Chapter 261 News
After a loud bang, the monks of countless sects on the ground were instantly smashed to pieces.The terrifying power of the Great Vajra Wheel Seal has now been fully exposed.The powerful force shook the ground, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere on the ground.

With just this blow, hundreds of monks were killed directly.

"Chen Hao, die!"

The disciple of Xutianzong held the immortal artifact, let out a murderous roar, and chased Chen Hao again.

But in this process, the power hacked by the countless monks around was overwhelming, shattering the void, shaking the sky, and crazily strangling the disciples who were holding the immortal weapon to Xu Tianzong.

At this moment, no one attacked Chen Hao.Although Chen Hao may have a fairy weapon on him, that's just speculation.Far inferior to the reality of the fairy artifact right in front of you.

The fairy artifact in front of them is the most important thing, and it will make them crazy.

Qin Hui held the fairy weapon in both hands, slashing horizontally and vertically, shattering all the forces that were collapsing towards him on the way.It's just that there are too many people around, even if he slashes with all his strength, he still feels overwhelmed.

In the end, he gave up chasing and killing Chen Hao, and started killing again.It's just that the monks around have already learned how to behave, and they are just bombarding and killing Qin Hui in the distance.

And once Qin Hui's attack came, they immediately retreated violently.Only the most powerful out-of-body monks were present to fight against Qin Hui.

"Senior Brother Qin, hurry up and leave the Extreme Heaven Realm with your fairy artifact, let's block them." The disciples of the Xutian Sect were all jealous, and fought with the disciples of other sects.

It's just obvious that although there are a lot of them, they are far less than monks from other sects.

Seeing the gradually decreasing number of fellow apprentices, Qin Hui's eyes turned red, and murderous aura burst forth.It's not because of the lives of these people, but because of the decrease in Xutianzong's disciples, his pressure is increasing.

Even with the Immortal Artifact in hand, it is completely impossible for him to be invincible here with his strength.If you don't leave, you will be killed by everyone sooner or later.

Qin Hui let out a long howl, and then slashed out with a swift sword, blasting away several monks in the out-of-body stage nearby.Then he soared straight into the air, and flew towards the entrance of the Extreme Sky Realm.

As long as he brings the fairy artifact back to the sect, it will be worthwhile for him to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm this time, and the Xutian Sect will definitely reward him heavily.

"Where is the escape!" Seeing that Qin Hui was about to leave, everyone shouted angrily and chased after him.

Chen Hao from afar kept looking at Qin Hui coldly, but he never made a move.

Just as Qin Hui was running away, Chen Hao's eyes shone with divine light, and then he disappeared in a flash.

"Leave the fairy artifact!"

Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, and his speed was unparalleled in the world, leaving an afterimage in the void.He first let out a low growl, and the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear, which had been upgraded to a first-grade spiritual weapon, turned into a black dragon in his hand. With a roar, he stabbed at Qin Hui fiercely.

Qin Hui was furious immediately, roared furiously, and slashed backhand with a sword in his hand.


The terrifying sword glow contained today's sword intent, splitting the void into a huge crack.However, Chen Hao stepped on the military formula and avoided it long before the sword light slashed over.

"This is the time."

When Qin Hui slashed out with a sword backhand, Chen Hao roared fiercely in his heart.At the same time, at this moment, he used the military art to the extreme.

With a sound of "shua", Chen Hao disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had rushed to Qin Hui's side.

Sensing Chen Hao's sudden appearance, Qin Hui was taken aback, and with a thought, he wanted to slash him with his sword.However, at this moment, Chen Hao had already arrived late, and the black spear in his hand turned into a phantom and went up and down, smashing down hard.

Qin Hui roared in pain.Chen Hao's shot actually hit his arm directly.This blow contained Chen Hao's power of a hundred dragons!
Even though Qin Hui is a cultivator at the out-of-body stage, his arm is not at the level of a spiritual weapon.


After the clear sound of fractures, Qin Hui's screams... Qin Hui's hand holding the celestial artifact was smashed apart.

The severed hand flew out towards the distance together with the immortal weapon.


Seeing this scene, the people around suddenly went crazy, each with their own magical powers, and grabbed the fairy artifact, trying to take it away.

However, how can Chen Hao allow others to covet his own things? He sneered first, and then turned into a phantom and quickly chased after him.

Before everyone got close to the fairy artifact, he grabbed the fairy artifact with a big hand.Then the strength shook, turning Qin Hui's severed hand into powder.

"Ah! Chen Hao, return my fairy artifact."

The pain of the severed hand, and the anger of having the celestial artifact taken away drove Qin Hui into a rage.His eyes were red, and he rushed towards Chen Hao with a murderous look.

Qin Hui punched out, and the monks at the spiritual stage who stood in front of him were smashed to pieces.I saw that he was full of murderous intent, soaked in blood, and exuded a shocking killing intent.

"court death!"

Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, rose into the air, and carried the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear on his back with his backhand.Then he held the fairy artifact tightly with both hands, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Give me death!"

Suddenly, Chen Hao roared, and the Huiyuan Pill in the Luoshu world of the system immediately burned, and an endless stream of power poured into Chen Hao's body.

But Chen Hao drove these forces into the inside of the fairy weapon.


After being infused with Chen Hao's power, the fairy artifact trembled violently, and then burst into a dazzling white light.The soaring sword intent pointed directly at the sky, intending to shatter the sky.


Chen Hao yelled, holding the fairy weapon in both hands, and slashed down fiercely at Qin Hui who was rushing up from below.

A shocking sword light soared into the sky, as if piercing through the void and piercing the sky.The terrifying sword intent instantly swept in all directions, smashing everything.

The first to bear the brunt was Qin Hui, who only had time to let out a shrill scream, and he himself was directly smashed to pieces by the sword intent that spread out from all sides.

But Chen Hao's attack was more than that.Like a violent wind and rain, and like a tide, the terrifying sword intent layer after layer strangled in all directions.

Wherever the sword intent passed, everything was shattered, whether it was a magic weapon or a spiritual weapon, or a monk, or mountains or the void, all were shattered.

In an instant, most of the disciples closest to Chen Hao were strangled to death.


Seeing this horrific scene, many monks in the rear turned pale with fright, let out waves of panic, and quickly fled towards the distance.

The fairy artifact in Qin Hui's hands is completely different from that in Chen Hao's hands.

In Qin Hui's hands, he couldn't arouse the power of the fairy weapon... To be exact, Qin Hui didn't dare to arouse the power of the fairy weapon.Because with his strength, he would be sucked dry by the immortal weapon in an instant.

Maybe he can deliver an extremely powerful blow, but then he will be powerless and be bombarded and killed.

However, Chen Hao is different, he directly burns the return pill, and activates part of the power of the immortal weapon by burning the pill.

As a result, of course hundreds of people were killed.But the price also made Chen Hao feel distressed.

In just that moment, he had already burned millions of yuan pills, which made Chen Hao feel very heartbroken.Moreover, after that blow, Chen Hao also felt a sense of emptiness in himself.

Even if the power is burned, it cannot support the power of the fairy weapon.Chen Hao's power has also been consumed a lot, and what makes him most helpless is that it seems to take a lot of mental energy to activate the power of the fairy weapon.

After one blow, he felt that his spiritual power seemed to be consumed a lot.

"Except for those from the Wuji Sword Sect, Xutian Sect, and Yuanxu Sect, all others can leave. I, Chen Hao, will not pursue it, but if you dare to do it, don't blame me for being ruthless." Chen Hao stood in front of him. In the void, holding an immortal artifact, majestic and majestic, like an immortal emperor descending to earth.

"The fairy weapon is in his hands. With his strength, he can't stimulate the power of the fairy weapon for a long time. Let him be consumed first." The crowd gathered again, but no one wanted to leave.

The temptation of the fairy artifact is too great, no one is willing to leave, even those disciples in the Xuanzhao period want to fish in troubled waters here.

Seeing that no one left, Chen Hao laughed, yes, it was a sneer.

"This is you looking for death." Chen Hao's eyes were indifferent, and before he finished speaking, he had already stepped on the military formula and rushed straight to the crowd.


Everyone roared and blasted Chen Hao with the strongest force.

In the Luoshu world of the system, countless Huiyuan pills burned again, and Chen Hao once again aroused the power of the fairy artifact.

The sword light soared into the sky, and the terrifying and violent sword intent once again swept in all directions.

chi chi...

The forces from the surrounding fights were torn into pieces by the violent sword intent, unable to get close to Chen Hao's side.And at this moment, Chen Hao drew his sword...


Where the sword intent passed, hundreds of disciples from various sects were instantly smashed to pieces.

However, under the stimulation of the fairy artifact, these people continued to rush up without fear of death.

After activating the celestial weapon again, Chen Hao took out a large handful of members and threw it into his mouth. The energy consumption was too great, and the spirit was also exhausted, and even his face turned pale.

"I can't continue to arouse the power of the fairy weapon." Chen Hao knew it in his heart, but his movements were not slow. He raised his sword and dropped it, sweeping away a group of monks.


Tens of thousands of people attacked, and many monks swarmed over from afar.Even though Chen Hao had a fairy weapon, he couldn't resist the attacks of so many people.

After rushing into the crowd and hacking, Chen Hao was surrounded by the crowd.Hundreds of millions of different forces covered the sky and covered the world, and they frantically bombarded and killed Chen Hao.

Chen Hao holds the fairy weapon, chops horizontally and vertically, and takes away many lives every time he raises the sword and falls.It's just that there are too many people around, and too much power.

Even though Chen Hao made the Immortal Dance Dance airtight, there was still a lot of power bombarding him.Even though his strength has reached the level of a second-grade spiritual weapon, but the ants kill the elephant...

With so much power bombarded down, Chen Hao was a little bit overwhelmed.

With a "bang", a layer of purple light erupted from Chen Hao's body.The purple light came out, forming a shield on Chen Hao's body, covering him firmly.

It turned out that it was Chen Hao who activated the protective function of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes.Under the protection of the Immortal Artifact Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, the surrounding powers are bombarding the purple light, only to see that the protective shield only has layers of ripples, and those forces are naturally offset.

There was no longer any power that could penetrate the protection of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes and bombard Chen Hao.

In this way, Chen Hao is almost invincible.After he had no worries about the future, Chen Hao became even more vigorous, holding a fairy weapon and stepping on the military formula, as fast as a dart, constantly shuttling among the crowd.

And as Chen Hao's figure passed by, blood mist rose around him, and countless monks were bombarded and killed by him.

These people all want to get the fairy weapon from Chen Hao.But it was impossible for Chen Hao to give them the fairy artifact.Therefore, these people can only grab it, and they will never stop until they get it.

To deal with this kind of person, Chen Hao only has one word: kill!

Therefore, he will kill everyone who is by his side now!kill!kill!

In this space where he was directly killed, ghosts cried and wolves howled, limbs and arms were broken, and blood flowed like rivers.And Chen Hao's main targets are the monks of Wuji Sword Sect, Xutian Sect and Yuanxu Sect.

Chen Hao slashed out with a sword, blasting the dozen or so monks standing in front into blood mist.But in a flash of his figure, he had already rushed in front of a cultivator at the out-of-body stage of Xutianzong.

"Death!" Chen Hao roared, raised his sword and slashed fiercely at the monk who was just out of his body.During the out-of-body period, three horned dragon phantoms floated above the monk's head, looking at Chen Hao murderously.

If it weren't for Chen Hao's relationship with the fairy weapon, he would not be the opponent's opponent at all.But he has a fairy weapon, and it is also a fairy sword. With the power of a hundred dragons, the power of the fairy sword is very terrifying.

When a sword strikes out, the sky falls and the earth shatters. Even monks in the out-of-body stage must avoid its sharp edge and dare not fight recklessly!
The cultivator of Xutianzong's out-of-body period was very angry. The fairy sword in Chen Hao's hand was snatched by his senior brother. This fairy sword originally belonged to Xutianzong.

Angry, he held a weapon in his hand, raised his strength to the limit, and slammed Chen Hao fiercely.

The two collided, and Chen Hao was sent flying by the terrifying force of the out-of-body period, and flew upside down into the crowd behind him.But the cultivator of Xutianzong was first split in half with the weapon in his hand, and then his whole body was also chopped to death under the power of the fairy weapon.

This is the power of the fairy sword. Even if the strength is not as good as the opponent, it can be killed under the power of the fairy weapon.

"Kill him and take the fairy sword." Seeing Chen Hao rushing into the crowd, the people around immediately roared and rushed up.He wanted to kill Chen Hao.

Hundreds of millions of forces are constantly bombarding the purple ribbon fairy clothes. Even though the purple ribbon fairy clothes are fairy weapons, although they can withstand the bombardment of these forces without damage, Chen Hao's power is limited.

The price of protection is to consume a lot of Chen Hao's true energy.Moreover, even if Chen Hao kept burning the elixirs at this time, he couldn't support the consumption of the purple ribbon fairy clothes.

The shield formed by the purple ribbon fairy clothes gradually shrunk, and finally stretched outside Chen Hao's body surface, barely covering Chen Hao's whole body.At this time, Chen Hao's physical body at the level of a spiritual weapon was also churned by the bombardment, and his face was pale.

"Intensify the attack, he won't last long." When the people around saw Chen Hao's appearance, some people shouted.The next moment, countless people became more and more excited, as if they would get a fairy sword if they smashed Chen Hao.

At this time, Chen Hao's face was as heavy as water, and his eyes revealed a cold and merciless killing intent.

"These people must die!"

He stood up, and the immortal sword in his hand continuously slashed out terrifying sword glows, containing monstrous sword intent, continuously bombarding and killing the disciples of various sects.

Perhaps the battle here has attracted the attention of people nearby, and more and more people are rushing towards this side.Although Chen Hao killed many people, there were more people who did not fear death.

"Greedy people." Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, he could have left at his own speed.But now he has changed his mind.

"Today, you all have to die!" Chen Hao's cold and ruthless voice spread far away, the coldness piercing his bones, making him even more eerie.

"It's just a counterattack at the end of the day." Some people disdainful and stepped up their attacks on Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sneered, his figure flickered, and he disappeared out of thin air.But at the moment when his figure disappeared, a golden skeleton appeared out of thin air...

The force like the tide was originally attacking Chen Hao, but because of Chen Hao's sudden disappearance and the sudden appearance of the golden skeleton...

After the loud noise, countless forces blasted towards the golden skeleton.

Perhaps it was because of the feeling of this tide-like force, at this moment, a glaring golden light erupted from the golden skeleton, followed by a terrifying murderous intent...

At this moment, the space seemed to quiet down in an instant, and an invisible killing intent permeated from the golden skeleton, centered on the golden skeleton, and swept away in all directions...

The killing intent of the golden skeleton is countless times stronger than that of the fairy sword, and it is the killing intent of the golden skeleton before it was alive, so no power is needed to activate it.

Wherever the killing intent passed, even the void of the Extreme Heaven Realm was shredded.Void, mountains, earth, magic weapon, monk.At this moment, no one was spared, and all were bombed and killed.

In just a split second, everything within hundreds of miles was razed to the ground by the endless killing intent of the golden skeleton, and even the blood was evaporated.

Hundreds of miles!Tens of thousands of people seemed to evaporate in an instant, and they were all killed in one breath.

Originally, the screams of killing and the roar of power shook the sky and the earth, but at this moment, it became quiet in an instant.

With just this blow, more than [-]% of the people were killed and turned into ashes.And there was only one golden skeleton sitting on the ground at the scene.

"What the hell is this?" Some of the remaining people exclaimed.

"Golden skeleton, he is Chen Hao's golden skeleton, an existence that even monks in the Tribulation Period can kill." Someone recognized the golden skeleton and said in horror.

"The people in the Tribulation Period are no match!" Someone exclaimed, and when they thought of the scene just now, expressions of horror appeared on the faces of these people.

I don't know which one turned around and ran away first, and then the people around spread their speed and fled towards the distance.

The golden skeleton is too fierce, their courage has been frightened, who would dare to be around?
With a "whoosh", Chen Hao's figure reappeared.Glancing around, he found that there was no one around, so he couldn't help but sneer immediately.

Slowly approaching the golden skeleton, Chen Hao was about to take the golden skeleton back to the red envelope world of the system, but there was a look of shock and heartache on his face.

Because, he suddenly saw that the crystal golden skeleton that was originally shining with a faint golden light was already covered with cracks.

The whole body is covered with cracks, as if it will shatter when touched.

Chen Hao was almost dying of heartache, he had known for a long time that this day would always come.But it was unexpected that this day would come so soon.

Although the golden skeleton may be the skeleton of an immortal emperor-level powerhouse, after so many years in the chaotic vein, it is afraid that it has already become extremely fragile.

Moreover, after releasing the killing intent three times in a row, there was not much power in the skeleton, and it might not be able to continue.

"I'm afraid it can only be used once again." Chen Hao carefully put the golden skeleton into the system red envelope world.

This place has been razed to the ground, Chen Hao identified the direction, and then flew towards the depths of the Extreme Sky Realm.

Not long after, the news that Chen Hao seized the fairy sword and then killed tens of thousands of people with golden bones spread quickly.

After learning about this, other monks from the Xutian Sect, Wuji Sword Sect, and Yuanxu Sect began to inquire about Chen Hao's news.

Especially the Xutian sect, they hated it even more, because the immortal sword that Chen Hao seized should have belonged to them.

Even monks from some sects have left the Extreme Heaven Realm and passed on what happened.Obviously, they wanted to block Chen Hao outside the Extreme Heaven Realm.

But in the Extreme Heaven Realm, monks from many sects just hung Chen Hao from a distance, and didn't dare to get too close to it, they were all afraid.

Therefore, in the following time, even if Chen Hao released Zhao Zhiqing and others, no one dared to come and make trouble.Even, whenever only Chen Hao went, the disciples of other sects consciously stayed away.

No one came to make trouble, so Chen Hao was naturally happy and quiet, so it didn't take long for Zhao Zhiqing and others to enter the deep border of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

The so-called depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm are not actually the real depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.Because the extreme sky realm is too big, no one knows how big it is.

And all along, the monks in the cultivation world can only reach the outermost area of ​​​​the Extreme Heaven Realm.

As for the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm, although there are monks who have gone deep into it, they are all those who entered more and came out.It can even be said that the vast majority of people who went deep into the Extreme Heaven Realm never came out in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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