Chapter 286
After the loud noise, Chen Haoru was hit hard, as if his fist had been hit hard by a sacred mountain, which was extremely terrifying.

A strong force came, Chen Hao let out a muffled snort, and immediately flew upside down.On the other hand, the giant monster beast only swayed slightly.

After all, although Chen Hao has the power of three hundred dragons, it is only equivalent to the power of three horned dragons.But the monsters in the fusion stage have at least the power of twenty horned dragons, and judging from his appearance, it is clear that it is not just the power of twenty horned dragons.

Therefore, in terms of strength, Chen Hao was no match for the monster monster at all, and was directly sent flying.

Although Chen Hao was blown away with a punch, there was a look of surprise on the face of the giant monster.He felt that although he sent Chen Hao flying, he couldn't hurt Chen Hao.

Even the giant monster beast had an illusion that Chen Hao's physical body was stronger than himself.

"Impossible!" The monster giant roared when he realized that he had thought this way. He would never admit that Chen Hao's physical body would be stronger than him no matter what.

It would be too shocking if a monk in the spiritual solitude period was physically stronger than him.


Seeing Chen Hao being punched and sent flying by the giant monster, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.This is because when the monks of the previous two fusion stages were blown away by the giant man, they were almost killed immediately.

And Chen Hao is just a monk in the spiritual solitude period?I'm afraid it will be beaten into a ball of meat, right?Everyone in the crowd thought so.

However, Chen Hao's strength was beyond everyone's expectations.

Although in terms of strength, Chen Hao is far from being an opponent of the monster giant, but if it is only about the physical body, there is no one in the entire cultivation world who can match him.Even the tough guy who crossed the catastrophe that day.

Chen Hao's physical body is at the level of a seventh-rank spiritual weapon!
Suppressing some impetuous energy and blood, Chen Hao stared at the monster giant who rushed over with cold eyes.This guy's physical body is also very strong, but it can't hurt him at all.


A muffled growl erupted from Chen Hao's throat, and then he stepped on the military formula, turned into a streak of light, and rushed towards the monster monster across the sky.

The two lunatic masters started the battle with only physical strength, not strength.

The dragon soars and the tiger leaps, the dragon sings and the tiger howls!The phantoms of dragons, tigers, and elephants continued to appear in the void, with a huge and astonishing momentum.The terrifying aura continued to erupt, tearing the sky apart and shaking the sky.

"Thousand army elephants draw their fists!"

Chen Hao roared and punched out.Suddenly, the phantom of the dragon elephant appeared in the void behind him, which was very spectacular and...horrifying.

"Elephant King Fist!"

The monster monster also roared loudly, and punched Chen Hao fiercely.

Two fists, one big and one small, collided violently together.Time seemed to stagnate for a moment strangely, and then the terrifying impact erupted.

After the loud noise, Chen Hao and the giant monster were sent flying out together.

"Tiger Roaring Emperor Fist!"

Chen Hao was just sent flying out without any injuries.When the figure leaped, he had already rushed over, and with a roar, he bombarded the giant monster again.

In a hurry, the monster monster was blown away by Chen Hao.

At this time, unlike Chen Hao's calm and calm, Chen Hao's body was strong and he was not injured at all.But the giant monster beast is incredible.

At this time, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and Chen Hao had torn out shocking wounds on his body.And his bones were broken a lot by Chen Hao.

In the purely physical competition, the giant monster was not Chen Hao's opponent at all, and it could even be said that he was just suppressed and beaten by Chen Hao.

At this time, the giant monster man had a shocked expression on his face.In the purely physical competition, he was no match for that human being at all.

He is a monster, and he is three realms higher than that human, so he is not the opponent's opponent?How is this possible?

Even though he was suppressed and beaten by Chen Hao, the giant monster still couldn't believe it was true.However, the severe pain and broken bones on his body told him that all of this was true, and that he was really no match for that human monk.

Even if you can't believe it, you have to believe that this is indeed true.

After a round of intense fighting, Chen Hao felt refreshed at this moment.why?He hadn't tried this kind of fist-to-body fight for a long time.

Fighting with human monks is often done by holding swords and releasing flying swords or magic weapons to kill the enemy.It's basically a long-range battle, far less exciting than close combat.

As for monsters, no matter what kind of monsters they are, they are good at close combat.Coupled with their already very strong physical bodies and various combat skills, this is exactly the fighting style Chen Hao pursues.

Therefore, after meeting this giant monster, Chen Hao rushed out and started fighting directly.Otherwise, if he wants to kill this giant monster, he only needs to attract an abnormal catastrophe, and with the help of other treasures, he can kill him directly.

Even if you can't kill it, you can deter it.

"Am I not mistaken? It turns out that the monster is invincible?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the crowd thought it was incredible.A monk in the period of spiritual solitude actually suppressed a monster in a physical competition?
But that's what they saw.No matter what, Chen Hao won in the end.

"Haha, monster, why are you not arrogant anymore? Are you continuing to be arrogant?"

"I really don't know how to live or die, kill him."

Immediately, the crowd was raging, mocking the defeated youth of the monster.At this time, they had already forgotten the fact that they were constantly retreating under the ferocious power of the monster just now.

The giant monster's face was ashen, but he was not someone who couldn't afford to lose.Although physically he lost to a person whose realm was far inferior to his own, he still possessed violent power.He believed that if he erupted with violent power, he could tear apart this monk in the spiritual solitude period.

However, he did not do so.It is his shame, shame to lose to a monk in the spiritual death period in the body he is proud of.Even if he wants to break out, he must win back with his physical strength.

Therefore, he did not use his violent power.But he just looked at Chen Hao with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency's physical body is very powerful, and even I am not your opponent. But in a short while, I will come back again and tear you apart!"

Chen Hao laughed, and said indifferently, "I'm very welcome, by the way, remember my name, my name is Chen Hao."

"Chen Hao, okay, I'll remember! You are the first human being I've ever met with a body stronger than mine. But one day I will be stronger than you, and one day I will personally tear your body apart Broken! Remember, my name is Xiang Tai!" The giant monster, that is, Xiang Tai, looked at Chen Hao with a fighting spirit and said.

"I'm looking forward to that day." Chen Hao also laughed.

"Farewell." Xiang Tai is not someone who can't let go, so naturally if he loses, he loses.Clasped his fists at Chen Hao, then flew into the air and flew towards the distance.

"This guy is interesting." Looking at Xiang Tai's figure disappearing into the distant sky, Chen Hao said with a smile, and his face showed anticipation.

Although these monsters are very fierce, they kill without blinking an eye.But most of them are true temperaments and say what they say.It's not like some human monks, who hit the small ones and the big ones come out.Moreover, if they can't afford to lose, they will make small moves in the back, and various insidious tricks will continue to appear, directly killing people.

Of course, not all monsters are people like Xiang Tai, just like the Green Bat King.If he meets Chen Hao again, this shameless old guy will definitely attack Chen Hao.

After all, Chen Hao killed a ray of his divine sense alive.If the Blue Bat King doesn't get angry like this, he still has the face to hang out in the magic mountain and in the realm of comprehension?
"Ah, he really is Chen Hao."

"Chen Hao's physical body is so powerful, it's unbelievable that he can beat the monster in the fusion stage and even defeat the monster."

"Chen Hao is just Chen Hao, it's worthy of the name."

Seeing Chen Hao defeating Xiang Tai with ease, the people around couldn't help being amazed.All kinds of flattering words slapped Chen Hao like a surging river.

It's just a pity that Chen Hao doesn't like this.He just glanced at everyone indifferently, and then flew straight into the sky, streaking across the sky like a ray of light, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

During the battle with Xiang Tai, Chen Hao comprehended some skills that he hadn't comprehended before.As the saying goes, fighting is the best way to improve your strength, and that's what it says.

Now that monsters are walking in the realm of comprehension, constantly challenging the younger generation of disciples from various sects, Chen Hao also had this thought in his heart.

It's just that the world of self-cultivation is really too big. Although monsters have already been born, it's not easy to meet a monster, and it's a powerful one.

During this process, Chen Hao continued to appear in various places through the jade slips scattered by the members of Chaos and the jade slips on them, but there were more and more members of Chaos in the red envelopes of the system.

Qinglong, Suzaku, ### and Xuanwu, the four teams, each team has more than [-] people.And, all of them are women.

Chen Hao really wants to create a Women's Army!
During this period of time, under the training of the system's red envelopes, initial results have been achieved.However, it is still in the foundation building period, and these are children living in different places who have not been exposed to martial arts before.

These people don't have any knowledge of cultivators, and even all of them are sallow and emaciated.After all, they are all street children, and sometimes it is normal to have nothing to eat for a few days.

When the number of "chaos" people reached a certain amount, Chen Hao discovered that it was not an easy task to cultivate his own power.

These people are still in a state of malnutrition. If they want to cultivate, they must first let their bodies catch up.Therefore, Chen Hao started a big purchase in the secular world, various nourishing medicinal materials, various grains and so on.

What depressed Chen Hao the most was that although he had a lot of Huiyuan Pills on his body, he even had two spiritual veins.But the things he buys now are all secular things.All need earthly gold and silver.

But Chen Hao didn't. He had no choice but to return to Anyi City in the end, and directly took a large sum of money from Li Feng.

However, it was still a drop in the bucket, and Chen Hao was naturally embarrassed to continue asking Li Feng for money.Moreover, the money is like a bottomless pit, even if Li Feng's family is well-off, he may not be able to provide it.

In the end, Chen Hao had no choice but to find some medicinal materials such as spirit grass that were relatively scarce in the secular world, and threw them in the auction house in the secular world, which gave him relatively sufficient funds.

Half a year passed in a flash.During this time, the "chaos" people have grown to 10 people!

Within half a year, it has grown to as much as [-] for Chen Hao, which made Chen Hao very impressed.There is no other reason, because it is too simple to collect people like this now.And this is not the point, the point is, how many displaced children are there in this world?

This is the person Yang Man and others found in the big cities of various countries.And each place is only looking for a small part.

But even so, it only took half a year to have as many as [-]. One can imagine how many homeless children there are in the world.

It's just that Chen Hao is not a savior, he just sighs occasionally, expressing his compassion for the world and humanity.

To save those children who are in dire straits? How many people can be saved?Don't talk about Chen Hao, even one of the top ten sects can't do it.

Unless this world is really peaceful, there will never be war and poverty!
After half a year, Chen Hao has not been walking in the realm of comprehension, but has been busy with chaotic things.At this time, when the number of Chaos people had reached one hundred thousand, Chen Hao entered the Extreme Heaven Realm again.

He wants to use the ninth-grade spiritual veins he discovered in the Extreme Sky Realm to strengthen the power of "Chaos" and others.Although Chen Hao also has two spiritual veins, the spiritual veins are consumables after all, so he doesn't need them if he can get his own.

Time speeds up a hundred times!
At the same time, the system red envelope is completely released, directly devouring the aura of the ninth-grade spiritual vein, and providing it to the people inside to start cultivating.

At the same time, on the other side, Chen Hao finally saw how the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron made pills.

At this time, the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron turned into a mountain as tall as a mountain.The yin and yang fire above even enveloped the entire ancient tripod, exuding a terrifying aura that made the soul tremble.

Under the control of the system, the aura of the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein poured in like a river, entering the ancient tripod from the side of the Qiankun Yinyang tripod.

The other thing about Gu Ding is that round and incomparably round pills are constantly erupting like a fountain.It didn't take long for it to pile up like a hill.

This was the first time Chen Hao saw Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron refining pills, and he was immediately shocked and motionless.

"This isn't refining pills. It's clearly transforming those auras into pills. In this world, who has this ability? It's too scary!" Chen Hao thought in shock.

Of course, Chen Hao was a little ignorant.The Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron can directly use spiritual veins to refine elixir without using spiritual grasses and elixir, which is indeed the only one in the world.

But refining pills?The speed of those big sects is also not slow, otherwise how could they provide hundreds of thousands of disciples for use?

With the support of the ocean-like spiritual energy of the Ninth Grade Spirit Vessel, the time acceleration and refining of various elixirs began in the system red envelope.

The time is accelerated by a hundred times, and it doesn't need to consume half of Chen Hao's resources.The most terrifying thing is the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron. Under the blessing of endless spiritual energy, various elixirs are continuously refined.

The Huiyuan Pill has been refined in hundreds of trillions, and even the Breaking Realm Pill is in trillions.As for other kinds of rare elixirs, such as Du'er Jindan, they have also been refined a lot.

In Chen Hao's words, he will refine all the pills he has now.Anyway, the Ninth Grade Spirit Veins are almost endless, endless.

The most important thing is that with Chen Hao's current strength, it is impossible to subdue this spirit vein.Based on the principle of neither taking it away nor wasting it, Chen Hao began to use this spiritual vein crazily.

At the same time, on the basis of a hundred times faster time, everyone in the red envelopes of the system, especially those children brought back from various places, grew up rapidly.

Accompanied by their growth is their growing strength.Anyway, there are endless spiritual energy and breakthrough pills now, as long as they are within the range they can bear, Chen Hao will start to improve their strength a lot.

Of course, Chen Hao did not raise their strength to the fusion stage in one fell swoop.Although that made their strength increase rapidly, it was of no benefit.

Because these people have only just begun to cultivate, and they have no foundation at all.

In the system red envelope world, an independent space.Thunder light lingers here, and a terrifying aura is continuously emitted, which is terrifying and terrifying.

These are the tribulation thunders that were transferred in when Chen Hao crossed the tribulation.For some unknown reason, these tribulation thunders did not dissipate with the passage of time, but instead became more and more numerous.

Waves of strange screams continued to come out of the tribulation thunder.Looking from a distance, amidst the dense thunderstorms, a figure is jumping down, trying to escape the bombardment of the surrounding thunderstorms.

However, the entire space there is full of robbery thunders. As long as he doesn't leave this area, he can't avoid the robbery thunders no matter what.

Of course, if he has any treasures on him, and even has enough power to isolate these thunderstorms, he will naturally not be struck by lightning.

It's just clear that this guy has nothing.Even, at this time, his whole body's clothes have been shattered by the lightning.The whole body was blackened by the lightning strikes, the hair stood up even more, and there was a burst of meaty smell from the body.

So embarrassed.

"Wow, I'm about to be hacked to death, I can't take it anymore. I can't do it, I'll escape." After a strange cry, this figure immediately spread out and rushed out towards Jielei.

The speed of the young man was very fast, he had already left the area covered by the tribulation thunder in a few moments, and appeared outside the robbery thunder.However, before he could stand still, a big hand broke through the void from afar and slapped him fiercely.

With a strange cry, the person who had just rushed out of Jielei hadn't even reacted when he was drawn back into Jielei by the big hand that slapped him in the air.

"If you don't persist for two hours, you are absolutely not allowed to come out." After slapping this person into Jielei, an indifferent voice spread far away.

Hearing this sound, the person in the thunderstorm uttered another scream: "Two hours, boss of the system, after two hours, I have been smashed to pieces by these thunderstorms, and there is not even a scum left. At that time, it will be impossible for you to collect my body."

"Two hours, start counting from now." The system's indifferent voice came over.

"Uncle Murong, help me, this perverted system is going to kill me." The guy in the tribulation thunder was the fat little Li Ling back then.However, under the accelerated time of the system's red envelopes, he has grown into a young man at this time.

And his strength is not weak, he has already reached the out-of-body stage, even higher than Chen Hao's spiritual stillness stage.Such a state made Chen Hao feel ashamed.

However, although Chen Hao is only in the realm of spiritual silence, what is his actual combat power?Even if ten Li Lings add up, it's not enough for him to slap him.

After howling for a while, Chen Hao did not appear.And Li Ling stopped struggling needlessly, and began to practice directly in the thunderstorm, guiding the thunderbolt to temper his body.

In fact, since he was a child, Li Ling has been "specially" taken care of by the system. When he was young, he was thrown into the thunderstorm to temper his body.

So much so that until now, his physical body has reached the level of a third-grade spiritual weapon in the realm of leaving his body.Compared with monsters of the same realm, it is not much better, and even stronger.

Except for Li Ling, the red envelopes of the system have always been, and the daily homework for all members of "Chaos" is to go to the thunderstorm and use the thunderstorm to temper their bodies.

Therefore, while their cultivation continued to increase, their physical bodies became stronger and stronger.I don't know how many times stronger than the physical body of monks of the same level in the outside world of comprehension.

Even, for some people with outstanding aptitude, their physical bodies are much stronger than monsters of the same realm.

Moreover, during this period of time, Chen Hao borrowed dozens of your disciples from Xuanyuezong, and even Yang Man, Sima Ruyu and Pei Peiyu. It's getting stronger and stronger.

There is no other reason, it is because there are long-standing thunderstorms in the system red envelopes.The tribulation thunder is the most powerful attack force in the world, the most violent force.

In the outside world, how could there be so many thunderstorms?Even if there is tribulation thunder, it is only fleeting and cannot be used for body training at all.But here, it is an inexhaustible tribulation thunder.

Such benefits made Yang Man and the others unwilling to leave here.

At this moment, even if Chen Hao wanted to send them back to Xuan Yuezong, they probably wouldn't want to go back.After all, although Xuan Yuezong is one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world, how can there be such a good treatment here?
Two hours later, Li Ling finally came from Jieleizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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