The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 253 Eight Darlings

Chapter 253 Octaling

In this strange space, each of them is considered a fellow.

After greeting everyone one by one, Chen Hao looked around and found that there was one person missing.So he asked: "Where is the girl? You are not bullying others, are you?"

"How dare you? She's at home." Someone said with a smile.

Chen Hao touched the tip of his nose, thinking: "Isn't this girl still angry with me because of that incident? Besides, I didn't do it on purpose that time. However, it seems that the hand feels pretty good."

Chen Hao felt a little evil after thinking about it.

"Girl, I'm here to see you." Chen Hao was about to step into the courtyard, but at this moment, the girl's cold voice came out: "Get out! I don't welcome you here."

Chen Hao was taken aback, his feet lingered just after he took a step.

"This girl is really angry because of the previous incident." Chen Hao smiled awkwardly and took back the steps he had taken.Then leaning on the gate of the courtyard, he looked into the courtyard.

At this time, You Mengqing was in his room, looking through the window at Chen Hao who hadn't left yet.

To be honest, You Mengqing is still very angry now.But it wasn't about being angry that Chen Hao accidentally grabbed his chest.In the final analysis, that matter was his own problem, and Chen Hao just caught it by accident.

After a few days, she was no longer angry about it.

What she was angry with now was Chen Hao, who had disappeared for half a year after he left that day.

He didn't show up again until half a year later.Such a man is really irresponsible.As a man, he should have apologized like himself after that incident.

I'm not really angry, I just want an apology from him.As long as he apologizes, I will forgive him.However, she waited for half a year, but Chen Hao did not appear again.

What You Mengqing didn't know was that after leaving that day, Chen Hao started to practice.This time, he really wronged Chen Hao.

"Girl, are you still angry? Didn't I come here to apologize to you?" Chen Hao, who was leaning against the gate of the courtyard, thought for a while before finally speaking.

However, after a long time, You Mengqing didn't respond and just ignored Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is helpless, this woman is really too stingy, but also elusive, he thought to himself.

After a while, he saw that You Mengqing still didn't respond, so he changed his mind and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to leave, then stay here forever. I'll leave."

While speaking, Chen Hao turned around and left as expected.Moreover, during this process, he also said softly to himself: "I begged the man in black to let you go, but since you don't appreciate it, forget it."

"and many more."

Although Chen Hao's voice was low, You Mengqing was at the out-of-body stage, her hearing was extraordinary, and she could hear every word clearly.

After hearing Chen Hao's words, You Mengqing couldn't care less about being angry with him anymore, and with a cold shout, he flew out all of a sudden.

You Mengqing rushed to Chen Hao's side in an instant and stopped Chen Hao.The speed of her out-of-body period has been brought to the peak, one can imagine how strong her desire to leave here is.

It has been more than half a year since I was brought here.Although there is no danger, she misses her relatives outside.Moreover, every time she thinks of her mother who is worrying about her day and night outside, her heart can't help but throbbing.

"Chen Hao, you said the man in black is going to let me go?" You Mengqing said while blocking Chen Hao's way, looking at Chen Hao coldly.

Chen Hao just looked at You Mengqing with a smile on his face. After seeing you for half a year, he found that she looked even more beautiful and attractive.Looking at it, Chen Hao's eyes could not help but fall on the other's chest, and he remembered the incident that day in his mind, and recalled that soft feeling...

Seeing that Chen Hao didn't answer what he said, but kept looking at him, You Mengqing couldn't help but blush.However, she soon felt that something was wrong, because she saw a wretched smile on Chen Hao's face.

When he met the other party's gaze again... You Mengqing was furious immediately: "You bastard, I'll kill you." While speaking, he slapped Chen Hao with a slap.

Chen Hao was startled, and immediately reacted, stepping on the military formula, and dodging You Mengqing's attack with a sway of his figure.

This time it was You Mengqing's turn to be surprised.Although her slap didn't contain any real energy, it was very quick to strike. Even ordinary out-of-body monks might not be able to react to it, let alone dodge it?
But Chen Hao did it and dodged her attack in an instant.

"It's just a fluke." You Mengqing snorted coldly, and with a sway, he rushed directly to Chen Hao, and then shot again, hitting Chen Hao's face like lightning.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, stepped on the military formula, and avoided it again.

You Mengqing frowned slightly, and snorted slightly in surprise.Stepping on footwork, chasing after Chen Hao, he slapped him again.It seemed that he had to hit Chen Hao before he would give up.

Chen Hao was not sullen, but on the contrary, he was smiling, stepping on the military formula, avoiding it easily every time.

You Mengqing is a monk in the out-of-body stage, and Chen Hao has the power of a hundred dragons after breaking through to the late fusion stage.In terms of strength, although it is not as good as You Mengqing, the difference is not as big as before.

However, after all, he has never fought with monks in the out-of-body period.This time You Mengqing's attack on him was just to experience his enhanced strength and increase his experience in fighting monks in the out-of-body stage.

So, one of the two attacked and the other avoided...

After a long time, You Mengqing became a little ### groaning. After fighting for so long, he wasted a lot of energy, but he never even touched the corner of Chen Hao's clothes.

On the other hand, Chen Hao seemed to be taking a walk in the courtyard, so leisurely.He didn't take his attack seriously at all.

Seeing Chen Hao's leisurely appearance, You Mengqing couldn't help feeling angry from his heart.With a cold snort, she stretched out her small hand, and the power of the out-of-body period exploded, and she grabbed Chen Hao directly.

"Good time." Chen Hao snorted, and punched You Mengqing's palm.


After the loud noise, the trees within a radius of one mile were instantly shattered.

A force surged in like a tide, and You Mengqing let out a muffled snort, and was instantly repelled by more than ten steps.At the same time, the blood in her body was churning like an overwhelming river.

Standing still, he looked at Chen Hao, but found that the other party was still standing leisurely on the spot, his face remained unchanged, and he didn't retreat even half a step.It's just that his clothes were rattling by the gust of wind that erupted from the force impact.

At this moment, You Mengqing was shocked.

Chen Hao, when did he have such a powerful force?Looking carefully, he was just a monk in the integration period, and he was three big realms behind him.

However, judging by his appearance, he is stronger than the average monks in the late stage of Lingji.Even, when he was caught off guard, he was pushed back by him.

What surprised her even more was Chen Hao's speed. With her cultivation level in the out-of-body period, she didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

"Well, there's something wrong." After this fight, You Mengqing didn't continue to fight, but looked at Chen Hao with a look of surprise on his face.

Looking at it this way, she found that Chen Hao was very different from half a year ago.Realm, power gap.At this time, Chen Hao seemed to be more full of vitality than half a year ago.

The vitality is many times stronger than before!What surprised You Mengqing the most was that she found that the faint fragrance that filled the entire space, the faint fragrance of lotus seemed to come from this rascal.

After staring at Chen Hao for a while, You Mengqing finally confirmed in disbelief that the fresh fragrance was coming from Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was standing there, but it was like a blooming flower, exuding a faint fragrance, refreshing and refreshing.

"Rogue, why do you have such a beautiful and refined fragrance? Could it be that you have some rouge powder on your body?" You Mengqing walked over, looked at Chen Hao and said.The expression on her face seemed to tell Chen Hao: You bastard and rascal even put on rouge and gouache, it's really vulgar.

Chen Hao was startled: "What kind of rouge and gouache did I put on? No, you said I have a fragrance on my body?"

Chen Hao was startled secretly, and only then did he realize why after seeing those people, they all looked at him with strange eyes.

"You vulgar guy, you put rouge and powder on yourself, isn't that obvious?" You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao disdainfully.Rouge and gouache are things that secular women only apply, and they, female monks, naturally don't use those things.

"You just put on rouge and gouache." Chen Hao's complexion was very ugly, no man would feel happy if his body exuded a fragrance.Unless those sissies, perverts and the like.

"How come there is a fragrance on my body?" Chen Hao pondered.Suddenly, he remembered that after he broke through the realm, when the nine black lotuses in his body bloomed, he did smell a burst of fragrance.

It's just that he got used to it later, and without paying special attention, Chen Hao didn't realize that he had a scent on his body.

Moreover, after he succeeded in cultivation, he immediately came to look for You Mengqing, and there was no time to respond.

"Is it a clear scent? The scent of lotus?" Chen Hao asked.

You Mengqing nodded: "A faint fragrance, the fragrance of lotus." After she finished speaking, she added a sentence in her heart: "Actually, this faint fragrance smells quite nice, refreshing and refreshing."

Chen Hao has already confirmed that it is the fragrance from the lotus in his dantian.However, he couldn't figure it out, how could the fragrance of the lotus in the dantian come out of the body?And it seems to be very strong.

It's over, how will we live in the future.

As soon as he thought of where he went, the fragrance would spread wherever he went, and Chen Hao wanted to die.

"I didn't apply rouge and gouache." Chen Hao quickly explained, he didn't want You Mengqing to look at him with perverted eyes.

"There's no need to explain, I understand." You Mengqing laughed, with extremely weird eyes.

"Actually, something happened." Chen Hao explained.

"You don't need to explain it to me, I can understand it." You Mengqing still smiled slyly.

Chen Hao was extremely depressed. Immediately, he looked at You Mengqing and said viciously: "Laugh again! If you laugh again, you will stay here forever."

You Mengqing's smile froze instantly.

In the realm of comprehension, among the mountains.

The void twisted slightly, and next, two figures fell straight from the void.

With an exclamation, a figure suddenly fell to the ground.However, this person is obviously a monk, and his strength is not weak.

Although at the beginning, it fell to the ground because of being caught off guard.But soon, she was suspended in the void calmly and calmly.

The physical body is suspended in the void, and this person is at least in the out-of-body stage.

"Didn't you fall to your death?"

Beside this person, a figure stepping on a black spear slowly flew over.Judging from their appearance, they seemed to be Chen Hao and You Mengqing.

The two of them have already left the system red envelope world.

Why did Chen Hao let You Mengqing go?Could it be because of his guilt towards You Mengqing?Or was it because her identity was more sensitive? Wasn't he afraid that You Mengqing would reveal the secrets of the system's red envelope world?

You Mengqing glared at Chen Hao angrily. If it wasn't for Chen Hao's speed and the relationship with the man in black, she would have taught this hooligan a lesson.

With a cold snort, You Mengqing said: "Let's go, go to the Extreme Heaven Realm." Before the words fell, she ignored Chen Hao, spread her body and flew towards the distance.

Chen Hao touched the tip of his nose and smiled mischievously.Immediately, he also started to speed up, driving the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear, and chased after him.

The speed of Bing Zi Jue is much faster than that of You Mengqing, who is in the stage of leaving the body.Therefore, Chen Hao caught up with You Mengqing without any effort, and flew side by side with her.

"Girl, you haven't forgotten the promise you made to the man in black?" Chen Hao asked after flying for a long time.

You Mengqing fell silent, and the scene from the previous scene involuntarily resurfaced in his mind.

In the red envelope world of the system, Chen Hao took him to find the man in black.

Of course, the man in black was pretended by the system.

"I can let you leave the independent space I opened up, but there is one condition that you must agree to, otherwise, even if you are in the ends of the earth, I will personally kill you! Even Xuan Yuezong can't save you! If you offend me , I even eradicated Xuan Yuezong!"

The man in black disguised by the system looked at You Mengqing coldly, exuding a trace of supernatural aura.

Although the system was crippled, his strength dropped to the stage of distraction.But he was once a super strong man.The momentum of the strong is still there!Even if his aura is no longer there, he can completely imitate it, which is more than enough to frighten You Mengqing, a monk who is in the out-of-body stage.

When the system released the aura of a strong man, You Mengqing immediately had a very terrifying feeling in his heart.She had never seen anyone with such a terrifying aura.In front of the system, she didn't even doubt every word the system said.

With the strength of the system, eradicating Xuan Yuezong, one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world, is definitely not a lie!
At that moment, You Mengqing quickly agreed.

"You can't divulge a single word about my space. If I hear any news about my space outside, I'll take you as a question! Besides, I need something in the extreme heaven realm, but with my strength, I can't." Go in. So, this time, you find a way to let Chen Hao enter the Extreme Heaven Realm."

You Mengqing was startled, and then said: "Didn't the Extreme Heaven Realm be opened three months ago? It will be ten years before entering the Extreme Heaven Realm again."

When they were taken captive to the red envelope world of the system, it had only been three months since Gathering Extreme Heaven Realm opened.In the system red envelope, more than half a year has passed, and the opening time of the extreme sky realm has long passed.

The system didn't speak, just waved its hand, and then the scene at the beginning appeared, and the two of them were immediately teleported out of the red envelope world of the system.

"If you want to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, it will be possible after ten years. What are you doing with me?" You Mengqing gave Chen Hao a hard look and said.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "Who said that? The Extreme Heaven Realm will be opened in a month's time."

You Mengqing was startled, and then his face changed greatly: "The Extreme Heaven Realm will open in a month? Could it be that I have been with the man in black for ten years?"

Ten years!
Thinking about the ten years that he had passed there, You Mengqing felt a little unbelievable.

Chen Hao was startled, then shook his head and said, "What ten years? It's just that two months have passed. Although it can speed up the passage of time there, it's not that scary."

When Chen Hao was practicing, he increased the time by twenty times, but usually the time flow rate is the same as that outside.Sometimes it's twice as fast.Therefore, although more than half a year has passed in the system red envelope world, it is equivalent to about two months in the outside world.

"The speed of time?" You Mengqing showed a shocked look on his face.There is such a heaven-defying existence in the world?
"No wonder the strength of the man in black is so abnormal, so time can be accelerated. Hmph, if it were me, I could also reach the height of the man in black in the shortest time." You Mengqing said in his heart.

"Girl, you don't want to hit the height of the man in black, do you? This is a world he created by himself. Once he falls, this space will collapse. I advise you whether to beat the man in black or not." Be well thought out, otherwise, Xuan Yuezong will not be able to keep you."

Hearing this, You Mengqing thought of the terrifying aura of the man in black again, and couldn't help shivering immediately.With a cold snort, he glanced at Chen Hao and said, "Don't worry, I won't reveal a single word about the man in black."

In the following time, the two of them babbled and flew towards the front.A few days later, they entered a city in the cultivation world.

It is not comparable to the scale of Shangqing City, but it is a city similar to Ancient Spring City.

On the street, You Mengqing and a man covered in black robes walked slowly forward.

Wherever they went, everyone who saw them stopped and looked back.The combination of the two of them is too strange.A beautiful and refined girl and a man in a black robe - I don't know the gender.

The most important thing is that this black-robed man actually exuded a faint fragrance.

Refreshing and refreshing.

Anyone who smelled this fragrance couldn't help taking a breath, and then looked at Chen Hao obsessively, wondering whether Chen Hao was a stunning beauty.

Adding a black robe, it is obvious that he does not want others to see his real body.Of course, with Chen Hao dressed like this, people couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman.

The point is, the faint fragrance emanating from his body makes people mistake him for a woman.

There are only two situations for a woman wearing a black robe, one is ugly and invisible.The other one is stunning, and naturally, Chen Hao was mistaken by countless monks for a stunning beauty.

Not long after, You Mengqing and You Mengqing followed many male monks.Among these people, some wretched ones kept breathing hard on the fresh fragrance from Chen Hao's body.

"Do you think this black-robed man is a big beauty? How else can she wear a black robe?"

"Maybe it's a big ugly girl."

"Idiot, does an ugly girl have such a nice scent? Besides, have you seen the beautiful woman next to her? The so-called like attracts like, there will definitely be no ugly women around beautiful women."


One by one, they inhaled the fragrance from Chen Hao's body vigorously, and kept guessing Chen Hao's identity, and they almost came up and directly lifted the black robe on Chen Hao's body to see what happened.

Chen Hao, who was shrouded in a black robe, felt a chill at this moment.

He is a very normal man with no other hobbies or hobbies.

It's okay to be guessed to be a woman, the key is that those people are constantly breathing the fragrance that emanates from him.

If it were any normal man, the smell coming out of his body would feel extremely chilly if he was breathed hard by the same sex.

"These bastards." Chen Hao, who was in the cold, almost ran away.

"Is this feeling okay?" You Mengqing, who was next to him, couldn't stop laughing.

"Get out of here quickly." Chen Hao's face was gloomy, and he quickened his pace.But at this time, there were more and more people behind, all attracted by Chen Hao's identity and the fragrance on his body.

"Go to Bada Chamber of Commerce." Chen Hao and You Mengqing walked quickly, and they entered Bada Chamber of Commerce not long after.Among the people who followed Chen Hao, many people also poured into the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm looking for your supervisor." Chen Hao grabbed a guy directly and said.

The clerk of Bada Chamber of Commerce is not bad, and when he saw someone acting presumptuously in the chamber of commerce, he couldn't help but sneered immediately, and when he was about to make a move, a purple light dazzled his eyes.

"Eight, eight Darlings!"

Seeing the Badaling, the guy was immediately speechless in shock.He just stared at the black-robed man in front of him who exuded a faint fragrance.

"Huh?" Chen Hao's voice became gloomy.

"Excuse me, please follow me." The man woke up with a start, and immediately took a deep look at Chen Hao, but unfortunately he couldn't see Chen Hao, and then led Chen Hao towards the back of the chamber of commerce.

(End of this chapter)

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