Chapter 255

You Mengqing fell silent.

Although Chen Hao's methods were ruthless and bloody, which one of those killed had bloody hands?Killing them is just eliminating harm for the people.

"Zhang Ao wrote about Senior Chen Hao's life-saving grace."

At this time, Zhang Ao finally came to his senses, and bowed to Chen Hao to the end.

"Okay, no one is chasing you anymore, you can go." Chen Hao waved his hand and said.

After speaking to Zhang Ao, Chen Hao turned his head to say hello to You Mengqing, and was about to leave here.

Only at this time did Zhang Ao react.

That's right, Chen Hao saved him, and instantly killed more than a dozen disciples of the Aurora Sect.However, Chen Hao is not the spiritual weapon on his body and his "death" as pictured.

It seems that Chen Hao saved him only because he sympathized with what happened to him.

Zhang Ao was shocked by Chen Hao's behavior. He also saw Chen Hao make a move just now.There are a hundred flying swords, but none of them look like spiritual weapons.

"Could it be that he really doesn't want his spiritual weapon?"

Zhang Ao looked at the spiritual weapon in his hand.It was because of this spirit weapon that his family was bloodbathed overnight.It can be said that everything started because of this spiritual weapon.

With his strength, having a spiritual weapon, being chased and killed, and all kinds of calculations are the most normal.With his strength, he is not worthy of using a spiritual weapon at all.

But Chen Hao and the two are very strong, and they saved themselves, and they are the perfect masters of this spiritual weapon.Thinking of this, Zhang Ao gritted his teeth and said, "Seniors, please stay."

While speaking, Zhang Ao hurried up a few steps and stopped Chen Hao and the two of them.Then, he held up the spiritual weapon with both hands, and said: "Senior, you saved my life, Zhang Ao has nothing to repay, and he can only offer this spiritual weapon."

A strange look flashed across Chen Hao's face, and he looked at Zhang Ao and said, "Zhang Ao, do you really want to give me this flying sword? You must know that all your encounters were caused by this flying sword." rise."

Zhang Ao shook his head, and said resolutely: "It is precisely because of this that I cannot keep this spiritual weapon. So, please accept it, senior."

"Zhang Ao, I think you should understand one thing. I saved you not because I was greedy for your spiritual weapon. It's just that I don't like the bloody hands of the Aurora Gate. So, you don't need to be grateful to me. And your family was killed by Aurora Bloodbath, if I guessed correctly, you will definitely take revenge on the Aurora Gate, but with your strength, you are no match for the Aurora Gate. With the help of this spiritual tool, the flying sword, you will be more confident. "

Zhang Ao shook his head, with a resolute expression on his face: "I will definitely slaughter the Aurora Sect, but definitely not now. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and I will not attack the Aurora Sect when I am not sure. I must be strong , and then destroy the Aurora Gate. At that time, the spiritual weapon will not be of much use to me. But if you can’t accept my spiritual weapon for saving my life, it will make me feel uneasy.”

"This kid, I haven't seen anyone who is forced to give someone else's spirit weapon." Chen Hao thought silently in his heart, and said at the same time: "You can sell this spirit weapon, it is worth at least 5000 million yuan pills. "

"5000 million Yuan Dan?" Zhang Ao was stunned for a moment.At such a moment, the thought of not giving the spirit weapon to Chen Hao flashed across his mind.But soon, he shook his head and cut off the thought in his heart.

"Senior, please accept it." This guy is really stubborn.

Chen Hao was helpless, and just when he was about to continue to refuse, a wild voice came from afar: "Haha, since you don't want any of them, then give them all to me."

Before the words fell, a figure flew over from afar.At the same time, before the person arrived, a big hand shattered the world, swept through countless time and space, and quickly grabbed the spiritual weapon in Zhang Ao's hand.

In an instant, the expressions of Chen Hao and the three of them changed suddenly.

"Cultivator at the out-of-body stage." A strange look flashed across You Mengqing's face, and then she took a step forward, and punched the big hand that was torn down in front of her.


After the loud noise, the big hand in the void was shattered by You Mengqing.But the power that You Mengqing struck was also scattered, becoming the most primitive vitality of heaven and earth, disappearing between heaven and earth.

"Huh? There is even a monk in the out-of-body stage."

At this moment, the phantom flashed, and a figure landed not far in front of Chen Hao and the two of them.

This is an old man with an indifferent expression, but at this moment he is looking at You Mengqing with a look of surprise on his face.

"People from the Aurora Sect!" Zhang Ao couldn't help but gritted his teeth when he saw this old man.Chen Hao looked over, but saw that the clothes on the old man were similar to those of the previous Aurora Sect disciples.

Presumably Zhang Ao recognized the other party's identity precisely because of this.

"Haha, the kid has a good eye. This old man is Hua Rong, the elder of the Aurora Sect." The old man, that is, Hua Rong laughed, then looked at the pieces of meat all around him, frowned, and his face suddenly became gloomy: "You How are they?"

"Didn't you see them all? Kill them, there will be no one left." Chen Hao sneered.

"Looking for death." Hua Rong yelled angrily, stretched out his big hand, and snapped at Chen Hao quickly.

Chen Hao just sneered, turning a blind eye to this, but turned his head to look at You Mengqing and said, "Girl, this old guy is at the out-of-body stage? I just leave it to you to practice."

"Okay, leave it to me." You Mengqing showed an excited look on his face, but Chen Hao was taken aback.Originally, he thought that You Mengqing would be very reluctant even if he agreed, but he didn't expect that this girl was also a militant.

"Old man, your opponent is me." You Mengqing also stretched out her big hand, and after breaking Hua Rong's big hand, she rose into the air and slashed at Hua Rong.

Hua Rong sneered endlessly: "Then I'll get rid of you first, and none of us ### can escape today." While speaking, he went up to meet you, and fought You Mengqing.

The strength of the two is similar, and the battle is evenly matched.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. After watching for a while, he felt that it would take a while for the two to decide the outcome.

So, he said to Zhang Ao: "Let's go to the mountain over there." While speaking, he directly controlled the flying sword and flew towards the distant mountain.

Zhang Ao looked at Chen Hao in surprise, and then at You Mengqing who was fighting in the distance, and wanted to call Chen Hao: "Aren't you worried about that senior?

He just thought about it, but he still didn't say anything, he could only sacrifice the flying sword, and followed Chen Hao to a mountain in the distance.

When Zhang Ao came to this mountain, he found that Chen Hao was sitting on a boulder, watching the battle between You Mengqing and You Mengqing in the distance with great interest.

"Zhang Ao, come and sit down, this is the best place to watch the battle." Seeing Zhang Ao coming up, Chen Hao grinned, and pointed to the boulder next to him and said to him.

Zhang Ao was speechless, just shook his head, how dare he sit with Chen Hao.And at this moment, he was really not in the mood to continue, he was worried about the battle in the distance ahead.

How to put it, he is also on Chen Hao's side now, so naturally he doesn't want to see You Mengqing lose.

Seeing that Zhang Ao was not coming, Chen Hao didn't mind, and then continued to look forward with relish.However, not long after, his brows frowned slightly, and he said to himself: "This girl doesn't seem to be a match for the old Hua Rong."

Although the strength of the two is similar, You Mengqing obviously does not have much experience in fighting against enemies.But Hua Rong, an old fellow, was very experienced, and his moves were vicious and deadly.

Moreover, this old guy is really insidious, and he specifically looks for You Mengqing's flaws.What made You Mengqing gnash his teeth the most was that this old bastard attacked her breasts and other sensitive places, it was extremely shameless.

The power that erupted in the battle between the two out-of-body monks was extremely terrifying.The extremely terrifying shock waves continuously hit the sky and the earth, and the surrounding mountains were continuously shattered.

The huge hills were continuously razed to the ground by the two of them.

You Mengqing had no experience in fighting enemies, and under the attack of Hua Rong, a shameless person, she was even more furious.In this way, she lost her sense of proportion and had already fallen.

"Girl, work harder." At this moment, Chen Hao, who was sitting on the boulder in the distance and raised his feet to watch, suddenly said with relish.

You Mengqing turned her head to take a look, and found that after Chen Hao's actions, she was almost stunned to death.Just such a loss...


Accidentally, You Mengqing's right sleeve was torn off.

You Mengqing was angry, and she poked her small hand into the air, and the next moment, a flying sword with a strong aura appeared in her hand.

With a sword strike, a beam of sword light tore through the sky and the earth, as if cutting a huge crack in the sky.The incomparably huge sword light slashed at Hua Rong fiercely.

"Spiritual weapon!"

Hua Rong's face changed suddenly, he let out an exclamation, and his figure swayed, avoiding the attack of the sword glow.


The shocking sword light slashed fiercely on a distant mountain. After a loud noise, the master disappeared in an instant and was blasted to pieces.

With the spiritual weapon in hand, You Mengqing's strength has improved a bit compared to before.She gnashed her teeth and slashed at Hua Rong with one sword after another.For a moment, Hua Rong was not an opponent at all, but kept avoiding.

It seems that You Mengqing has the upper hand.However, Chen Hao in the distance shook his head secretly.

Although Hua Rong, an old, treacherous and cunning person, looked very embarrassed and just dodged, he seemed to be planning something.I'm afraid they are waiting for an opportunity to fight back.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Hua Rong to catch a flaw in You Mengqing, and punched out fiercely, shattering the sword light that You Mengqing had slashed, and even sent the spirit weapon in her hand flying away. .

You Mengqing was traumatized, opened his sandalwood mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of bewitching blood.

"Oops, the girl is going to lose." Chen Hao in the distance suddenly exclaimed.Immediately, Zhang Ao saw him slowly standing up from the huge boulder, and then grabbed the void, and the next moment, a big golden bow appeared in his hand.

Although he saw that You Mengqing was in danger, Chen Hao just slowly took out the Qiankun Bow from the system red envelope.It was also the big golden bow that Zhang Ao saw.

Is Chen Hao going to use the Qiankun Bow?Can he use the Qiankun Bow with his current strength?
The answer is unknown, because this is also the first time Chen Hao has used the Qiankun Bow.

After exorcising the Qiankun Bow, Chen Hao continued to grab the void with his big hand, and then, one of the golden sky-shaking arrows - the Human Arrow appeared in his hand.

Putting the Sky-shaking Arrow on the Qiankun Bow, Chen Hao poured strength into his hands secretly, and was about to pull the Qiankun Bow away with all his strength.only……

creak, creak...

The Qiankun Bow just clicked lightly, and the bowstring was only slightly pulled away, and then returned to normal again.

"I'm sorry, but it's a bit difficult to draw this magical bow." Chen Hao smiled embarrassedly.Then continue to hold your breath.

But Zhang Ao was speechless looking at Chen Hao.

On the other side, You Mengqing's spirit weapon long sword has been blown away.Moreover, she spurted out a mouthful of blood because of her physical and mental damage.

As a result, You Mengqing became a little flustered.After panicking, she looked even more at a loss.All of a sudden, Hua Rong seized this opportunity and used all kinds of vicious moves, all of which were deadly and wanted to kill You Mengqing.

You Mengqing was furious in her heart, but the more she was like this, the more flustered she was.Failure is only a matter of time.

At this time, even Zhang Ao could see that something was wrong with You Mengqing.

Although You Mengqing reached the out-of-body stage at a young age—it was definitely a myth that he reached the out-of-body stage at only 16 years old.But obviously, she doesn't have much experience against the enemy.

Come to think of it, her strength is so strong, it should be her suzerain's mother who used various elixir to help her improve.Otherwise, it wouldn't be so unbearable.


Zhang Aozheng looked worriedly at You Mengqing who was in crisis ahead.But at this moment, there was a loud noise around him.

Then there were bursts of thunderous dragon roars and an incomparably violent breath sweeping over.

Zhang Ao was taken aback, and his whole body was immediately blown away by the tide-like aura.In the distance, Zhang Ao jumped up and saw a scene that shocked him.

In the distance, above Chen Hao's head, there were exactly one hundred condensed and incomparably black chinchilla phantoms hovering in the sky.The black panchi kept circling and roaring, extremely ferocious.Incomparably concise, close to substantive.

At this time, Chen Hao shouted loudly.The power of a hundred panchi poured into his hands, and then violently pulled the Qiankun Bow in a semicircle.

However, it is only a semicircle, or even a small semicircle.However, even so, Chen Hao still had veins popping out of his forehead, with a hideous expression on his face.Obviously, being able to pull the small semicircle with the Qiankun Bow has already exhausted his ultimate strength.

Zhang Ao was shocked.Shocked by Chen Hao's strength, shocked by the horror of the Qiankun Bow in his hand.

"Girl, get out of the way, I'll kill him." Before the words fell, Chen Hao seemed to have exhausted his strength and was unable to continue to support the bow. As soon as his right hand was loosened, the golden sky-shattering arrow issued a "chi" With a sound, it turned into a golden light and disappeared in place, and shot towards Huarong in the distance.

Hearing Chen Hao's roar, Hua Rong and You Mengqing, who were fighting, couldn't help but look in the direction where the sound came from.

Looking at it this way, the souls of both of them can't help but tremble!
I saw a golden streamer in the distance, which was countless times faster than any of the fastest speeds they had seen, tearing apart the void, and carrying the breath of death that made them feel lased from afar.

Break the sky with one arrow!

Wherever the golden light passed, the void was continuously shattered and shattered.It seems that under this golden light, even the sky is about to be shattered, which is extremely terrifying.

You Mengqing was fine, but felt that there was an extremely dangerous feeling in that golden light.A thought came to her mind ###, if the target of this golden light was herself, then she would be unable to resist no matter what.

In front of this golden light, all his resistance was futile.At this moment, there was a breath of despair in You Mengqing's heart.

As for Hua Rong, the person involved, his complexion changed drastically at this moment.An extremely strong breath of death rose from the bottom of his heart.Hua Rong knew that no matter what he did to resist, it would be futile.

With a roar, Hua Rong increased his speed to the extreme, and turned around to escape in the distance.

However, the moment he turned around, that golden light had torn apart billions of time barriers, shattered the heavens and the earth, pierced the sky, and penetrated directly from Hua Rong's back, bringing out a ray of light. The bewitching blood mist.

Feeling a sharp pain in his chest, Hua Rong couldn't help but looked down.But he was horrified to find that his chest was not only pierced by the golden light, but also a big hole was blasted out from front to back.

Seeing this big hole, Hua Rong somehow wanted to laugh out loud.Because he is not dead!As a monk in the out-of-body stage, such a big hole in his chest is not a fatal injury at all. As long as he can escape, there will be a day of recovery.

The point is, he didn't die.

Hua Rong was about to laugh out loud, and just when he was about to continue fleeing here, suddenly, his body exploded——

With a sound of "Bang!", his whole body exploded into pieces, instantly turning into a cloud of blood mist.And his laughter turned into a scream, which was the last sound he left in this world.

call out!
After the Sky-shaking Arrow penetrated Hua Rong's body, it turned into a golden light and rushed back.

On the hillside in the distance, Chen Hao stretched out his hand to recall the Sky-shaking Arrow, and put it together with the Qiankun Bow into the system red envelope world.But he just sat down, and finally lay on his back directly on the boulder without any image.

That one thing just now completely exhausted his strength.At this moment, there was no power in his body at all.

With the power of a hundred panchi, he can barely open his bow and shoot arrows!
But the power of this sky-shaking arrow is not exaggerated, it is too powerful.Chen Hao lay on the boulder without any image, thinking in his heart.Flipping with his big hand, he stuffed Hui Yuan Pills into his mouth one after another.

This scene shocked Zhang Ao even more.

In the distance, after Hua Rong was shot by Chen Hao with an arrow, a blood mist filled the sky.And You Mengqing was already near Hua Rong.

After seeing this scene, she was instantly stunned.And when the blood mist fell from the sky, she reacted in shock, and formed a shield to protect herself inside, isolating the blood mist drifting down from outside.

However, even so, she was covered with a lot of Hua Rong's blood.

After being shocked for a long time, You Mengqing retrieved his spirit weapon, and then Yukong flew towards Chen Hao.After returning to the hillside, she saw Chen Hao lying on the boulder without any image.

At this time, Chen Hao was devouring Huiyuan Pills one by one as if he didn't want money.

"Give it to me." You Mengqing walked up silently, and stretched out his hand to Chen Hao.

After eating many Huiyuan pills, Chen Hao's strength has almost recovered.At this time, he sat up and looked at You Mengqing with a puzzled expression.

He really didn't know what You Mengqing wanted.

"Hui Yuan Pill." You Mengqing said angrily.

"Um, why don't you explain it more clearly? If you don't tell me, how do I know you want to return Yuandan?" Chen Hao glanced at You Mengqing, and with a big hand, he took out a large handful of Yuandan from his waist storage bag. Yuan Dan was thrown to You Mengqing.

Immediately, Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ao next to him again, reached into the storage bag with his big hand again, grabbed a large handful of Huiyuan pills and threw them to Zhang Ao, saying: "Your strength is almost exhausted, eat it. A few Huiyuan Pills to recover."

Zhang Ao took the Huiyuan Pill, feeling a bit at a loss as to whether he should accept it or not.

"There are so many Huiyuan pills here, don't take them for nothing." You Mengqing said, and then sat down straight, swallowing the Huiyuan pills and began to regain strength.

Hearing this, Zhang Ao didn't delay anymore, and began to recover his strength.

Not long after, Zhang Ao was the first to restore his strength to its peak.And You Mengqing was much stronger than Zhang Ao, and he recovered slowly.

After a long time, You Mengqing regained his strength and healed completely from his injuries.She stood up and extended her hand to Chen Hao again.

Chen Hao glared at her, and said dissatisfiedly: "Your strength has been recovered, what else do you want to do?"

"I haven't returned to Yuan Dan." You Mengqing said.

"Go home and ask your mother."

"You guys are too stingy. If I meet any masters along the way, I won't make a move. You bastard, you can kill them, but you still want me to make a move." You Mengqing looked at his whole body Blood, said with some dissatisfaction.

Chen Hao was speechless.I don't know who was so excited at the beginning.Besides, although he has the ability to kill Hua Rong, but... "You have too little experience in fighting the enemy. I am training you, you know? Training you."

While speaking, Chen Hao still threw a storage bag to You Mengqing, which contained 100 million Huiyuan Pills.

After taking a look at the storage bag, You Mengqing nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Wait for me, I'll come when I go." After finishing speaking, she flew away.

But this came and went, but Chen Hao and the others had to wait for a long time.It made Chen Hao think that this girl was taken away by someone, and he was almost going to search for her.

And after You Mengqing came back, his body was completely new, obviously he went to the nearby river to wash and change his clothes.

This made Chen Hao feel a little regretful: If he had known about it earlier, he would have gone to take a peek.

(End of this chapter)

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