Chapter 274 Mutation
Zhao Zhiqing also appeared in the ruins.After a long time, no one found Chen Hao, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Hao didn't die because his soul crystal wasn't broken.What Zhao Zhiqing was worried about was that although Chen Hao was not dead, he was seriously injured. If someone found out, he would definitely die.

At this time, seeing that Chen Hao had disappeared, she was completely relieved.

"Chen Hao has the system red envelope and the magical teleportation array, how could he be in danger?" Zhao Zhiqing breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile in her heart.

However, what Zhao Zhiqing didn't know was that Chen Hao was indeed in danger at this time, a life-and-death crisis.If you are not careful, you will die.

"It's over, this tribulation thunder razed this place to the ground, wouldn't the entrance to the Extreme Heaven Realm be smashed into pieces too?" A rather shocked voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.Because the original entrance to the Extreme Heaven Realm has long since disappeared under the bombardment of Jie Lei.

"Probably not?" Everyone felt something was wrong.If the entrance to the Extreme Heaven Realm is smashed, then they will not be able to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm in the future.

But, no one is sure.It will take ten years to know the result.

After finding no surviving monks nearby, everyone went back to Extreme Sky City.And the news that tens of thousands of monks from various sects were bombarded and killed by the Heavenly Tribulation also spread, shaking the cultivation world.

Not to mention how the world of comprehension was shaken, the various sects were also furious because they failed to steal the chicken.

The black tribulation thunder was unstoppable, and it hit Chen Hao before he could react.Immediately, Chen Hao was stunned.

Fortunately, the system responded in time, and immediately involved Chen Hao in the system's red envelope.

In the system red envelope world.

Chen Hao was lying on the ground, his body was flickering with lightning, and his physical body, which had reached the level of a sixth-grade spiritual weapon, had completely collapsed at this time.

Shocking, blood-oozing cracks appeared in Chen Hao's body.What's more, the purple ribbon fairy clothes that existed in Chen Hao's body had already fallen off at this time, and turned into a purple ribbon again, falling on the ground.

The whole body was cracked, and the system didn't even dare to touch Chen Hao's body.I was afraid that as soon as I touched Chen Hao's body, his body would immediately shatter.

In addition, Chen Hao's breath became weaker and weaker.

It seems that because of that black thunderbolt, Chen Hao has already been severely injured.

The system's face was gloomy and terrifying.He didn't know what that black tribulation thunder was, and he had never heard of the existence of that kind of tribulation thunder.

Although Chen Hao's physical body has reached the sixth-grade spiritual weapon, he is very powerful if he is not immediately smashed into powder.

It's just that the mood at this time is very bad and very anxious.

Seeing that Chen Hao's aura was getting weaker and weaker, if he didn't take any measures, Chen Hao might really die.

He is a "chaotic celestial body"!Moreover, he also practiced "Chaotic Celestial Records", and the system would absolutely not allow him to fall.But, what can be done now?
There is no elixir, what he has now has no effect on saving Chen Hao's life.

The gloomy-faced system pondered for a moment, then disappeared in place with a flicker of figure.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived in the underground cave of the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein of the Extreme Heaven Realm.Then the system directly transferred Chen Hao to the huge river below that was condensed by the spirit weapon.

"Boy, I hope you can hold on."

The system breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Chen Hao, whose breath of life was finally no longer weakened by the terrifying aura.He has no choice now, but let this ninth-grade spiritual vein slowly repair Chen Hao's wounds.

At this time, if someone could see Chen Hao's physical body, he would find that his physical body, meridians, dantian, and even the nine unique black hearts made of lotus flowers in the dantian had all disappeared.

It was directly smashed to pieces by the black robbery thunder!

At this time, the black tribulation thunder kept cruising in Chen Hao's body, emitting a strange, powerful and terrifying power wherever it passed.

This kind of power is constantly destroying Chen Hao's body, meridians, and even life! However, all of this happened in Chen Hao's body, and even the system couldn't see through it.

Time passed, and a month had passed.

"Although he can repair his injury, it's too slow." The system frowned and muttered to himself.

"Still..." After pondering for a while, the system waved its hand and was immediately involved in the system's red envelope world.Then, he directly let go of the system red envelope...

The incomparably surging aura suddenly surged into the red envelope world of the system, just like Chen Hao in the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein.

"Time accelerates!"

The system gave a loud shout, and began to burn the spirit weapon pouring in from the ninth-grade spiritual veins, directly speeding up the time in the system's red envelope world!
Because there is an endless stream of spiritual energy outside, the current system has no scruples and directly speeds up the time to a hundred times!
In other words, three months have passed since the day in the world of self-cultivation began in the system red envelope world!One year outside, the system red envelope has passed 100 years.

Of course, the system only narrows the scope of time acceleration in a small space.Otherwise, those people in the red envelope of the system will run out of lifespan and die if they are not careful.

Time goes by, year after year.Decade after decade.

After being repaired by the powerful aura of the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein, Chen Hao's physical body finally returned to normal.However, Chen Hao was still in a deep sleep.

However, the system that has been guarding Chen Hao's side has discovered Chen Hao's change.First of all, his physical body has already broken through to the level of a seventh-rank spiritual weapon!Moreover, although the breath on Chen Hao's body did not dissipate too much at this time, it was constantly strengthening.

Spirit period!Suddenly one day, the system was surprised to find that Chen Hao's realm had broken through again.Breakthrough even without active cultivation.

In fact, although Chen Hao didn't practice, his power was constantly running when he was repairing his body.Furthermore, under the acceleration of the world, he has been here for decades.

It is too slow for him to break through a big realm for decades.Of course, he has spent decades repairing his physical body.

"Could there be a catastrophe again?" After realizing that Chen Hao had broken through the realm, the system couldn't help but looked at the sky worriedly, fearing that the catastrophe would land and kill Chen Hao.

If Chen Hao is still conscious, the system naturally doesn't have to worry.It was just an ordinary catastrophe, and there was no danger to Chen Hao.However, at this moment, Chen Hao was in a coma.

He was in a coma, and he couldn't resist the Heavenly Tribulation at all. If the Heavenly Tribulation really fell, Chen Hao would undoubtedly die.

However, the system was relieved that the Heavenly Tribulation did not land, on the contrary, the aura emitted by Chen Haotou became stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long has passed, 30 years? 40 years or 50 years?Finally, on this day, Chen Hao slowly opened his eyes and finally woke up.

"Boy, you finally woke up." Seeing that Chen Hao finally woke up, the system breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly.

"System, thank you!" Chen Hao glanced at the system and thanked him.Although he has been in a coma, he also knows that the system has done many things.

"It's good that you don't die."

Chen Hao rolled his eyes: "Can't you say something nice?"

The system glanced at Chen Hao, then flickered, and left directly.Chen Hao was very helpless.

"Huh? You broke through?" Chen Hao checked his body after watching the system disappear.Seeing this, he was immediately stunned.

The peak state of the spiritual silence period!
A body at the level of a seventh-grade spiritual weapon!
After sleeping, both the physical body and the realm have broken through.What shocked Chen Hao the most was the physical body of a seventh-grade spiritual weapon.

It should be noted that in the world of comprehension, seventh-rank spiritual weapons are extremely rare, let alone a physical body reaching this level.That was pretty scary.

Today, Chen Hao's body is equivalent to a seventh-grade spiritual weapon.With one punch, the spirit weapons below the seventh-grade spirit weapon will be shattered immediately.

With his current physical body, as long as he is careful, few people in the cultivation world can hurt him.Moreover, he still has the power at the peak of the spiritual silence period.


With a thought, a large black and condensed pan-chi phantom suddenly appeared in the void above Chen Hao's head.

150, [-]... a total of [-] phantoms, [-] dragon powers!
Ordinary monks in the spiritual silence stage can't break through the power of one hundred panchi at most, but Chen Hao has already reached three hundred!It is more than three times the number of these monks in the spiritual solitude period.It can be described as very shocking.

Feeling his powerful power, Chen Hao was very satisfied.However, immediately he frowned slightly: "I remember that after that black tribulation lightning hit me, I fell into a coma..."

At the same time, Chen Hao also felt that his body seemed to be different from before.Not just stronger than before, but something has changed.

The mind entered the body, and seeing the power that was so many times stronger than before, Chen Hao was startled first, and then he had a strange look on his face: "Why is it like this?"

Whether it is the body, the meridians, etc., they are countless times stronger than before the robbery.However, these were all within Chen Hao's expectation, and he would not be surprised.

What surprised him was that the power flowing in his meridians, that is, the black chaotic power, had undergone some changes at this time.

Lightning flashes!

Of course, this kind of lightning is different from ordinary lightning, these lightnings are black!

In the wide meridians, the torrential chaotic power is rushing forward like a river.But in rivers, there are streaks of lightning flashing continuously.

It was exactly the same as the black tribulation thunder that hit Chen Hao before.

As long as there is power, even every corner of his body is full of this black tribulation thunder.

Chen Hao uttered a ###, wondering how these black robbery thunders entered his body?And it seems that it has become one with its own body and strength.

This is terrible, who knows what this black tribulation thunder is?Will you destroy yourself?
Suddenly, Chen Hao raised his head and looked towards the void, and the three hundred black chinch phantoms were also flickering with thunder.Even, indistinctly, these Pan Chi phantoms are more like condensed black lightning.

Chen Hao's face darkened instantly.He tragically discovered that everything about himself was integrated with this black tribulation thunder.

Chen Hao pondered for a while, and suddenly punched out.

An incomparably terrifying black power, containing countless black lightning, blasted out.The void shattered and the earth trembled.The terrifying force immediately smashed the mountain in front of Chen Hao into pieces.


The black thunder light covered a distance of tens of miles, and everything it passed was smashed to pieces.

Chen Hao was surprised again.Stretching out his hand and flicking it, he was ejected with a force the size of a finger, and then blasted to a mountain peak in the distance.

Just a small touch of strength may be able to crush a ten thousand catty boulder, but it absolutely cannot crush a mountain peak.However, what surprised Chen Hao was that after this force hit the mountain peak, it immediately exploded.


Black thunder flashed, instantly covering the entire mountain several miles in size.Then under Chen Hao's shocked gaze, that mountain peak was shattered to pieces.

"What is this black tribulation thunder? Why is it so terrifying?"

A look of shock appeared on Chen Hao's face.He felt that just by relying on these black tribulation thunders, he could kill the monks in the distraction stage or even the fusion stage.

If these black thunderbolts are harmless to him, then he is finally considered a strong man!Chen Hao thought with some anxiety in his heart.

"What else has changed?"

Chen Hao thought for a while, then continued to check his physical body.Except for being stronger than before and being integrated with the black Jielei, nothing has changed.

In fact, the combination with the Black Tribulation Thunder is the biggest change.

Moreover, what Chen Hao didn't know was that when he was unconscious, the nine unique hearts in his dantian were directly shattered.However, at this time, the nine unique hearts were condensed again, flashing black thunder, showing their strength and inviolability.

"Bainiao Chaohuang Spear has finally been promoted to a fairy weapon!" Chen Hao was a little happy in his heart.Although now I have a fairy sword, as well as Qiankun bow, Qiankun Yinyang cauldron and other treasures.

But relatively speaking, he still prefers long guns a little more.In other words, he has a soft spot for spear weapons.

Now that the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear has evolved into a fairy weapon, it will not be able to continue to advance for a while.So Chen Hao put it on his back again.

With a flick of his figure, he disappeared in place.When it reappeared, it had already arrived at the system's side in the system's red envelope world.

"Huh? How did this place become like this?"

As soon as Chen Hao appeared, he was shocked to see that he seemed to have entered a catastrophe.

Not far in front of Chen Hao, thunder light flickered, filling the entire space.

Hearing this, the system rolled its eyes: "Isn't this thanks to you? I transferred these here after you crossed the catastrophe. Otherwise, how could you be so relaxed?"


Sure enough, a coercion of catastrophe came to his face, but there was no threat to Chen Hao at this time.What made Chen Hao frown was, why didn't these tribulation thunders dissipate, but gathered here instead?
"That's a good question, and I want to know the answer too." The system looked at Chen Hao and said with a wry smile.

Although it has been decades since these robbery thunders were transferred here, they have not decreased, on the contrary, they seem to be increasing.

Even a well-informed system can't understand why this is.

"You mean there are more and more thunderstorms?" A smile suddenly appeared on Chen Hao's face.Immediately, with a flash of his figure, he entered the tribulation thunder.


As if entering a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, as soon as he entered, countless tribulation thunders frantically rushed towards Chen Hao.

With Chen Hao's body at the level of a seventh-grade spiritual weapon, and being struck by lightning all the time, he has long been immune to these catastrophes.Therefore, he also has no defense.

But since then, he has discovered one thing.

When the thunder and lightning came, Chen Hao was surprised to find that instead of resisting the lightning, he felt like fish and water.

He felt that these thunderbolts were very harmonious with him, they were like his own children.The reason why they flock here is not to destroy themselves, but to get close to themselves.

心### Having realized this idea, Chen Hao suddenly felt a little weird.But this idea is getting stronger and stronger and clearer.

"Could it be because of the black thunder?" Chen Hao walked slowly among the thunder.

Outside the robbery thunder, the system looked at the robbery thunder in shock, surrounded by countless robbery thunders, like a Chen Hao condensed from the robbery thunder.

Not only did this guy not have a frightened or uncomfortable expression, but on the contrary, he looked refreshed.

"What's going on here?" The system was puzzled, and so was Chen Hao.

However, this is definitely a good thing for Chen Hao.Because you are not afraid of tribulation and thunder, then you will naturally have no fear of crossing calamity in the future.Moreover, Chen Hao is no longer afraid of the situation that will trigger thousands of people to kill all monks.

After feeling it seriously, Chen Hao left the robbery and appeared beside the system after he felt that these robbery thunders really wouldn't hurt him.

"The center of your eyebrows..." She had been paying attention to Chen Hao's system, and suddenly looked at Chen Hao in surprise.At this time, there was a black thunder mark on Chen Hao's brow.

Chen Hao was a little depressed: "I've become like this since I was hit by that black thunderbolt. But it doesn't seem to be good."

Although Chen Hao was a little helpless, he had nothing to worry about.

"Since the tribulation thunder here won't dissipate, System, I have an idea." Chen Hao looked at the System and expressed his thoughts.

In the realm of comprehension, except for the forty-nine heavenly calamity in the later stage of crossing the catastrophe, it is impossible for ordinary monks to cause the heavenly catastrophe.However, Chen Hao, who is often struck by lightning, knows the benefits of being struck by lightning - tempering the body with the power of thunder, and improving the strength and level of the body absolutely and quickly.

Before, it was difficult for ordinary monks to trigger thunderstorms.But now the tribulation thunder here has not dissipated, it is just used to temper the body and improve the level of the body.

Of course, this is obviously not aimed at Chen Hao.

Zhang Ao is submerged in the system red envelope world.On this day, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the void as if feeling something.

At this moment, the void shattered, and the monstrous big hand shattered the sky, directly poked out from above the sky, and grabbed him fiercely.

Zhang Ao was taken aback immediately, and wanted to flee in a flash.However, the speed of that big hand was extremely fast.Just when Zhang Ao had the idea of ​​escaping, the big hand reached out and directly took Zhang Ao down.

Zhang Ao was taken aback, and just as he was about to resist, he noticed a sudden change in the scenery in front of him.The next moment, he appeared in a strange space.

"Uh, leader?" Feeling that the big hand holding him disappeared suddenly, Zhang Aozheng saw Chen Hao and the system when he didn't know why.

With a thought, Zhang Ao already thought that the big hand just now should be related to Chen Hao.

In fact, that big hand belonged to Chen Hao.Although there is a big gap between him and Zhang Ao's realm, this is in the system red envelope world, where Chen Hao is the master.

Don't say that Zhang Ao is only in the realm of the fusion stage, even if he is in the metamorphosis stage and a half-immortal level existence, he can't resist at all.

Looking at Chen Hao, Zhang Ao showed a look of surprise on his face.It's not because Chen Hao's strength has become stronger and his realm has become higher.Instead, he felt a hint of danger in Chen Hao's body.

That kind of aura was not obvious, but it made Zhang Ao feel terrified, and an invisible coercion emanated out, shocking his heart.

"Perhaps, I am not the leader's opponent yet." Zhang Ao suddenly had this thought in his mind.What he was referring to was not Chen Hao relying on treasures such as the Qiankun Bow, but Chen Hao's own strength.

"Have you seen those robbery thunders?" Chen Hao pointed to the robbery thunders in front of him and said to Zhang Ao.

Only then did Zhang Ao come to his senses, looking into the distance, the entire space was filled with endless thunder and lightning.The coercion that was as vast as the ocean came out even more, shocking the heavens and the world.

Zhang Ao looked at Chen Hao with some hesitation. He vaguely felt that the coercion on Chen Hao was somewhat similar to the previous coercion, and it was thousands of times more terrifying than those tribulation thunders.

"These are tribulation thunders. Using the power of robbery thunders to temper your physical body can allow you to quickly increase the strength of your physical body."

Zhang Ao suddenly realized, and after pondering for a while, he slowly walked towards Jielei.

"Huiyuan Pill, Breaking Realm Pill, etc. can increase the strength of the realm, but it has no effect on the tempering of the physical body. And here, I will leave it to them to temper the physical body in the future." Seeing that Zhang Ao has entered the tribulation thunder and tried to temper Physical body, Chen Hao turned his head and said to the system with a smile.

The system nodded, with a smile on his face.Using thunderstorms to temper the body?It is indeed a good method.And usually there are so many tribulation thunders that can be used to temper the body?
The tribulation thunder here did not dissipate, and it happened to be used by Chen Hao's future subordinates to temper their bodies.

"You have been in a coma for 50 years, half a year has passed outside, what are your plans now?"

"Since there are already a large number of breakthrough pills, it's time to create your own power." Chen Hao smiled slightly, and then disappeared into the system red envelope world with a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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