Chapter 257 Follow You

Basically, Chen Hao has ignored the dissatisfied You Mengqing next to him.This crazy girl, even if she was given [-] million Hui Yuan Pills, she might have the same reaction.

"Senior, I have a request, I don't know..." Zhang Ao hesitated, looked at Chen Hao and said.

"Speak." Chen Hao waved his hand.

"I want to follow you!" Zhang Ao said resolutely.

Although You Mengqing seemed to be stronger than Chen Hao, Zhang Ao chose Chen Hao.Although he didn't know Chen Hao's identity, he instinctively felt that as long as he followed Chen Hao, he would have a bright future.

"Reason." Chen Hao didn't show any special expression, just looked at Zhang Ao and said indifferently.

"I want to become stronger! I want to stand out, I don't want to continue to be a strong person! And I know, as long as I follow you, senior Chen Hao, I will change everything." Zhang Ao blurted out without thinking.

In fact, this is exactly what he thinks in his heart. With Chen Hao's powerful and endless magic weapons and bold personality, as long as he follows him, magic weapons and other things will definitely be indispensable in the future.

With the support of magic weapon, Huiyuan pill, etc., I will become stronger in the future!Getting ahead is just a matter of time.

"You have a spiritual weapon and 1000 million yuan pills. As long as you give it time, you will eventually become stronger." Chen Hao said lightly.

Zhang Ao shook his head: "This is different. Even if I become stronger in the future, I will still be just an ordinary cultivator. In the world of self-cultivation, I won't stand out at all. However, if I follow you, I believe that the road ahead will be very exciting. And I am absolutely loyal to seniors, I will never frown when I go up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil, and I ask seniors to allow me to follow you."

"I'm a little flustered." Chen Hao patted Zhang Ao's shoulder with a smile on his face.

Zhang Ao was overjoyed immediately: "Senior, did you agree?"

Chen Hao shook his head, but when Zhang Ao was disappointed, he said: "My reputation in the cultivation world is not good, maybe I will become a treacherous and evil person in the future, and I have many enemies. Now the cultivation world Two of the top ten sects are chasing me."

"Follow me, you may be as beautiful as you imagined, maybe you will lose your life tomorrow. But, follow me, I will never treat you badly, magic weapon, Huiyuan Dan, etc. I will take care of it. Think about it carefully. "

"Senior, I have already made up my mind. I will only follow you for the rest of my life, and I will never regret it!" Zhang Ao looked at Chen Hao resolutely.

"it is good!"

A bright smile appeared on Chen Hao's face.In fact, he had already taken a fancy to Zhang Ao, and without anyone's guidance, he was able to cultivate to the stage of revolving illumination just by relying on an adventure.His aptitude and comprehension are definitely not bad.Moreover, this guy is also a ruthless person, and Chen Hao's subordinates need this kind of talent.

This guy is definitely a talent!Chen Hao has been observing him these days.Even if Zhang Ao didn't open his mouth, he was ready to absorb him into his side.But he never thought that Zhang Ao would speak first.

In this way, Zhang Ao became No.1 under Chen Hao.It is also a general-level talent under Chen Hao's hands in the future.From now on, he will follow Chen Hao across the world, laughing proudly at the sky.

"Zhang Ao, the exercises you practice are too rubbish. Let me think about it and give you an advanced exercise. Also, try not to show your flying sword in front of people. Well, use this top-grade one for now. A magic weapon." While speaking, Chen Hao threw two flying swords to Zhang Ao.

A high-grade magic weapon and a middle-grade magic weapon.

Zhang Ao took it, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, senior."

Chen Hao frowned slightly: "Don't call me senior, maybe you are older than me, um..." Chen Hao pondered.In the future, he will definitely establish power.But it is definitely not a sect, nor a family, but an existence similar to an organization.

So, as the head of the organization, what should you call it?
" can call me the leader from now on." Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then said.

"Yes, leader." Zhang Ao quickly changed his words.

"Okay, let's go to Xuanyue Sect." After speaking, he popped out the flying sword and flew away first.Immediately, You Mengqing and Zhang Ao followed closely.

"Big rogue, you just cheated me." You Mengqing rushed up and said with some taste.

Chen Hao smiled: "Why did I lie? I never lie. Everything I told Zhang Ao was true. Girl..." Chen Hao turned his head to look at You Mengqing and said with a smile: "You Although you are the precious daughter of the Xuanyue Sect Master, I see how you are worse than Zhang Ao? Why don't you come and mix with me."

You Mengqing gave Chen Hao a big roll of his eyes. She is the young master of Xuanyue Sect, one of the top ten sects. How could Chen Hao be a gangster?What system is this?
"My magical medicine is enough." Chen Hao said with a smile.

However, Chen Hao's words moved You Mengqing a little.There are countless magic weapons emerging from this guy, even more pills than Xuanyuezong.

Moreover, apart from being a bit stingy in terms of magic weapons, this guy is very generous in other things.If you follow him, you won't suffer any disadvantages.

"I'll think about it." You Mengqing said suddenly.

"Uh..." Chen Hao was taken aback, he was just joking, You Mengqing couldn't be serious, right?However, if You Mengqing really messed with him, then Xuan Yuezong would not be his enemy in the future, well, there are still benefits.

There was no words all the way, and after seven or eight days, they finally arrived at Xuan Yuezong.And at this time, the day before the opening of the Extreme Sky Realm is approaching, and there are still about ten days left.

Xuanyue Sect, one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world.This sect is somewhat different, because most of the entire sect are female disciples.Among them, the senior management of Xuanyue Sect, such as the elder suzerain, has always been held by women.

As for the male disciples in the sect?Although they live among the flowers, they only do heavy work and have no status.

After returning to Xuan Yuezong, You Mengqing seemed to have turned into another person, no longer crazy, but like a lady back.

Presumably this is her image in Xuan Yuezong.Chen Hao sighed in his heart: women are so fickle.


"Little sister!"

"Little Senior Sister, you are finally back. The Sovereign has always been worried about you. He has been outside to inquire about your news for the past few months, and he only came back a few days ago."

As soon as he entered Xuanyue Sect, many disciples of Xuanyue Sect greeted You Mengqing one after another.You Mengqing responded politely with a smile on her face.

As for Chen Hao and Zhang Ao, they were completely ignored by these Xuanyue Sect disciples.Because these two people are one at the fusion stage and one at the rotation stage, in the Xuanyue Sect, they can only be the lowest-level monks, and they don't attract attention at all.

Of course, it also has to do with how they look.These two guys are just plain normal.Especially Chen Hao, who used to be pretty handsome, but now that he is wearing a mask, he looks extremely ordinary.

Hearing everyone's words, especially her own mother who was very worried about what she said, You Mengqing suddenly became anxious.After hastily calling a female disciple to give some instructions, they left Chen Hao and Zhang Ao and flew away.

This made Chen Hao and the two of them very speechless.

Fortunately, although this girl is insane, she still has an account of her work and asked a female disciple to lead them the way.Otherwise, Chen Hao and the two would definitely get lost.

This is Xuanyue Sect, there are women everywhere, Chen Hao dare not intrude.If there is any misunderstanding, it will be a tragedy.

However, the woman You Mengqing called over casually just looked at Chen Hao and Chen Hao indifferently, and then said coldly: "Come with me." gone.

"It must be menopause." Chen Hao muttered, following the female disciple around, and finally came to a peak.

"You wait here." After taking Chen Hao and the two to a place that looked like a garden, the woman left directly.

"What kind of attitude is this?" Zhang Ao was also dissatisfied.After all, they are all friends of the Young Sovereign, is this kind of treatment when they come to Xuanyue Sect as guests?
"Be safe and don't be impatient." Chen Hao shrugged indifferently.

In fact, he found that the scenery overlooking the distance from this peak is still good.It should be said that this peak should be the highest peak in Xuan Yuezong.

Standing here, as long as you have good eyesight, you can basically have a bird's-eye view of the entire Xuanyue Sect.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Hao, who was waiting at the end, became irritable.At some point, Chen Hao lay down on a boulder, squinted his eyes, and finally fell asleep.

But Zhang Ao stood beside Chen Hao meticulously, protecting the law for him.Well, it is indeed much more convenient to have someone under your command. Even when you are sleeping, someone will watch over you, so you are not afraid of being plotted against.

"Chen Hao!"

When Chen Hao was sleeping in a daze, he suddenly seemed to hear someone calling him.Suddenly, he was awakened by a start.He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

"Who is calling me? Huh? It's dark?" After Chen Hao woke up, he realized that it was actually dark immediately.Then, he saw two people smiling and looking at him not far away.

"You Mengqing! You actually left the two of us here for a long time. I am also a guest of your Xuanyue Sect." Seeing You Mengqing, Chen Hao didn't care whether the person beside her was his mother, Xuanyue Sovereign Sect Master immediately muttered in dissatisfaction.

In fact, Chen Hao confirmed the identity of the woman next to You Mengqing just by taking a look at her.After all, besides You Luxiu, the suzerain of Xuanyue Sect, who else is someone who is six to seven points similar to You Mengqing in length, mature and older than her?

Hearing this, You Mengqing was a little ashamed.However, she was also a little annoyed. She clearly asked that female disciple to arrange for Chen Hao and Chen Hao, but she did not expect that the two of them were indeed arranged here.

"Don't take offense, you two. This is our Xuanyue Sect's rudeness." The Xuanyue Sect Master took a step forward and said to Chen Hao and the two apologetically.

"Uh..." Chen Hao's anger was extinguished just like that.The suzerain of the other party's top ten sects actually apologized to him, and his own face is really big enough...

When others give face to oneself, one should also give face to others, right?
Xuan Yuezong, inside the main hall.You Luxiu, You Mengqing, Chen Hao and Zhang Ao sat down as guests and hosts.

Looking at Chen Hao who was sitting below, You Luxiu nodded slightly.She had already heard about Chen Hao.

Outside the ancient spring city, an elder of the Yuanxu Sect at the fusion stage and more than 1000 monks from various sects were killed.This incident made Chen Hao famous in the cultivation world for the first time.

However, what really made the world know the word Chen Hao was the incident of the Xutianzong after the incident of Guquancheng.

With the realm of Xuanzhaoqi, fight in Xutianzong!In that battle, Chen Hao killed several cultivators in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, and even an immortal weapon of the Xutian Sect was shattered by Chen Hao's golden skeleton.

The suzerain of the Xutian sect who possessed two celestial artifacts was also injured!In the end, the Immortal made a move, but still let Chen Hao escape from Xutianzong, and he has never been seen since.

Although Chen Hao's strength is due to the golden skeleton, it is also part of his strength!Therefore, since that incident, Chen Hao's reputation has truly spread throughout the cultivation world.

Right after that incident, people from Xutianzong and Yuanxumen were looking for Chen Hao.Just when everyone thought that Chen Hao had hidden himself and cultivated secretly, Chen Hao was still walking in the realm of self-cultivation swaggeringly.

You Mengqing also told You Luxiu exactly what happened after going to Qingcheng.Of course, this was only said with the consent of Chen Hao.

In doing so, Chen Hao was actually taking a risk.He was betting, betting on his friendship with You Mengqing and You Luxiu's character.Now, it seems that Chen Hao made the right bet. After You Luxiu knew his identity, there was nothing unusual.

They shouldn't snatch Chen Hao's magic weapon or something like that.

"About Mengqing, I have to thank you. Otherwise, we mother and daughter would not know if we will have the chance to meet again." The first thing You Luxiu did was to thank Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing, the man in black is actually not that cruel, and won't hurt innocent people." When he said this, You Mengqing who was next to You Luxiu couldn't help but glared at Chen Hao fiercely. glance.

This guy in black fought with a group of people in Shangqingcheng, and even severely injured the city owner of Shangqingcheng.This is complete nonsense!
You Mengqing knew the whole story after seeing You Luxiu.

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed, he just made up something to frighten those people, who knows that he changed his mind later and let You Mengqing out.This made him a little unexpected.

"As for the matter that you want to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, there is no problem, you can just stay with our Xuanyue Sect people at that time." You Luxiu said.This matter is nothing to her at all, and it's just adding one more person.

Chen Hao pointed to Zhang Ao who was next to him and said, "I'm afraid Sect Master You has to give one more quota, and this guy will also go in."

"No problem." You Luxiu immediately agreed.As for Zhang Ao?He didn't have any objections, anyway, he had already made up with Chen Hao, and Chen Hao could do whatever Chen Hao arranged for him to do.

Then, after everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, Chen Hao took Zhang Ao's farewell and went down to rest.The space was left to their mother and daughter.

After Chen Hao and the two left, You Luxiu's mother and daughter did not leave.

At this time, You Mengqing looked at You Luxiu and asked with a smile on his face: "Mother, I didn't lie to you, that hooligan is not bad."

You Luxiu nodded, she had already known Chen Hao through You Mengqing.After contacting for a while just now, I can roughly see who Chen Hao is.

"Mengqing, after you came back, I found that you have changed. After this extreme celestial state, you should still go out to practice." You Luxiu looked at You Mengqing and smiled dotingly.

Before this incident, although You Mengqing had the ability to leave his body, he rarely went out to practice.I don't have a deep understanding of this cultivation world.

After all, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the brilliance of the storm. If they want to grow, they must go outside for experience.Only when you have seen more and experienced more, you will become mature.

But after You Mengqing came back this time, You Luxiu found that You Mengqing had become more mature than before.Finally, she was no longer the little girl who didn't understand anything.

"What's changed? I'm still me, nothing has changed." You Mengqing looked at her mother with puzzled eyes, and said a little puzzled.

"Since you came back, you have always said the word Chen Hao. Have you fallen in love with him?" You Luxiu said with a smile.

You Mengqing was startled, a blush flashed across his face, and he twitched immediately.But her eyes flashed involuntarily the previous scene, the scene of Chen Hao's big rogue hands covering her chest...

"How could I possibly like that big gangster? He's not handsome and has many enemies, hmph, I don't like him." You Mengqing lowered his head, put his hands ### on the corner of his clothes, and said coyly.

It is always embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing with the elders.

"Chen Hao is a nice person. If possible, I won't stop you." You Luxiu said with a faint smile.

Whether it's Chen Hao's strength, or his endless magic weapons, golden skeletons, and even the unclear relationship with the man in black, You Luxiu is becoming more and more curious about Chen Hao.

From these aspects, she can see that Chen Hao's future achievements will definitely not be low.If You Mengqing really likes Chen Hao, it seems that it is also a kind of fate.

"Anyway, I won't like him. It's late at night, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to rest." You Mengqing left this sentence, and then flew out of the hall as if fleeing.

Seeing You Mengqing's rapidly disappearing back, You Mengqing fell into deep thought...

Three days later, Chen Hao and others set off.A group of hundreds of people flew towards Jitian City mightily.

Looking at more than 500 people behind him, Chen Hao was a little speechless.These are all Xuanyue Sect disciples who are about to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm for training.

"Sect Master You, there are so many people in the Xuanyue Sect who want to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm to practice? How big is the Extreme Heaven Realm?" Chen Hao approached You Luxiu and asked in puzzlement.

"Hee hee...Chen Hao, are you also going to the extreme sky to experience? Do you want my sister to protect you?" Before You Luxiu could speak, a woman flying beside her said with a smile.

This is a woman about 20 years old. It is unknown how old she is, but she looks about 20 years old anyway.

Her name is Yang Man, she is a disciple of You Luxiu, even You Mengqing wants to call her senior sister.During these three days in Xuanyuezong, Chen Hao walked around in Xuanyuezong.

Perhaps it was the relationship between Chen Hao who always exuded a faint fragrance, which especially made these women feel good about her.Or maybe it was because of Chen Hao's unusual generosity, he just threw out handfuls of pills casually, without feeling distressed at all.

In just three days, he got acquainted with many female disciples of Xuan Yuezong.Especially those disciples around You Luxiu, the relationship with him is even better.

Yang Man is one of them.

"Of course, my younger brother's strength is low. Now that you have entered the Extreme Heaven Realm, of course you need your protection, Senior Sister Yang. But, Senior Sister Yang, aren't you cultivating at the out-of-body stage? Can you enter the Extreme Heaven Realm?" Chen Hao looked puzzled. Yang Man, the Extreme Heaven Realm restricts the entry of monks whose realm is too high.You cannot enter during the out-of-body period.

Yang Man just smiled: "You will follow me when the time comes, my sister will protect you well."

"Hmph, Senior Sister Yang, don't be fooled by this hooligan. This guy has a lot of tricks, who can hurt him?" You Mengqing, who was next to Yang Man, looked at Chen Hao disdainfully and said.

"Hehe..." The other two beautiful female disciples next to You Luxiu couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing lightly.

"Junior Brother Murong." At this time, another woman named Sima Ruyu spoke, and she was also one of the few female disciples who were more familiar with Chen Hao.

I saw her saying: "Extreme Heaven Realm is a real small world. No one in the cultivation world knows how big it is. Because it is really too big. Moreover, there are many crises in the depths. The strong cannot go deep, so what we understand is basically only the periphery of the Extreme Heaven Realm."

"Don't look at the five hundred disciples of our Xuanyue Sect who are going to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm. It seems a lot, but among the big sects, our Xuanyue Sect has the fewest disciples to enter. There are many sects even thousands of people." Sima Ru Yu Ru said.

Chen Hao nodded, and became more and more curious about this extreme sky realm.Moreover, no one can set foot in the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm. This is definitely an unexplored virgin land.

He has a feeling that entering the Extreme Heaven Realm this time will bring huge gains.

The Extreme Heaven Realm starts once every ten years, and each time lasts for one year.

During this time, the disciples of the various sects can search for various spiritual herbs, various relics, and even various opportunities in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Almost every time, there are sects in it with extremely astonishing gains.But every time the casualties are very huge.

Like Xuanyue Sect, 500 people enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, and 100 people come out after a year is considered good.

Therefore, opportunities and crises coexist!Those who are lucky can not only escape with their lives, but some even have more or less adventures.

Those who are unlucky may never come out after entering.

(End of this chapter)

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