The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 258 Entering the Extreme Heaven Realm

Chapter 258 Entering the Extreme Heaven Realm

Even so, many people participated in every opening of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

It's like gambling.If you can have any adventures in it, or find some precious spiritual herbs and medicines, then after you come out, your value will double!
But often, the vast majority of people can only get out of it.

This is the cruelty of the cultivation world, if you don't fight hard, you can only live a mediocre life.

Jitian City is not too far from Xuanyue Sect.Therefore, the Xuanyue Sect's talents dared to go to the Extreme Heaven City before the Extreme Heaven Realm was opened without any haste.

When Chen Hao and others arrived in Jitian City, they found that it was extremely lively for a few days!Disciples from all major sects flocked to Jitian City within the past few days.

The swarming crowd had long since known that Jitian City's business was booming.Especially restaurants and inns in Jitian City are extremely popular.

Even before entering Jitian City and outside Jitian City, I saw many tents outside the city.I even saw many monks sitting cross-legged in the open air outside the city or among the mountains.

These are monks from various sects who came to participate in the extreme heaven realm trial.Although Jitian City is huge, it can't accommodate such a swarm of monks from various sects.

Therefore, they can only temporarily settle outside the city, waiting for the opening of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Fortunately, a large sect like the Xuanyue Sect also has its own property in Jitian City. Although it is a bit crowded to accommodate hundreds of people, they can barely live there, at least they don't need to sleep on the streets.

The next day was the opening day of the Extreme Heaven Realm, and You Luxiu left the Xuanyue Sect's property here after arriving outside the Extreme Heaven City, probably to meet with the major masters.

Inside the Xuanyuezong property, in the room.

Chen Hao, You Mengqing, Yang Man, Sima Ruyu and a female monk named Pei Peiyu all gathered in You Mengqing's room.

At this time, Chen Hao had a look of surprise and doubt.

"You are all out-of-body monks! But you said that you will also enter the Extreme Heaven Realm tomorrow? I don't understand. Doesn't the Extreme Heaven Realm mean that people in the out-of-body stage cannot enter?" Chen Hao said hesitantly.

These women, especially Yang Man and Pei Peiyu were talking about protecting Chen Hao inside.It seems that Chen Hao's Huiyuan Dan and the like have no gray hair these days, regardless of whether the three women really want to protect Chen Hao, but that's enough.

Doesn't it mean that all feelings need to be cultivated?Cultivating and cultivating will naturally have feelings.Of course, this kind of feeling is not the love between men and women.

Only You Mengqing had a disdainful expression on his face.These three women are really... You Mengqing doesn't even know how to describe them.Anyway, they will know after seeing Chen Hao's strength.

Pei Peiyu looked at Chen Hao in surprise, and said, "Junior Brother Murong, don't you know that there is a supernatural power called sealing power in the cultivation world?"

"Seal the power?" Chen Hao looked surprised: "You mean you seal the power and realm before entering the extreme heaven realm? Is this feasible?"

Extreme Heaven Realm cannot enter higher realm monks.Of course Chen Hao knew that he could seal power and realm, but he originally thought that he would not be able to enter like this, after all, there are such rules in the extreme heaven realm.

"Of course. But only monks in the out-of-body stage can enter. Even if the masters in the distraction stage seal their strength to the fusion stage, they will not be able to enter the extreme sky state." Yang Man said with a smile.

"So, Junior Brother Chen Hao, my sister will protect you when the time comes." Sima Ruyu said with a smile on her face.

Chen Hao was taken aback first, he never thought that he would be able to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm after sealing the Realm.If that's the case, wouldn't even a half-immortal level person be able to enter after sealing their strength?

Then, even if he entered the Extreme Heaven Realm, he might not have a good time.It is very likely to encounter semi-immortal-level existences like Zhuang Ningguang and Sun Pingxi.

Fortunately, people who are distracted cannot enter.Then he would have no fear at all.Even if the golden skeleton is not used, the monks in the out-of-body stage can't do anything about it.

If he tried his best, even the monk Chen Hao who was out of his body would be able to kill him!

The sect master and elder Hua Rong of Aurora Sect is a good example.

After relaxing, Chen Hao smiled again, looked at the three girls and said, "The three senior sisters have all entered the Extreme Heaven Realm, can you tell me what it looks like inside?"

"Let's put it this way, there is an extremely huge world inside. There are no other monks except monsters and monks sent in by our various sects. And in the extreme sky, there are all kinds of extremely old spirit grass spirits. Medicines and so on. Moreover, there are occasional relics in the Extreme Heaven Realm.”

"Remains? Aren't there no monks in the Extreme Heaven Realm? Where did the relics come from?"

"I don't know the specifics, but every year there will be immortal artifacts in the relics that appear! And these are the reasons why the various sects are crazy."


Chen Hao was taken aback, there was a fairy artifact inside, so what does the Extreme Heaven Realm have to do with the Immortal Realm?In other words, the Extreme Heaven Realm was created by immortals?

Of course, this suspicion was not limited to Chen Hao.There are fairy artifacts inside!And it's not as simple as one or two things. If it's not related to immortals and the fairy world, how can it be explained?


The next day, it was the opening of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

The entrance to the Extreme Sky Realm is actually not within the Extreme Sky City.It was in the mountains more than ten miles away from Jitian City.

Beyond the entrance of the Extreme Heaven Realm, there is an incomparably huge square.There are about ten miles in size.

When Chen Hao came here, he found that it was very crowded.But it is obvious that there is still a large open space in front of the entrance of the Extreme Sky Realm.

You Luxiu led the Xuanyue Sect people towards the open space.Obviously, this place is reserved for Xuan Yuezong.

Near the open space, there were nine other teams standing.

Chen Hao glanced over and found acquaintances in two of the teams.In fact, they are not acquaintances, Chen Hao is very familiar with their clothes.

It is the disciple of Xutianzong and Yuanxumen.Besides their two sects, there were seven other teams standing side by side with them, obviously nine of the top ten sects.

After the top ten sects, there are still queues.Although these are not the top ten sects, their strength is not weak!Otherwise, they definitely couldn't be so far ahead.

And in these queues, Chen Hao suddenly saw people from Bada Chamber of Commerce and Tianxia Auction House.

From the looks of it, the temptation of the Extreme Heaven Realm is quite strong for people like them.At this time, Chen Hao discovered that the Xuanyue Sect, which he thought had a relatively large number of people, was really too small compared to the other ten sects.Even some mid-level sects have much more disciples than Xuanyuezong.

The Extreme Heaven Realm hasn't been opened yet!
Standing in the queue, Chen Hao really seemed to stand out from the crowd.

Apart from him and Zhang Ao, there is no third man in the entire Xuanyue Sect!One can imagine how the people around looked at them.

Every male disciple felt that Chen Hao and Chen Hao were quite lucky. Two men hang around in front of hundreds of women of different looks. This is not the treatment that everyone can have.

Sensing the jealous and envious eyes of those around him, Zhang Ao felt a little embarrassed when facing such a big scene for the first time.But Chen Hao just glanced at the top ten sects with an indifferent expression.

For him, this kind of staring salute has long been used to.And he is not Chen Hao now, just an ordinary young man whom no one knows.

Chen Hao's eyes scanned the Yinxian Valley, and suddenly, his expression was shocked, and two bright lights appeared in his eyes.Then, he walked out of Xuan Yuezong's queue, and slowly walked towards Yinxian Valley.

"Hi, fellow apprentices, I am a disciple of Xuanyue Sect." Chen Hao walked up to Yinxian Valley and the others, and greeted the disciples of Yinxian Valley very enthusiastically.

It's just obvious that the people in Yinxian Valley just looked at him with strange eyes, and some people responded occasionally.

Chen Hao didn't mind either, he didn't come here to strike up a conversation with these people.His goal is behind the Hidden Fairy Valley.

"Excuse me, excuse me..." Chen Hao went straight into the crowd of Hidden Immortal Valley, and walked towards the back of Hidden Immortal Valley while shouting "excuse me".

Seeing Chen Hao's scene, the disciples of Xuanyue Sect on the opposite side, especially the women who were familiar with Chen Hao, showed surprised expressions on their faces. They looked at Chen Hao, not knowing what he was going to do.

And many disciples of Yinxian Valley just looked at Chen Hao in surprise, not knowing what he was going to do.

However, soon, the faces of many disciples in Yinxian Valley, especially the male disciples, turned dark.Because they finally found out what Chen Hao was going to do.

Behind the disciples of the Hidden Immortal Valley, Zhao Zhiqing, the newly promoted saintess of the Hidden Immortal Valley, is here.And Chen Haopu pulled away the obstacles of many Yinxian Valley disciples, and went straight to Zhao Zhiqing.

After discovering Chen Hao's plan, many disciples of Yinxian Valley couldn't help cursing in their hearts: "This bastard, there are hundreds of women behind him, but he still wants to talk to the saint!"

In addition to scolding Chen Hao, they are also quite proud. Chen Hao's doing so naturally shows that their saint is stunning!Along the way, I don't know how many young heroes have come to try to strike up a conversation with the saint.

However, the results are all pathetic.

While being angry, many disciples of Yinxian Valley looked at Chen Hao amusedly, they wanted to see how Chen Hao got his head broken.

"Hi, beauties, how are you?" Chen Hao approached, waved his hand and said hello to Zhao Zhiqing and others.

Zhao Zhiqing, and even the many women around Zhao Zhiqing didn't even look at Chen Hao.Obviously, they didn't bother to talk to Chen Hao at all.

But think about it, even though these people are from Qingxuan Peak, they are very familiar with Chen Hao.But now Chen Hao is not what he used to be, wearing a mask, they just think Chen Hao is another boring person who came to strike up a conversation.

"Hi, ladies, long time no see." Chen Hao leaned over with a smile on his face.


The red-clothed woman Hua Wei's personality was still so fiery, and she yelled at Chen Hao directly.

Chen Hao's face darkened immediately, and he muttered in his heart: "This girl's personality is still hot, and she will easily suffer in the future."

However, in line with the principle of a large number of adults, Chen Hao ignored Hua Wei.After all, she didn't know that she was Chen Hao.Moreover, the reaction of Hua Wei and others was exactly what Chen Hao wanted to see.

By doing this, they directly protected Zhao Zhiqing.Make it impossible for those who want to take advantage of Zhao Zhiqing.

"Zhiqing, it's me." Chen Hao had to stop, and said to Zhao Zhiqing via voice transmission.

Zhao Zhiqing didn't even look at Chen Hao's side at first, but suddenly she heard Chen Hao's voice transmission.This surprised her, and then she looked over, just in time to see the ordinary young man not far in front of her nodding and smiling at her.

Zhao Zhiqing was surprised, she dressed and said, "Chen Hao, is that you?"

Chen Hao grinned: "No, can you say a few words? Of course, don't reveal my identity."

"Let him come here." Just when Hua Wei wanted to send Chen Hao away, Zhao Zhiqing suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, the people around Zhao Zhiqing couldn't help being shocked.This was the first time they saw Zhao Zhiqing treat a man like this.

Immediately, everyone involuntarily looked at Chen Haolai carefully.It's just that it's okay if you don't look at it, the more you look at it, the more you feel that Chen Hao's looks are really ordinary, his strength is really ordinary... he is simply useless.

Of course, when the girls looked at Chen Hao carefully, they immediately noticed the faint fragrance coming from Chen Hao.

"Is she disguised as a man?" All the women looked at Chen Hao with black lines on their faces.And Chen Hao had already crossed the crowd and came to Zhao Zhiqing's side.

"Hi, beautiful saint." Chen Hao greeted Zhao Zhiqing with a bright smile on his face.In fact, he had secretly communicated with Zhao Zhiqing.

"So many people came to Qingxuan Peak this time?" Chen Hao said with a frown.There were originally thirteen girls in Qingxuan Peak, but now six of them have come, plus a few disciples who joined Qingxuan Peak later, there are more than a dozen people in Qingxuan Peak this time.

Most of the people are in the integration period, and the strength of the rotation period.In the Extreme Heaven Realm, they are only to be abused, and they can only be killed like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Qingxuan Peak has just been established and has no resources. This time entering the Extreme Heaven Realm is the best opportunity." Zhao Zhiqing said via voice transmission.

Chen Hao shook his head: "Do you know that there are many dangers inside? And there are even many out-of-body monks from various sects entering together?"

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, of course she knew all this, but she was also helpless.Although they are supported by various resources from Chen Hao, they are still not enough!Moreover, the most important thing is that Zhao Zhiqing didn't want Chen Hao to work hard for all of this.

For the development of Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao cannot be relied on alone, he must also contribute his own strength!After all, Chen Hao's power alone is always limited.

"If that's the case, then after entering the Extreme Heaven Realm, with me, at least there are more people and more strength." Chen Hao glanced at Zhao Zhiqing, and found that her strength was already in the late stage of integration, and this speed of improvement made Chen Hao feel ashamed.

Zhao Zhiqing nodded, and Chen Hao left with a smile.

When passing by many disciples of Yinxian Valley, all the disciples of Yinxian Valley looked at Chen Hao with envious eyes.How could this incomparably ordinary boy be able to get close to the saint?Even if they are brothers from the same sect, they can't get close.

"Everyone, your saintess is really approachable and easy to get along with." Chen Hao waved and smiled at the many disciples of Yinxian Valley, but it made them want to be pressed on the ground by him, and then kicked several times hard. foot.

"Big rogue, why are you going to Yinxian Valley? That is the newly promoted saintess of Yinxian Valley. I didn't expect that she would also enter the Extreme Heaven Realm." After returning to the Xuanyue Sect queue, You Mengqing immediately Then he leaned over and said to Chen Hao with some taste.

"The secret must not be revealed." Chen Hao grinned.

You Mengqing wished he could slap Chen Hao's smiling mouth, this guy was really annoying.However, what exactly did he say to the Saintess of the Hidden Immortal Valley?
Not only You Mengqing was puzzled, even Hua Wei and others were also puzzled.Because Chen Hao had just installed a soundproof barrier outside them, and Chen Hao and Chen Hao even spoke through sound transmission.


At this moment, at the end of the square, a glaring white light suddenly burst out from the other side of the hill!

White light shot up into the sky, attracting everyone's attention.However, the dazzling divine light was so dazzling that everyone couldn't help squinting their eyes slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, the white light had disappeared.However, a huge door surrounded by white light is suspended in the void.

The entrance to the Extreme Sky Realm has finally opened!

As long as they pass through this portal, they can enter the Extreme Heaven Realm.And this portal will last until today, one year later.

Of course, although the portal is there, it will only be able to exit but not enter from tomorrow onwards.

After the portal of Extreme Sky Realm was opened, in front of the square, the people from the Tianyan Sect who was closest to the entrance rose into the air, and drove flying swords into the portal about a mile in size.

But at this moment, Chen Hao found that the auras of You Mengqing, Yang Man and others beside him had weakened a lot in an instant, and then he saw that the strength of these people was suppressed in the spirit silence stage.

Chen Hao has the power of a hundred dragons, which is far beyond that of ordinary monks in the spiritual solitude period. Of course, he can see through the realm of the spiritual solitude period.


The top ten sects rushed in one after another, and soon it was Xuanyuezong's turn.Chen Hao followed You Mengqing and others and flew into the portal.

A hazy white light shrouded Chen Hao's body, as if he was peeping at himself.Chen Hao knew that this was the entrance of the Extreme Heaven Realm checking everyone's cultivation. As long as the strength was too high, the Extreme Heaven Realm would refuse to enter.

After the white light passed, Chen Hao felt a huge pulling force covering himself, and before he could react, he was pulled into the entrance.

After a slight dizziness, Chen Hao regained his footing on the ground.However, just after he got down on the ground, he felt a dangerous breath coming from behind him.

Someone sneaked up.

Chen Hao narrowed his face slightly, and grabbed it with his big hand.The Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear, which he had put in his dantian for a long time to warm up, was already in his hand.

Then, I saw Chen Hao sweeping backwards with a gun.


A black gun light erupted, shattered the world, traversed the world, and killed it with an extremely terrifying murderous aura.


After a burst of screams, the monks who attacked Chen Hao from behind were instantly beaten into a cloud of blood.At this time, Chen Hao discovered that there were already many corpses lying on the ground near the entrance.

Obviously, these monks from the top ten sects started killing and seizing treasures after entering the Extreme Heaven Realm!In addition to facing its own dangers in the Extreme Heaven Realm, there are more monks from various sects.

Here, it is killing!Even sects that are friendly with each other will kill.

There were still many people near the entrance, but when they saw Chen Hao smashing a few monks who were in the heartbeat stage with one shot, the people around were scared and retreated far away.

At this time, Xuan Yuezong and others flew in one after another.When they entered Xuanyuezong, there were quite a few disciples nearby who wanted to kill Xuanyuezong's disciples, but they were rushed up by Chen Hao's footsteps, and then they were directly stabbed to death one by one. .

After knowing Chen Hao's identity and strength, no one dared to attack Xuan Yuezong's people.And after You Mengqing and others entered, Chen Hao called Zhang Ao to leave.

"Junior Brother Murong? Are you leaving? Not with us?" Pei Peiyu asked in surprise.

In the Extreme Heaven Realm, it is generally a collective action. If you are alone, you will easily be robbed and killed by others.

Chen Hao smiled: "I won't be with you anymore. Although it's safer to follow you, it's less fun to take risks. So, we'll leave first. We'll meet again if we're destined." While speaking , Chen Hao took Zhang Ao into the air and flew towards the distance.

However, before leaving, Chen Hao popped out a piece of jade slip and gave it to You Mengqing: "Girl, remember to crush the jade slip, I will know immediately."

You Mengqing's heart moved, although she wanted to be with Chen Hao.But looking at the disciples of Xuanyue Sect, they shook their heads again.

On the other side, Zhao Zhiqing, who entered the Extreme Heaven Realm one step ahead of Xuan Yuezong, led the people from Qingxuan Peak and left the team of Yinxian Valley immediately.

Being with them, although safe, may end up with nothing.After all, there are too many people, and the chance of getting benefits is too slim.Moreover, she had to meet Chen Hao.

"Senior Sister, which direction are we going?" All the girls entered the Extreme Heaven Realm for the first time, chattering and looking around excitedly.However, they don't know that the danger is gradually approaching them.

A sword light appeared out of thin air from a distance, and then with lightning speed, it shattered billions of time and space, and then ruthlessly slashed at Zhao Zhiqing who was walking in front.

"Ah! Sister."

Seeing this scene, Hua Wei and the others suddenly exclaimed.Just when they thought that Zhao Zhiqing would suffer misfortune, a vast ocean-like aura burst out from Zhao Zhiqing's body.

A strong but non-glare white light shot up into the sky, instantly sweeping in all directions, covering Hua Wei and the others.

But the moment it touched the white light, the flying sword that came out made a loud noise, and was bounced back.

(End of this chapter)

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