Chapter 285 Chaos
"Very good, from now on, you also have the power to protect yourself." After two months of continuous foundation building and using the Breaking Realm Pill, Chen Hao successfully raised Li Feng's strength to the out-of-body stage.

In addition, Han Ying was promoted to the heartbeat stage, while Li Guo was only promoted to the fusion stage because of his young age.Of course, this is because their qualifications are not very good.

The reason why he didn't reach the fusion stage until he reached such a state was not because Chen Hao had any selfish intentions.Rather, the bodies of the three of them at this time have reached the limit of endurance.

Continuing to improve will only do them harm but not good.But, even so, the three of Li Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Two months!
In just two months, he went from a mortal who doesn't know martial arts to a cultivator with decent strength, who would be unhappy?And they have no ambitions.

This ability is enough to protect oneself in the world.Moreover, there are at least thousands of life yuan.After all, who doesn't want to live longer?
Finally, for the little fat man, Chen Hao did not build a foundation for him, nor did he teach him any exercises.In the past two months, Chen Hao has used his own strength to continuously temper the little fat man's body.

Although this guy doesn't know anything now, he's just a kid.But his physical body has reached the extreme level of a first-grade spiritual weapon, which is very terrifying.

With one punch, even the physical body of an ordinary monk cannot resist his physical strength.

The most important thing is that this little guy actually has a very special physique - the God of War Physique.

As the name suggests, you know the horror of this divine body.Although not as good as Chen Hao's chaotic celestial body, it is also a very rare physique.Once it grows up, it is definitely a terrifying existence.

On this day, Chen Hao and Li Feng's family gathered in the hall.

"It's been a few months since I came back, and you have the power to protect yourself now, I think it's time for me to leave." Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

After all, he is a monk, and what he pursues is great power. Although the life in the secular world is quiet, it is not suitable for him.

Li Feng and others had already guessed what Chen Hao was thinking, so they were not surprised.It's just a little bit of reluctance.After all, after leaving like this, it is unknown whether there will be a chance to meet each other in this life.

"But before leaving, I have something to discuss with you about Li Ling."

Li Ling, that is, the little fat man, this guy turned out to be a rare war god, and he will achieve infinite achievements in the future. Chen Hao naturally wanted to take him away and train him.Otherwise, letting him stay in the secular world would be a waste of the War God Physique.

"Are you going to take him away?" Li Feng asked.

Chen Hao nodded: "Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it. But Li Ling has high qualifications, and his achievements will definitely not be low in the future. I hope you will think about it."

"Don't think about it, just let him go with you." Li Feng said resolutely.

As a parent, although he is reluctant to let his children leave his side.But which parent doesn't want their children to be successful?
With Li Ling by their side, although his brothers and sisters would not be separated, it also restricted his future development.And if you follow Chen Hao, it is possible to become a fairy or a god in the future.

There is only one opportunity, once Li Ling misses it, this opportunity will be missed.Therefore, none of Li Feng and the others had any objections.

In the next few days, Chen Hao explained some things to them in detail, and set up a large number of Huiyuan Pills, Breaking Realm Pills, and Jade Slips to facilitate future contact.

Not long after, Chen Hao left the Li family with the little fat man and returned to the cultivation world.But at this time, the world of self-cultivation changed suddenly, and the birth of monsters caused chaos in the world of self-cultivation.

Even some powerful monsters went door to door to challenge the younger generation of human monks.Among them, the elites and chief disciples of various sects are listed here.

And Chen Hao, who was the most popular before, is naturally also in this list.However, Chen Hao seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he didn't show up for several months.

The birth of the demonic beast from the Demon Mountain caused chaos in the entire cultivation world, with all kinds of fights emerging one after another.Moreover, the most embarrassing thing for human monks is that in the competition of the younger generation, human monks are often not opponents of monsters.

Even, today's monsters are aggressively challenging the younger generation's powerhouses.Countless strong men were killed during the challenge.The elites of many sects are often inferior to others, and eventually end up being killed.

This is what Chen Hao learned after returning to the cultivation world.He even knew about it from other people without asking.

Because in the world of comprehension at this time, everyone is talking about monsters.

The monstrous beasts are coming so fiercely that they have already attracted the attention of the entire cultivation world.As for Chen Hao's matter, it has been diluted in the raging torrent of monsters.

Regarding this, Chen Hao was noncommittal.He doesn't care anymore.Even if several other sects chased him down together, he didn't care.However, what puzzled him now was why such a good-looking monster was suddenly born?
"Could it be because of that hunk?"

Thinking of that hunk, Chen Hao's mind once again clearly recalled the terrifying scene of him crossing the catastrophe and blasting open half of the fairy gate.

The macho's supernatural power is really too terrifying.Moreover, for countless years, the monsters have been imprisoned in the magic mountain and have not come out. They began to be born shortly after the strong man crossed the catastrophe. It is easy to think of the connection between them.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Hao, as long as things don't affect him, he doesn't bother to pay attention to them.Unless he is really idle and has nothing to do.

However, in the big dye vat of the comprehension world, Chen Hao didn't just have to stay out of it if he wanted to.Usually, the more he doesn't think about it, the more this kind of thing will happen to him.

It's not...

A loud noise came from the front, and the terrifying impact even shook the restaurant where Chen Hao was.

Chen Hao frowned. This kind of vibration was not a burst of force, but the appearance of a heavy object falling on the ground.Involuntarily, Chen Hao came to the window and looked in front of the loud noise.

Ahead, a house has been razed to the ground.On the ground, however, a huge human-shaped pit appeared.In the big pit, there is a monk who does not know how to live or die at the moment.

" human monks only have so much ability? Waste, all waste." At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice came from the void.

Chen Hao looked up, but saw a giant man with a fierce aura exuding from his body floating in the void out of thin air, looking at the human monks in the city below with disdain and laughing wildly.


Although this monster has turned into a human being, his words and the ferocious aura emanating from him have already betrayed his identity.

In fact, this monster did not hide his identity.He came here today to find fault, to fight.Human monks are really not very good.

That disdainful expression and tone, as well as that arrogant speech, immediately made many human monks soar into the sky, and rushed towards this monster.

On the ground, many monks have already cursed.

"Damn it, it's nothing more than a monster, but it dares to come here to be arrogant, it really doesn't know how to live or die."

"Brothers, dude, butcher this monster, grill it and eat it."

"Come on, give this bastard to ###." In the roar, countless monks soared into the sky, and rushed towards the monster in the void.

Seeing so many people rushing up together, the giant man in the void burst out laughing, not only did he not show any look of fear, on the contrary, the look of disdain became more and more fierce.

Chen Hao shook his head. Those people couldn't see the realm of a giant, but he could.This guy is a monk in the fit period.

And those monks who rushed up were only a few monks in the state of integration, even so, these monks were definitely not the opponent of that giant.

"Haha... You trash, if you are brave enough, you can fight outside the city for [-] rounds." The giant man laughed loudly, and while his body was shaking, he rushed out of the city.

Although he is arrogant, he still does not want to die.Although the city is not big, if he dares to fight in the city, then the older generation will have reason to shoot him to death.

But if he didn't set up a battle and just challenged these human monks outside the city, the older generation wouldn't be embarrassed to fight.

Without any hesitation, Chen Hao also rose into the air, followed Daliu, and rushed out of the city.He also wanted to see how strong these monsters were.

Outside the city, hundreds of miles away, the giant man stood in the void out of thin air, looking with disdainful eyes at the monks who either came directly from the sky or came from the sword.

"You trash, let's go together." The giant man looked at everyone and said with disdain.

Such arrogance immediately aroused the anger of everyone.

"Killing you, I'm enough." A bodybuilder who doesn't know what sect slowly came out of the crowd, and looked at him with disdain.

"Remember, the one who killed you is..." This monk in the integration period still has to announce his sect and his name to make him famous.

"If you want to hit, hit it, don't say anything." However, before he finished speaking, the giant man roared angrily.Then I saw the tall figure of the giant man transforming into a beam of light, rushing towards him.

"you wanna die!"

Before I finished speaking, I was interrupted by this hateful monster, so the monk in the fusion period was very angry.With a roar, he immediately pointed the weapon at the giant man and killed him.

"Die." The giant man's eyes showed a crazy look, and he punched the fit monk with a punch.

The monk in the fusion period showed a smirk, held the sword in both hands, and instantly raised his strength to the limit.Thirty horned dragon phantoms suddenly appeared in the void above his head, hovering continuously, baring their teeth and claws, exuding a terrifying aura, really scary.

However, the monk at the fusion stage has already integrated the power of the thirty-horned dragon into the sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the fist that came from the monster, intending to cut it off.

"The power of a thirty-horned dragon?" The giant sneered disdainfully, and then roared angrily, a layer of pale yellow light erupted from his body.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud roar, the giant man's fist was shrouded in a layer of pale yellow light, and then his fist ruthlessly collided with the sword coming from the opponent.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.


After a crisp sound, the sword in the hands of the monks in the human fusion period unexpectedly shattered.But the fist in the giant man's hand only paused for a moment, and before the stunned human monk could react, he punched hard on the opponent's head.

A cloud of blood shot up into the sky, only to see that the human monk's head had been blasted into a cloud of blood mist.was directly killed.

Seeing this scene, there was a sudden gasp in the crowd.Some people even looked at the giant man with frightened eyes.

Chen Hao shook his head.

Although the giant man is stronger than the human monk, the human monk has too little combat experience. If he is not sluggish, he can escape after the sword in his hand is broken.

However, this guy was stunned after being smashed by the giant man's fist, and then he was killed directly.

"Don't these people know that the physical body of monsters is much stronger than them?" Chen Hao shook his head, thinking helplessly.

"Trash." The giant man's fists were covered with blood, even his face was stained with blood, and he looked extremely ferocious at this moment.

He glanced disdainfully at the body of the opponent he had killed, and then the giant man looked at the crowd, the strong disdain in his eyes was very obvious.

"Is that all you human beings are capable of? It's too useless, they are all useless!" The giant man laughed loudly, constantly stimulating the monks in the crowd.

It's just that after seeing the bloodiness and strength of the giant man, those who originally shouted to kill the giant man all shut up at this time.

"Monster, don't be brave, I'll meet you." A young man with a serious face came out of the crowd slowly.Another monk in the integration period.

"You are not my opponent, you all go up." The giant man laughed loudly, pointing at the crowd and said loudly.

"You are too arrogant, I will kill you today." Wang Ming roared angrily, while his body was shaking, he still rushed to kill him.

However, although this Wang Ming is somewhat stronger than the previous monk in the fusion stage, he is still no match for the giant man.After a long fight, the giant man finally smirked and tore Wang Ming into pieces.

Two integrated monks were beheaded.

Seeing how vicious this giant man was, the crowd had already shut up.

"A bunch of trash, this is your human strength? Too weak! How can you dominate this world with your strength? You should be trampled under the feet of our monsters, and this world should belong to our monsters. We are the strong ones, You are not worthy to rule the world!"

The giant man kept laughing wildly, mocking these human monks.

In the crowd, everyone was extremely angry.Human beings have always claimed to be the spirit of all spirits. How can they not be angry when they are humiliated by a monster stepping on their heads today?
It's just that the strength of the giant man is too strong, and there is no one among them who is his opponent.Go out and fight?Just looking for death.

"Hmph, it's just that the strong young generation of our human race are not here. If they were here, why would you allow mere monsters like you to play tricks?" a monk said angrily.

"What? You humans also have strong people? Are you kidding me? Is it you?" The giant man laughed loudly, with endless disdain and sarcasm in his laughter.

In the crowd, Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light passed between his brows.

Although Chen Hao disdained to participate in this kind of battle between monsters and humans.But don't forget, he is also in the crowd.

And that giant man kept looking at them with disdainful and mocking eyes, and kept talking trash, screaming trash, which made Chen Hao feel uncomfortable.

If he doesn't take action to teach this lifeless monster a lesson, then he will be trash and rubbish in the mouth of monsters.

Don't say that Chen Hao is not trash and trash, even if he is trash and trash, he can't help being insulted like this.

So, Chen Hao stepped out of the crowd with a black spear on his back.

Under the awe of the giant monster, the crowd kept retreating, which made the giant monster even more disdainful and arrogant.However, suddenly he saw a group of people who seemed to stand out from the crowd that was constantly retreating slowly coming out.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the giant monster beast, but soon he became a little bit uninterested, even jealous and contemptuous.Because he saw that Chen Hao was just a monk in the period of spiritual solitude.

He is a master in the fusion stage, how dare this monk in the spiritual silence stage challenge him?Isn't this courting death?Moreover, this made the giant monster very angry.

Chen Hao clearly looked down on him like this.

"You, a monk in the period of spiritual solitude, want to challenge me?" The giant monster pointed at Chen Hao, his expression of disdain growing stronger.

"In the period of spiritual silence, killing you is enough." Chen Hao stood not far from the giant man, looked at him and said calmly.

"I don't know how to live or die." The giant monster roared, and the ground seemed to tremble with the terrifying roar.

There are also those monks who have the same thoughts as the monsters.Seeing Chen Haoling's lonely appearance, everyone admired his courage—the courage to die.

From their point of view, monks at the combined body stage are no match for giant monsters, let alone Chen Hao, who is only at the spiritual silence stage?

Chen Hao's actions were nothing more than sending him to his death.

"Is this the younger generation of human masters? Go ahead, I'll give you ten tricks." The giant monster laughed, with endless contempt in his voice.

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in the crowd suddenly became uglier.Isn't it clear that the giant monster is mocking them?But they can only keep their anger in their hearts. Who makes it so that there are no masters here?
"No, do you think this looks a little familiar?" A monk in the crowd looked at Chen Hao's back and said suddenly.

"Have you seen him?" Someone also looked at Chen Hao's back with a strange expression.

"Ah, why does he use a long spear? The legendary big devil Chen Hao also uses a long spear, and he likes to carry a long spear on his back when he is free. Could it be that he is that Chen Hao?" Suddenly, a person stared at the white man behind Chen Hao. Bird towards the Phoenix Spear, said suddenly.

"Chen Hao, yes, he is Chen Hao! Why do I feel that he seems to have a similar feeling." The person who spoke before patted his head and exclaimed.

"Are you stupid? Chen Hao doesn't even know where he is at the moment? Why did he just appear here? Although there are not many monks with guns, it doesn't mean there aren't any." A person snorted coldly, obviously not believing that Chen Hao was Chen Hao.

Of course, although Chen Hao has a notorious reputation, if he really appeared here, these people would still welcome him very much.There is no other reason, isn't Chen Hao very powerful?He can kill this giant monster.In this way, although they were not the ones who killed the monsters, it was also the human monks who killed them, right?They will also feel happy.

"Give me ten tricks? You are so arrogant, you don't know how to live or die." Chen Hao didn't make a move, but just looked at the giant monster and sneered.

The giant monster stared at Chen Hao with cold eyes, and a huge aura burst out like a vast ocean, sweeping towards Chen Hao, wanting to smash Chen Hao to pieces.

He said murderously: "Boy, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

At the same time as he was speaking, the giant monster beast had already let out a low growl, stretched out his palm the size of a cattail fan, and slapped Chen Hao hard.

If it was an ordinary monk in the spiritual solitude period, he would definitely not be able to escape, and would definitely be slapped into a piece of mud by the slap of the giant monster.However, Chen Hao is not an ordinary monk, not to mention monsters in the fusion stage, he has seen even monsters in the metamorphosis stage.

Stepping on the Bingzi Jue, Chen Hao disappeared in place with a flicker of his figure.


The slap that the giant monster man thought he had slapped Chen Hao into a pulp was actually slapped in the void and on the ground.The terrifying power erupted, and a terrible pothole was shot out of the earth.

The monster had already reacted when the big hand slapped the air, but it was too late to stop.However, he didn't think that Chen Hao was a strong man, and the reason why he avoided his attack was purely a fluke.

"I have always heard that the body of a monster is very powerful, far surpassing the human monks of the same realm. Today I want to learn what is so amazing about the body of a monster." Chen Hao's voice came from behind the monster.

At the same time, a strong wind of punches hit the back of the monster fiercely.Now Chen Hao didn't want to use the power of the catastrophe to kill the giant monster, and he didn't want to kill him with all kinds of treasures. He just wanted to see if he could beat this monster to the ground with his own strength.

Chen Hao's speed is very fast, and the speed of the giant man in the fusion stage is not slow.When he felt the bombardment of Chen Hao's fist wind, the giant man roared angrily, took a few steps forward, then turned around to face Chen Hao, and punched him out.

Chen Hao's words made the giant man very angry. A human monk in the solitary period of the little spirit wants to shake his body?This is no longer looking down on him, it is an absolute shame for the giant monster!

The two fists struck together swiftly—it's just that, compared to the giant man's fist, which was as big as a wine jar, Chen Hao's fist seemed too small.

(End of this chapter)

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