The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 267 Collective Breakthrough

Chapter 267 Collective Breakthrough
"Hurry up and help me." Seeing Chen Hao standing beside him in a daze, the system couldn't help saying angrily.

Chen Hao reacted, and immediately stepped on the military formula, turned into a flash of light and rushed over.During this process, he stretched out his big hand, turned into a gigantic claw, and grabbed the spirit vein hard.

The Lingmai was like a dragon. Seeing Chen Hao grabbing it with his big hand, he immediately dodged, and then a dragon swayed its tail.

After a muffled sound, Chen Hao's condensed giant claws were instantly shattered.

Chen Hao was depressed for a while, and saw his big hands sticking out again and again, constantly bombarding the spirit veins.On the other side, the system continuously displayed seals one after another, hitting the spirit veins.

With the cooperation of the two of them, although Lingmai was extremely fierce.But it has no intelligence after all, it can only go on the most primitive rampage!
Soon, under the joint efforts of Chen Hao and the others, the spiritual veins were gradually suppressed.Finally, the system hit Lingmai with a seal...

Lingmai let out a dull roar, and finally quieted down.

Chen Hao stretched out his big hand, grabbed the spirit vein, and then directly sealed it into the system red envelope world.

"System, is this the spiritual vein?" Chen Hao approached and said hesitantly.

The system nodded: "This spiritual vein can only be regarded as a first-grade spiritual vein, and it is just an ordinary one in the first-grade spiritual vein. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to subdue it."

"How could it look like a dragon?"

"Whether it's spiritual veins or immortal veins, they are all life-like existences condensed from the purest spiritual energy in the world. They are all in the shape of a dragon," the system explained.

"It's just that this spiritual vein looks so small, what's the use?"

The system smiled: "Don't look at this spirit vein is only tens of meters long. But it is worth a trillion yuan pill! It even contains much more powerful aura than a trillion yuan pill."

"So much aura?" Chen Hao was shocked.He didn't take this spirit vein seriously at first, after all, this spirit vein is really not very good.But it never occurred to him that just such a spiritual vein is richer than the power contained in a trillion Huiyuan pills.

One trillion Huiyuan pills, that is, trillions of Huiyuan pills.

"Moreover, the spirit vein will not dissipate, just like this spirit vein, it has been suppressed under the palace for an unknown how long, but it is still exactly the same as before the suppression. There is no consumption. Of course, if you use it to refine the elixir Or if it is swallowed directly, the spirit veins will still decrease."

"Not good, the formation outside the ruins is beginning to collapse." When he said this, the system's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed.

"The Great Immortal Formation is starting to collapse?" Chen Hao was stunned, then glanced at the original location of the palace, and then looked at the system: "Could it be that this palace is the real eye of the formation? The source of power to maintain the operation of the formation?"

It was precisely because of this that when Chen Hao and the others took away the palace and spirit veins, the Great Immortal Formation outside began to collapse.

"Oops, that fairy weapon." Chen Hao's expression changed, his figure flickered, and he rushed outside.If the Great Immortal Formation collapsed, it would also collapse. Anyway, Chen Hao had already taken away the palace and spirit veins.

It's just that there is still a second-grade fairy sword in the eyes of the fake formation in the big formation!That is a second-grade fairy sword, and it must not be cheaper than the three sects.

"Oh, where are you going?" The system rushed up speechlessly, and said at the same time: "Although the formation has collapsed, people from the three major sects have not yet been able to break into the Great Immortal Formation. And, even if you rush over, then The second-grade fairy sword has already been shattered."

"After the Great Immortal Formation collapses, will the second-grade immortal sword also collapse?" Chen Hao looked at the system with some puzzlement.

The system nodded: "All the magic weapons that make up the formation inside will no longer exist. So, let's continue walking towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm."

Chen Hao pondered for a while, then turned around, and the two of them left the ruins before the Great Immortal Formation around the ruins completely collapsed, and continued to walk towards the depths of the Extreme Heaven Realm.


Not long after Chen Hao left the ruins, the Great Immortal Formation began to collapse.A series of sword lights shot up into the sky, and under the strangulation of these terrifying sword lights, the nearby void was continuously shredded, revealing cracks.

The people of the three sects were all startled.They all stood in front of the Great Immortal Formation, looking at the collapsed Great Immortal Formation, but they didn't understand why.

After a long time, the formation finally completely collapsed.The sword light is no longer raging, it has completely dissipated.

I don't know which sect's disciples are not afraid of death, and they are the first to rush into the Great Immortal Formation.However, what surprised him was that as soon as he stepped into the formation, the formation would activate and kill everything.

But today, nothing is different.

"The formation is gone!"

The disciple was startled in disbelief at first, then let out a roar of ecstasy, and then stretched out his body and rushed towards the ruins.

The disciples of the three sects also reacted immediately, each of them started at the fastest speed, and rushed towards the ruins.However, when they entered the ruins, they discovered that the place had already been turned into ruins.

Even if they dig the ground three feet, there is no gain.

"It must be them, those people from Xuanyue Sect who stole all our things." A disciple of the three sects suddenly shouted angrily.

"It must be them!"

The disciples of the three sects all watched Chen Hao and others enter the ruins with their own eyes.But now that the Great Immortal Formation collapsed and the ruins turned into ruins, they immediately thought that Chen Hao and the others had snatched all of this away.

In fact, they didn't know that the ruins were originally in ruins.If Chen Hao hadn't taken away the palace and spirit veins, the Great Immortal Formation would not have collapsed, and they would not have been able to enter the ruins at all.

Even if they crossed the Great Immortal Formation and entered the ruins, with their strength, they would have been killed by those mummies long ago.Even if they killed the mummy, they would definitely be killed by the undead in the palace.

Therefore, they were able to enter the ruins and luckily did not encounter any mummy, thanks to Chen Hao.It's just that they don't know it.

They just felt angrily that Chen Hao and others took away what originally belonged to them.

At this moment, in the forest hundreds of miles away from the ruins, Chen Hao released the girls from the system red envelope world.And Zhao Zhiqing's injuries have already recovered, and she also received a red envelope ###### from the system.

"Where is this place?" Everyone just felt the scenery in front of them flicker, and then they seemed to have come to another space.

"Extreme Heaven Realm." Chen Hao replied.

"Oh, big hooligan, you have already left that ruin? What happened to those mummified corpses?" You Mengqing exclaimed and asked.And the girls also looked at Chen Hao expectantly.

Chen Hao smiled lightly: "We are no longer in the ruins, what do you think I did to them?"

"Chen, did you kill those mummy corpses?" Yang Man walked over and said with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Of course." So Chen Hao simply told the story of the battle against the mummy and the undead.

Although Chen Hao only gave a brief introduction with a few sentences, everyone and others have seen the horror of those mummies.Moreover, they were even more surprised and shocked when they knew that the undead was behind the scenes controlling the mummy.

Surprised and shocked, Chen Hao's terrifying power can even kill those mummified corpses and undead!In their eyes, Chen Hao is absolutely miraculous.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Chen Hao with inexplicable eyes...there was passion, admiration, and admiration in the eyes.

"Big rogue, tell me what's inside the ruins?" While the girls were shocked, You Mengqing asked excitedly.

"There is a palace in the center of the ruins, which has already been taken away by me. There are also some Huiyuan pills, that's all." Chen Hao said directly.

He didn't intend to hide the matter of the spiritual vein on purpose.It's just that the spiritual vein is really important to him.Moreover, most of these people are disciples of Xuanyue Sect and Yinxian Valley. Once they know about it, Chen Hao is worried that it will be leaked out.

After all, my own troubles are already enough, let's count less.

Therefore, he changed the Lingmai to Huiyuan Pill.At that time, it will be fine to distribute some Huiyuan pills to these disciples of Xuanyuezong.As for the people in Qingxuan Peak, even if Chen Hao didn't give them, they wouldn't say anything.

After all, most of the reason why they are today is because of Chen Hao's relationship.

"When I have time to leave the Extreme Heaven Realm, I will give you the Huiyuan Pill you deserve." Chen Hao said.

"Forget it, although we discovered the ruins, we didn't contribute anything. You got those things yourself, so we don't need them." You Mengqing was the first to say.

"Yes, Chen Hao, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would have been killed by people from the three sects long ago. You saved us, we are too late to be grateful, how can we still ask for your things?" Yang Man so said

"It's totally two different things. I can get those things only after you discovered the ruins. You deserve it." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"We really deserve it." Pei Peiyu walked over and said with a smile on his face.

Chen Hao was helpless: "I can only say, let's talk about these things later. There is still more than half a year before the closure of the Extreme Sky Realm. And this place is far away from the ruins. I will continue to go deep into the depths of the Extreme Sky Realm. You are going to where?"

Chen Hao, Zhao Zhiqing and others must go deep into the Extreme Heaven Realm, and they naturally have no objection to Chen Hao's decision.However, You Mengqing and the others are always Xuan Yuezong's disciples, and it's not easy for Chen Hao to make a decision for them.

"We..." You Mengqing and the others did not answer Chen Hao immediately, but discussed with several people.In the end, they felt that although the Extreme Sky Realm was dangerous, it was safer to go on the road with Chen Hao.

Moreover, in this forest, once they meet those people from the three sects again, the dozens of them are really not enough for them to bite their teeth.

In fact, the strength shown by Chen Hao has already overwhelmed everyone.Among the many female disciples of Xuanyue Sect, he has even surpassed You Mengqing and others who were in the out-of-body stage.

Even You Mengqing, Yang Man and others had inexplicable confidence in Chen Hao.I feel very safe with Chen Hao.


At the moment, they identified one direction after another and continued to go deep into the Extreme Heaven Realm.

A month passed in a flash.

In the past month, they have not met other monks.After all, no other monks dared to go deep here.

However, apart from the ruins they encountered at the beginning, Chen Hao and the others did not encounter any ruins again.However, that doesn't mean they didn't gain anything.

"Ah! Seven Star Grass!" Suddenly, a female disciple of Xuan Yuezong exclaimed, and then jumped up and rushed towards a nearby hillside.

On the hillside, a five-leaf spirit grass with stars shining on the leaves was swaying in the wind.

The Seven Star Grass is an extremely rare spiritual grass in the cultivation world. It got its name because its leaves shone with a faint light.Like the Seven Star Grass that was discovered now, it is at least tens of thousands of years old, and it is sold at least tens of millions of yuan pills.

And spirit herbs of this level are everywhere in the forest.

There are several people in Chen Hao's group, which one doesn't have a few plants like this kind of spiritual grass and elixir in their hands?
In other words, in this forest, although they did not continue to encounter any relics.But everyone has at least a few hundred million yuan to harvest.

Apart from Chen Hao, You Mengqing, as the young suzerain of Xuanyue Sect, usually only has tens of millions of Huiyuan Pills.As for Yang Man and the others?Although some of them are You Luxiu's disciples, being able to return hundreds of thousands of yuan pills is considered a huge fortune.

As for the other ordinary disciples, how could they have Yuanhui Dan on them?It should be noted that in Xutianzong, the foundation building period is only five Huiyuan pills in one month.During the out-of-body period, only one thousand yuan pills can be returned every month.

As one of the top ten sects, the benefits of other sects should be similar.In addition to the Huiyuan pills used in normal practice, there are not many Huiyuan pills left on everyone.

Therefore, each of them has these few plants of spiritual grass and elixir, making them rich overnight.This made them very happy.After all, it was hundreds of millions of Huiyuan Dan, and he earned it by himself, so it's exciting to think about it.

However, everyone also understood that Chen Hao was the reason why he was able to achieve today.If it weren't for Chen Hao, they would never have thought of going deep into the extreme heaven realm.

If it wasn't for Chen Hao, they would have been killed long ago.

Zhao Zhiqing and others are the same, and You Mengqing and others are the same.Moreover, on the road deep in the Extreme Sky Realm, they also encountered danger several times, and in the end it was because of Chen Hao that they saved themselves from danger.

"Zhang Ao." On this day, during the break, Chen Hao called Zhang Ao over.

Zhang Ao was very excited, because he also had a few extremely precious spiritual herbs in his storage bag. As long as he sold these spiritual herbs after leaving the Extreme Heaven Realm, he would become a billionaire.This was completely unimaginable to him before.

And it was Chen Hao who brought him all this, so he became more respectful and grateful to Chen Hao.At the same time, he resolutely decided to follow Chen Hao.


Zhang Ao hurried over, with a very respectful expression.

"Your strength is too low." Chen Hao's first sentence was to step on Zhang Ao mercilessly.

Zhang Ao was embarrassed, with a look of guilt on his face, and said, "I'm sorry, leader, I'm useless..." He followed Chen Hao and got such a big benefit by doing nothing. He felt guilty and uneasy at the same time. .

Because on this road, he didn't make any effort at all.After all, his strength is too weak.

"I didn't mean to blame you." Seeing Zhang Ao with a guilty expression on his face, Chen Hao waved his hands and continued: "I called you here to ask you, if I have a way to immediately improve your strength, even in one fell swoop. Can you accept the promotion to the fusion stage?"

"Improving strength? Upgrading to the fusion stage?" Zhang Ao looked at Chen Hao in shock. He felt his throat was dry and he had difficulty swallowing saliva.

He is only in the recovery stage now, can he immediately be promoted to the state of the fusion stage?
"Yes, if you want, I can immediately raise you to the stage of fusion." While speaking, Chen Hao made a big hand, and the next moment, a elixir the size of a pigeon egg appeared with a faint halo in his hand.

"I am willing! But, the price must be very high..." Zhang Ao is not an idiot who knows nothing, he knows that even if Chen Hao can improve his realm, it will definitely cost a huge price.

"This pill is worth 5000 million yuan pills." Chen Hao looked at Zhang Ao and said with a smile.Back then, he took a bottle of Breaking Realm Pill and he auctioned it off at a price of 15 billion, a bottle of ten.

Zhang Ao trembled, the weapon in his hand almost fell to the ground.A elixir is worth 5000 million yuan elixir!Thinking about Zhang Ao, he felt his legs tremble. This price is not usually high.

Seeing Zhang Ao's expression, Chen Hao just smiled and said, "Since you are mine, I will spare no effort to improve your strength. As long as you do things for me in the future, it will be fine."

"Zhang Ao is willing to follow the leader for life and never betray!" Zhang Ao said excitedly.

"Very good. You can take this Boundary Breaking Pill for me right now, but one pill can only allow you to break through a big realm at most." While speaking, Chen Hao had already handed the Boundary Breaking Pill to Zhang Ao.

"Although the Breakthrough Pill can help you break through the barriers of the realm, it's not because of your own cultivation and breakthrough, so you will have unstable foundations. However, I have Huiyuan Pill, so you don't have to worry."

Zhang Ao took the Breaking Boundary Pill with both hands with a dignified expression and excitedly, swallowed it, then sat up cross-legged on the spot, and began to break through the realm.

The Breaking Boundary Pill melted at the entrance, instantly turning into a torrent of power that continued to rampage in Zhang Ao's body.

Zhang Ao's expression turned ferocious, with veins popping out on his face, as if he was in pain.But he gritted his teeth and resisted without saying a word.

Not long after, after a loud noise, a powerful aura erupted from Zhang Ao's body.

However, Chen Hao has already seen that Zhang Ao's realm has entered the fusion period.

He took out a bag of Huiyuan Pill and threw it over, saying: "Swallow Huiyuan Pill, and raise your strength to the peak of the fusion period in one go."

Zhang Ao nodded, and then began to devour Hui Yuan Dan.

Supplemented by a large amount of aura from Huiyuan Pill, Zhang Ao's strength increased rapidly.The early stage of fusion, the middle stage of fusion, the late stage of fusion, and soon reached the peak of the late stage of fusion.

Chen Hao popped out a boundary breaking pill and flew over, "Eat it."

Zhang Ao's body trembled, but he swallowed the Breaking Realm Pill without hesitation.

The breakthrough this time is much longer than the time required from breakthrough to fusion during the rotation period.Moreover, in this process, Zhang Ao still needs to constantly devour the Hui Yuan Dan to replenish his strength.

Half a day later, after a loud noise, Zhang Ao's aura became stronger.It has already broken through the fusion period and reached the heartbeat period.

However, Zhang Ao didn't stop, he was still devouring Yuan Dan, improving his strength.

But the mutation that happened to Zhang Ao has already attracted Zhao Zhiqing, You Mengqing and others.

They were all shocked when they saw Zhang Ao who had broken through from the radiance stage to the heartbeat stage in just half a day, and his realm was still breaking through.

"Is this the Breaking Realm Pill?" Seeing Zhang Ao whose realm had broken through to the out-of-body stage, You Mengqing who was beside him finally couldn't help asking.At the auction in Shangqingcheng that day, You Mengqing was also present. Of course, she knew that Chen Hao had bought the Breaking Realm Pill.

However, originally, she thought that Chen Hao took the Breaking Realm Pill to eat for herself.However, for so long, Chen Hao's strength has not improved significantly.

Obviously, he himself did not take the Breaking Realm Pill.At this time, Zhang Ao had already taken seven Boundary Breaking Pills from the breakthrough stage to the out-of-body stage.

Not every time one eats the Breakthrough Pill, one can successfully break through the realm.Zhang Ao had already swallowed three Boundary Breaking Pills from the breakthrough of the Spiritual Silence Stage to the Out of Body Stage!

Chen Hao nodded, glanced at the people around him, and said, "What Zhang Ao devoured was the Boundary Breaking Pill. As long as there are enough Boundary Breaking Pills, Zhang Ao's strength can be quickly raised to the fusion stage. Moreover, after returning With sufficient Yuan Dan, there will be no situation where his foundation or realm will be unstable."

"Breakthrough Pill, it can actually directly raise the realm." Hearing Chen Hao's words, everyone present was shocked.

After being shocked, they all looked at Zhang Ao with envious eyes.

"Zhang Ao is so kind, following a good leader. Not only can he directly swallow the Breaking Realm Pill, but he will also provide a large amount of Huiyuan Pill." In the eyes of all the girls, Zhang Ao is undoubtedly the happiest one.

No need for anything, you can break through to the out-of-body stage in the blink of an eye, and you may even break through to the fusion stage!That is a height that many monks can hardly reach in their entire lives.

And Zhang Ao just followed a good master.

All the girls looked at Zhang Ao with envious expressions, and then secretly looked at Chen Hao. They really wished that Chen Hao could also give him a few realm-breaking pills, so that he could quickly improve his realm.

It's just that they all know that the Breaking Realm Pill has almost disappeared in the world of comprehension.Each one has a very high value.The reason why Chen Hao swallowed so many Breakthrough Pills for Zhang Ao without even frowning, and spared no effort in cultivating him, was because Zhang Ao was his subordinate.

(End of this chapter)

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