Chapter 282 The Return
After sending the things here back to the sect in a special way, Wei Shuiyan looked at the Tianlingmen that had been razed to the ground with an indifferent expression.

If it wasn't for the fact that this place was near Anyi City of the Great Xia Dynasty, and close to Murong's house, otherwise she would not have asked to come to investigate this matter.And beside Wei Shuiyan, there are two disciples of Tianyan Sect, Murong Hao and Murong Dan father and son.

And Wei Shuiyan is Murong Dan's wife and Murong Hao's mother.It was Murong Zhi's mother who was slapped to death by Chen Hao back then.

"Let's go back to Murong's house." Wei Shuiyan said lightly, then flew into the air and flew towards Anyi City.But Murong Dan and Murong Hao are driving the flying sword and followed closely.

On this day, after Chen Hao built the foundation for Li Feng and the others, he left the Li family and walked on the busy streets of Anyi City.

Walking aimlessly, my thoughts seem to have returned to the year.

The street still hasn't changed, and it's still so lively, but things have changed for a long time.Before he knew it, Chen Hao walked to the door of Murong's house.

Standing in front of the gate of Murong's house, looking at the festive Murong's house with lights and festoons in front of it, Chen Hao had a weird expression.

Is Murong's family holding a wedding?

Although it had been a few days since he returned to Anyi City, Chen Hao stayed at Li's house all the time and didn't even come out.Therefore, the Murong family didn't even know that Chen Hao had returned.

And Chen Hao, who has no feelings for Murong's family, doesn't even have the intention of going back to Murong's family.

Looking at the festive and festive Murong family, Chen Hao stood on the spot and began to think: "Although I don't have any feelings for the Murong family, my surname is Murong after all. Do you want to go in and have a look today?"

Chen Hao is confused...

"That man, why are you sneaking in front of Murong's house? Why don't you leave quickly!" Just as Chen Hao was hesitating, a member of Murong's family caught a glimpse of Chen Hao, and immediately a person came over , with a vicious look.

Chen Hao couldn't help showing a look of disgust in his eyes.The Murong family is still the same, these servants are really annoying.

It was also because of Chen Hao's outstanding temperament and good-looking clothes--Chen Hao's clothes were transformed from the fairy clothes with purple ribbons.

If a person with some ragged clothes stayed here for so long, he would have been driven away by these people long ago.Even Chen Hao is being blasted out now.

"Boy, what is your look? Do you know this is Murong's house! Get out of here quickly." Seeing Chen Hao's undisguised disgust, the servant of Murong's family immediately showed murderous aura, and turned towards Chen Hao with murderous aura. Said.

The expression on Chen Hao's face became more and more disgusted.

"Damn it, you're looking for death!" The servant of Murong's family was furious, shouted angrily, and the family kicked Chen Hao fiercely.

Looking at that posture, if Chen Hao was just an ordinary person, he would probably be kicked to death.

A murderous intent flashed from his eyes, and he sneered, only to see Chen Hao pointing it out.

Blood splattered, but the foot that kicked towards Chen Hao had already been cut off by Chen Hao!Although he couldn't attack ordinary people, Chen Hao didn't use the power of a cultivator either.The most important thing is that this kind of person really deserves to die!If he hadn't given the Murong family a face, he would have slapped this idiot to death long ago.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao avoided the servant and walked towards Murong's house.

It wasn't until this moment that the servant whose thigh had been cut off let out an earth-shattering scream.But the nearby people who witnessed all this looked at Chen Hao with terrified eyes.

"What's the matter? Who's screaming here." At this moment, an angry voice came from Murong's house, and then a figure walked out quickly.

Seeing the person coming, Chen Hao had an inexplicable smile in his eyes, and shouted: "Murong An."

"Who is the uncle's name?" Murong An looked in the direction of the voice angrily. In the past few years, he has been prosperous in Murong's house, who would dare to call him by his name?

However, when Murong An saw the person who called his name, his expression changed instantly, and the words he was about to swear were swallowed back by him, and he was so frightened that he immediately fell to the ground. On the ground, there was a look of horror, as if seeing a demon.


That is a demon!It was a demon that had been circling in his memory for several years and made him extremely painful!At this moment, Murong An wanted to die.

The whole body fell limply on the ground, Murong An's face was terrified, and the memories that had been sealed in his mind for many years appeared in front of his eyes again with incomparable clarity.

That is a waste, although he is a collateral child of the Murong family, but he is a waste, a waste that is bullied by others.I have bullied this trash a lot before.

But suddenly one day, the sky changed.Murong An will never forget that day in his life, it was his nightmare!
The trash in his eyes didn't know what happened, but suddenly became stronger.And he just ran into the opponent's gun head so he couldn't die.

The demon almost beats you to death without saying a word.Limbs were crushed, almost all the bones in his body were crushed, and half of his face was even mutilated.

It took a full two years, and by chance, he took the elixir from the cultivation world to save his life.However, that scene at the beginning was still deeply engraved in his heart.

The appearance of that demon hovered in his mind all the time.

But, fortunately, that demon went to practice immortality soon after, and left Murong's house.

But, today, the devil actually came back!
Thinking of what happened that day, Chen Hao felt a wave of fear in his heart.He looked at Chen Hao in horror, his eyes were full of horror.

Looking at Murong Ana as if he saw a demon, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing in his heart: "This bastard is afraid of being beaten by me, right? I seemed to be very cruel back then."

"Tsk tsk, you are still alive and kicking after being beaten like that by me. I'm really curious, how did you cure it?" Chen Hao slowly came to the front of Murong An, and said with a smile on his face.

However, Chen Hao's smile looked in Murong An's heart, but it was the grinning smile of a devil, cold, cruel, and very cruel.

"Is he going to beat himself up again?" Murong An suddenly had this bad thought in his heart.This demon was already so cruel back then, and now he is even more of a cultivator, so he is no match for him.

A cultivator, by the way, he is a cultivator.

Murong An suddenly roared in his heart, so he said with a trembling voice: "Master Murong, you are a cultivator, you can't do anything to me."

However, his trembling figure revealed the fear in his heart.

"Hit you?" Chen Hao found it very funny.Now he naturally disdains to do something to this kind of ants, it is impossible.

"Answer my question, otherwise..." Chen Hao glanced at Murong An.

Murong An's heart trembled, he felt a cold feeling, so he said quickly: "I must know everything."

"Murong's house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, who is hosting the wedding?"

"Master Murong Hao and his family have returned. The patriarch is very happy and is celebrating." Afraid of what Chen Hao would do to him, Murong An said quickly.

"Murong Hao's family? Including his mother?" Chen Hao's eyes flashed brightly.He seemed to remember that he killed a Murong Zhi, who seemed to be Murong Hao's younger brother.

"Yes." Murong An said without even daring to breathe.

"Interesting." Chen Hao looked towards the door, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate through layers of obstacles to see everything inside.

"Go away." Chen Hao snorted coldly, then walked towards Murong's house.

After such a scene happened, the servants of Murong's family naturally did not dare to stop Chen Hao's footsteps.

Nonsense, the servant's feet were cut off by Chen Hao.When Murong An saw this person, he collapsed on the ground in horror, even a fool knew that this person should not be messed with.

Like five years ago, the Murong family has not changed much.According to memory, Chen Hao walked slowly towards the center of the family.

Along the way, whenever they met the servants of Murong's family, they all avoided them with terrified expressions, and even those who were not just Chen Hao were pulled away from them.

Although five years have passed, Chen Hao's appearance has not changed much.It's normal to be recognized by those servants in the past. Thinking of Chen Hao's cruelty, these people dare not approach him at all.

It seems that Murong Hao's family came back, um, returning to their homeland in full clothes, the Murong family should be very happy about this, the grandeur is almost comparable to the patriarch's birthday.

It was lively, and the servants of the Murong family came and went in a hurry.It seems that the Murong family also invited many families to celebrate together.

After all, in Murong Hao's family, all three of them are cultivators.Usually, even if a family has a cultivator, these families will publicize it.What's more, three of them came back at the same time?And one of them is an elder of Tianyan Sect, one of the top ten sects.

Once this news gets out, then the Great Xia Dynasty, even other empires, which family would dare to underestimate the Murong family?Even the Great Xia Dynasty did not dare to do anything to the Murong family.

At this time, people came and went in the hall, from Murong's family, various big families in Anyi City and even the royal family came.

These families, the royal family, even the emperors of the Great Xia Dynasty must be respectful in front of practitioners.Because they are proud of their superiority, noble status, etc., they are nothing in front of practitioners.

And once they curry favor with these cultivators, there will be a lot of benefits.If you are not careful, you can also cultivate yourself. In the future, you will fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and you will live forever.

Therefore, at this time, in the hall, Murong Dan and Murong Hao were surrounded by countless people, saying disgusting compliments one by one, flattering the father and son shamelessly.

As for Wei Shuiyan?She is a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period and an elder of the Tianyan Sect.Now that she can appear here is to give the Murong family a face, how can the Murong family allow others to harass her?
Besides, Wei Shuiyan was sitting there, and there was a vague aura of a superior person, how dare these secular people approach?It's not that I dare not, but that I can't get close at all.

On the other side, Murong Hao socialized randomly with a cold face.But his father Murong Dan was very happy at this time.This guy looks like a typical villain who is successful, or he is a nouveau riche. You can tell how happy he is by looking at his smiling face.

This is what Chen Hao saw after he came here.

The hall is very large, accommodating hundreds of people, it is noisy and lively.No one noticed Chen Hao's arrival.And Chen Hao just made it to the table next to a corner, picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

"Well, the wine tastes pretty good. It seems that this is the first time I'm qualified to come in here?" Chen Hao took a sip of the wine, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Before, he didn't even have the qualification to approach this hall.And like this kind of banquet?He is only serving tea and water, how can he have the right to eat and drink here?

But it seems that Chen Hao just came here uninvited.

"Oh, our Yan family also has a few incompetent boys who joined the Xiuxian sect, but it's a pity that they couldn't enter the top ten sects. Brother Dan, you will be fine." A member of the Yan family chatted with Chen Hao and said.

Murong Dan laughed: "Naturally, our qualifications are good. Only in this way can we join the top ten sects. But yours should also be good, but compared to the top ten sects, it is much worse."

"Isn't it because of your woman that you are qualified to enter the top ten sects? Otherwise, it depends on you?" Hearing Murong Dan's words, the people around were very upset.But they are all old foxes, and they are flattering Murong Dan with a smile.

"Brother Dan, your status in the sect should not be low. Our family also has a few young fellows with good aptitude who want to cultivate immortals. Look..." A member of the Xu family looked at Murong Dan with obvious meaning.

Murong Dan was startled, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.He is just an outer disciple of the Tianyan Sect now. Not long ago, he saw that he had broken through to the Foundation Establishment stage, and he has the status of a bird in the Tianyan Sect.

If it wasn't for Wei Shuiyan, he would have been kicked out a long time ago.Of course, in front of everyone, he has already boasted that he has become the chief disciple of Tian Yanzong.

"Haha... Those who accept disciples still have to look at elders and the like. Although I have a good status in the sect, I am not qualified to accept disciples yet."

The disciple he said was not accepting his own disciple, but becoming a disciple of Tian Yanzong.These people just want to bring their family members into Tianyan Sect through Murong Dan.

"With your aptitude, if you weren't a woman, you would have been kicked out by Tian Yanzong a long time ago, right? You still have a high status, and it's thanks to your thick skin that you can say this."

At this moment, a voice that was incompatible with the lively atmosphere of the hall came from the crowd.Although the voice was not loud, it reached everyone's ears clearly.

In an instant, the originally bustling hall suddenly fell silent.In the silent hall, everyone's heartbeat could even be heard.


After a moment, Murong Dan was the first to react, let out an angry roar, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The one who spoke was naturally Chen Hao, he was disgusted by Murong Dan not long after he came here.Finally, he still couldn't help but sneered.

Rely on your own woman!

This sentence is Murong Dan's Ni Lin, as soon as Chen Hao said it, Murong Dan was already furious.With a roar, he had already pushed aside the crowd and rushed towards Chen Hao with murderous intent, but he wanted to see if it was that bastard.

Chen Hao was naturally fearless, he stood up slowly, and looked at Murong Dan who was approaching with a murderous look and anger with a smile on his face.

"It's you, Chen Hao!" The moment he saw Chen Hao, Murong Dan was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression was horrified.Even, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

For Chen Hao, Murong Dan was very impressed.His youngest son was slapped to death by this person.Once upon a time, did you want to kill this person with your own hands?
Especially after he entered the Tianyan Sect, this idea was particularly strong.It's just that I have never met Chen Hao before.

Only later, as Chen Hao shocked the comprehension world again and again.He did one shocking thing after another.

At the beginning, Murong Dan was still very disdainful, so what if Chen Hao shocked the cultivation world?Always a weak person.It's just that, constantly, Chen Hao is getting stronger and stronger, and has already far surpassed him.

At this time, he was terrified.Although he still wanted to kill Chen Hao for revenge, news about Chen Hao kept coming, and he became more and more frightened.

At this time, he suddenly saw Chen Hao here, and when he thought of Chen Hao's notorious appearance, Murong Dan couldn't help being terrified!

"Long time no see." Chen Hao showed a warm smile on his face, and walked towards Murong Dan slowly.

Murong Dan looked at Chen Hao with a look of fear on his face. When Chen Hao took a step, he took a step back.

Murong Dan, who retreated in panic, was tripped by a chair, and then, a dignified monk in the foundation establishment stage fell to the ground with his back on his back.


Everyone's eyes followed the huge dull sound, and when they saw Murong Dan like this, they couldn't help being puzzled, and some even showed disdainful smiles on their faces: "This is that master of cultivation. ?I almost peed my pants when I was scared by a person!"

A look of disdain appeared in many people's eyes.



Almost at the same time, two identical voices sounded.But the difference is that one voice is full of disdain and contempt, while the other is full of anger and a sense of hatred for iron.

Obviously, it was Chen Hao and...Wei Shuiyan who spoke.

Chen Hao was very disdainful and contemptuous, but Wei Shuiyan, who was Murong Dan's wife, felt very ashamed and very angry.

"How did I marry such a worthless person?" Wei Shuiyan thought this thought more than once.If it wasn't for the sake of seeing Murong Hao, she would have given up on Murong Dan long ago.

After all, with her identity and strength, being matched with such a man is not an ordinary embarrassment.

Although she resented Murong Dan's embarrassment in her heart, Wei Shuiyan still had to show up.With a flash of her figure, she blocked Chen Hao and Murong Dan with a teleport.

"You are Chen Hao?" Wei Shuiyan looked at Chen Hao with a serious face, her eyes showing a hint of murderous intent.

"You should be Wei Shuiyan, the elder of the Tianyan Sect, right? Well, his wife? What should I call you? Auntie?" Chen Hao still looked at Wei Shuiyan fearlessly, and said with a smile on his face.

It's just a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period, and it's not like Chen Hao has never seen it before. He even killed a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period with his own hands a few days ago.

He has even seen half-immortals and one-step immortals before, so how could he be afraid that there are only women in the tribulation period here?

A cold light flashed in Wei Shuiyan's eyes, and an invisible coercion rushed out, sweeping towards Chen Hao, it was very terrifying.

Murong Zhi was her son, so naturally she would not remain indifferent to this son-killing enemy, and even wanted to kill Chen Hao even more fiercely than Murong Dan.


A terrifying aura like a tide swept out. Although she controlled it very well and only aimed at Chen Hao, the coercion emanating from the invisible force still pushed the people around him out.

Everyone looked at Chen Hao and Chen Hao with expressions of fear on their faces, their expressions extremely terrified.

Chen Hao looked indifferent. Back then, he was only in the period of rotation and was able to resist the aura of a half-immortal, let alone now that he was more than a hundred times stronger than before?

Now Chen Hao is not even afraid of the coercion of the catastrophe, let alone the momentum of this period of transcending the catastrophe?

"What? Do you still want to kill people?" Chen Hao had a smile on his face, not even any nervousness.

Seeing this, Wei Shuiyan was taken aback.

She is a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period. Although Chen Hao is notorious for being fierce, she has always relied on various treasures and external forces.Wei Shuiyan was extremely disdainful of Chen Hao's true strength.

She even thought more than once that if she saw Chen Hao, she would kill him with her own hands.She has this confidence.It's just that he didn't expect that under the coercion of his aura, the other party still looked calm and calm.

"You should pay with your life for killing my son." Wei Shuiyan's expression was cold. Although Chen Hao's strength was beyond her expectations, she couldn't extinguish her desire to kill Chen Hao.

"Are you going to kill me too?" Chen Hao looked through Wei Shuiyan and looked at Murong Dan and Murong Hao behind her.At this time, Murong Dan's expression was embarrassing, for the embarrassment just now, he hated Chen Hao's teeth so much that his teeth itch, and there was incomparable resentment in his eyes.

As for Murong Hao, even though his face is sinking like water now, his eyes are full of murderous intent.However, this guy has already reached the period of recovery, and he really deserves the name of a genius.

Of course, it is unknown if this genius has moisture.Even Murong Dan, a waste, can reach the foundation-building stage--Wei Shuiyan's contribution is indispensable.

"We are all one family. Those things have become history. Why don't you sit down now and be kind?" At this time, the head of the Murong family came in from the outside, intending to persuade Chen Hao and others to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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