The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 266 The Spiritual Vessel

Chapter 266 The Spiritual Vessel
At this moment, the seven mummies that were rushing towards Chen Hao seemed to have been immobilized by someone, and they were directly fixed on the halfway, maintaining various postures of rushing towards Chen Hao.

"System, study how to control them, it will be of great use to me." Chen Hao ordered the system, and then left the system's red envelope world in a flash.

In the system red envelope world, Chen Hao is a god, and he is the master of that world.No matter how powerful the seven mummies are in the ruins, as long as they don't exist against the sky, once they enter the system red envelope world, they won't be able to resist at all.

And the system is the spirit of the system's red envelope, of course it has the same ability as Chen Hao.And Chen Hao intends to subdue the relationship between these seven mummies, so he has to systematically figure out this matter.

Chen Hao felt that these seven mummies were definitely super masters in the realm of comprehension.Just their unbeatable appearance is enough to rule the world.

Even those half-immortals or even one-step immortals might not be able to destroy the mummy.Therefore, if these seven mummies can be recovered, it will definitely be a great help.

Keeping the system to study these mummies in the system red envelope, Chen Hao has reappeared in the ruins.After reappearing, Chen Hao immediately expanded his speed, stepping on the military formula, his whole body turned into a flash of light and rushed towards the center of the city.

Perhaps the ruins were only related to the seven mummies. After taking away the seven mummies, Chen Hao never encountered similar mummies along the way.

Soon, Chen Hao rushed to the center of the city.

Like everywhere else, the city center is in ruins.But there is one place that stands out from the crowd... A well-preserved hall stands on top of the ruins, which looks very strange.

After seeing this palace, Chen Hao's face became gloomy.

The palace is not very big, just like a general hall.But at this moment, the entire palace was shrouded in a layer of faint gray light.

Perhaps before this, Chen Hao didn't know what these gray forces were, but now he could see them at a glance—death energy.

The entire hall was haunted by a strong death energy.A palpitating and dangerous breath came out from the hall.

Chen Hao's face suddenly became gloomy.

I don't know how many times these dead breaths are stronger than those seven corpses.Obviously, the existence that controls the seven mummy is in the palace, and its strength is definitely much stronger than those mummy.

But, why didn't he come out of the palace?
Chen Hao stood outside the palace and pondered for a while, then pushed open the gate of the palace and stepped into the main hall with one step.

Having come here after going through untold hardships, Chen Hao didn't want to back down.Moreover, he also wanted to see what kind of existence it was inside.

Moreover, there may be some treasures inside.

However, seeing that the entire palace was shrouded in strong death energy, even if there were any pills and treasures, they were all contaminated by death energy and could not be used at all.

"Human, you are here."

As soon as Chen Hao stepped into the palace, a wave came, and then the voice rang in his ears.

Chen Hao stopped, followed the sound and looked over, but saw a person sitting upright on the main hall.It seems inappropriate to say that it is a person, it is nothing more than an object similar to a person... It is just a gray force, that is, dead energy.

Chen Hao didn't speak, but slowly looked at the humanoid creature.

This is not a person at all, but a human form formed by the condensed mass of dead energy, and it hasn't even materialized yet.

"What is this?" Chen Hao was a little speechless. This guy is neither a human nor a demon. What kind of existence is it?It's like being condensed by strength.

Like Chen Hao, he can also condense a big hand with strength.But that big hand used his strength as a foundation.Once Chen Hao cut off his strength, the big hand would dissipate.

This human-shaped object seems to be condensed with strength.But it is different, because this is an existence that has already produced spiritual intelligence.

It is already a life.

"What are you?" Chen Hao sized him up, and then asked directly.He can only use "something" to describe this unknown existence.

Because, he really didn't know what to attribute "it" to?Human or demon?

Hearing Chen Hao describe him as a "thing", this thing was not angry, but said lightly: "I am the king of this city. Human beings, you set foot on my city without authorization and kill my people, what should you do? "

Hearing this, Chen Hao felt amused in his heart and almost burst out laughing.

"Are you the king of this city? Are those mummies your people?" Chen Hao almost suppressed a smile.

Regardless of Chen Hao's words, that thing continued to speak on its own: "Since you can kill my people, it means that you are stronger than them. If you can keep you and turn you into a mummy, you should be given Those trash are much stronger."

Hearing this, Chen Hao suddenly felt a sense of danger in his heart.

At this moment, a big gray hand condensed from death energy appeared above Chen Hao's head out of thin air, and then grabbed it.

Chen Hao was taken aback, reacted immediately, and slashed with a sword.

The big gray hand slammed down violently.The sword light that Chen Hao slashed was instantly shattered.Then he slapped Chen Hao hard with his big hand.

The chaotic power on Chen Hao's body surface was instantly shattered, and even the protective light of the purple ribbon fairy clothes was almost shattered.

The Qi and blood in Chen Hao's body churned like a stormy sea. Under the attack of "Wang", most of the meridians in Chen Hao's body were instantly shattered.

And his body, which has reached the level of a second-grade spiritual weapon, was slapped by this big gray hand, and there were shocking cracks, almost smashed to pieces.

Chen Hao opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, he was so horrified that he disappeared in place immediately.

"This thing is really powerful!"

Chen Hao appeared in the system red envelope world, and immediately sat down cross-legged, and then a river of pills flowed from the void, and then burned directly.

Power like a tide poured into Chen Hao's body crazily and began to repair his damaged body and meridians.

Most of the meridians were shattered, and his body was like porcelain about to be broken, with shocking cracks all over his body.

If it weren't for the protection of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Cloak, Chen Hao would have been shot into powder long ago.That thing that doesn't know anything is really powerful.

Burn the elixir to speed up time!
It took a full half a month and burned countless pills before Chen Hao completely repaired the damaged meridians and body, and returned to the peak state.

"System, is there a way to fix this thing?" Chen Hao found the system and discussed it.He can't get close at all now, the speed and strength of that thing surpasses him too much, even with the purple ribbon fairy clothes, he will be shot to death.

"Could that guy be a fairy?" Chen Hao said in his heart.Chen Hao naturally knows the strength of Zhuang Ningguang in the metamorphosis period, but Zhuang Ningguang is definitely not one-tenth as powerful as this thing.

"How about trying to see if the golden skeleton can kill him?" The system had no choice but to say so.

If it was at its peak, the system could stab that thing to death with one finger, but now he is crippled.What's more, Chen Hao's strength is really difficult to be refined. Even if there is a way, Chen Hao can't implement it.

The hall lingering in the dead air continued to vibrate, as if an earthquake had occurred, shaking violently.There were even bursts of roaring faintly coming from the hall.

In the main hall, the undead formed by the lingering spirit of death, let's call it the undead.At this time, he was sitting on the throne and roaring angrily.

Chen Hao's disappearance made him very angry.After this person entered the city, he killed eight of his subjects—in fact, Chen Hao only killed one of them.

The remaining seven were just collected by Chen Hao into the red envelope world of the system.

It has to be said that the system red envelope is an incomparably miraculous treasure. After putting the seven mummies into it, it actually cut off the connection between them and the undead.

It is precisely because of this that the Necromancer thinks that Chen Hao killed all his people.

In fact, Necromancer had seen Chen Hao's sudden disappearance long before.Therefore, he suddenly made a move to kill Chen Hao, but he still seemed to miss.

Just when the undead was angry, a crack suddenly opened in the void inside the hall.Then a phantom quickly stepped out of the crack, blasting towards the undead.

The undead roared, stretched out its big hand, burst out with terrifying power, and punched the phantom that was rushing fast.


It's just that before the fist of the necromancer even got close to that phantom, that phantom had already exploded into the sky!
Dazzling golden light erupted from Phantom's body, shining golden light on the entire hall.Accompanied by the terrifying golden light, a murderous intent burst out from the center of the golden light, sweeping in all directions.

The terrifying golden light collided with the force of the undead, and a loud noise broke out!The terrifying shock wave dissipated, and immediately, everything in the hall, including the throne on which the undead sat, were blasted to pieces immediately.

It's just that the main hall was made of unknown materials, or it was arranged with a restraining formation. Under such a terrifying impact, it was not damaged at all, but it shook violently a few times.

The phantom in the center of the undead and the golden light was also blasted out by the terrible impact force, and hit hard on the wall of the hall, shaking the hall endlessly.


The undead roared angrily, and at this moment he finally saw that it was only a golden skeleton that did something to him.

The undead was very angry, it was just a dead thing, and it was able to hit him without any damage.This shocked him, but was more outraged.

The phantom flashed, and the undead once again stretched out its big hand to the golden skeleton and grabbed it fiercely.


The golden skeleton exploded with murderous intent, smashing the attack of the undead again.However, the Necromancer did not notice that the golden skeleton, which already had some cracks, had more and bigger cracks after being bombarded twice by him.

The golden skeleton doesn't take the initiative to attack, it's just an automatic induction after receiving an external threat.

It's just that the necromancer didn't notice it. After all, although he had developed spiritual intelligence, he was not as good as a human being.He just saw that he failed to smash the skeleton several times in a row, which made him even more furious.

boom!Bang! Bang!
The undead struck again and again, each time becoming more vicious.However, the more powerful his attack was, the more terrifying the golden skeleton's counterattack would be.

After such a cycle, the undead became more and more furious.And the cracks on the golden skeleton became more and more obvious.


The undead slapped it down again, and the power burst out like a stormy sea.Finally, after a series of attacks by the undead, the golden skeleton could no longer hold on.

After a loud noise, the golden skeleton erupted with dazzling golden light, and then the entire skeleton was turned into dust under the powerful power of the undead.

The golden skeleton shattered!
"It's over, that's it for the golden skeleton." In the red envelope world of the system, Chen Hao looked at the golden skeleton with pain in his face.

This is definitely a big killer, but how can Chen Hao not be heartbroken if it is gone like this.

"If I had known that the golden skeleton was useless to the undead, I wouldn't have let him out." Chen Hao said depressingly.In fact, after Chen Hao released the golden skeleton, he wanted to take it back.

It's just that the attacks of the undead are not only terrifying, but also very fast.In just a few breaths, the golden skeleton was shattered, leaving Chen Hao with no time to react.

"What should we do now?" Chen Hao was worried.The golden skeleton is his most powerful weapon right now, but it was shattered by the undead.

Even the golden skeleton can't deal with the undead, what else can he do? He can only leave here.

"The Qiankun Bow! Maybe the Qiankun Bow can kill this undead." The system said suddenly.

In fact, the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron should also have an effect on the undead.But Chen Hao's current strength is still unable to completely control the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, and it is even impossible to let the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron get close to the undead.

So now the only option is to try the Qiankun Bow.

Controlling the system red envelope and leaving the hall, Chen Hao appeared in the distance of the hall.

"I hope that the Qiankun Bow and the Shocking Arrow can kill this undead." Chen Hao took out the human arrow from the Qiankun Bow and the Shocking Arrow.

Burn the elixir, bend the bow and set the arrow.

Just when Chen Hao put the human arrow in the Zhentian Arrow on the Qiankun bow and was about to shoot it, he suddenly felt that something changed in the red envelope world of the system.

"Huh? It's the Earth Arrow from the Sky-Shaking Arrow? What's going on?"

Spiritual thoughts entered the red envelope world of the system, and Chen Hao saw one of the three sky-shocking arrows, Earth Arrow, trembling violently at this moment, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Looking at it, it seems that it wants to break through the system and go out of the red envelope world.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao was very surprised.

"Could it be related to that dead spirit?" Chen Hao's heart moved, and he immediately retracted the human arrow, and took out the ground arrow that was trembling violently.

After appearing in the outside world, the Earth Arrow vibrated even more violently, almost breaking out of Chen Hao's grasp.

Chen Hao felt even more strange. Out of curiosity, he shot the ground arrow in an instant.

call out!
There was a sharp piercing sound, and the ground arrow had turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of Chen Hao.

"Disappeared?" Chen Hao was taken aback.

However, at this moment, an extremely shrill scream suddenly came from the hall.At the same time, Chen Hao saw that the whole city was shaking violently.

"what happened?"

Chen Hao stretched out a big hand and directly grabbed the system in the system red envelope world.

Seeing this scene, the system was also taken aback, not knowing why.

"The death energy in the hall is rapidly decreasing." Chen Hao suddenly discovered this phenomenon.

The main hall was still vibrating violently, and the dead energy that had enveloped the entire main hall was disappearing at an extremely fast speed, as if something in the main hall swallowed them all up.

After a long time, the shrill screams in the hall disappeared.

With a sound of "咻", a golden light pierced the void from the hall and shot towards Chen Hao.After arriving in front of Chen Hao, Chen Hao finally saw this golden light clearly - it was the ground arrow in the sky-shocking arrow that disappeared after being shot.

Chen Hao vaguely saw some changes in the ground arrow, but Chen Hao didn't have time to take a closer look, so he copied it into the system red envelope.

"Go to the main hall to see what happened." Chen Hao was about to enter the main hall to have a look, but at this time the system grabbed Chen Hao.

"Wait a minute, look at the hall, changes are taking place."

Chen Hao looked over and was surprised.

The main hall, which was originally haunted by death, looked gray.But at this time, after all the dead energy disappeared, the hall began to slowly recover its original appearance, and began to shine with a faint golden light.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry to enter the hall, but waited outside for a long time.

Half a day later, the entire hall had returned to its original appearance, which was quite different from the original lingering lifeless appearance. At this time, the hall was shining with a faint golden light, and a majestic atmosphere emanated from it.At the same time, there is an ancient vicissitudes of life.

"This is the original appearance of the hall." Chen Hao smiled, and then entered the hall cautiously.

Inside the hall, everything was empty.Because everything in the hall was smashed to pieces in the battle between the undead and the golden bones.

Chen Hao observed carefully, and found that there was no trace of death here anymore!In other words, the original undead has been killed.

In fact, Chen Hao had already guessed the general idea when the main hall changed.The seemingly incomparably powerful undead has been dealt with by the ground arrow in the sky-shocking arrow.

However, Chen Hao was puzzled and regretful that he didn't know how the ground arrow killed the undead.

And where did those dead breaths go?Could it be absorbed by the ground arrow?Because those dead breaths are not dissipated in the world...

"Chen Hao, this hall is another treasure. Tsk tsk, this trip was not in vain." After strolling around the hall, the system said in admiration.

Chen Hao just chuckled, this hall was completely unscathed by the undead and golden bones, of course it is a treasure.

"Get him into the red envelope of the system first." Chen Hao said with a smile. At the same time, he had already exited the hall and came to the sky outside.

With a thought, the system red envelope appeared again, quickly enlarged, and then directly enveloped the entire hall.


In front of the system red envelope, this hall without wisdom was accepted into the system red envelope without any resistance.


However, at the moment when the hall disappeared.The ground of the original hall exploded violently, and then a huge phantom rose into the sky, and a terrifying aura swept out... It seemed that the purpose of this hall was to suppress this existence.


When he saw the huge phantom, Chen Hao couldn't help being dumbfounded and exclaimed.

This is a dragon that seems to be several meters wide and tens of meters long!

Different from ordinary panchi, horned dragons, etc., this dragon is more advanced than these low-level dragons, and more... divine power.

The moment that palace was taken away by the system, this divine dragon smashed into the ground and flew into the sky.It seems that it was originally suppressed by this palace.

"Didn't it mean that the dragon is extinct? Isn't there still a dragon?" Chen Hao stood blankly in the void, staring at the roaring and hovering dragon flying towards the void, in a daze.

"Chen Hao, take it, it is the spiritual vein." Just as Chen Hao was in a daze, the voice of the system came over.At the same time, the system has already rushed out of the system red envelope world, turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the dragon in the void, that is, the spirit pulse.

Chen Hao was stunned: "Lingmai, this dragon is Lingmai?"

After a moment of surprise, Chen Hao found out.Since the appearance of this spiritual vein, the vitality of the world here has indeed become countless times stronger.

Originally, Chen Hao just thought it was the breath of the dragon.Now, as soon as the system reminded him, he immediately came to his senses.

Although Lingmai also has a coercion similar to Longwei, it is definitely not Longwei, it is just a strong vitality of heaven and earth.


After reacting, Chen Hao's eyes showed a fiery look.With a shake of his figure, he rushed towards the system and spirit veins in the void.

In the void, the power of the whole body of the system exploded, and a powerful aura came out, covering the sky and covering the earth, covering the sky and the sun.I saw the system's hands continuously hitting the spirit veins one by one.

The spirit pulse kept jumping, trying to break free from the shackles of the system and rush to the distance.Moreover, it seems that although the system has all the means, it seems that this spiritual vein cannot be subdued in a short time.

Chen Hao glanced at it, and found that although this spirit vein was terrifying.But it doesn't know how to attack, it's just rampage.

However, although it was just a rampage, there were many times when the system was directly rushed out by it, and the spirit vein almost escaped a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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