The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 260 The Power of Immortal Artifacts

Chapter 260 The Power of Immortal Artifacts
Watching Chen Hao stick out his big hand and slowly grab it towards him.Thinking of Chen Hao's terrifying strength just now, Hua Wei was terrified to death.

But even so, she still stood in front of Zhao Zhiqing with her head held high, glaring at Chen Hao fiercely, without flinching at all.

Chen Hao stretched out his big hand, and then pinched Hua Wei's flabbergasted little face with lightning speed, then squeezed it lightly, and said at the same time: "Girl, I have wanted to pinch your face for a long time.

Since I went up the mountain, you have been against me everywhere, and today I will let you know the fate of opposing me. "

"what's going on?"

At this moment, except for Zhao Zhiqing, everyone else was puzzled.But Hua Wei, the person involved, was very angry, and looked at Chen Hao viciously, wishing to pounce on him and bite him to death.

Chen Hao twisted Hua Wei's face again, and finally withdrew his hand. At the same time, he said with a smile: "Girl, it feels good."

Hua Wei was stunned, and wanted to die.

"Evil thief, I will fight with you."

Hua Wei was furious, she threw out her flying sword and struck down at Chen Hao.And Chen Hao's figure flickered, and he avoided her attack in an instant.

While Hua Wei was about to continue her attack, Zhao Zhiqing stepped forward, but stopped her.

"Okay, stop making trouble. Murong, don't tease her either." Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao and said with some dumbfounding.

Chen Hao shrugged, and flicked his right hand across his face, and then a familiar face appeared in front of all the girls——Chen Hao.

When they saw Chen Hao, the girls reacted.It turned out that he was Chen Hao, just wearing a mask.And this also explained why Zhao Zhiqing, who usually resists people thousands of miles away like an iceberg, let him approach.

It also explained Chen Hao's roar: My woman...

The doubts in the hearts of the girls were all removed in an instant.However, at this time Hua Wei still looked at Chen Hao with shame and anger.This guy actually bullied himself again.

Thinking of Chen Hao bullying her again, Hua Wei hated her so much, but she also knew that she was not Chen Hao's opponent, so she didn't bother to take revenge, and just looked at Chen Hao with vicious eyes, as if this It's like getting revenge.

"Boss." At this moment, Zhang Ao flew over from afar.

Chen Hao nodded, then glanced around, and left with everyone.In the process, he understood the reason why the Wuji Sword Sect wanted to attack and kill Zhao Zhiqing's daughters.

"It seems that not only the Wuji Sword Party will attack you, but also several other sects will attack you." After pondering for a while, Chen Hao said murderously.

The other nine sects, or even people other than the top ten sects may attack Zhao Zhiqing.After all, killing Zhao Zhiqing would not only hit Hidden Immortal Valley, but also bring him a lot of benefits. Who wouldn't want to do it?

The key is that Zhao Zhiqing's strength is too low, only the integration period.And among the people who have entered the Extreme Heaven Realm, they are much higher than those in the Fusion Stage.

The heartbeat period, the spirit silence period and even the out-of-body period!

All the girls were a little worried, and some even suggested to leave the Extreme Heaven Realm altogether.Although it was embarrassing to go out as soon as you came in, it was better than losing your life.

"Go out? Why do you want to go out? There is everything in the Extreme Sky Realm, and it only opens once every ten years. If you go out now, you may not have a chance to come in in the future." Chen Hao said with a sneer.

Cultivators in the out-of-body stage can come in after sealing their cultivation, but with Chen Hao and Zhao Zhiqing's cultivation speed, who can say for sure what realm they will reach after ten years?
Once the out-of-body period has passed, you will never be able to step into the Extreme Heaven Realm again.Therefore, Chen Hao intends to grab all the things he wants at once.

"But people from other sects?" Someone asked worriedly.

"So what? Whoever dares to do anything, just kill them. At worst, kill them all." Chen Hao said murderously.

With his ability, anyone who dares to move them would be courting death.Of course, if Chen Hao really wants to kill them all, it is not impossible.

Of course, Chen Hao wouldn't chase them out of boredom. His main purpose of entering the Extreme Heaven Realm was to find spiritual veins.Therefore, he led the girls and flew towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Although the Extreme Heaven Realm claims to have countless treasured elixir, spirit grass.But every ten years, even if there are any precious treasures in these outermost places, they have been collected long ago.

Therefore, if you can get more treasures, you can only choose to go deep.It's just that the deeper you go, the more dangerous it is in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

However, this did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for treasure hunting.Therefore, except for Chen Hao and his party, many people walked towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

During this process, there are battles everywhere in the Extreme Heaven Realm, and various sects fight each other.

Perhaps it was because a certain sect obtained a spirit herb or medicine that was not old.After the news spread, it attracted others to rob and fight.

Perhaps, some sects enter the Extreme Heaven Realm to fight and rob other people's treasures.

Along the way, what Chen Hao and the others saw were stumped limbs and broken arms and corpses all over the ground.Countless people died in fighting each other.

Perhaps because they have never seen such a bloody and cruel side, the faces of Hua Wei and others are not very good-looking.Even Zhao Zhiqing frowned slightly.

As for Chen Hao and Zhang Ao, these two guys are cruel and merciless, seeing these dead people is as if they have never seen them before, and their emotions have not changed at all.

Chen Hao and the others entered a mountain depression, and immediately, figures appeared on the surrounding mountains.

"The disciples of Yinxian Valley, tsk tsk, there must be a lot of treasures on him." One of the middle-aged men looked at Chen Hao and others who were surrounded, licked his tongue, and said with a ferocious expression.

Chen Hao glanced at these people indifferently, and found that the clothes of these people were not uniform.They are all small characters put together by some miscellaneous small sects.

Seeing these people appear, everyone is not nervous.However, soon, Chen Hao realized that something was wrong, so except him, everyone set their sights on him.

"What's the situation?" Chen Hao looked at everyone with a bitter face.

The girls covered their mouths and snickered: "You are the strongest here, of course you are the one to deal with them."

"We are all pretty little girls, do you have the nerve to let us do it? Besides, our strength is too weak. We will die if we go up."

"Those who can do more work."

Even Zhao Zhiqing covered her mouth and looked at Chen Hao smiling, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Chen Hao looked up to the sky and sighed: It's not nice to meet people.

In the end, he reluctantly walked out slowly.There is no way, the strength of the people is not enough, they are not the opponents of those people, if they go out, they will die.

Therefore, Chen Hao can only do it.But at this time, Chen Hao really felt very hard, and the situation of such incompetent subordinates was really too hard.

He swore that he would come out with some masters in the shortest possible time.In a situation like this, there is no need for him to do it himself.

As a leader, how could a little guy like the boss let him do it himself.

"Hand over your flying swords, medicine pills, everything." The middle-aged man stood on the top of the hill, looked at the people below and shouted angrily.

Chen Hao came out with a bitter expression on his face. Hearing this, he seemed to cooperate and grabbed several flying swords in succession.

One, two, three...

Chen Hao kept grabbing in the air with his big hand, and every time he took out a flying sword, and in just a few breaths, Chen Hao was holding a lot of high-grade flying swords in his hands.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged men and the group showed ecstatic expressions on their faces.This guy has a lot of inventory on him, it looks like he should be a descendant of some big man, as long as he is killed...

"That kid, just throw your storage bag over here." The middle-aged man pointed at Chen Hao and shouted.

Chen Hao sneered: "You guys better catch my flying sword and talk about it." While speaking, Chen Hao had already scattered the flying sword in his hand like a fairy scattered flowers.

chi chi...

In an instant, hundreds of millions of sword lights shot up into the sky, followed by bursts of shrill screams.Under the attack of Chen Hao's Ten Thousand Swords Art, these small characters whose cultivation base was not yet in the stage of heart-throbbing had no time to react, and they were all strangled and turned into pieces of meat.

After a few breaths, the screams gradually stopped.None of the original dozens of people are intact people, no, it should be said that none of them are intact corpses.

Chen Hao clapped his hands, "It's done." Say it, turn around and walk back.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the crowd, and then sank into the piles of minced meat, tumbling continuously.

Looking at Zhang Ao who made a lot of money there, Chen Hao shook his head and said helplessly, "This kid is crazy poor."

Hearing this, all the girls showed disdain on their faces: "I don't know who told him to collect things from dead people."

Chen Hao's expression changed immediately, and he said: "You prodigal girls, if you are not in charge, you don't know that oil and salt are expensive. I am diligent and thrifty. Do you know that if you don't leave anything behind?"

Everyone rolled their eyes again and again.

In fact, after killing the members of the Wuji Sword Sect, Chen Hao ordered Zhang Ao to go and collect the flying swords and storage bags of those disciples.

And along the way, whenever he saw a lot of corpses, Zhang Ao would go up and search them, so now, after Chen Hao killed these people, he jumped out immediately without Chen Hao's orders.

This made Chen Hao sigh: "This kid has a future, it's just a matter of inference, he has a future."

As for Hua Wei and the others, he shook his head again and again: "It's too hopeless..."

Chen Hao even made a decision - in the future, the recruiter must accept a promising child like Zhang Ao, so he can save worry and money, he is so promising.

Chen Hao and his party walked towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm. During this process, whenever they encountered attacks from disciples of other sects, it was Chen Hao who took the initiative to settle them.

But Zhang Ao made a lot of money, which made him happy.

Under Chen Hao's strength, anyone who came to make trouble was dealt with directly by him.Moreover, apart from the people from the Wuji Sword Sect that he met at the beginning, there were no monks from the top ten sects.


On this day, just as Chen Hao and the others climbed over a mountain, they heard loud noises like thunder coming from ahead.The huge sound was earth-shattering, and even the earth was shaken.

Clearly, there is a battle ahead.

Chen Hao and his party stood on the top of the hill and looked over, but there was an open space in front of them, hundreds of people were fighting!And these terrifying loud noises are just the roar of the impact of the forces erupted by these people in the battle.

After looking carefully, it was discovered that the people who fought against each other included monks from the top ten sects——Wuji Sword Sect, Xutian Sect, Yuanxu Sect and even a Tianyan Sect.

One of the four top ten sects is a sect that has grievances with Chen Hao.At this time, they were clearly divided into two factions and were fighting each other.Apart from them, there were some monks from other sects also mixed among them, fighting frantically.Every moment, someone will be beheaded.

The sound of fighting filled the void, and the ground was full of broken limbs and arms, just like a battlefield, even more terrifying than a battlefield, very tragic.

Obviously, these sects should all be small sects under the major sects.

In addition to the people who were fighting in the open space ahead, on the nearby hills, like Chen Hao and his party, there were many sects watching the battle, at least thousands of people.

Chen Hao looked over, these strengths were more or less scattered, there were at least hundreds of powers scattered.

Perhaps knowing the cruelty of the Extreme Heaven Realm, after the first few days of fighting, many sects have united and formed an alliance.

The strength of a single sect is too weak, only the alliance can survive here.

Looking at the massive battle ahead, Zhao Zhiqing and the others were shocked.And those people on the nearby hills are obviously not as simple as just watching the fun.

Although I don't know why Xutianzong and other big sects would fight, but it is definitely not without reason.Perhaps, one of them got some treasure, so a big battle broke out.

Those who watched the battle around, as long as the opportunity came, they would probably kill them.

"Let's get out of here." Zhao Zhiqing didn't want to get involved in this matter.Once these people get involved, they won't be enough for others to kill.

If it was normal, Chen Hao turned around and left without saying a word.But now, he shook his head: "It's so lively, how can I miss Chen Hao?"

Although Chen Hao had a smile on his face, his eyes were shining dangerously as he looked at the people who were torn apart in the distance.

Wuji Sword Sect, Xutian Sect, Yuanxu Sect.Among the three major sects, members of the Wuji Sword Sect dared to intercept and kill Chen Hao!At the beginning, Chen Hao had already decided to stay within the Extreme Heaven Realm, but he would kill every member of the Wuji Sword Sect.

Not to mention the disciples of Xutianzong and Yuanxumen.These two sects have never given up on chasing and killing Chen Hao, and Chen Hao will naturally not let them go.

"It's fine if people from these three sects haven't met me. If they meet me, they will all die." Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, with murderous intent flickering in his heart.

Now that he has decided to do something, Chen Hao will naturally not leave.However, the safety of Zhao Zhiqing and others made him hesitate.Once he gets involved in this battle, Zhao Zhiqing and the others will definitely not be spared.

Zhao Zhiqing is not bad, she has the fairy artifact she gave her in her hand, so she should be fine to protect herself.However, Hua Wei and Zhang Ao and others may be hard to save.

"What should I do?" Chen Hao mused, the only way to save Hua Wei and others was to send them into the red envelope world of the system.

However, in that case, I am afraid that the secret of the system red envelope will be exposed.Although it was impossible for them to know that it was a system red envelope, they knew that Chen Hao had such a treasure that could pretend to be someone.

Just when Chen Hao was hesitating, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted in the melee ahead!Then, a terrifying sword light soared into the sky, carrying an extremely terrifying sword intent...


The extremely terrifying sword intent was like a tide, sweeping in all directions in an instant.Immediately, the four sects in the center of the war and countless disciples of their affiliated sects were strangled and shattered by this terrifying sword intent.

What a terrible sword intent!

When he saw this sword light that contained an incomparably terrifying sword intent, Chen Hao's face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment.


Only a fairy weapon can have such a terrifying sword intent.Almost immediately, Chen Hao was sure that the sword must be a fairy weapon.Besides Chen Hao, those who watched nearby also guessed the grade of this sword.

It's just that they couldn't be sure that the sword was a fairy weapon.However, even if the grade cannot be determined, they still think it is a spirit weapon of high grade.

Spiritual artifacts that are not low in grade generally refer to spiritual artifacts of the seventh rank or above.When they thought that this was a spirit weapon of the seventh rank, the greed in these people's hearts suddenly swelled infinitely.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the man in the distance who was sweeping around with a fairy weapon in his hand.

This is a magic weapon.When he found out that it was a fairy weapon, he had the idea of ​​snatching it.If this fairy artifact was in the hands of Yinxian Valley or Xuanyue Sect disciples, he might have no idea.

But he would not allow this fairy weapon to fall into the hands of the four sects of Xutianzong.At this time, Chen Hao also knew why these people fought.

A fairy weapon, not to mention these cultivators in the Extreme Heaven Realm today, is enough to cause the entire Cultivation Record to go crazy even in the outside world of comprehension.

Even among the top ten sects, they will fight over a fairy weapon, let alone these people?These people can't take the fairy artifact as their own, but if they dedicate it to the sect, then his status in the sect will definitely rise to the top.

Therefore, these people are crazy.

"Haha, this fairy artifact is destined to belong to my Xutianzong, and none of you can touch it." The person holding the fairy artifact turned out to be a disciple of Xutianzong.

At this time, with the early stage in hand, this person's strength has skyrocketed, and his confidence has also skyrocketed.Because he was already at the stage of out-of-body strength, and now that he has the fairy weapon in his hand, even if the power of the fairy weapon has not been aroused, just relying on the power of the fairy weapon itself, coupled with his strength, is enough to run amok in the extreme heaven realm.


This person shouted angrily, rushed into the crowd of many disciples of the Tianyan Sect, and then raised his sword and fell, directly smashing the head of a cultivator at the stage of leaving the body of the Tianyan Sect.

"Hahaha..." Feeling that he was invincible at the same level, this disciple of Xutianzong laughed even more.


When the disciples of Xutian Sect laughed loudly, the onlookers finally moved.One by one, they soared into the air, and killed towards the fairy weapon, wanting to seize the fairy weapon.

Can't wait any longer.Because, the people around Chen Hao had also started a scuffle.Even if Chen Hao and the others wanted to evacuate at this time, they couldn't escape.

So, Chen Hao's thoughts moved, and at this moment, Zhao Zhiqing and the others felt a flash of the foreground, and then appeared in a strange space.

"You don't have to worry, this is one of my treasures, you can just stay here for me." While speaking, Murong had already soared into the sky.

In the void, he has returned to his true colors.I saw him stepping on the flying sword, carrying the Hundred Birds towards the phoenix gun, and rushed towards the direction of the fairy weapon.

With the fairy artifact in hand, this cultivator of Xutianzong who is out of body doesn't know how arrogant he is.I really have a sword in my hand, I feel it in the world.

In fact, with the fairy weapon in his hand, he really killed the ghosts and howling ghosts around him.Even with more than a dozen out-of-body monks around him, they couldn't get close to him.

Of course, because he didn't have the power to kill the immortal weapon, the people around him could barely resist his attack, otherwise, these people wouldn't be enough to kill him.

"Idiot, do you think you can be invincible by holding a fairy weapon?" Chen Hao stood in the air, looked at this disciple of Xutianzong and said with a sneer.

"court death!"

This disciple of Xutianzong was furious when he heard the words, he didn't even look at it, and directly slashed at Chen Hao's change.

A terrifying sword glow soared into the sky, shattering the sky and the earth, carrying a terrifying sword intent, shattering everything, and ruthlessly blasted towards Chen Hao.

The first one was not Chen Hao, but those monks from other sects between Chen Hao and the other sects.

These weak monks didn't even have a chance to escape, and they were already shattered by the shocking sword intent.As for Chen Hao, he had already stepped on the military formula, and avoided the opponent's attack with an unparalleled speed in the world.

"Chen Hao."

At this time, the person holding the fairy weapon in Xutianzong looked at Chen Hao, and recognized his identity instantly.

"Die." After recognizing Chen Hao, this person held a fairy weapon and killed him very vigorously.

"Huh?" Chen Hao didn't expect the other party to recognize him.However, he was fearless, stepped on the soldier's formula, made a big diamond wheel mark, and ruthlessly blasted down on the comer.

"Break me!"

Seeing the imprint of the Great Vajra Wheel blasting down like a giant mountain, the person who came roared, grasped the fairy artifact with both hands, and then struck out with a sword.

After the loud noise, Chen Hao's hastily made the Great Vajra wheel seal was split in half by his sword.The fairy weapon is indeed worthy of being a fairy weapon, and its power is astonishing.

Although the Great Vajra Wheel Seal was split in half by the immortal weapon, the remaining two halves were still as huge as a mountain, and they hit the ground fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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