Chapter 275 Shocked
After appearing outside, Chen Hao found himself in the Extreme Heaven Territory, near the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein.

Reluctantly glanced at the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein, Chen Hao left the underground cave and appeared on the ground of the Extreme Heaven Realm.


After releasing the suppression of his realm, in an instant, a black cloud of robbery gathered in the sky above Chen Hao's head.The lightning flashed, and the tribulation thunder was about to strike down.

"Are you going to cross the catastrophe again?"

Chen Hao showed a smile on his face, but he didn't look nervous when he looked at Jie Lei above his head.However, Chen Hao's face became gloomy when he thought of that black thunderbolt.

"I hope there won't be another black robbery thunder." Chen Hao soared into the sky, soaring towards Jieyun.


All over the sky, thunderbolts bombarded down, and bombarded towards Chen Hao.At this moment, a strange feeling appeared in Chen Hao's heart.

Like the thunderbolts in the red envelopes of the system, when these thunderbolts struck down, Chen Hao did not feel the power of destruction from them again, but a feeling of joy.

Without dodging or dodging, Chen Hao stood in the void and was instantly surrounded by thunder.

No harm!In fact, Chen Hao even saw the lightning that surrounded him spontaneously pouring into his body, and began to temper his physical body.


"Could it be because of the black tribulation thunder?" Chen Hao thought in his heart.However, Jie Lei no longer destroyed him, but took the initiative to temper his body, which was a good thing for him.

Nine times of calamity thunder, especially when these calamity thunders have not continued to destroy Chen Hao, there is no danger to Chen Hao.In the process, he even transferred a large number of robbery thunders into the system red envelope world, increasing the number of robbery thunders in the system red envelope world.

Not long after, the Nine Layers of Tribulation Thunder dissipated.The black tribulation thunder did not continue to appear.And his physical body did not continue to break through.

It is impossible for a body that has reached the level of a seventh-grade spiritual weapon to break through in a short period of time.

After crossing the tribulation, Chen Hao entered the system red envelope world again, and then directly teleported to Qingxuan Peak of Yinxian Valley through the teleportation array.

With a sound of "shua", he appeared next to Zhao Zhiqing, startling Zhao Zhiqing.

After finding out that it was Chen Hao, Zhao Zhiqing was overjoyed.After killing so many people that day, Chen Hao disappeared without a trace.Although she held Chen Hao's soul crystal and knew that he was fine, but before seeing him, Zhao Zhiqing was still worried.

At this point, I finally felt relieved.

"What's the reaction of the various sects now?" Chen Hao asked after telling his parting feelings.

"All sects are furious..."

Tens of thousands of monks were killed that day, especially the monks who were in the transition period and metamorphosis period, which made the various sects extremely angry.However, this is helpless, because many people in Jitian City witnessed the catastrophe to the eighth level with their own eyes that day.

In other words, the culprit who caused the catastrophe is also dead!
Now that the culprit is dead, the various sects have nothing to do even if they are furious.Immediately, all major sects sent people to search in front of the exit of Extreme Heaven Realm, but there was nothing.

Moreover, even Chen Hao had disappeared without a trace.This made the sects wonder whether Chen Hao had died in that catastrophe?
After learning about this, Chen Hao just smiled.No matter how the various sects react, even if they know that he is the mastermind behind the scenes, so what?

With Chen Hao's current strength, he is not afraid of even the top ten sects.

"By the way, what happened to Qingxuan Peak? I think there are a lot of people here." Chen Hao asked with a smile.

"The number of people in Qingxuan Peak has increased to 500..."

It turned out that after returning from Extreme Sky City to Qingxuan Peak, Zhao Zhiqing used the Breaking Realm Pill and Huiyuan Pill that Chen Hao gave her to start improving the cultivation of many disciples.

In just one month, all the disciples of Qingxuan Peak have raised at least two great realms.

It's not a year, it's a month!It is impossible to improve two great realms in one month, even if it is only the foundation building period, and the rotation period is impossible!This speed is absolutely shocking.

Therefore, when the news got out, it caused a shock in Hidden Immortal Valley.And then Qingxuan Peak began to recruit people.

This time it was even crazier than before.

After hearing that Qingxuan Peak wanted to recruit disciples, a large number of disciples from Yinxian Valley flocked to join Yinxian Valley.However, in the end, Yinxian Valley only recruited more than 400 people, and all of them were female disciples.

After half a year of development, although there are no top masters in Qingxuan Peak, there are already a large number of masters in the stage of spiritual silence and out of body stage.

Of course, the rapid development of Qingxuan Peak also alarmed the senior management of Hidden Immortal Valley.These high-level officials asked Zhao Zhiqing to talk more than once, and the purpose was nothing more than the Breaking Realm Pill in Zhao Zhiqing's hands.

However, she was rejected by Zhao Zhiqing every time.Because these Breaking Realm Pills are all obtained in the Extreme Heaven Realm, the quantity is extremely limited, and it is impossible to give it to the entire Hidden Immortal Valley.

However, Hidden Immortal Valley is Hidden Immortal Valley after all. Although it is one of the top ten sects with Xutianzong, it is much more noble than Xutianzong.

Although Zhao Zhiqing rejected it, Hidden Immortal Valley did not forcefully snatch Zhao Zhiqing's Breaking Realm Pill, on the contrary, the sect strongly supported it!

The gap with Xu Tianzong can be seen from here.

"It's really a wise move to let you join Hidden Immortal Valley." Chen Hao nodded and laughed.If Yinxian Valley really did what Xutianzong did to him, Chen Hao would immediately take away the entire Qingxuan Peak when he came back this time.

"By the way, what happened to Jiang Le and Chang Le?" Chen Hao asked suddenly.Those two live treasures have become coolies since they joined Qingxuan Peak, who made them the only two male disciples among those recruited by Qingxuan Peak?
"Those two people are good, they have been promoted to the out-of-body stage."

Chen Hao pondered for a while, and then said: "Although Yinxian Valley strongly supports you, it does not mean that other disciples will not be jealous, but Qingxuan Peak does not have top masters, I want to raise a few masters at the peak of the fusion stage this time. "

Although the Hidden Immortal Valley is good, there are some scumbags in every sect, maybe someone is thinking about how to get the Breaking Realm Pill in Zhao Zhiqing's hands at this moment.

"How about this, raise the realm of Hua Wei, the thirteen, and Chang Le. After all, they have followed me the longest, and Chang Le and the others are also of good character." Zhao Zhiqing pondered for a moment, then said.

Chen Hao nodded: "Of course, but I have to ask their opinions."

Obviously, Chen Hao's worries were unnecessary.When they heard that they could quickly improve their strength, none of the fifteen people hesitated, on the contrary, they were very excited!

As a monk, who doesn't want to have a powerful body?

When they heard that Chen Hao was able to raise his realm to the peak of the fusion period, everyone was suddenly pleasantly surprised.This speed of improvement is almost no different from reaching the sky in one step.

Moreover, there will be no bad side effects if you take the Breaking Realm Pill to improve your strength.At most, it's just that the foundation is not solid enough.However, as long as you continue to practice by yourself, you can naturally consolidate your existing realm and cultivation base.

Of the fifteen people, none of them immediately agreed without hesitation.

Qingxuan Peak, within a valley.Chen Hao arranged several formations around to prevent anyone from intruding without authorization and affecting everyone's breakthrough.

Fifteen people including Chang Le, Jiang Le, and Hua Wei sat cross-legged on the ground at a certain distance.And each of them has piled up a hill-like Returning Yuan Pill and enough Breaking Realm Pills.

Without any hesitation, everyone began to swallow the Breaking Realm Pill.

Under the influence of the powerful strength of the Breaking Realm Pill, coupled with the support of a large number of Huiyuan Pills, everyone's realm began to break through.

The out-of-body period, the distraction period, the integration period, and the peak of the integration period.

It took about half a month, no surprises, all fifteen people broke through to the peak of the fusion stage!
The stage of transformation, the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and then the monk of the fit stage.

The monks in the metamorphosis stage are the top powerhouses in the cultivation world. Of course, there are half-immortals and step-immortals above the metamorphosis stage.However, there are not many monks of this level in the realm of comprehension.

As for the Transcending Tribulation Period, there are not many people in this realm, and most of them are elders of various sects.And the peak of the fusion period is already a true disciple of the sect, even among the top ten sects like Yinxian Valley, it is definitely a true disciple level.

That is to say, after Hua Wei's fifteen people broke through to the peak of the fusion period, they are already qualified to become the true disciples of Yinxian Valley.

As long as Hidden Immortal Valley admits their identities, they will be true true disciples.

Among these sects, apart from the elders, chief disciples, and holy sons and daughters, the highest status is the true disciple.And the status of a true disciple also depends on the individual's strength.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the peak state of the fusion period is the most powerful existence among the true disciples.There are still some true disciples of the great sect like Yinxian Valley, and there should be quite a few of them.

But no matter how you say it, Qingxuan Peak finally has a master.Although it is only the peak of the integration period.

"Murong, thank you!" When they felt that they had reached the peak of the combined body stage, everyone stopped practicing and came over to thank Chen Hao one by one.

They are sincerely grateful to Chen Hao.If it weren't for Chen Hao's generosity, how could they easily break through to the peak of the fusion stage?Even, the qualifications of the people present were not very good, and many of them didn't even think that they would be able to reach the fit stage in their lifetime.

And now, in less than half a month, they have reached this realm that they never thought of before!Be thankful, be grateful.

"You don't need to be grateful to me. I have a request for you to improve your strength." Chen Hao said with a faint smile and glanced at everyone.

"As long as you have any orders, we will definitely do it!" Everyone quickly replied.

"You are the earliest disciples of Qingxuan Peak, and now your strength is also the highest. I have only one request for you to improve your strength, and that is to protect Qingxuan Peak!"

"Of course, Qingxuan Peak is our home, we will do our best to protect Qingxuan Peak!" Everyone said firmly.

Chen Hao just nodded and didn't say anything more about them.In fact, before raising their level, Chen Hao and Zhao Zhiqing had already inspected them.

If they were unreliable, it would be impossible for Chen Hao to raise their level.

"Okay, you guys go to consolidate your cultivation first." While speaking, Chen Hao had already soared into the sky and flew towards the distance.

As for those Huiyuan Pills, Chen Hao did not take them back, so he regarded them as gifts to them.In fact, the Huiyuan Pill, which is now several hundred million or hundreds of millions, is not a big deal to Chen Hao.

It's just the tip of the iceberg.Moreover, Huiyuan Pill was originally intended to enhance their strength.

The strength of Chang Le and others soared to the peak of the fusion stage, which naturally caused shock in Qingxuan Peak and even the entire Yinxian Valley.For their cultivation, most of the disciples are very envious.

Even those elders in Hidden Immortal Valley were moved.After all, these people also have their own influence, and there are also disciples with low realms in the influence, and there are quite a few of them.

Even if they are not considering their own power, they are also considering the entire Hidden Immortal Valley.

During this process, Zhao Zhiqing was invited to talk again.It's okay to talk about other aspects, but when it comes to the Boundary Pill, Zhao Zhiqing still said the same thing: The Boundary Pill is very limited.

In fact, the breaking pill is really limited.

Moreover, Chen Hao didn't want others to know that he was able to mass-produce pills.Otherwise, once other people know about the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, I am afraid that even Yinxian Valley will be moved by Peng Rang, right?
Furthermore, although Yinxian Valley has a good reputation, it has nothing to do with Chen Hao.Even if he has endless state-breaking pills, it is impossible to provide them to Hidden Immortal Valley.

Regarding Qingxuan Peak, Chen Hao was not stingy at all.It's just that he didn't enhance everyone's strength without limit.After all, Zhao Zhiqing's current strength is still very weak, if the strength of the entire Qingxuan Peak is improved, it may have some influence on her.

"It's time to develop your own power."

On this day, Chen Hao sighed, and after leaving a large amount of Huiyuan Pill and Breaking Realm Pill to Zhao Zhiqing, he floated away from Yinxian Valley.

He is now eager to develop his own power.

At this moment, Chen Hao only had Zhang Ao as his subordinate, so why should he be embarrassed?But how to develop their own power is another problem.

Chen Hao thought for a long time, but he didn't know where to find someone—he didn't look like an ordinary sect, he shouted to the outside world, and then countless people came to join him.

If Chen Hao yelled to accept people, and there were still a large number of Huiyuan Pills and Breaking Realm Pills, a large number of people would come to seek refuge.

However, Chen Hao does not want others to know that he is developing power for the time being.At the very least, he doesn't want others to know before his own power grows.

After much deliberation, he didn't know how to recruit people. Finally, Chen Hao entered the system red envelope world. After sensing You Mengqing, he appeared next to You Mengqing in the next instant.


Just when Chen Hao showed his figure, he heard a murderous voice, and at the same time, a dangerous aura rushed towards his face.

"Girl, it's me."

Taking a closer look, Chen Hao saw that girl You Mengqing was attacking and killing her with a murderous look on her face.Looking at that posture, it seems that he wants to take his own life.

Chen Hao didn't want to have a big fight with this girl, so he quickly shouted.

"Big gangster, is that you?"

After hearing Chen Hao's words, You Mengqing, who was full of murderous looks, also saw Chen Hao clearly, and her attack also disappeared invisible.

"Girl, it's okay, why are you so fierce? Be careful that you won't get married in the future." Chen Hao rolled his eyes and said a little depressed.

Being attacked as soon as he appeared, anyone would be very depressed.

"Big hooligan, don't you even look at this place!"

Hearing this, You Mengqing, who had already stopped, gritted his teeth again, stretched out his big hand, and hit Chen Hao fiercely.

With a strange cry, Chen Hao stepped on the Bingzi Jue. With a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place and appeared on the other side of the house.At this moment, he glanced around, only to realize that he seemed to have come at the wrong time.

Obviously, this is a bedroom, and the furnishings in the room are very delicate, and even exudes a faint fragrance.Obviously, this is You Mengqing's bedroom.

Looking at the sky outside, it was already dark.

At this time, Chen Hao finally knew why this girl You Mengqing was so murderous. Not only did her feelings suddenly appear, but she also came to her bedroom...

He suddenly appeared in a girl's boudoir in the middle of the night... Chen Hao blushed a little.Isn't this the "big hooligan" that You Mengqing often calls himself?

Chen Hao smiled sheepishly, and said, "Girl, don't be so busy getting angry, I really didn't mean to do this."

However, You Mengqing still looked at Chen Hao with vigilant eyes: "Big hooligan, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Chen Hao suddenly appeared in his boudoir, which already made You Mengqing a little annoyed, and what made him even more annoyed was that she didn't know how Chen Hao appeared.

If this guy suddenly broke into his boudoir while he was sleeping... Thinking of this situation, You Mengqing's murderous aura became even fiercer.

Seeing this, Chen Hao felt anxious, knowing that if he didn't give You Mengqing a satisfactory answer, this girl would definitely turn against him.

However, after much deliberation, Chen Hao didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing the wretched look of Chen Hao's eyeballs rolling there (at this time, any movements of Chen Hao are so wretched in You Mengqing's eyes.), You Mengqing became more and more angry.

This matter is so difficult to solve, damn it, the girl is fine, what are you doing in the bedroom so early?Chen Hao cursed in his heart, and he didn't even look at what time it was.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Hao finally made a decision.With a flash of his figure, he appeared beside You Mengqing, and before You Mengqing could react, he grabbed her hand.

You Mengqing was shocked!He thought that Chen Hao's animal nature was so violent that he was going to do something to himself.That's right, she was so enraged that she instantly raised her strength to the limit, and punched Chen Hao hard in front of her.

One punch blasted out, and the stone broke the sky!The current You Mengqing is at the stage of distraction, and his strength is very strong.In normal times, at such a close distance, even Chen Hao would not be able to avoid it.

However, before the fist hit Chen Hao, You Mengqing suddenly felt the scene in front of him change.Then, she found that he had left her boudoir and appeared in a strange space.

Sudden change happened, You Mengqing's eyes widened, even the punches he punched didn't continue to punch forward, and stopped halfway.

"What kind of place is this?" Looking around, You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao suspiciously.

Chen Hao let go of You Mengqing's hand, and said with a smile on his face, "That's why I suddenly appeared in your room."

Seeing You Mengqing still looked puzzled, Chen Hao grabbed You Mengqing's hand again and said, "Come with me, I'll take you to a place."

Before You Mengqing refused, the two of them disappeared in place.When it reappeared... You Mengqing immediately felt a very strong aura blowing towards her face.

Looking around, You Mengqing suddenly felt familiar.The next moment, she rose into the air.

"This is the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein! Are we in the Extreme Heaven Realm?" Not long after, You Mengqing flew back again and looked at Chen Hao in shock.

Chen Hao nodded and smiled.

"How did you do it? Isn't the Extreme Heaven Realm closed? How could we come in?" You Mengqing grabbed Chen Hao's arm in shock and asked eagerly.

For a long time, the extreme sky realm can only be opened at a specific time, and it also restricts the entry of monks of a certain realm.

Now, the Extreme Heaven Realm has been closed for half a year, and Chen Hao actually brought her into the Extreme Heaven Realm.Moreover, she is still a master of the distraction stage, they even ignored the rules of the Extreme Heaven Realm and entered here.

How could this not surprise You Mengqing?
"The world is so big, there is no place I cannot go." Chen Hao replied with a smile.

In fact, there are not many places Chen Hao can go now...

"Quickly, how did you get in here?" You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao viciously after being shocked, and said threateningly.

"This is my secret, I can't tell you for now, but you just need to know that I can enter the Extreme Heaven Realm at any time." Chen Hao replied, although he brought You Mengqing here, he didn't intend to tell The secret of her system red envelope.

Moreover, the reason why Chen Hao brought You Mengqing here was not without reason.

Shock! Shock!In addition to shock or shock!
Chen Hao actually ignores all the rules and enters here at any time, and this place is in the extreme heaven, with countless natural materials and earthly treasures.At this moment, the way You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao changed, as if looking at a mobile treasure house.

Chen Hao didn't care about You Mengqing's reaction, grabbed her hand again, and appeared in Xuan Yuezong's boudoir again in a flash.

Looking at You Mengqing who was still in shock, Chen Hao just smiled, then pushed open the door of the room and walked out.

"Ah! Chen Hao, why are you here?" Just as Chen Hao stepped out of the door, a sharp cry came from in front of him.

Chen Hao frowned and looked over, but saw a woman in front of him looking at him in shock.And that person is also an acquaintance of his - Yang Man.

(End of this chapter)

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