Chapter 259 Massacre
Like a white light, it enveloped Zhao Zhiqing, Hua Wei and the others like a shield, avoiding the enemy's attack.

Hua Wei and the others in the white light rushed forward, all of them looked at Zhao Zhiqing with concerned expressions: "Senior Sister, are you alright?"

Zhao Zhiqing shook her head, then looked around with a frosty face.

At this moment, figures continuously jumped out of the surrounding mountains.These people are all wearing uniform clothes, and it seems that they are all from the same sect.

Moreover, what is different from ordinary monks is... Ordinary monks usually put flying swords in storage bags or other storage spaces when they are not in use.

However, all of these people's long swords were carried on their backs, and even the most common flying swords revealed a cold killing intent and a sky-high sword intent.

With such a long sword on his back, and with such a sharp sword intent, there is only one sect in the entire cultivation world - Wuji Sword Sect.

The Wuji Sword Sect, just like the name of their sect, they are a group of people born for swords.They will not use other magic weapons, only swords.

The sword is the magic weapon, and the magic weapon is the sword.At the same time, they are good at combining human and sword, the sword is themselves, and they are the sword.Even if it is just a low-grade magic weapon-level flying sword, when used in their hands, its power is three points stronger than that of a strong man of the same level.

Therefore, among the top ten sects, the fighting power of Wuji sect is somewhat stronger than the other several sects.Moreover, apart from the fact that the vast majority of sword cultivators are stronger than monks of the same realm, fighting them is also very painful.

These people are all lunatics, and each of them fights desperately.

It is precisely because of this that there is a saying in the cultivation world that they would rather provoke other sects than Wuji Sword Sect.

However, what Zhao Zhiqing and the others didn't expect was that just after entering the Extreme Heaven Realm, people from the Wuji Sword Sect started attacking them.If Zhao Zhiqing's gossip fairy clothes hadn't felt a strong killing intent and automatically protected the lord, Zhao Zhiqing would have been killed long ago.

Thinking that she was almost killed by surprise attack, even Zhao Zhiqing, who was indifferent, couldn't help being very angry.She looked coldly at the dozens of Wuji Sword Sect monks around her, and said in a cold tone, "Why did you sneak attack us?"

"Tsk tsk, Zhao Zhiqing, the new saint of Yinxian Valley. I don't know how Yinxian Valley will react when the saint of Yinxian Valley falls in the extreme sky? Painful? Regret?" A young man came out and looked Looking at Zhao Zhiqing, she sneered.

Zhao Zhiqing, the new saintess of Hidden Fairy Valley.This matter has long been spread in the cultivation world.

Canonized as a saint just during the rotation period?Why?It is obvious that Zhao Zhiqing has great potential, and Hidden Immortal Valley has started to train her early on.

This is a good thing for Hidden Immortal Valley. Once Zhao Zhiqing grows up, Hidden Immortal Valley will become even stronger.

However, it is not a good thing for other sects, especially the other ten major sects.Hidden Immortal Valley was already vaguely the top ten sects, if Zhao Zhiqing was allowed to grow up again, it would overwhelm them all even more.

Therefore, after learning that Zhao Zhiqing would also enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, the other sects in the top ten sects made a series of arrangements, the most important of which was to make sure that Zhao Zhiqing could not come out of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

But the Wuji Sword Sect was only the first to do it.

Clever and Zhao Zhiqing, after hearing the words of the Wuji Sword Sect disciples, immediately reacted.

"You want to kill me? Just rely on you?" Zhao Zhiqing sneered.Then she grasped the sky with her right hand, and the next moment, a long sword that exuded terror like a vast ocean appeared in her hand.


It was one of the fairy artifacts Chen Hao gave her.


The young man seemed to be the leader of this group of Wuji Sword Sect. After he snorted coldly, dozens of Wuji Sword Sect disciples around immediately let out a low growl, commanding their flying swords to strangle Zhao Zhiqing in the air.

Hua Wei and the others were extremely angry. They shouted coquettishly, released their flying swords, and clashed with the Wuji Sword Sect.It's just obvious that the strength of Hua Wei and others is not very good, and now their enemy is even more powerful swordsman.

boom! boom! boom!
After the sound of flying swords colliding, Hua Wei and the others immediately became in a state of exhaustion.Even though their flying swords were not bad, they lost after the first round and were knocked back.

And some people have even been traumatized by it.Fortunately, Zhao Zhiqing sacrificed the gossip fairy clothes.The light emanating from the gossip fairy clothes blocked the Wuji Sword Sect's attack, otherwise, after such a round of attack, Hua Wei and the others would have been killed.

"court death!"

Zhao Zhiqing's face was as cold as frost, she let out an angry shout, and poured her true energy into the immortal weapon in her hand.

The fairy-level flying sword was activated instantly, and an extremely terrifying sword glow erupted.

Zhao Zhiqing swept out with a sword.I saw a sword light slashing out fiercely, as if the void was also split in two, and slashed fiercely at the surrounding Wuji Sword Sect disciples.

The huge sword light gushed out like lightning, and slashed on the flying swords that the Wuji Sword Sect disciples slashed over.In front of Immortal Artifacts, even if they are powerful sword cultivators, even if their flying swords are particularly powerful, they are not opponents of Immortal Artifacts at all.

As if made of tofu, wherever the sword glow from the fairy weapon passed, these flying swords were split in half one after another!

Sword cultivators are different from ordinary monks. After the magic weapon is damaged, the mind of ordinary monks is damaged by it.And the sword cultivator refined the flying sword into their natal magic weapon.

Therefore, when their flying swords were destroyed, their minds were even more traumatized.Immediately, those disciples who were destroyed because of the flying sword were all spurting blood.


Where the sword light passed, blood mist shot up into the sky, and the monks of the Wuji Sword Sect didn't even have time to react. After the flying sword was destroyed, they were cut in half.

With one strike of the sword, one-third of the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect were killed.And several nearby mountains were also split into two smooth halves by the sword light bursting out from the fairy weapon.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Wuji Sword Sect were all startled.The people who were not dead were instantly frightened and retreated far away, all of them looked at Zhao Zhiqing with horrified expressions.

At this time, Zhao Zhiqing's complexion was not very good-looking.Although Cai Cai's sword was extremely sharp, it was extremely energy-consuming to activate the fairy weapon.

That sword strike consumed at least [-]% of her strength!Therefore, at this time, Zhao Zhiqing was rapidly refining the Huiyuan Pill, supplementing the power she had consumed.

Once one's own strength is exhausted, let alone beheading the enemy with a fairy weapon, even the shield of the gossip fairy clothes will not be able to maintain it.In other words, once her strength is exhausted, the group of them will probably die here today.

"What should I do?" Hua Wei and the others are not stupid, how can they fail to see this extremely dangerous situation?

On the other side, people from the Wuji Sword Sect naturally noticed it too.

"Although the flying sword in her hand is powerful, it consumes a lot of power every time it is pushed. Be careful, don't get too close, as long as her power is exhausted, they will surely die." The young man in the lead said with a sullen face.

The other disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect all looked at Zhao Zhiqing's side with a murderous look, and began to attack Zhao Zhiqing and others from a long distance.

Because of the gossip fairy clothes, the attacks of these people could not harm Zhao Zhiqing for the time being.However, every attack consumes a lot of Zhao Zhiqing's power.At this moment, she could only replenish the rapidly depleted strength by constantly devouring the Huiyuan Dan, and she didn't even have a chance to draw a sword.

"Intensify the attack, she is almost unable to hold on." The young man in the lead roared excitedly.At this moment, he was very excited!Yes, that is excitement.

Zhao Zhiqing has at least two high-grade spiritual weapons on her body!As long as you kill it, you will not only get a great reward from the sect, but also get the magic weapon from Zhao Zhiqing.

"Let's get out of here." Zhao Zhiqing surveyed the surroundings, and then slowly retreated towards the entrance of the Extreme Sky Realm with Hua Wei and the others.As long as they meet disciples from other sects, people from the Wuji Sword Sect may not dare to continue fighting.Once they meet other disciples from Hidden Immortal Valley, they will come to reinforce them.

It's just that Zhao Zhiqing's plan didn't come to the people of the Wuji Sword Sect who didn't see it?
With an order, these people's attacks became more powerful.Even under their attack, Zhao Zhiqing and the others headed in the opposite direction of the entrance to the Extreme Heaven Realm, walking further and further away.

After a long time passed like this, they still failed to defeat the protection of the gossip fairy clothes.Because Zhao Zhiqing's Huiyuan Pill seemed to be endless, and she couldn't eat it at all.

"Damn it!" The young man headed by the Wuji Sword Sect was furious and roared, a few phantoms of horned dragons burst out, and ruthlessly blasted Zhao Zhiqing to death.

Out-of-body monks!

After seeing the phantom of the horned dragon hovering in the void above the head of the young man, the hearts of the people on Zhao Zhiqing's side sank instantly.

Zhao Zhiqing's complexion became more and more ugly.

Under the full attack of the young man, the white light emitted by the gossip fairy clothes shook violently.But Zhao Zhiqing's heart trembled, and her Qi and blood immediately churned like a river.

At this moment, Zhao Zhiqing was shocked to find that just by bearing this blow from the young man, [-]% of the true energy in her body had been consumed!

As long as the young man comes here a few more times, even if she has a large amount of Huiyuan Dan, it will not be able to replenish it at all.

"Is it really impossible to keep them today?" Zhao Zhiqing glanced at Hua Wei and the others.She has a fairy weapon, so it's absolutely fine to leave alone, but she can't leave Hua Wei and the others behind, she doesn't want to leave anyone behind.

"What should I do?" Zhao Zhiqing became anxious.

"Well, Murong! He has also entered the Extreme Heaven Realm." At this moment, Zhao Zhiqing suddenly thought of Chen Hao.So, without any hesitation, she took out a jade slip from the storage bag, and crushed it directly!
In the distance, Chen Haozheng and Zhang Ao were slowly flying towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Suddenly, Chen Hao frowned, and the next moment, his face changed suddenly.

"Zhang Ao, come with me." With a sudden change in his face, Chen Hao kicked off the flying sword under his feet, then grabbed the unknown Zhang Ao beside him with one hand, and then flew straight into the air, flying in another direction. and go.

I saw Chen Hao stepping on the Bingzi Jue, his figure was like a shooting star, and he seemed to be faster than lightning, just like the teleportation of a monk during the tribulation period.

With a bang, he disappeared in place with Zhang Ao, and when he reappeared, he was tens of miles or hundreds of miles away.After a few jumps, he had already rushed thousands of miles away.

At this time, Zhang Ao felt Chen Hao's terrifying speed for the first time.

At this time, Chen Hao had already used the Bing Zi Jue to the extreme, flying in the void.The speed is so fast, it is only several times faster than the speed that broke out when I practiced with You Mengqing in the system red envelope?
Feeling the endless killing intent and anger emanating from Chen Hao, Zhang Ao opened his mouth, wanting to ask why.But in the end he still kept his mouth shut, although he didn't know why Chen Hao reacted so suddenly, although he wanted to know the reason very much.

However, as a subordinate, he still has the consciousness to be a subordinate.Seeing how anxious Chen Hao was, it was better for him not to disturb Chen Hao, otherwise, if he angered Chen Hao, he would be the one who would be unlucky.

Under Chen Hao's full-speed flying, he quickly swept thousands of miles across and appeared in the mountains.At this time, looking around, a group of people in front of them were being surrounded and killed by another group of people.

When he saw clearly those besieged and crumbling lovable children, the anger in Chen Hao's heart completely exploded!The infinite murderous aura soared into the sky, and he roared angrily...

In front were Zhao Zhiqing and the others.

When Zhao Zhiqing crushed the jade slip that Chen Hao left him, Chen Hao knew that Zhao Zhiqing was in trouble right away.

Therefore, he rushed over immediately.

Under the attack of the Wuji Sword Sect, especially the out-of-body monk headed by the Wuji Sword Sect, the light of the Bagua Immortal Clothes' body protection had shrunk to a large extent, and only covered a few meters around Zhao Zhiqing, protecting everyone.

But at this time, Zhao Zhiqing no longer devoured the Huiyuan Pill, but directly burned the Huiyuan Pill!
However, even so, it cannot support her rapid consumption.At this moment, Zhao Zhiqing's face was terribly pale. She knew that if Chen Hao hadn't come, they would definitely not be spared today.

But, no matter what, she has to persevere.The people around me are all Qingxuan Peak's team members, if she is the only one who leaves the Extreme Heaven Realm alone this time, who will dare to join Qingxuan Peak in the future?Moreover, she didn't want anything to happen to Hua Wei and the others.

However, the attacks of Wuji Sword Sect and others were really powerful, and she couldn't hold on for long.

At this time, Hua Wei and the others were already in despair.

"Senior Sister, don't worry about us, you can get out of the encirclement by yourself." Hua Wei said again, they had spoken this way many times, but Zhao Zhiqing never left them.

Zhao Zhiqing shook her head with a firm face: "I still say the same thing, I can't let any of you stay today, you either go together, or you are left together!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Zhiqing showed a hint of apology on her face, and said, "In the final analysis, it's all because I have troubled you."

"We are all from Qingxuan Peak, and the matter of the senior sister is our matter. They want to kill you, but they want to kill us. This is not allowed!" Another disciple said through gritted teeth, looking outside at the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect His eyes were full of anger.

"Let's advance and retreat together!" The many disciples of Qingxuan Peak were in unison, Zhao Zhiqing was moved, but at the same time felt satisfied.This kind of person is his own person, absolutely loyal to himself, even when it comes to life and death, he doesn't have any complaints.

However, their behavior strengthened Zhao Zhiqing's desire to protect them.

"Hold on, I've already asked for help, and I believe someone will come to rescue us soon."

Hearing this, all the girls were overjoyed.

At this moment, before Zhao Zhiqing's words fell, an angry roar suddenly came from a distance: "You bastards, you dare to touch my woman, you really want to die!"

The sound was like thunder rolling from the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, and the earth trembled.The huge and resonant voice contained extremely strong anger and murderous intent.

Just when that voice came, everyone heard a piercing sound that wanted to pierce their eardrums.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, but they saw a long and huge crack being torn into the void in the distance.A ray of golden light shattered the sky and the earth at an extremely terrifying speed, shot through the sky, and came lasing.


The vicissitudes and antiquity of the horrible aura like the vast ocean, the murderous intent contained in it is even more terrifying.

A golden light!
Everyone just heard and saw a golden light piercing through the void and coming in lasingly. They couldn't see what was inside the golden light at all.

With a swish, the golden light tore through the void above everyone's heads, passing them by in an instant.

At this moment, in the Wuji Sword Sect, the cultivator in the out-of-body stage suddenly uttered a shrill scream.


Before the screams fell, everyone heard a loud noise again...

With a "bang", everyone just saw the golden light go straight through the body of the out-of-body monk, and then the out-of-body monk was directly blown into a cloud of blood mist.


Seeing this scene, both Zhao Zhiqing's side and the Wuji Sword Sect's side couldn't help but be surprised.

But at this time, after killing the out-of-body monk, the golden light continued to turn into a golden light with a "swoosh" and flew back in the direction from which it came.

When Jin Guang left, the speed stagnated for a moment.

It was at this moment that everyone saw clearly the true color of the golden light - the divine arrow!
The crowd exclaimed.

"You bastards, women who dare to touch me, all of you will die today!"

At the same time as the divine arrow flew back, a figure flew from afar at an extremely terrifying speed.In the void, he grasped falsely with his big hand, and he took away the magic arrow that killed the out-of-body monk.

"It's him?" At this time, Hua Wei and the others couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the person coming.It was before the Extreme Heaven Realm was opened, the monk who came to find Zhao Zhiqing, the Xuanyue Sect's fusion period who exuded a fresh fragrance.

"Why is he here?"

"Who is his woman?"

"Who is he?"

"Isn't he only in the state of fusion? He can fly in the air with his body, and his speed is really terrifying!"

All of a sudden, countless doubts appeared in the hearts of the girls.At this moment, Zhao Zhiqing breathed a sigh of relief: "He's finally here."

Chen Hao's speed was fast, he quickly passed over the girls, and then rushed to the front of many disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

With a roar, Chen Hao instantly cast Wan Jianjue.In an instant, hundreds of flying swords of the spirit weapon level appeared out of thin air, and then flashed with amazing killing intent, bursting out into the sky...

Hundreds of millions of sword lights shot up into the sky, as if covering the world, covering the sky and the sun, making the sun and the moon dark.


Chen Hao let out a low growl, and hundreds of millions of sword lights strangled down.

what!what!what! ...

Above Chen Hao's head hovered a hundred condensed and incomparably black chinchilla phantoms. Under his control, the power of a hundred dragons was poured into the flying sword controlled by him.

The power of a hundred panchi is far superior to the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect present, and even the monks in the Lingji stage are far inferior to Chen Hao.

Moreover, all the flying swords that Chen Hao controlled this time were of the spirit weapon level.

Therefore, when the hundreds of millions of sword lights strangled down, even the sword cultivators of the Wuji Sword Sect could not resist.Immediately, more than half of the disciples were directly smashed into pieces.All that was left behind were bursts of shrill screams and bursts of blood mist.

Others that are stronger can still withstand Chen Hao's attack.However, how could Chen Hao let them go?
"Everyone is going to die!" Chen Hao roared angrily, controlling a hundred flying swords to smash the world to pieces.Only a burst of shrill screams could be heard, and the sword cultivators of the Wuji Sword Sect didn't even have a chance to escape, and they were all killed by bombardment.

In fact, only the out-of-body monks present were threatening Chen Hao.But Chen Hao is smart, the Qiankun Bow shot him to death in the distance.Then, a group of sword cultivators under the out-of-body period were simply destined to be slaughtered.

Who made Chen Hao's strength far surpass them?Moreover, this guy controls a hundred flying swords of the spirit weapon level, even monks in the out-of-body stage will be crushed into powder, let alone them?
The battle ended very quickly. When Hua Wei and others were shocked, Chen Hao had already cleaned up dozens of Wuji Sword Sect monks, neatly.

After killing these people, Chen Hao turned around and walked towards Zhao Zhiqing.

Seeing Chen Hao approaching with a murderous look—in fact, how could Chen Hao have murderous intentions towards Zhao Zhiqing?It's just that he has just experienced a massacre, and the murderous aura on his body has not completely faded away.

Hua Wei's heart trembled, and she stood in front of Zhao Zhiqing with a flick of her figure. She looked at Chen Hao firmly with a little panic in her eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "Who are you? Don't come over."

Chen Hao was startled, and then couldn't help but feel amused.He suddenly gave Hua Wei a murderous look, and then said: "Girl, get out of the way, believe it or not, I stripped you naked, and then spanked your ass?"

Hua Wei showed a look of embarrassment and anger. Although she was a little scared in her heart, she remained motionless...

Chen Hao strode up and slowly stretched out his big hand

(End of this chapter)

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