The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 276 Forming an Organization

Chapter 276 Forming an Organization
The relationship between Yang Man and You Mengqing was already very good, and he was about to come to You Mengqing for something this day.However, before she reached the door of You Mengqing's room, she saw the door opened.

The next moment, a man came out of You Mengqing's room.

Yang Man was shocked!
She knows You Mengqing's character, let alone a man, even ordinary disciples are not allowed to get close to her boudoir.

At this moment, a man actually came out of her room.

"This? Could it be the junior sister?" Yang Man suddenly had a strange thought in his mind—could this man be the junior junior sister'
Yang Man was thinking in his heart, but how could he feel that figure was more familiar?Looking at it intently, Yang Man couldn't help but exclaimed after all.

That person is Chen Hao!
Seeing that it was Chen Hao, Yang Man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.She didn't know much about other men.That way, if You Mengqing followed him, she wouldn't feel at ease.After all, they love this little junior sister very much.

However, if this man is Chen Hao... Although Chen Hao is cruel, he is generous and values ​​friendship.Aside from being cruel and merciless, he is definitely a good man.

Of course, cruelty is only aimed at the enemy.In the world of comprehension, only this kind of people can live better.

"Chen Hao, when did you and Junior, get together?" After screaming, Yang Man sneaked to Chen Hao's side like a thief, and then said.

Chen Hao staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"This Yang Man also looks more refined, but his speech also has such a vulgar side, and he even uses the words!" Chen Hao was shocked by Yang Man.What shocked him even more was Yang Man's words...

"When did I get together with You Mengqing?" Chen Hao looked at Yang Man in shock.

"If you didn't have that, why did you come out of Junior Sister's room in the middle of the night? And you still smiled so contentedly?" Yang Man looked at Chen Hao suspiciously and said.

"Senior Sister, what nonsense are you talking about!" At this moment, You Mengqing from the room rushed out like a gust of wind, screaming.

"Little Junior Sister, this...Although I ruined your good deed, you don't have to be so hysterical, right? No, I want to tell Master about this and make her happy too." While speaking, Yang Man was about to turn around and leave, as if he was going to tell You Luxiu.

"Senior sister, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with this big hooligan!" You Mengqing held Yang Man back and said angrily.

She and Chen Hao have nothing to do with each other, but if Yang Man is allowed to mess around, it won't be until tomorrow, and I am afraid that this matter will spread throughout the Xuanyue Sect.

If this is the truth, it's okay, the key is that this is just a non-existent thing.

"You really don't have anything?" Yang Man looked at Chen Hao and Chen Hao suspiciously.

Chen Hao rolled his eyes and nodded, and You Mengqing nodded his head as if he wanted to break his head off.It seems that the sharper the nod, the more it proves that the two of them are fine.

"What a pity..." Yang Man looked at Chen Hao with extremely regretful and disappointed eyes.It seems that the two of them are fine, and she is very disappointed.

"Yang Man, don't talk nonsense, I really have nothing to do with her." Chen Hao said formally.You Mengqing is a big girl after all, this kind of matter must be clarified, otherwise it will affect her reputation.

However, when hearing Chen Hao's words, a look of disappointment flashed in the depths of You Mengqing's eyes.But she quickly covered it up.

"Senior Sister, we are really fine. This guy just came to me for something." When he said this, You Mengqing gave Chen Hao a look.

"Yeah, I'm here for something. I just happened to meet her." Chen Hao just remembered, it seems that he really came here for something.

"what's up?"

Chen Hao rolled his eyes, and then said, "Borrower."

"Borrow someone?"

You Mengqing and Yang Man looked at Chen Hao in puzzlement: "Who borrowed it? Is there anyone who can borrow it?"

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously and said, "Of course, but you can't decide on this matter. I'm going to see your mother tomorrow, can you make arrangements for me?"

The two women were very curious, but no matter how much they asked, Chen Hao never said anything.In the end, You Mengqing still agreed.

Of course, Chen Hao stayed in the guest room of Xuanyuezong for one night. On the second day, You Mengqing and Yang Man came to find Chen Hao, and then they went to the main hall of Xuanyuezong together.

You Luxiu is waiting for Chen Hao in the main hall.

"Chen Hao, you said you want to borrow someone from my Xuan Yue Sect?" You Luxiu also looked at Chen Hao puzzled.

"Yes, I'm here to borrow a few people, and I hope the suzerain will help." Chen Hao looked polite.

Seeing the other party's puzzled look, Chen Hao continued: "You also know that I am just like a loner, without sect or sect, and I have been bullied in the cultivation world. However, I now have a lot of Breaking Boundary Pills in my hand! So, I want to build my own power."

"It's just that I don't have anyone other than Zhang Ao. And I'm planning to recruit people recently. It's just that everything is difficult at the beginning, so I want to borrow a few people from the suzerain, just for the time being."

Chen Hao said with a smile, in fact, is it really as simple as borrowing someone?This guy has already focused his attention on the disciples of Erxuan Yuezong.

Otherwise, in the Extreme Heaven Realm, he would not have raised Zhang Ao's realm in front of so many disciples of the Xuan Yue Sect.

If You Luxiu really lent someone to Chen Hao, I'm afraid the loan will never be repaid.Of course, this is what Chen Hao originally meant.

You Luxiu frowned slightly. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of disciples of Xuanyue Sect, it was not a problem to lend a few people to Chen Hao.However, it is basically impossible to just lend it to Chen Hao.

"I heard that you have a lot of Breakthrough Pills? Don't know if it's true or not at this time?" You Luxiu pondered for a while, and then said.

"Bounding Realm Pills also have a little bit, I just use them to cultivate my own power! However, if the Suzerain can lend me someone, I will use Breaking Realm Pills as a reward." Chen Hao said, but actually he felt a little heartbroken. .

For a sect like Xuanyue Sect with a big family and a great career, Breaking the Realm Dan is more important than Chen Hao.Just imagine, if Xuanyue Sect had a large number of Breaking Realm Pills, then they would have a large number of disciples at the Fusion stage.

Although, it's just a monk in the fit period.But if there are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the fusion stage, then among these people there are disciples with good qualifications.

Even if they can't break through for a while, as time goes by, some of them will gradually break through to the tribulation-crossing stage.

As for the monks from the tribulation period to the metamorphosis period, although the chances are very small, they can't stand the crowd.

Even if only one-tenth or even one percent of the hundreds of thousands of monks who passed the catastrophe successfully entered the metamorphosis stage, then the Xuanyue Sect would have at least thousands of metamorphosis monks!
Thousands of metamorphosis monks, what is this concept?Even the total number of metamorphosis monks from the top ten sects is less than one-tenth of this number, right?
At that time, it will become the number one sect in the cultivation world.Even though You Luxiu didn't have the ambition to dominate the cultivation world, but as the suzerain of a sect, who wouldn't want to strengthen his sect?
Therefore, after hearing Chen Hao's words, You Luxiu's heart was moved.Besides, picking up Chen Hao and the others was not the same thing at all.

"How many people do you want?" You Luxiu asked after pondering for a while.

"There's something going on." Chen Hao suddenly shouted in his heart, feeling that there was something going on.As for how many people he can borrow, it depends on how he negotiates with the suzerain.

"Not many, four or fifty people are enough." Chen Hao said lightly.

"Four or fifty people, not many!" You Mengqing frowned, and gave Chen Hao a hard look.

"Of course, if there is a debt, I will pay it back, and I will give you a hundred breakthrough pills as a reward." Chen Hao continued.

There are borrowings and repayments, to put it nicely, Chen Hao has no intention of repaying at all!

"Fifty people, one hundred Boundary Breaking Pills, you are too stingy." You Luxiu frowned slightly, but You Mengqing said directly without any scruples.

"Miss, the Boundary Breaking Pill is an extinct pill. I have very few of them, and I really use one less. If I give you all the Breaking Boundary Pills? How can I build my own power?" " Chen Hao rolled his eyes and said with a heartache.

You Luxiu still didn't speak, Chen Hao had no choice but to increase his bargaining chip: "Five hundred! At most five hundred. If there are too many, I really can't get it out."

You Luxiu just looked at Chen Hao indifferently, and didn't speak.For the entire Xuanyue Sect, five hundred Boundary Breaking Pills are useless at all.How many disciples can you train?
"One thousand!" Chen Hao gritted his teeth.

With a thousand Boundary Breaking Pills, if you train those low-level monks, you can only train a few dozen monks to the level of integration.

However, You Luxiu still didn't speak.Seeing this, Chen Hao felt pain.

"Vampire, oh vampire." Chen Hao cursed secretly in his heart, then gritted his teeth and said, "Five thousand, I will choose by myself, if you don't agree with it, forget it." Chen Hao was also a little angry.

Although he could refine Boundary Breaking Pills almost endlessly, each of those Boundary Breaking Pills was worth more than 1 million, and 7000 Boundary Breaking Pills were already worth [-] billion Boundary Breaking Pills.

7000 billion, that is not a small number.Using these Huiyuan Pills to provide to a large sect like Xuanyuezong can consume countless years.

"Deal." You Luxiu finally spoke, with a smile on his face.

"Vampire." Chen Hao gritted his teeth secretly.

"Are you going to choose someone yourself?" You Luxiu laughed.However, in Chen Hao's eyes, You Luxiu's smile was a fox-like cunning smile.

"I want a lot of those people who came out of the Extreme Heaven Realm that day." Chen Hao gritted his teeth and said.Originally, he didn't want Yang Man, Pei Peiyu, and Sima Ruyu, but he actually paid five thousand Breakthrough Pills. If he didn't want a few experts to come over, he would be really sorry for himself.

"I want them all? Are you sure?" You Luxiu had a strange look on her face.You Mengqing and Yang Man next to him also looked at Chen Hao with bright eyes.

"Yes." Chen Hao said with certainty.

"Chen Hao, are you going too far? Don't you even dare to go over to our young suzerain?" Yang Man looked at Chen Hao with a smile on his face.

Chen Hao was startled, and then he remembered that the girl You Mengqing was also in the Extreme Heaven Realm that day.This girl is You Luxiu's precious son and daughter, the young master of Xuanyue Sect, if he abducts her too...

This is of course impossible, and You Luxiu was the first to refuse.

Immediately, Chen Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "Except for You Mengqing, I want everyone else."

Aren't Yang Man, Pei Peiyu and Sima Ruyu all disciples of You Luxiu?They are all masters in the distraction period, and their qualifications should be good.

Since he was cheated of five thousand Breakthrough Pills, he should abduct all three of them.

No loan but no repayment!
"It's fine to lend them to you, but when do you plan to return them? After all, they are disciples of the Xuanyue Sect." After all, You Luxiu is the master of a sect, so how could she be so easily fooled?
"There are debts and repayments, as long as my power is on the right track, I will naturally send them back." Chen Hao said with a smile.

On the right track, what is on the right track?Isn't it between Chen Hao's words?As long as Chen Hao said that the power is not on the right track, these people will not go back.

You Luxiu frowned, of course she knew what Chen Hao meant.It's just that since they have taken out the Breaking Realm Pill worth 8000 billion Yuan Pills, if she is too stingy, it will appear that she doesn't have much measure.

"Okay, let's put it this way. Mengqing, Yang Man, take Chen Hao down to handle this matter." You Luxiu immediately made a decision to settle this matter.

"Cheerful." Chen Hao smiled, then reached out and took out a storage bag from his waist storage bag, and threw it to You Luxiu: "This is five thousand breaking realm pills, why don't you clear it up?"

You Luxiu took the storage bag, put it into her storage space without looking at it, then waved her hand and said, "No need, you guys go down and do some business."

With the help of You Mengqing and Yang Man, the more than 40 people who came out of the Extreme Heaven Realm that day were summoned in less than half a day.

Then, after Yang Man told the matter, although everyone was a little surprised, no one was disgusted.

The first one is because of Chen Hao, after getting along for so long, they all know that Chen Hao is a rich man, and he has endless and generous Huiyuan pills.If you follow him to do things, he will definitely not be stingy.

Moreover, they also believed in Chen Hao and were not disgusted.If you follow him to do things, you can quickly improve your own strength, who wouldn't want it?
It didn't take long, when these people were ready, Chen Hao left Xuanyue Sect with this group of female soldiers.

And these people didn't know that when they left Xuanyuezong with Chen Hao, they were no longer Xuanyuezong's disciples.It wasn't Xuan Yuezong who deprived them of their identities, but Chen Hao!

Flying with the girls all the way, listening to the chattering and laughing of the girls, Chen Hao felt high-spirited.Moreover, at this time, he suddenly had an idea.

"Is the Xuanyue Sect the only female sect in the cultivation world? Why don't you create a female faction?"

In some respects, women are indeed inferior to men.However, if all the subordinates are a group of women soldiers, it will be easier to control like this.

Moreover, women do not want to make trouble as easily as men.In some respects, even better than men.

"Okay, everyone stop first." Chen Hao stopped after staying away from Xuan Yuezong and arriving at a place where there was no social interaction.

"Next, I will send everyone to a safe place. There, I will improve everyone's strength. Now, you hold hands."

Although the girls felt strange, they still stood hand in hand.And when they were ready, Chen Hao also took Yang Man's hand.

With a sound of "shua", they disappeared in place and appeared in front of the system red envelope.

"This is an independent space, only I can enter and exit. Here, you can move freely. But if you want to go out, you must inform me, or directly inform Zhang Ao."

While speaking, Chen Hao stretched out his big hand and captured Zhang Ao who was tempering his body in the thunderstorm.

At the same time, the phantom around Chen Hao distorted slightly, and the system also appeared in front of everyone.

"From now on, you will all be my subordinates and part of my power. When you become my subordinates, you must obey my orders. My words are orders and cannot be disobeyed. What do you have? Objection? If you don't want to, I will send you out of here."

"No objection!" Everyone said loudly.

"Very well, my strength is called 'chaos', and it is just an existence similar to an organization. It is different from ordinary sects. From now on, I am the leader. And he is the deputy leader, he is called the system."

"I have met the leader, I have met the deputy leader!" Everyone quickly saluted and quickly entered the state.

"In Chaos, everyone is brothers and sisters, and everyone is a family. We must take care of each other in the future. Moreover, in this process, I will gradually improve your realm. As long as everyone is a part of Chaos, I will I will provide you with endless pills, and..." While speaking, Chen Hao waved his hand.

call out!call out!call out!
More than 40 sword lights flew from afar, each emitting a powerful aura.

"Spiritual weapons! All are spiritual weapons!" Pei Peiyu exclaimed.

"That's right, these are spiritual tools. And this is just a gift from me to you. Each of you choose one."

The more than 40 in front of him are the foundation of his power, the foundation of "chaos".He believes that as long as it is under his crystal, his power will be famous in the cultivation world in a short time.


Hearing Chen Hao's words, all the girls happily chose a flying sword of the spirit weapon level, and they were all very excited.Except for the three of Yang Man, the rest of them only have low-grade magic weapons in their hands.

Looking at the happy girls, Chen Hao secretly laughed in his heart: "Although you are still members of Xuanyue Sect, I don't believe that you still want to go back to Xuanyue Sect under the attack of my various natural resources and treasures." .”

After a long time, after the excitement of the girls had passed, Chen Hao gave a dry cough and continued, "The flying sword of the spirit weapon level is just a gift for you to meet. Moreover, it is only the most basic equipment for our 'Chaos'."

"The most basic equipment!"

Hearing this, the girls were shocked immediately.How many spirit weapons does this Chen Hao have!

"In addition to the spirit weapon Feijian, each member is equipped with at least [-] return pills per month. Of course, every member, I will equip each member with a Breakthrough Pill for free, so as to improve your strength in the shortest possible time."

"Five thousand Yuan Dan!"

The girls exclaimed again.In Xuanyue Sect, or other great sects, monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage can only return to Yuandan five times a month!The true disciples in the distraction period only return five thousand Yuandan per month.Even the monks in the fusion period can only receive [-] Huiyuan pills from the sect every month. "

"These are just the most basic benefits. In the future, as your level increases in Chaos, various benefits will be improved accordingly. Moreover, it is only the beginning of our creation, and everything will be very difficult. The most basic benefits are not high. However, I promise here that as we become stronger, your treatment will also increase!"

After a pause, Chen Hao looked at the girls, and then asked: "Here, I would like to ask you a question. As a monk, why did you become a monk? What are you pursuing?"

"strong power."


"Feathering Flying Immortal!"

All the girls answered with a smile.

Chen Hao nodded, and continued to ask: "The monks are basically pursuing these three points, but I want to ask, who among you thinks that he will have great power? Become a flying fairy? Or even live forever?"

Silence, everyone is silent.

Whether it's powerful power, immortality or immortality, they don't have the confidence.After all, in the world of comprehension, the vast majority of people cannot reach the stage of integration, the state of crossing the catastrophe stage

Moreover, most of the people who have reached this realm are trapped in the realm of the Transcending Tribulation Period.In the end, very few can break through to the metamorphosis period.

Even if you are lucky enough to break through to the stage of transformation, will you definitely be able to become a fairy?Even though there are tens of thousands of years of longevity, most people in the cultivation world cannot transform their physical bodies into complete immortal bodies even before their longevity is exhausted, and they eventually die of exhaustion.

Can't become a fairy, where does the powerful power come from?Where did the feathering and ascension come from?What about immortality?
"You are silent, which means that none of you have this confidence! Now let me ask you one more question, before this, did any of you have the confidence to reach the stage of integration or even the stage of transformation?"

Silence, still silence.The qualifications of these people are just ordinary, want to reach the fusion stage?Among the more than 40 people present, it was almost impossible.

"However, if you join us in Chaos, I can guarantee that each of you will enter the transformation period and everyone will be able to ascend. Our goal of Chaos is not only to shock the world of cultivation, but also to become immortals and even gods!" Chen Hao said passionately.

(End of this chapter)

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