Chapter 254 Cruel
Seeing Chen Hao and You Mengqing going to the backstage of Bada Chamber of Commerce, those who followed were even more surprised by Chen Hao's identity.It's just a pity that this was the last time they saw Chen Hao in black robe.

"You wait for me here." After entering the backstage, Chen Hao said something to You Mengqing in a deep voice, and then he followed the buddy into one of the rooms.

You Mengqing snorted coldly, somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Hao's appearance.But it didn't follow.By doing this, Chen Hao obviously meant that he didn't want her to see what he was doing.

Moreover, what makes You Mengqing curious is why the guys from Bada Chamber of Commerce treat him so respectfully?Does this guy have anything to do with the Octopus Chamber of Commerce?
If this guy really has any relationship with the Eight Great Chambers of Commerce, he also has a good relationship with the man in black.Well, this guy's background is just astonishing.

In the room, when Chen Hao showed his Octopus, Wu Baiqiu, the director of the Octopus Chamber of Commerce, was shocked.

In the entire cultivation world, there are definitely less than ten Octopus!And the young man in front of him is holding the real Octaling!Although they have never seen the real Octaling, they all know what the Octaling looks like.

He will not doubt the authenticity of the Octaling in Chen Hao's hands, even if the Octaling on Chen Hao is fake, then what he got at the Octopus Chamber of Commerce today, tomorrow, the Octopus Chamber of Commerce will give him ten times more , Spit it out a hundred times.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Wu Baiqiu was very excited.Holding an Octopus, this person is definitely a distinguished guest, and his status is much higher than that of the director of this small chamber of commerce.

Therefore, when he saw Chen Hao holding an Octopus, Wu Baiqiu immediately became very enthusiastic.As long as the relationship with this distinguished guest is established, Chen Hao only needs to say a few good words in front of the people above the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and then he, Wu Baiqiu, can rise to the top.

Wu Baiqiu's reaction was within Chen Hao's expectations, but he just smiled, noncommittal.

"Director Wu, I wonder if your chamber of commerce sells masks? It's that kind of realistic mask."

"Mask?" Wu Baiqiu looked at Chen Hao suspiciously. He wondered if Chen Hao just wanted to find a mask when he took out the Octopus?

In the cultivation world, there are many things like masks.It is sold outside the Octopus Chamber of Commerce.It's just that Chen Hao actually found him, and it was obvious that the masks sold outside were not to his liking.

It's just a normal mask and doesn't do much.After all, in the world of comprehension, as long as people sweep away their divine sense, they will immediately see whether you are wearing a mask.

And obviously, Chen Hao didn't need that kind of mask.What he needs is higher precision, the kind that even ordinary experts can't find.

Wu Baiqiu frowned slightly, and pondered.Suddenly he slapped his thigh fiercely, and then said to Chen Hao with a happy face: "Mr. Chen Hao, wait a moment."

Before the words finished, Wu Baiqiu hurriedly left the room.

Seeing Wu Baiqiu's performance, Chen Hao knew something was going on.This time he went to the Extreme Heaven Realm, he needed to rely on Xuan Yuezong's relationship.But he absolutely cannot use his true colors.

Because the Extreme Heaven Realm was controlled by those sects.People like Sun Pingxi, Zhuang Ningguang and others must be there at that time.If Chen Hao's identity is discovered, he may not be able to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, and Zhuang Ningguang and others may attack on the spot.

Therefore, he had to change his identity temporarily.

Originally, he could rely on the power of the Bada Chamber of Commerce to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, but he didn't want to owe too much favor to the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Favor is something that can be owed or not owed.Otherwise, this kind of thing is very difficult to pay off.

Soon after, Wu Baiqiu came back holding a sandalwood box in both hands.Then, he put the sandalwood box on the table next to Chen Hao, and then said to Chen Hao with a smile: "Mr. Murong, you have come to the right place to find masks. Many years ago, I got three very finely made human skins. Mask, I wonder if it suits you?"

Character mask!

Chen Hao suddenly felt a little creepy.Although he had heard of this kind of thing a long time ago, when he thought of wearing it on his face, he felt a bit chilly.

However, he knew that in this world, only the personality masks were the most realistic.And since Wu Baiqiu said so, these three masks are not bad.

Out of curiosity, Chen Hao still opened the sandalwood box.

After a faint scent of sandalwood, Chen Hao saw three masks as thin as cicada's wings lying quietly inside the box.

Chen Hao took out one of them and looked at it.Thin as a flap, almost transparent.But because it is made with character, it is the same color as human skin.

This is the appearance of a young man, with a somewhat ordinary appearance.Holding it in your hand, the tentacles are cold.

Chen Hao pinched this mask as thin as a cicada's wings with his hands, and found that the mask was very soft, very tough, and felt good to the touch.

Then Chen Hao looked at the other two masks, one was a middle-aged man, and the third was an old man.The three masks cover youth, middle age and old age.It's a whole set of masks.

It looks good, but I don't know how it feels to wear it?
Chen Hao motioned to Wu Baiqiu to bring a mirror, and then he put the young man's mask on.

Wearing the mask as thin as cicada's wings on his face, he felt a chill on his face at first.However, this feeling disappeared soon after.

At this moment, Chen Hao had an illusion in his heart, feeling that the mask seemed to have merged with his own face.

After putting it on, Chen Hao looked in the mirror, and at this time he had obviously changed into another person.Immediately, various movements were made on his face.

In this way, he was surprised to find that although he was wearing a mask, the expression on his face was the same as that of not wearing a mask, it didn't look like he was wearing a mask.

This mask is amazing.

"How is it?" Chen Hao looked at Wu Baiqiu and asked.

Wu Baiqiu looked at Chen Hao seriously, and then said with a smile: "If I hadn't watched you put on this mask, sir, I really wouldn't have been able to realize that this is not your original appearance."

"Couldn't Divine Sense find any flaws?" Chen Hao asked again.

Wu Baiqiu nodded quickly.

Chen Hao was determined. Although Wu Baiqiu's strength was not very good, he was still a monk at the fusion stage.He couldn't even detect his divine sense, so as long as he was careful, those monks in the tribulation period or transformation period should not be able to detect it either.

At that moment, after Chen Hao tried the other two masks, he finally put on the youthful mask.

"These three masks are all good. I want them. What's the price?" Chen Hao didn't ask Wu Baiqiu if they were for sale, and directly put the remaining two masks into the red envelope world of the system.

"Think of these three masks as my gift to you, sir." Wu Baiqiu said with a smile.

Chen Hao nodded. Since he doesn't take money, he doesn't think it's too much money to force others to pay, does he?So he said: "After I meet Great Elder Qi Yang, I will give you some good words." When he was speaking, he not only patted Wu Baiqiu on the shoulder, but also acted as if I am very satisfied with what you are doing. .

Hearing this, Wu Baiqiu was overjoyed immediately.Who is Great Elder Qi Yang?The Great Elder of the Bada Chamber of Commerce is definitely a figure who can overwhelm the sky with one hand.As long as he said a word, he could leave this small town and enter the headquarters of Bada Chamber of Commerce to work.

Immediately, Wu Baiqiu sent Chen Hao out with tears of gratitude.

However, before going out, Chen Hao borrowed Wu Baiqiu's house and took off his black robe.When he thought of those wretched men on the street outside, he felt a chill.

You Mengqing waited alone in the courtyard until Chen Hao came out, so he couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

Just as she kept looking around and cursing Chen Hao in her heart, she saw a middle-aged man respectfully sending a young man out.

You Mengqing just glanced at the two of them lightly, and didn't pay much attention.Because she doesn't know these two people.However, what surprised her was that these two people walked straight towards her.

You Mengqing thought they were going to pass by him, so he dodged to the side.But at this moment, that ordinary-looking young man stood directly in front of him, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Girl, what are you looking around for? Don't tell me you want to be a thief."

Being said so suddenly by a stranger, You Mengqing was furious.But soon she reacted.

This voice, this tone is so familiar, it is that rascal Chen Hao.It's just that the young man in front of him is not like Chen Hao.

"Who are you?" You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao suspiciously and asked vigilantly.

"You man." Chen Hao chuckled.

"Go to hell." You Mengqing was furious, and kicked Chen Hao hard.With a flick of his body, Chen Hao avoided her attack.

Immediately he said to Wu Baiqiu: "Director Wu, there's no need to send it away, we just leave by ourselves. Girl, stop making trouble, don't say you don't know who I am yet." The latter sentence was addressed to You Mengqing.

"Damn rascal, sooner or later I will beat you to death." You Mengqing said fiercely.If she didn't know Chen Hao's words at this time, she would be an idiot.

However, what shocked her was why did Chen Hao suddenly change his appearance?Is he easy?

"It's just a mask, you don't want your mother to be in trouble, do you?" Chen Hao chuckled.

"Let me see." You Mengqing was very curious, and grabbed Chen Hao's face with one hand.Chen Hao quickly dodged and said angrily, "Girl, what do you want to do?"

"I want to see your true face." You Mengqing persisted.

"You haven't seen my true face long ago."

"I suspect you've been wearing a mask."

"Yeah, my original appearance is just an old man. You'd better not read it, so as not to frighten you." Chen Hao was speechless, he didn't bother to talk to this crazy girl, and walked out alone.

You Mengqing pouted her lips, she really suspected that Chen Hao was wearing a mask before.Therefore, on the way, she didn't want to sneak attack and tear off the mask on Chen Hao's face.It's just that Chen Hao avoided them in advance.

Chen Hao was too lazy to mess around with this crazy girl, so he ran at the fastest speed and flew in the direction of Xuan Yuezong.When he used the Bingzi Jue at full speed, he threw You Mengqing ten blocks away in an instant.

"This stinking hooligan is perverted, this speed is too perverted." You Mengqing was eating smoke and dust behind Chen Hao, but he kept cursing in his heart.

"Stop, don't run!"

Just as Chen Hao and You Mengqing were slowly flying towards Xuanyuezong, passing through a secular country, an angry shout came from the backyard.

Hearing this angry shout, Chen Hao couldn't help but exchanged glances with You Mengqing.

Is this someone trying to rob them?

Thinking that he was about to be robbed, Chen Hao felt very funny in his heart.In front of a big thief like himself, someone actually robbed him?
Isn't this to laugh at people to death?But Chen Hao has always been the only one who robs others.

You Mengqing was also angry for a while, and the two of them stopped immediately and looked back.It's just that, looking at it this way, they realized that they seemed to have misunderstood it.

A group of people behind were rushing towards this side like a stream of light, but the target seemed to be not them, but the young man between them.

Youth is like the period of rotation.But his speed is much faster than that of ordinary monks in the rotation period, and even a bit faster than that of monks in the fusion period.

Therefore, even though the strength of the group behind him was high or low, even those who were monks in the heart-beating stage were chasing and killing him, they couldn't catch up for a while.

However, Chen Hao knew at a glance that this unlucky guy who was hunted down would be caught up by the group of people behind him if no miracle happened today.

Apart from the fact that this guy's whole body was wounded, his aura was already very weak, and his face was even more bloodless pale.It seemed as if he was about to run out of true energy, like a lamp withered.

But this guy's cultivation base is really average, why is his speed so fast?Chen Hao couldn't help but looked over in surprise.This is incredible, this guy is not strong enough, but the reason why his speed is so fast is entirely because of the flying sword he is stepping on.

Spirit weapon!

"Could it be that this guy belongs to a big shot from some sect? He only possessed a spiritual weapon in his Xuanzhao period, no wonder he was hunted down by others.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. If he had nothing and suddenly met a rookie who stepped on a spiritual weapon on the road, he might not be able to help but grab the spiritual weapon.

He guessed that the group of people behind were most likely chasing and killing him because of the spiritual weapon at the opponent's feet.

Zhang Ao, who was close to the state of exhaustion, just ran forward blindly.He knows that he bears a bloody vengeance, and he must escape from the pursuit, and come back to take revenge after he succeeds in cultivation.

However, these people in the back are really too powerful, and he is no match for them at all after a mere recovery period.If it weren't for the flying sword, the spiritual weapon under his feet, he would have been torn to pieces by those people.

At this moment, Zhang Ao had only one thought: he must escape, and he must come back alive to take revenge!Even if he died today, his family's spiritual weapon could not be given to these bloody enemies who killed his family.

Zhang Ao, who was running away, suddenly found two people appeared in front of him.A young man stepped on a flying sword and was looking in his direction with a look of astonishment.

But beside the young man is a beautiful young girl standing in the air.

"Master!" A glimmer of hope suddenly rose in Zhang Ao's heart.Although he is only in the stage of rejuvenation, he is not an uninformed person.He naturally knows what it means to fly in the flesh, at least it is a monk in the out-of-body period.

With hope rising in his heart, Zhang Ao instantly increased his speed to the limit, and rushed straight in front of Chen Hao and You Mengqing.

Looking at Zhang Ao who was flying towards them, Chen Hao had a thought. Just as he wanted to make his way, he was shocked to see that Zhang Ao knelt down directly in front of them.

Kneel on the flying sword.

"What's the situation?" Chen Hao and You Mengqing were astonished. When they didn't understand why, Zhang Ao suddenly said excitedly: "Please help the two seniors! If the seniors can save the young one's life, the young one's hands will hold the spirit." The utensils are here! In the future, I will be a cow and a horse, and I will never complain."

"What's the situation?"

Chen Hao and You Mengqing were speechless.Feelings are here for help.However, upon hearing Zhang Ao's words, You Mengqing frowned slightly due to the intense anger, murderous intent and resentment contained in those words.

Of course, Zhang Ao's emotions were not aimed at Chen Hao and the other two, but at those pursuers.

Just then, the people who were chasing after him surrounded him.A dozen or so people surrounded Chen Hao and the three of them.However, they also saw You Mengqing standing in the air, and were shocked by the other party's cultivation, but they dared not make a move.

"Senior, please help."

Seeing that Chen Hao did not respond, Zhang Ao lowered his head even lower, and asked again.Whether he can survive today depends on whether the two in front of him can help.

"What's going on?" Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ao and asked.He is not a good person, and he will not act like an idiot to save someone just because someone asks for help on the road.

He had to figure out the origin of the matter, and he wanted to know whether the person to be saved should be rescued.If it is worth saving, Chen Hao will help.Then no matter how many things you give, Chen Hao is not uncommon.

It's just a first-grade spirit weapon, but Chen Hao has a lot of it.

"Senior, he is a traitor of our Aurora Sect. He is being hunted down by us for stealing our Aurora Sect's spirit weapon, the flying sword. In this matter, I hope that senior will give our Aurora Sect a face, and we will take care of this traitor ourselves .”

Before Zhang Ao could speak, a cultivator at the Aurora Sect's heartbeat period spoke.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was unmoved and just looked at Zhang Ao.

"You fart! You bastards from the Aurora Sect, you bastards, you goddamn bastards. This spiritual weapon was accidentally obtained by my Zhang family! But it was you bastards who got the news, so they sent my Zhang family The massacre was complete, and I was the only one left to escape. You killed hundreds of people in my family just to snatch this spiritual weapon!"

Zhang Ao raised his head, looked at the disciples of the Aurora Sect with a ferocious expression, gritted his teeth, and his face was full of resentment.It was as if he wanted to pounce on the Aurora Sect disciples and smash them into pieces.

"This spirit weapon was lost by my Aurora Sect. After getting it, your Zhang family not only refused to return it, but even wanted to keep it for yourself. We just want to get back our own spirit weapon." The monk in the emotional stage continued. .

"Fuck your shit! You Aurora Sect's bastards are doing a lot of evil and domineering around, who doesn't know? It's not the first time your Aurora Sect has done something like destroying our Zhang family." Zhang Ao gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for his strength , he has already culled it.

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Chen Hao already had some concerns, so he immediately looked at Zhang Ao with a gloomy face and asked, "Is your Zhang family a cultivation family?"

Zhang Ao quickly shook his head: "Our Zhang family is nothing more than an ordinary family of martial arts. And I only got the cultivation method by accident to achieve my current level of cultivation."

When he said this, Zhang Ao looked at the people of Aurora Sect with resentment on his face: "They killed more than 100 members of my Zhang family because of the spiritual weapon in my hand, regardless of the restrictions of the world of self-cultivation not to touch the secular hands. clean!"

"These people are too cruel." After hearing this, You Mengqing's face also darkened, with traces of murderous aura emanating from her body.

Chen Hao nodded and said, "Understood." Immediately, he looked at the disciples of Aurora Sect and said, "Is everything Zhang Ao said true?"

"You two, give our Aurora Sect some face, and consider our Aurora Sect to owe you a favor." The Aurora Sect disciple who spoke before said, taking a step forward.

He avoided answering, but Chen Hao had already got the answer he wanted from his words.

With a sneer, Chen Hao suddenly patted the storage bag floating around his waist.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and immediately, hundreds of flying swords shot out from the storage bag at his waist, transforming into billions of sword shadows in the void, covering the entire sky, strangling towards Aurora from all directions like thunder and lightning The dozen or so disciples of the door.

The disciples of the Aurora Sect didn't react at all, and hundreds of millions of sword lights strangled past, leaving behind waves of screams and bursts of blood mist.


As soon as the flying sword came out, more than a dozen people were instantly killed into a cloud of blood, completely dead.Chen Hao made a big move, and a hundred flying swords formed a river and quickly sank into the storage bag on his waist.


Seeing this scene, You Mengqing and Zhang Ao were stunned.It took a long time for You Mengqing to react, smelling the smell of blood all over the sky, his stomach was churning, and he retched involuntarily.

But Zhang Ao, who was in shock, didn't react at all.

"Chen Hao, are too cruel." After a long time, You Mengqing calmed down, walked over and looked at Chen Hao dissatisfied and said.

At this time, You Mengqing remembered that this Chen Hao was not as harmless as he looked.It's the famous and vicious big devil who is well-known in the comprehension world.

Seeing Chen Hao's decisive and fierce attack today, You Mengqing finally saw another side of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said: "These scumbags should be damned. Just look at a good Zhang family who was ruined by them because of a flying sword. There is only one person left. According to me, You should kill the Aurora Sect and slaughter this sect completely."

(End of this chapter)

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