, after learning of Chen Hao's identity, he hesitated and became frightened.That guy is a ruthless person who killed even the masters of the tribulation stage.

"I heard that Chen Hao still has an extremely powerful golden skeleton, but he didn't release the golden skeleton just now..." Thinking of this, Han Tao's back was immediately wet with his own cold sweat.

However, Han Tao was a little suspicious. He was doubting Chen Hao's identity.However, at this time, he really didn't dare to catch up. It would be fine if it wasn't Chen Hao, but what if it was really Chen Hao?Just rushing up like this, isn't it courting death?

"Damn it, why is he Chen Hao and I don't know?" Han Tao roared unwillingly.

In the past few months, although Chen Hao has become famous in Yinxian Valley, he has become a mobile treasure house.However, they only knew about Murong, not Chen Hao's true identity.

Because, in Qingxuan Peak, those people just call Chen Hao Brother Murong, who knows Chen Hao's real identity?Only Zhao Zhiqing and Jiang Le.Chang Le several people.

However, they all kept this not-so-secret secret by coincidence.Otherwise, since Chen Hao has been in Yinxian Valley for several months, people from Xutianzong and Yuanxumen have already come to him, so how can Chen Hao be so quiet and leisurely?

This time Chen Hao killed Han Tao and the others, but did not use the golden bones.This is because he no longer wants to use other forces to kill the enemy.

As for the end, why use the system red envelope to escape?
Obviously, Han Tao is a master of distraction.Even if Chen Hao tried his best, he was still no match for him, even if the speed of the military art was unparalleled in the world, Chen Hao's strength was too weak.

It can't exert much power.Therefore, he can only use the relationship of the system red envelope world to disappear in place and then appear in the distance.

Without knowing that Chen Hao possessed the red envelope of the system, they would only mistakenly think that Chen Hao would have the supernatural power that could only be obtained in the realm of the Tribulation Period—teleportation.

Although several months have passed, people from Xutianzong and Yuanxumen are still looking for Chen Hao wantonly, wanting to bring him out of the realm of comprehension and take him down.

It's just that unlike before, the elders of the two major sects have not been dispatched.

Although, there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in their two sects.But there are not many elders.Moreover, they all knew Chen Hao's terror.

If Chen Hao is pushed into a hurry, Chen Hao will fight to the death.At that time, their elders will suffer heavy casualties.Now, various disciples of the two sects are looking for Chen Hao.

Some of the low-level ones are just foundation-building disciples, and some are even core disciples or even true disciples of various sects.However, some well-known masters did not make a move.

For example, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter and the Chief Disciple.

Although Chen Hao has a notorious reputation, his own strength is not that great, he just relies on the golden skeleton.But in the cultivation world, not those shameless people will have their own self-esteem and pride.

Never compete with those who are weaker than you.Therefore, don't look at the fact that the two sects are aggressively pursuing Chen Hao, on the contrary, they are much safer than before.

Shangqingcheng is a large city in the cultivation world.Like Ancient Spring City, it is a large city where the cultivation world communicates and buys and sells goods.

However, compared with Ancient Spring City, the scale of Shangqing City is much larger.After all, Guquan City can only be regarded as an ordinary city.But Shangqing City is a super city, and it is also one of the few cities in the world of comprehension.

After leaving Yinxian Valley, Chen Hao appeared here.

In the system red envelope world, although there are countless pills.But there are too few magic weapons and the like.After excluding the flying swords that Chen Hao used to set up the formation and the flying swords distributed to the disciples of Qingxuan Peak, there were not many flying swords left in the red envelope world of the system.

Therefore, this time he came to Shangqingcheng mainly to purchase flying swords.After all, without the attraction of flying sword magic weapon, it would not be so easy for Qingxuan Peak to recruit more disciples.

Moreover, even if someone is willing to join Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao doesn't want these people to only hold the lowest-level low-grade magic weapon-level flying swords, which will not increase their strength at all.

The Bada Chamber of Commerce is a well-known large chamber of commerce in the cultivation world.It is the same as the chamber of commerce in the secular world, but it is also very different.

The Bada Chamber of Commerce deals in goods from the realm of comprehension.Pills, magic treasures, spirit treasures and so on.

In Shangqingcheng, Bada Chamber of Commerce has an extremely luxurious shop.People come and go, it's so lively, all of which show the hot business of Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Chen Hao entered the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and looked at the dazzling array of high-end products in the shop, but felt a little sighed in his heart.In Ancient Spring City, Chen Hao had also seen Yuanxumen's shop.

However, compared with the shop in front of you, the Yuanxumen shop is really nothing.There is no comparison at all.

There are hundreds of flying swords just displayed in the window.As for the shop in Yuanxumen, there are only a poor dozen or twenty flying swords.

From here you can see the difference between the two.However, the Bada Chamber of Commerce is a famous chamber of commerce after all, and it is normal to have such a scale.

Chen Hao has no interest in things like spirit grass.He stood directly in front of the Feijian window, looking at the Feijian in a daze.

A low-grade magic weapon-level flying sword is very cheap, but it also needs 50 yuan pills.However, the middle-grade magic weapon Feijian has skyrocketed to [-] yuan pills!
The most common flying sword of the top-grade magic weapon level is a 100 million yuan pill!Among them, the top-grade ones are more expensive, reaching several million yuan pills.

Seeing the price of these flying swords, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Chen Hao's forehead.Is this Octopus Chamber of Commerce really selling flying swords?It's just a money grab.

Calculated according to this price... If Qingxuan Peak recruits 100 disciples in the future, each of them will have a high-grade magic weapon-level flying sword. Calculated by the most common flying sword, [-] times [-] million...Chen Hao is in a mess.

100 billion Yuan Dan!
This is just the most common configuration.Once the realm of Qingxuan Peak becomes stronger and stronger, it will not make much sense to continue to configure high-grade magic weapons.Then you need a more advanced flying sword-spirit weapon.

Chen Hao glanced at the price of the flying sword next to him, and he was a little speechless when he saw it.

A first-grade spiritual tool, priced at 5000 million!
No wonder there aren't many spirit weapons in the world of comprehension. In addition to the fact that spirit weapons are extremely difficult to refine, that's the deceitful price.

Let me ask, how many of them can get 5000 million Yuan Pills?
That is to say, those big sects and big families are likely to equip the key talents trained in the sect with flying swords of the spirit weapon level.

(End of this chapter)

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