Chapter 265 Mummy
Only Chen Hao is not afraid of the attack of death energy, and only Chen Hao has the unparalleled speed to restrain the young mummy.In other words, none of them will do.

It's just that Chen Hao just looked at the mummy against it, and it seemed impossible to "kill" it, because he couldn't hurt the mummy at all.

One mummy is so difficult to deal with, so more mummy?It should be noted that the mummy that Chen Hao saw along the way was not just this one.

Since the existence in the ruins can control one mummy, it can also control two, three or more.If all these mummies came all at once, Chen Hao might be beaten to death directly.

Even if Chen Hao can deal with these mummy.However, after dealing with these mummy, what about the existence in the ruins that controls the mummy?
Being able to control a mummy must be much more terrifying than a mummy.How to deal with it?

"Jie Jie..."

Ever since Chen Hao entered the Extreme Heaven Realm, God seemed to take great care of him.Every time he thinks what he does.

After a burst of ugly, creepy laughter, a gray phantom flew past from afar.


The speed of the gray phantom was very fast, rushing into the crowd before the laughter fell.The girls were taken aback, but before they could react, they heard a scream from the crowd.

Chen Hao looked over, but saw that the mummy that looked like an old man had smashed the head of one of the female disciples of Xuanyue Sect.

The girls let out a horrified scream.It's not about seeing someone being killed and being frightened.Instead, they were horrified to see that the female disciple who was killed shriveled up instantly, as if all the water in her body had been evaporated.

Then, under their eyes, the female disciple's body was quickly corroded, turned into a mummy, turned into a skeleton, and finally shattered directly.

This process is just a few breaths.

This is the power of death.

When they saw the terrifying appearance of this female monk, all the girls became frightened.Their women are people who love beauty. Once they think of themselves dying like this, they feel very horrible.

The mummy of the old man flickered, and smashed another female disciple of Xuanyue Sect into a mummy with a punch.

"Attack quickly!"

Seeing that two people had been killed, the girls still didn't react, and Chen Hao in the distance couldn't help shouting angrily.There are not many of them in total. If they haven't reacted, more people will be killed.

One dies and one less.Chen Hao still has great use for these people, he doesn't want them all to be killed.

Waking up from Chen Hao's angry shout, Zhao Zhiqing was the first to react, and activated the protective function of the gossip fairy clothes.

With Zhao Zhiqing as the center, the soft white light spread in all directions, covering a space with a radius of ten meters.The other people also reacted at this time, and rushed into the white light shield one by one.

Jie Jie...

The old mummy made an unpleasant sound, and the body was haunted by death. It stretched out a big hand to grab Zhao Zhi ruthlessly.

Zhao Zhiqing's expression changed drastically.

"court death!"

You Mengqing was furious, and with a sword in his hand, he slashed at the old mummy fiercely.


A huge sword glow was split by her, and it was ruthlessly beheaded on the big hand protruding from the old mummy.However, the moment this sword light touched the big hand protruding from the old mummy, it disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

There is nothing to do with the old mummy.

But the mummy's big hand had already crushed the void, and it was like a mountain of gods, and it was crushed down fiercely, and it hit the white shield propped up by the gossip fairy clothes fiercely.


A dazzling white light flashed past, and the entire white shield trembled violently.On the other hand, Zhao Zhiqing's face turned pale, and she spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

The spirit of the whole person suddenly languished, obviously traumatized.


One hit doesn't work.The old mummy smiled dryly, grabbed it out with one claw, and pulled out a terrifying black hole in the void.Facing the protective shield on the ground that covered the sky and blocked the sun, he grabbed it hard.

The whole stills trembled violently, and the people inside the shield were like a solitary boat in the raging sea, they were instantly thrown into the air, and some disciples were even knocked unconscious by the huge impact.

Zhao Zhiqing, who was the first to bear the brunt, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was immediately blown away.In the void, he had already closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.And Chen Hao in the distance was even more trembling, and a burst of anger broke out from the bottom of his heart.At this moment, he erupted with unprecedented power, and sent the young mummy flying with one punch.

"System, protect them!" Chen Hao roared, stepping on the military formula, increasing his speed to the limit and rushing in the direction of Zhao Zhiqing and others.But during this process, he directly took out the red envelope from the system, and threw it with all his strength in the direction of Zhao Zhiqing and the others.

With the joint efforts of Chen Hao and the system, the system's red envelope seemed to teleport, and appeared in the sky above Zhao Zhiqing and others in an instant.

Afterwards, the system's red envelope was opened directly, and everyone was wrapped in it.


At this moment, the third blow of the old mummy had already been photographed.

After the loud noise, the dust was flying, and the old mummy clawed out a huge pit dozens of miles in size from the ruins.However, the system red envelope wrapped around Zhao Zhiqing and the others disappeared in a split second before the old mummy grabbed it.

Immediately, Chen Hao also disappeared into the ruins.

At the same time, the traces of Chen Hao and others were lost. The two mummy stood on the spot and screamed "hehe", and looked around with a dull gray light.

Immediately, the two mummy started to search nearby, but they did not find any trace of Chen Hao and others.So, soon after, they dispersed.

In the system red envelope world, Chen Hao appeared anxiously, and he hugged Zhao Zhiqing with a hint of anger on his face.

"Big rogue, don't worry, Zhiqing was only slightly injured and just passed out from the shock." You Mengqing had checked Zhao Zhiqing before and found that there was no fatal injury.

Chen Hao nodded, but he was a little worried, and continued to check Zhao Zhiqing in detail with a gloomy face.

As You Mengqing said, Zhao Zhiqing did not have any fatal injuries.It's just that the qi and blood were violently shaken, and the meridians were shattered a little.

"Stay here and don't run around, I'll come as soon as I go." Chen Hao said, then hugged Zhao Zhiqing, and disappeared out of thin air before You Mengqing and others could react.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Everyone was taken aback, but You Mengqing showed a look of enlightenment.

"Where is this?" At this moment, the girls realized that they had come to a strange space completely different from the ruins.

"I don't know." All the girls shook their heads and looked around curiously, but they didn't run around.Only You Mengqing looked at everything around her, her eyes flickering brightly.

"Isn't this the space of the man in black? Why did he suddenly enter here?" You Mengqing was very puzzled.Because, after she entered here, she felt that there seemed to be a similar feeling here.


With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao hugged Zhao Zhiqing and appeared in a room in a courtyard. After setting up a restraint, he began to heal Zhao Zhiqing.

"System, is she alright?" After a long time, Chen Hao looked at the system next to him and said, just now when Chen Hao started to treat Zhao Zhiqing's injuries, the system had already come over, and then healed Zhao Zhiqing instead.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Although Zhao Zhiqing was still in a coma, it was only because of being stunned. In fact, there were no serious injuries.Take a break and wake up.

But, now there is still a problem.

There are so many mummies in the ruins, and Chen Hao and others are prevented from going deep into the ruins...

There must be a more powerful existence inside, and there must be some kind of treasure inside.It was precisely because of this that they prevented Chen Hao from entering, in case he was taken away by Chen Hao.

Thinking that there would be treasures inside, Chen Hao was unwilling to leave, he must get these treasures.But now, he can't even deal with the controlled mummy, let alone the existence behind it?

The mummy is even stronger than Chen Hao's physical body.Even with a fairy weapon, it can't be damaged in the slightest.

"System, is there a way to kill these mummy?" Chen Hao asked with a frown.

With his strength and speed, he had no problem dealing with the mummy, but he couldn't kill it.However, if the two mummies came together, Chen Hao couldn't handle it at all.

But what can Chen Hao do about things that even immortal artifacts can't do anything about?
"Why don't you directly involve them in the red envelopes of the system, and then slowly find a way to kill them?" Chen Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he continued.

The system shook his head and said, "It's no problem to capture those mummies into the red envelopes of the system. But what about the existence behind them? With his strength, whether he can be included in the red envelopes of the system is still a problem.

Although the system red envelope is very powerful, it is definitely a disaster to include an existence of unknown strength into the system red envelope.

"If you want to get the treasure guarded by that existence, you must defeat that existence. But now even the mummy can't defeat it. It's hard to find this relic. Should we just leave like this?" Chen Hao said unwillingly.

"Maybe there is another way." The system suddenly laughed.


With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao appeared alone in the ruins.As for You Mengqing and others, he left them in the system red envelope world.

Here, they really can't help, and they will distract Chen Hao, so it's better to let them stay in the system Luo world.

Chen Hao no longer had to worry about the future. After appearing behind the ruins, he stepped on the military formula and flew towards the center of the city.


At this moment, the void in front of him exploded violently.It seemed to be torn apart by life, and then a big withered hand protruded from the void, formed a huge claw, and grabbed Chen Hao's head fiercely.

If he was caught, Chen Hao's head would be blown off in an instant.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and immediately exploded the power of chaos, condensing it on the surface of his body.At the same time, the Purple Ribbon Immortal Cloak opened up its protection.

With a big hand, Ling Kong grabbed the fairy sword from Xu Tianzong from the red envelope world of the system.Then burst out with the power of a hundred panchi, and struck out at that kind of big hand with a sword.

A shocking sword light tore through the sky, shattered the void, and swiftly slashed towards the withered hand that was quickly grabbed from the void.

"Jie Jie..."

An extremely ugly laughter came from afar, and the big dry hand in the void shook violently, and then grabbed it violently.

The big hand quickly zoomed in, and it looked about a few miles in size.Then he grabbed the sword glow that Chen Hao had slashed out in one hand.


The withered claws scratched hard.Immediately, the sword light that Chen Hao slashed out was scratched to pieces.It was impossible to hurt the big withered hand in the slightest.

But the big hand still shattered the void, and quickly grabbed Chen Hao.

Chen Hao didn't panic in his heart, he had expected that he couldn't hurt these mummies in the slightest.Therefore, he calmly and calmly slashed out more than a dozen sword glows, and after slightly stopping the speed of the mummy, he stepped on the military formula, rose into the air, and flew towards the opposite direction of the city center. go away.

Just when Chen Hao's figure had just disappeared in place, the big withered hand grabbed it violently, and firmly grasped it on the ground of the ruins.


The big withered hand shook violently, and immediately shattered the ground within a few miles.

Jie Jie...

The ugly laughter spread far away, which made people's hair stand on end.

In the void, a phantom flashed, and then a somewhat crooked figure appeared suspended in the air.It was an old woman in sackcloth.At this moment, her whole body was lingering with a strong gray death energy, and a pair of originally lifeless eyes even revealed a strange gray light at this moment.

With a flash of her figure, the old woman stepped on the void, turned into a stream of light, and chased after Chen Hao.

boom! boom! boom!
During this process, the old woman kept sticking out her big withered hand, trying to catch Chen Hao to death.It's just that Chen Hao's speed wasn't unreasonable either. He kept chopping out the sword light between his backhands, which slightly prevented the old woman's attack, while he stepped on the soldier's formula and shot out with electricity.


After a loud noise, the old woman's speed suddenly accelerated, and her big hand even scratched the void in front of Chen Hao with a claw, blocking Chen Hao's attack.

Chen Hao had no choice but to fight the old woman with his backhand.

All of a sudden, the power is vertical and horizontal, and the void is shattered.It's just that the strength of the old woman seems to be stronger than that of the young mummy.

After the first battle, Chen Hao was almost just beaten, and his blood boiled from being bombarded.If it weren't for the existence of Chaos Power and Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, Chen Hao would have been killed or attacked by death energy long ago.

"Thousand army elephants draw their fists!"

At some point, Chen Hao had already taken back the fairy sword, and once again fought with the old woman's mummy with bare hands.

The dragon soars and the tiger roars, the dragon sings and the elephant roars!
Chen Hao performed the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and the Tiger Roaring Imperial Fist, and for a while phantoms of dragons, elephants and tigers continuously appeared beside him, and the momentum was terrifying.

After finishing several sets of exercises, although Chen Hao couldn't do anything to the old woman, he was even sent flying by the old woman continuously.But Chen Hao felt very refreshed.

For a long time, no matter whether it was an attack with a fairy sword or a Wanjian Jue.These were all long-range attacks, and they couldn't be compared with Chen Hao's fist-to-body attacks.

Chen Hao still likes this attack method.only,
His strength is still too weak.There is nothing the old woman can do.And if he didn't have the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes... he would have even put the system red envelope on top of his head.

Relying on the protective functions of the two treasures of the system, the red envelope and the purple ribbon fairy clothes, he was able to fight so vividly.Otherwise, if it was just the purple ribbon fairy clothes, he might have escaped in embarrassment long ago.

"Okay, Chen Hao, it's time." At this moment, the system inside the system's red envelope said suddenly.

Chen Hao nodded, his body flickered, and he rushed towards the old woman again.

The old woman's gray eyes flickered, and a disdainful expression appeared on her withered face.Seeing Chen Hao rushing over, she didn't do anything, just punched Chen Hao and punched him.

In the past, Chen Hao might have punched him directly.But at this time, Chen Hao's figure flickered, and he stepped on the military formula and disappeared in front of the old woman.

There was a look of doubt in the old woman's eyes.

However, at this moment, Chen Hao had already appeared behind the old woman: "Die to me!"

While speaking, Chen Hao had already thrown out a treasure dragged in his palm.

This treasure went up against the wind, and instantly swelled to a size of several meters--looking closely, it turned out to be a large tripod with a simple style.

There is no obvious difference from the general big tripod.However, the body surface of this cauldron is burning with two completely different flames, exuding two extreme auras, one cold and the other hot.

The old woman turned around sharply, her eyes showed a strange gray light, she sneered "Jie Jie", and then punched the ancient tripod which had grown to a size of several meters with a punch.

"Blast me!"

At this moment, Chen Hao felt a little nervous.Whether you can kill the mummy or get the treasures in the ruins depends on this blow.

Before Chen Hao's voice fell, the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron trembled violently.Then the two diametrically opposed yin and yang fires exploded, soaring into the sky, sweeping in all directions like a tide.

The first to bear the brunt is the mummy old woman.Moreover, under Chen Hao's control, the Yin-Yang fire erupting from the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron directly enveloped the old woman.


The moment after the yin and yang fire enveloped the old woman, Chen Hao saw that the old woman's body began to burn rapidly.Especially those dead qi, more like being ignited, mixed with yin and yang fire, burning violently.

At this moment, the old woman let out a similar scream, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Chen Hao was looking at the burning mummy of the old woman with a look of shock.Normally, even if he tried his best to use the fairy sword, he couldn't damage the mummy at all... At this time, under the action of the yin and yang fire, within just a few breaths, the old woman's mummy was reduced to ashes.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao was shocked, and there was a hint of ecstasy in the shock.

The Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron, the Yin-Yang fire that burns the world, really burns the world!From then on, the mummy in the ruins no longer threatened Chen Hao.

"Haha..." There was an unpleasant cry, and then phantoms flickered in the distance, and several phantoms rushed towards Chen Hao.

One, two, three... seven!
In other words, except for the mummy of the old woman who was killed by Chen Hao, all the mummy Chen Hao had seen before appeared.

Obviously, Chen Hao killed a mummy, which has already made the existence behind the ruins furious.With so many mummies dispatched at once, Chen Hao might be completely destroyed.

However, facing so many powerful but indestructible mummy, Chen Hao didn't have the slightest fear or fear.On the contrary, at this moment, he had a smile on his face.

Seven mummies of different shapes charged towards Chen Hao like a streamer, and they burst out with extremely strong force halfway, attacking and killing Chen Hao.

Chen Hao stood there with a smile on his face, without any intention of dodging.

Seeing that the power of the seven mummies was about to attack and kill Chen Hao.At this moment, Chen Hao's figure flickered, and he disappeared in place immediately.


All the power of the seven mummy bombarded the ground where Chen Hao was standing.The terrifying force erupted and impacted, instantly razing the place to the ground for tens of miles around.

Chen Hao disappeared suddenly, and the seven mummies were circling around like flies on their brows.All of them made ugly voices that didn't seem to be talking, but the dead energy on their bodies became violent, and they looked very angry.


The mummies kept making strange noises, but they ran around in a hurry, but they didn't realize that a picture scroll had appeared above their heads at some point, covering the sky.

Before the mummy could react, this picture scroll had already been shrouded violently.The next moment, the seven mummies and the picture scroll disappeared out of thin air again.

This space returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

In the system red envelope world, the void suddenly distorted.Then seven figures appeared in the void out of thin air.

As soon as Fang appeared in the void, the seven mummy looked around suspiciously.And then coincidentally - broke out.

For some unknown reason, the death energy of the seven mummy exploded crazily, and they began to attack and kill in all directions, as if they were crazy.

The phantom flashed, and after the appearance of the seven mummies, two more figures also appeared here.It was Chen Hao and the system.

Looking at the seven mummies who looked crazy and were attacking in all directions, Chen Hao just sneered.


Seeing Chen Hao's appearance, the eyes of the seven mummies showed a strange gray light, and then they swayed, and charged directly at Chen Hao.

"Looking for death." Chen Hao flashed a flash of light in his hands, sneered, and then with a thought, he took control of the red envelope world of the system.

(End of this chapter)

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