Chapter 283 Cyan Bat
At this time, Murong Yang felt very helpless, no matter whether it was Murong Hao or Chen Hao, both were members of the Murong family, and both were cultivators!
Logically speaking, a family should be happier if they have left so many realms of cultivation, and they should support each other.It's just that the two sides are sworn enemies.

And he just left for a while, and this place has become like this.

Really, it's not that enemies don't get together.Either they won't come, or they will come back together.When they collide together, it is inevitable that there will be violent collisions.

This was something he didn't want to see, so he wanted to persuade the fight as the patriarch.

"Patriarch, he killed my son! We are enemies, not a family! No matter what happens today, he must die." Wei Shuiyan said coldly, regardless of whether you are a patriarch or not.

With her status, she naturally disdains this secular patriarch.So what if it is some sects in the realm of comprehension?Her status as an elder of the Tianyan Sect is not known to be much higher than theirs.

Hearing this, the smile on Murong Yang's face froze immediately.But he is an old fox after all, turning his head to look at Chen Hao.

"I don't care anymore. If they dare to do something today, I'll just kill them all and let them gather on the ground." Chen Hao shrugged and said indifferently.

Although they are a family in name, but the Murong family is so big, it is still a question of whether they are related by blood.Anyway, they are not their own blood relatives, so it doesn't matter if they are killed.

The depression in Murong Yang's heart.In front of these, although they are juniors, they are all cultivators, the patriarch himself is of no use at all.

With a movement of his mouth, when Murong Yang wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Wei Shuiyan: "Stop talking, Chen Hao must die today!"

Murong Yang immediately retracted the words that had just come to his lips, he couldn't afford to mess with this woman.If it makes the other party unhappy, as long as she says a word, the Murong family will definitely be ruined.

"Think clearly, anyone who wants to attack me will die." Chen Hao said indifferently.

Wei Shuiyan just let out a cold snort, and disappeared in place in a flash.

She didn't dare to do it here.Once a move is made, here, the entire Murong family, and even the entire Anyi city will be affected.At that time, even if she is the elder of Tianyan Sect, she will not be able to save her life.

"Aren't you very powerful? If you have the guts, leave Anyi City." Before leaving, Murong Dan used the aggressive method once, and then left Murong's house with Murong Hao stepping on the flying sword one after the other.

For this, Chen Hao snorted coldly with disdain. The reason why he returned to Murong's house this time was because of their relationship.He didn't believe that their family was just going home to "visit relatives".It should be known that Wei Shuiyan is the elder of Tianyan Sect.

Tianzhu Mountain, a few streaks of light flashed across the sky in the distance, and then stayed in the sky above Tianzhu Mountain.

It was Chen Hao and the others.

"Are you going up together or one by one? It's better to go up together, I don't have time to play with you." Chen Hao volleyed in the void, but Wei Shuiyan frowned slightly.

No matter how you look at it, Chen Hao is only in the state of spiritual silence, and he is already able to fly in the air with his body before he emerges from his body?Famous in the world of comprehension, as expected, he still has some strength.

Although Murong Dan and Murong Hao were full of murderous intent, they wished to kill Chen Hao.But they knew how much they weighed, so they didn't make a sound.

Wei Shuiyan took a step forward and looked at Chen Hao with a cold expression.

"Wait." Before Wei Shuiyan was about to make a move, Chen Hao suddenly stopped him.

"Huh? Afraid? Get down on your knees and beg for mercy, maybe we will give you a good time." Murong Dan grinned grimly, looking at Chen Hao with resentment.

"Idiot." Chen Hao gave Murong Dan a disdainful look.

"It's not just as simple as going home this time, is it? Are you here because of the Tianlingmen?" Chen Hao already knew the relationship between Tianlingmen and Tianyanzong from the disciples of Tianlingmen, so he came here. this question.

A cold light flashed across Wei Shuiyan's eyes, and he looked at Chen Hao coldly.

"I just want to ask you, does Tianyanzong know what Tianlingmen is doing?" Chen Hao's voice was gloomy.

It would be fine if Tianyanzong didn't know, if they knew what Tianlingmen was doing and didn't stop them.

Wei Shuiyan's eyes flickered with cold light, Chen Hao is so familiar with Tianlingmen's affairs?Could it be?She suddenly thought of a possibility.

The master of Tianlingmen is just a fusion period, and with Chen Hao's strength, it is more than enough to destroy a small sect.

After all, Chen Hao has so many treasures on him that even Xu Tianzong dared to reveal them.

But what Wei Shuiyan cares about is not whether the Tianlingmen is destroyed, but what she cares about is the spirit vein of the Tianlingmen.If Chen Hao really uprooted the Tianling Gate, then that spiritual vein must have been taken away by Chen Hao.

A spirit vein, and it's still a spirit vein not inferior to the third grade, what does this mean?
For a moment, Wei Shuiyan's heart became hot.Although she is now the elder of Tian Yanzong and has a lot of rights, she is still just a pauper in general.

If she can get a spiritual vein, then she may also enter the stage of transformation, and even become a fairy!
At this moment, the way Wei Shuiyan looked at Chen Hao changed.It became the kind of eyes that look like a poor man looking at a pile of gold bricks in front of him.

"Although Tianlingmen is an affiliated sect of Tianyanzong, our Tianyanzong doesn't care about their affairs. If I guessed correctly, the reason why Tianlingmen was destroyed should be because of their private possession of spiritual veins. The reason." While speaking, Wei Shuiyan was still observing Chen Hao.

It's just a pity that Chen Hao's face has not changed.

"So, you don't know that Tianlingmen took action against the secular family and forcibly took away the children?" Chen Hao looked at Wei Shuiyan with sharp eyes.

Wei Shuiyan frowned slightly: "There is such a thing?"

Looking at Wei Shuiyan's expression, Chen Hao felt that it didn't seem like a fake, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.He was afraid that it would be related to Tianyan Sect at this time, but if that was the case, he would have to reconsider whether to take Li Feng and the others away.

"Did you destroy Tianlingmen? Did you take away the spirit veins of Tianlingmen?" Wei Shuiyan asked suddenly.

"Tianlingmen took action against secular families, abducted countless children, forcibly dismantled countless families, they deserve to die! But the matter of Lingmai is full of windfalls." Chen Hao said with a smile, there was no taboo at all, so what if they knew about it?Can they help themselves?

Spirit veins!

Hearing Chen Hao's confession, the expressions of Wei Shuiyan, and even Murong Dan and Murong Hao changed.

"Chen Hao, Tianling Sect is an affiliated sect of Tianyan Sect, and their things also belong to Tianyan Sect, including the spiritual veins. Hurry up and hand over the spiritual veins to us, or you will wait for the Tianyan Sect to chase them down." At this time, Murong Dan jumped out, looked at Chen Hao with a ferocious expression and said.

"Idiot." Chen Hao snorted coldly, and looked at Murong Dan like an idiot.Why is this bastard getting more and more idiotic?

"I really wonder if Murong Hao is your son. How could such an idiot as you give birth to him?" Chen Hao said with a sneer, Murong Hao was a genius of the Murong family before.

"you wanna die!"

Murong Dan suddenly became furious, perhaps relying on Wei Shuiyan's relationship, he shouted angrily, and a sword light tore from his body, shooting at Chen Hao.

sneak attack.

Chen Hao dismissed this.Before the flying sword shot in front of him, he slowly raised his right hand.Then he grabbed this high-grade flying sword in a flash.

There is a woman who is an elder, and the treatment is really different, but she already has a high-grade magic weapon during the foundation establishment period.

click, click...

When Chen Hao exerted a little force, the flying sword in his hand made an unpleasant sound.Under the horrified eyes of Murong Dan and the others, the high-grade magic weapon Feijian was caught by Chen Hao and turned into a pile of scrap iron.Then Chen Hao rubbed it lightly, and this expensive high-grade magic weapon turned into a pile of powder, falling from the crack between him.

The flying sword was destroyed, and Murong Dan's mind was damaged immediately, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.And he looked at Chen Hao with frightened eyes.

That is a high-grade magical weapon, not an ordinary weapon made of ordinary iron.Chen Hao rubbed it into powder?This is really shocking, isn't it?
Even Wei Shuiyan showed a look of shock on his face.With her strength, it is no problem to destroy a high-grade magic weapon.But it is impossible for Chen Hao to destroy it with such a palm.It is even more impossible to knead into powder.

How powerful a physical body is to be able to do this!

At this moment, Wei Shuiyan became very serious, she knew that Chen Hao was a strong enemy.If he underestimated him today, then the three of us might really be killed by him today.

"Hand over the spirit veins, follow us to the Tianyan Sect, maybe I will intercede for the Tianyan Sect to let you go." Wei Shuiyan looked at Chen Hao and said in a cold voice.

"I still say the same thing. If you dare to attack me today, the three of you will surely die. I will not show mercy just because everyone has the same surname as Murong." Chen Hao's aura gradually became stronger.

"Quack...Humans, just hit them if you want to, grind and chirp. Boy, let me do you a favor, just kill them." Just when Wei Shuiyan was about to attack, a wild and fierce voice came from nearby Come.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from behind Wei Shuiyan like a flash of light.

Murong Dan let out a scream, and his whole body was already flying into the air.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, from the sound coming out to the appearance of this person stimulating Murong Dan, it was only an instant.

The accident happened so fast that Chen Hao didn't even realize it.

"court death!"

Wei Shuiyan yelled angrily, stretched out her big hand to hit the stream of light in the void, and hit it hard.And Murong Hao stepped on the flying sword, rose into the air and caught Murong Dan in the void.

"Murong Dan is finished."

Chen Hao stood there motionless, anyway, it wasn't him who attacked, so he ended up watching the show.However, when he glanced at Murong Dan, he realized that this person was finished.

At this time, a huge wound appeared on Murong Dan's left chest.The inside of the wound was empty, Murong Dan's heart had already disappeared.

In other words, in the attack just now, it had already been picked off by the sneak attacker.

With Murong Dan's strength, after losing his heart, he would definitely die.Therefore, when he was still in the void, he had already lost his breath.


Seeing this scene, Murong Hao lost his soul, and then he roared angrily: "Mother, father was killed, he is already dead!"

On the other side, Wei Shuiyan was fighting the attacker.

The terrifying breath erupted continuously, the mountains shattered, and the void burst.Very scary.And after hearing Murong Hao's roar, the anger in Wei Shuiyan's heart burned like a surging river.

Although she didn't have much relationship with Murong Dan, he was her man after all, and now he was killed, and he was still in front of her.

Wei Shuiyan was very angry, shouted coldly, and immediately raised his strength to the limit, and launched a fierce attack towards the sneak attacker.

Under Wei Shuiyan's fierce attack, the sneak attacker suddenly fell into a state of despair and fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, Chen Hao finally saw clearly what this guy looked like.

This is what a young man in his 20s looks like.However, although this person looks like a human being, there is a ferocious aura emanating from his body.

The strength should be around the integration period.However, the speed of the young man is extremely fast, and his body turns like a blue light.The most important thing is that the ferocious and bloody aura emanating from him is different.


Chen Hao frowned slightly. Chen Hao was very familiar with the aura of the young man. He was chased and killed by many monsters when he was in the Magic Mountain.

Coupled with the words of this monster just now, his identity has been confirmed.

Chen Hao frowned slightly. Isn't it impossible for the monsters in the magic mountain to leave the magic mountain?How could there be monsters here?And the strength is not bad.


Under Wei Shuiyan's anger, only monsters in the fusion stage were not opponents at all.And if it wasn't for his extraordinary speed, he would have been killed by Wei Shuiyan long ago.

Even so, the young man didn't feel well. He avoided Wei Shuiyan's attack many times and was almost killed by him.

"Boy, I killed a person for you, why should you help?" The young man suddenly said loudly, actually wanting Chen Hao's help.

"I didn't ask you to help." Chen Hao said indifferently, even if both of them died, it had nothing to do with him.He's just here for the show now.

"The monsters from the Devil's Mountain have left the Devil's Mountain to be born. Is there going to be chaos in the cultivation world?" Chen Hao pondered in his heart.But it doesn't matter, as long as these monsters don't provoke him, it has nothing to do with him.

However, monsters that haven't been born for many years have started to appear, and something unusual must happen in the world of comprehension.

"It seems that 'Chaos' will be strengthened soon." Chen Hao said thoughtfully.

Although the young man's speed is extraordinary and unparalleled, Wei Shuiyan's cultivation in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage is not something to be outdone.Finally, grabbing one of his flaws, Wei Shuiyan sent him flying with a single palm.

"You wicked bitch, I will come back to avenge your grandfather." Under the defeat, the young man took the opportunity to escape.Before leaving, a resentful voice came from afar: "Boy, I remember you, and I will settle accounts with you later."

"Where are you running?" Wei Shuiyan yelled angrily, using teleportation to quickly catch up.And Murong Hao just hugged Murong Dan's body and cried loudly.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao stepped on the military formula, turned into a streak of light and chased after him.

Chen Hao increased his speed to the limit, and quickly chased after him. It didn't take long before he caught up with Wei Shuiyan.

But at this time, he didn't see that young man again. On the contrary, Wei Shuiyan shot frequently at the huge cyan bat that was running away in front of him, wanting to kill it.

That huge cyan bat should be the young man's body.

"It turns out that this is a bat, no wonder it has such a speed." After seeing the young man's body, Chen Hao suddenly realized.

The speed of the bat is already fast, not to mention that this is a monk who has successfully cultivated the bat?

However, although the bat spirit is good, it is not the opponent of Wei Shuiyan in the Transcending Tribulation Stage.Even though he had good speed, he was wounded all over by Wei Shuiyan.

Looking from a distance, there were several shocking wounds on the big cyan bat, and blood was gurgling out.At this time, the cyan bat kept screaming strangely.

Regarding this, Chen Hao didn't do anything, he just stepped on the military formula and followed behind.What does the battle between the two in front have to do with him?
The cyan bat killed Wei Shuiyan's man, so naturally he must bear Wei Shuiyan's wrath.

"The first form of Tianyan Divine Art!"

Wei Shuiyan yelled suddenly, and then a strong light burst out from her hand.The next moment, a terrifying power spread out from her body in all directions, very terrifying.

A dazzling glare shot up into the sky, locked onto the cyan bat, and shrouded it down.

The cyan bat screamed. With a "bang", a blue light erupted from his body.

Under the shroud of blue light, the cyan bat suddenly accelerated and spread dozens of miles away in an instant.

Just after the cyan bat accelerated to leave, the strong light had already exploded where he was originally.At this moment, the light of the sun in the sky seemed to be suppressed by this strong light, and there was only this terrifying strong light in the sky and on the ground.

The terrifying impact erupted violently...

chi chi...

The surrounding void was like paper, and a shocking crack was torn open under the terrifying light.And the land under the void, the mountains within hundreds of miles were directly razed to the ground.

It's just that the cyan bat under the cyan light has already jumped thousands of miles away at this time, just avoiding this attack.


Chen Hao stepped on the Bingzi Jue, and avoided it while shaking his body.At this moment, there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

The Tianyan Divine Art is the unique skill of the Tianyan Sect, and its power is extremely terrifying.Unexpectedly, Wei Shuiyan could also cultivate.

In fact, what Chen Hao didn't know was that the Tianyan Sect did not restrict the practice of Tianyan magic.Even a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage can practice this technique.

Of course, you can only practice a part of this stunt.There are seven forms of Tianyan Divine Art, and ordinary disciples can only practice the first three forms.However, the latter four styles require disciples who have made great contributions to the Tianyan Sect to be able to practice.

However, only the master can practice all seven styles!

Moreover, even if one has practiced the divine technique of Tianyan, it is not something that ordinary people can display.For example, Wei Shuiyan in the Transcending Tribulation Period was a little out of breath after performing the first form of the Tianyan Divine Art, and her strength was greatly exhausted.

However, Wei Shuiyan was still unable to leave the cyan bat even after performing the first form of the Tianyan Divine Art.

Of course Wei Shuiyan, who was angry, could not let the cyan bat leave.

The teleportation spread out and chased after him again.And Chen Hao also chased after him.

The speed of the cyan bat was a little slower than before, and its expression was a little sluggish.It may be because he had consumed a lot of the skill that he had suddenly increased his speed just now.

Under Wei Shuiyan's repeated teleportation, he quickly chased after him.

"The second form of Tianyan Divine Art!"

With an angry shout, Wei Shuiyan performed the second form of Tianyan Divine Art.There is no difference from the first style, but the power is even more terrifying. Chen Hao was very surprised by the earth-shattering and awe-inspiring aura.


Under the effect of the terrifying glare, the void was torn apart immediately, and the sky was also shaken by it.Has the power to destroy the world.A big white hand suddenly protruded from the sky, shattered the void, and grabbed the cyan bat that was fleeing fast in front with a devastating aura.

At this time, the cyan bat regretted his death. If he knew it, he wouldn't be so itchy to kill that human being.It's really bad luck to provoke this wicked woman.

After all, there was a difference in realm. Although he relied on his natural speed to avoid the opponent's attack many times.But that Tianyan divine technique is really terrifying.

In the first form, he was already desperate.He did not hesitate to burn his own blood to increase his speed.Although he avoided the opponent's bombardment for the time being, he himself was quite depressed.

This is not the most deadly, the scariest thing is that this wicked woman has a second move!
Feeling the big hand that was quickly grabbed in the void, the cyan bat was about to cry, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

This big hand was at least several times more terrifying than the previous glare.

That move just now made him dodge with all his strength, but now... the blue bat's eyes showed panic and despair, and he had no way to escape now.

Once caught by the big hand, he will surely die.But the surrounding void seemed to have been blocked by that big hand, and the speed he relied on could not be exerted at all, and there was no way to escape.

"This cyan bat is finished." Seeing this scene, this thought flashed through Chen Hao's mind.Even if he faced this move by himself, it would be difficult to resist.

The big hand quickly suppressed it, and wherever it passed, the void was continuously crushed into powder.But before the big hand came down, the cyan bat surrounded by him was suppressed by a terrifying force and coughed up blood, and the wound on his body kept spurting blood.

The cyan bat was probably crushed by the terrifying coercion emanating from the big hand before it was crushed by the big hand.

(End of this chapter)

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