The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 284 Parallel Imports

Chapter 284 Parallel Imports
"It's a pity." Chen Hao sighed with regret. Originally, he wanted to ask from the mouth of the blue bat whether all the monsters in the Demon Mountain had been born...

It's just that it's impossible right now.

Seeing that the cyan bat was about to explode and die, Chen Hao was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred!
Very suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from the cyan bat.This breath is even stronger than that big hand in the void.

"At least it's the breath of a metamorphosis monk!"

Chen Hao's face suddenly turned aside. He had felt this kind of breath before. When he rebelled against Xu Tianzong, the old guy who shot him last.

One step fairy!
Chen Hao didn't know that the one who attacked him that day was Zhang Jing, the master of Zhuang Ningguang, the lord of the Xutian Sect, who shot at him that day!
If Chen Hao hadn't escaped into the red envelope world of the system one step earlier, he would have been killed by Zhang Jing long ago.At this time, this was the second time Chen Hao had encountered such a terrifying aura.

There was a step where the immortal made a move.

Chen Hao's face instantly became very ugly.Because this breath is too powerful and terrifying.It made him feel uneasy and even a breath of death.

Yes, it is the breath of death!

Chen Hao is not even afraid of catastrophe, but he can feel the breath of death from here. One can imagine the horror of this breath.

At this time, the void above the cyan bat's head split, and a figure stepped out of the void.This is a skinny old man in green clothes.Look at him thin, his skin is like dried orange peel, and he has stepped into the coffin with one foot.

However, the aura that made Chen Hao feel uneasy and even death came from this old guy.

Seeing this scene, the three of them were stunned.Yes, even the cyan bat was stunned.

"Grandpa, they're going to kill me!"

However, after the shock, the cyan bat reacted immediately, and then looked at Chen Hao and the two with resentment and said.

This old guy with one foot in the coffin turned out to be the grandfather of the blue bat?Now the fun is big.

Chen Hao secretly thought that something was wrong, and his figure had already started to shoot towards the back.

Seeing the shocking wounds on the cyan bat, the old guy was furious.Immediately, a terrifying killing intent spread out.

I saw him slowly sticking out his withered hand, and pointing out.

A blue light flashed away.Immediately, the mighty hand in the sky burst into pieces.It was so vulnerable that even this old guy didn't seem to make a move.

After smashing the big hand, the old guy's gaze swept through billions of time and space, and finally fixed on Chen Hao who was shooting towards the distance.

Chen Hao, who was running away quickly, was caught by this gaze.Immediately, he involuntarily shivered, and an extremely cold feeling spread throughout his whole body in an instant.

A bad feeling rose in Chen Hao's heart: "Could this old guy be eyeing me? This is too wronged. I have never made a move from the beginning to the end."

The old guy's hand, as dry as a dead wood, slowly stretched out, trembling, as if he was struggling to move forward even a little bit, as if sucking hard.

However, this seemingly slow movement is contradictory extremely fast.

With a swish, the hand that was as dry as dead wood had torn through the barrier of billions of voids, and quickly grabbed Chen Hao.

"Your uncle, I just watched the fun." Chen Hao didn't even need to look to know that this old guy had already done something to him.At this moment, Chen Hao wanted to slap himself hard: I told you to watch the fun!Look, this time something is wrong.

But Chen Hao didn't have time to slap himself, so it was more important to run for his life.

I saw that he raised his strength to the extreme in an instant, stepped on the military formula, turned into a streamer, and shot forward quickly.

It's just that the trembling hand like dead wood behind him is approaching quickly!The speed that Chen Hao is proud of is useless in front of this old guy.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you!" Chen Hao felt an increasingly strong breath of death, and he knew that if he was captured by this old guy, he would definitely die.

So, he couldn't help roaring.At the same time, over the void, a large cloud of robbery began to gather.

While Chen Hao was fleeing like flying, the empty sky was already covered by thick layers of robbery clouds.

These robbery clouds are exactly the robbery thunders summoned by Chen Hao.At the same time, Chen Hao's whole body was covered with black energy containing the power of thunder.

Black thunder and lightning enveloped Chen Hao's whole body, like a ball of lightning.

"Heavenly Tribulation destroys the world!"

Chen Hao roared angrily.Immediately, clusters of dazzling rays of light erupted from the robbery clouds above the void.Then, groups of lightning tore apart the robbery cloud, enveloped the world, carrying the power of destroying the world, shattered the void and shrouded it.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

Seeing this scene, everyone present except Chen Hao was shocked.Especially the old guy with a shocked look on his face.

The old guy snorted coldly, turned his big hand over, and temporarily gave up his attack on Chen Hao, quickly enlarged his big hand, and slapped down on the falling Jie Lei fiercely.

This old guy actually wants to use his own strength to fight against the thunderstorms. If he is not a lunatic, then he has absolute confidence in himself.

Chen Hao's figure didn't stop, and he still flew forward with the strongest speed.He didn't think the old guy was crazy, the breath of death that made him feel was not fake, but real.

In an instant, the two sides collided violently together.After the loud noise, the old guy's big hand like dead wood was instantly shattered into powder by the thunderstorm.

And the sky-thundering thunder that bombarded down also dimmed a bit.

That's Jie Lei, the old guy almost shattered Jie Lei with one palm, one can imagine how terrifying his strength is.

After the big hand was smashed, the old guy showed disdain on his face, snorted coldly, and stuck out his big hand again.


There was another loud bang.Under the old guy's terrifying attack, the tribulation thunder in the sky was blown away unexpectedly.

"Break it for me!"

After blasting away a round of tribulation thunder, the old guy shouted angrily again, and he came forward with his big hand, and slapped fiercely on the sky full of robbery clouds.

Terrible and terrifying power erupted, covering the world in a frenzy.Under the action of this terrifying power, the void was instantly torn apart like paper.

Even the robbery clouds in the void were shattered.

Even Jieyun can break up!The strength of this old guy is so terrifying!
What Chen Hao didn't know was that this hometown was a one-step immortal.A terrifying existence that can be presented just one step away.Moreover, although Chen Hao can summon Jielei, his power is still weak after all, and the summoned Jielei is not as powerful as the real Heavenly Tribulation.

Otherwise, so what if he is a one-step immortal?It can only be annihilated under the thunder.It must be known that thunderstorms are the most terrifying attack force in the world.

However, even though Jie Lei was shattered, the old guy obviously didn't feel well, and the aura on his body was much weaker than before.It can even be said that the old guy made Chen Hao feel the breath of death.

But now, it just made Chen Hao feel dangerous.

"Why is the gap so big?" Chen Hao was very puzzled. With the strength of the old guy, even if he was injured, he could easily crush him to death.It's just that this matter is too weird now, the old guy's strength seems to have dropped by half in a short period of time.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Chen Hao's heart: "Is that so?"

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Hao's eyes flickered with a frightening light.This old guy wanted to kill himself without asking why, which made Chen Hao very angry.

It would be fine if Chen Hao really attacked the cyan bat, but he couldn't blame him for being hunted down by the old guy.But now Chen Hao clearly hadn't done anything.

This made Chen Hao very angry, and the strength of the old guy also made Chen Hao very uneasy.

"Even if it's not your real body, I'll kill you!" Chen Hao, who was fleeing quickly, suddenly turned around and stopped running.

"Heavenly Tribulation destroys the world!"

A dull roar erupted from Chen Hao's throat, and Jie Lei, which had been scattered before, reappeared out of thin air.And it was even more terrifying than the tribulation thunder temporarily summoned by Chen Hao.

The void within a thousand miles was covered by endless clouds of calamity.It can be said to block out the sky and block out the sun, and the sun and the moon have no light!And the endless coercion emitted by Jie Yuntou shocked the heavens and the world, making people's hearts tremble, and their souls trembled, it was very terrifying.

Seeing Jieyun appear again, and it was even more terrifying than before.The faces of the three people shrouded by the robbery cloud all darkened.Especially that old guy, because most of the terrifying coercion emitted by Jie Yuntou was aimed at him.

When the old man appeared, Wei Shuiyan felt bad, and had already teleported away towards the distance.Those who kill their husbands are always threats after their own lives are threatened, so run away first.

Therefore, now, after she expended a lot of power to teleport continuously, she finally escaped from the cloud of robbery.But she didn't stop, but continued to fly towards the distance.

escape!Run as far as you can!This is the thought in Wei Shuiyan's mind.

At this time, Anyi City, and even the lesser half of the Great Xia Dynasty felt the terrifying aura of thunder and destruction.And in the direction shrouded in robbery clouds, the sky was even more gloomy and terrifying.

Is it the end of the world?

All of a sudden, people in the secular world were panicked, thinking that the end was coming.It was also fortunate that Chen Hao and the others were in the depths of Tianzhu Mountain, otherwise Jieyun's terrifying coercion would have been enough to suppress and kill countless mortals.

Looking at the incomparably thick Jieyun in the void, the blue bat's face turned deathly gray.But fortunately his grandfather was there, so he looked at his grandfather with hopeful eyes, one of the kings of the Demon Mountain's several monsters - the Blue Bat King.

The cyan bat firmly believes that as long as his grandfather is around, these calamities will be nothing but floating clouds.

At this time, the face of the Blue Bat King was gloomy and terrifying, and a pair of small eyes gleamed with a very dangerous aura.

He's the Blue Bat King, and he's a one-step immortal, but that's his real body, and now, he's just a wisp of divine thought.

Don't look at just raising his hand to wipe out the catastrophe, it seems easy, but it has already consumed part of the power of his repeated divine thoughts.

And the current catastrophe is more terrifying than the previous catastrophe.He simply cannot resist.

The current Blue Bat King is very angry and aggrieved, thinking that he was a one-step immortal, and he was killed by such a catastrophe?Even if it's just a ray of divine thoughts.

It should be known that one's own ray of divine sense has the strength of the stage of transformation.It is easy to kill a monk in the metamorphosis period.

If this is his true self, even if he loses to these catastrophes, he can still float away with the blue bat.But now, whether the cyan bat can be preserved is still a problem.

"It's all that god damn kid." Blue Bat King looked at Chen Hao who was in the distance with a look of resentment in his eyes.That kid was also within Jieyun, but nothing happened.

This has to make the Blue Bat King suspect that these catastrophes were caused by Chen Hao.

Although Chen Hao's ability to control the Heavenly Tribulation shocked the Blue Bat King, so what?At this moment, he has put Chen Hao on the must-kill list.Even though Chen Hao is just a junior in the period of spiritual silence.

Having said so much, it was only for a moment.


After today's loud noise, the sky was filled with tribulation thunder.The terrifying majesty of Heavenly Tribulation destroys the heavens and destroys the earth, making people tremble.

The Green Bat King snorted coldly, stretched out his withered hand, and slapped Jie Lei fiercely on the thunder that was smashing down in the void.

The forces of the two sides collided rapidly, and the terrifying impact erupted instantly.Even the big hands of the Green Bat King and the thunderstorms that filled the sky were shattered by this terrifying impact.

With one blow, most of the power of the Blue Bat King was consumed.At this time, the aura of the Blue Bat King suddenly became very weak, and even his figure became dimmed a lot.

As long as they come a few more times, they will be killed by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Beat up the drowning dog.

Chen Hao was full of murderous aura, controlling Jieyun to erupt the second wave of robbery thunder, and even the third wave and fourth wave... In an instant, the sky was filled with thunderstorms all over the sky.

The world seems to have disappeared, and there is only a world of thunder and lightning left.Waves of terrifying aura spread out, shocking the heavens and the world.

Under the bombardment of the terrifying tribulation thunder, the blue bat king with only a divine sense roared, and finally couldn't bear Chen Hao's bombardment, and was directly blasted to pieces.

call out!
A ray of blue light rushed out from the thunderstorm, tore through the void at an extremely terrifying speed, and flew towards the distance.

When Chen Hao was about to chase after him, he sighed helplessly.That's the blue bat.

Although Chen Hao killed a Divine Sense of the Cyan Bat King, it was obvious that that terrifying existence had some means to make the Cyan Bat escape from the thunderstorm.The idea of ​​letting Chen Hao kill them all fell through.

The thunder and thunder gradually dissipated, but Chen Hao's face was pale at this time.Controlling the Jielei in such a large area consumed a lot of his mind and made him mentally exhausted.

Otherwise, with Chen Hao's personality, he would definitely chase down the blue bat all the way.Until the opponent is bombarded and killed.

"The strength is still too weak." Chen Hao sighed in his heart.Now he has no power to fight back against the existence of the Green Bat King, he is just an ant.

Now that he has provoked the existence of the Green Bat King, and thinking of the extremely resentful eyes that the Green Bat King looked at him before, Chen Hao felt a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? I can kill him with a ray of divine sense, and I dare to kill his real body! It's not my style to be timid." Chen Hao said suddenly.

The world of comprehension is so big, it is unlikely that he will meet the Blue Bat King.Moreover, so what if he is invincible?Escaping is always okay.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao disappeared in place and entered the system red envelope world.And not long after, a figure flew over from afar and landed on this land.

The enmity with the Blue Bat King is over.However, Chen Hao was not worried, and returned to Li's house after recovering from his injuries in the system red envelope.

At this time, the Murong family's happy event has turned into a funeral.

After all, Murong Dan is also a direct descendant of the Murong family, and also a relationship with a cultivator.In the next few days, Murong's family organized a very beautiful funeral for Murong Dan.

It's just that Chen Hao didn't get involved.To attend the funeral of an enemy?Isn't this funny?Chen Hao is not a pervert.

After finishing Murong Dan's funeral in a hurry, Wei Shuiyan and Murong Hao rushed back to Tianyanzong overnight.They completely forgot about the revenge of killing her husband, the murder of her son, and even the fact that Chen Hao still has spiritual veins on his body.

Actually, why did Wei Shuiyan not want to kill Chen Hao to avenge Murong Zhi?Moreover, Chen Hao still has a fairy weapon and a spiritual vein in his hand.

But after witnessing Chen Hao's power to control Jie Lei, Wei Shuiyan retreated.Although she is in the Tribulation Transcendence Stage and has a strong cultivation, she is definitely not Chen Hao's opponent.

If Chen Hao must be killed, he might be killed by Chen Hao instead.

Moreover, he also provoked the abnormality of the Green Bat King.In the end, Wei Shuiyan reluctantly rushed back to Tianyanzong and reported the matter to the sect.Although the matter was handed over to the sect, the things on Chen Hao basically had nothing to do with him, but the sect would also have rewards, wouldn't it?
Chen Hao didn't care about this, he was just building the foundation for Li Feng's family.At the same time, the "Chaos" people sent by Chen Hao to look for their disciples also gained a lot.

In just this period of time, with the efforts of Yang Man and the others, there have been a thousand new members in the red envelopes of the system.These are all homeless children living outside, and all of them have decent qualifications.

The most important thing is that these people are all girls!

One thousand, this is not Chen Hao's goal.Now Chen Hao got another fourth-grade spiritual vein, which has enough resources to provide these people's monks and daily expenses.

Therefore, Chen Hao's goal is one hundred thousand!
With [-] members, divided into four groups, it is only a team of [-]. Compared with those sects with hundreds of thousands of disciples, the power of chaos does not have any advantages.

However, Chen Hao's advantage is not in quantity, but in quality.This is the reason why the so-called soldiers are more skilled than more.

Among the top ten sects, there are hundreds of thousands of disciples, but how many disciples have reached the fusion stage?Only a very small number of monks can reach this level, and other monks are in various levels, good and bad.

If all of Chen Hao's 10 people reached the peak state of the fusion period, then the combat power would definitely be stronger than these ten sects.It's just that the top ones are still incomparable.

These people are handed over to the system that has nothing to do all day long to manage and teach them various exercises.But Yang Man and others are still looking for qualified disciples in the world.

In the secular world, whether it is a prosperous and stable empire or some war-torn countries, these countries have never lacked wandering and homeless children.Therefore, even though Yang Man and others are careful, even if they don't take away too many people in the same area, there are more and more people in the system's red envelopes, and the distance from "chaos" is getting closer and closer.

During this process, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the cultivation world.

The monsters that had been locked in the Magic Mountain for countless years began to appear in large numbers.

In just one month, these monsters appeared everywhere in the cultivation world.The Demon Mountain has been blocked by the Demon Mountain for countless years, and most of these monsters have never left the Demon Mountain even in their entire lives.

It is incompatible with the outside world of comprehension.And the most important thing is that these monsters usually experience various fights and blood types in the magic mountain every day.

Moreover, monsters are bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, and extremely impulsive, and they often draw their swords at each other if they disagree with each other!
Coupled with the fact that they are obviously not human beings, they have incomparable hatred for each other.

In the end, within a month after the monster was born, the world of self-cultivation became more chaotic, more cruel, and there were more battles every day.

At the beginning, whenever the monks saw monsters, everyone would shout and beat them.And these monsters are not good stubble, the reason why they shouted and beat humans before they saw them was just because they were far inferior to humans in number.

But once attacked, these monsters will draw their swords and face each other.What scares the practitioners is that these monsters are very powerful.

The first batch of monsters to leave the Magic Mountain were of course elites, and they were very powerful.But it wasn't these that frightened the monk.

Speaking of higher realms, there has never been a shortage in the cultivation world.However, in the same realm, monks are often no match for monsters.

In the same realm, monsters are often much stronger than human monks.

It is obvious that the physical body of monsters is inherently stronger than that of human beings.Moreover, they have all been slaughtered all the way in the magic mountain, and each of them has extremely rich combat experience.

The human monks, relatively speaking, do not have such rich combat experience.Therefore, in comparison, human monks are not as good as monsters.

It's just that there are accidents in everything.

At the same time when the monsters laughed at the poorness of human beings, elite disciples from various sects were born one after another.These elite disciples are very powerful in terms of cultivation and other aspects.Some even overwhelm monsters that are stronger than themselves.

fight!fight!Still fighting!

After just two months, the elites of the various schools of the human race were born one after another, and they continued to fight against monsters.Each had casualties, causing the entire cultivation world to become a bloodbath.

However, no matter whether it is a monster or a human monk, no matter how hard they toss, they have never affected the secular world.Otherwise, the secular world would have long been destroyed by their incomparably terrifying destructive power.

(End of this chapter)

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