Chapter 288
"A disciple of Xutianzong?" Chen Hao suddenly laughed.This guy turned out to be a disciple of Xutianzong, and he wanted to challenge himself.

I really don't know how to live or die.

It's just the state of distraction stage. A year ago, he had already ignored the masters of distraction stage.What's more, he has reached the out of body stage now?
In fact, during this year, in the system red envelope world.It should be noted that during this period of time, the system red envelope has accelerated the flow of time, reaching a hundred times.

With Chen Hao's aptitude, within 100 years, even if he has not practiced, he has naturally broken through.If it wasn't for Chen Hao not being able to practice, otherwise, he would not only be in the out-of-body stage at this time, but he might directly enter the stage of crossing the catastrophe, or even the stage of transformation.

Of course, Chen Hao will not let his strength develop rapidly.In every realm, he must consolidate his cultivation well, only in this way will his future achievements be greater and greater.

The conversation between the two immediately aroused the reactions of everyone nearby.At this time, people discovered that there was actually a figure above the dragon and phoenix list among themselves.

The existence above the dragon and phoenix list, no matter which one it is, has very terrifying strength.None of them are in vain.Therefore, after discovering that someone was actually going to challenge Chen Hao, these people stopped leaving and continued to watch.

"That Wei Xing is a master in the distraction stage. Although that Chen Hao is a figure on the dragon and phoenix list, but only in the out-of-body stage, do you think he will be Wei Xing's opponent?" someone said.

"The people on the ranking list are not for nothing. Although Chen Hao is only out of body, don't forget that Chen Hao is a moving treasure. There are so many treasures. Take a look. How can he torture and kill Wei Xing." Someone said with a smile.

"Kill!" Wei Xing let out a low growl, his body rose into the air, turned into a streak of light, and rushed towards Chen Hao.In the void, he punched Chen Hao's head fiercely, intending to kill Chen Hao in one fell swoop.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, this Wei Xing was the first person to challenge his leaderboard.That being the case, let's make an example to the monkeys.

A cold light flickered between Chen Hao's eyebrows.Since this kind of thing can happen the first time, it will happen the second time.And Chen Hao was most afraid of these troubles.

Although he has enough strength to meet such challenges, these challenges are really not challenging.For a challenge that is not as strong as your own, it is trouble rather than a challenge.

Therefore, this Wei Xing must die, but the death is very shocking.Only in that way can the challengers who come one after another be deterred.

There was a sneer in his heart, and he didn't see any movement, but looked indifferently at the huge fist that was bombarded rapidly.

Slowly raised his right hand, and at the same time Wei Xing's fist hit him not far in front of him, Chen Haocai punched out quickly.Moreover, in order not to be able to kill Wei Xing in one fell swoop more than once, Chen Hao's fist was already covered with black lightning.

Two huge fists collided violently in the air!
After a momentary pause...

Wei Xing let out a scream.I saw that his fist had been shattered into powder under Chen Hao's bombardment, followed by his entire arm.

At the same time, Chen Hao's punch had already hit Wei Xing's body fiercely.

After a bang, black power immediately enveloped Wei Xing.Then Wei Xing disappeared without a trace.


Kill with one punch, not even scum left!

With just one punch, Wei Xing, who was in the distraction period, was killed, and there was really no scum left.Even Chen Hao didn't even explode the power of the dragon.

For a moment, everyone present was shocked and became quiet.All of them looked at Chen Hao with terrifying eyes.

Previously, Hu Lin and Zhou Xu, two masters on the dragon and phoenix list, fought. The battle was earth-shattering, heaven-shattering and earth-shattering, and it was very exciting.

The battle between Chen Hao and Wei Xing could not even be called a battle.Wei Xing, who was distracted, was killed with just one punch.But this kind of shock was more intense than that of Hu Lin and Zhou Xu.

Although there is nothing outstanding, but killing a master who is a big realm higher than himself with one punch is absolutely shocking.

Even Zhou Xu and Hu Lin, No.90 and No.91 on the Dragon and Phoenix list, were shocked when they saw this scene.It is not difficult to kill Wei Xing who is in the distraction stage with their strength.But if it is, it is impossible to kill Wei Xing to the point where there is not even a scum left.

In fact, if it was only Chen Hao's true energy, that is, the power of chaos, it would be impossible for him to cause such an effect.Even if Wei Xing was killed with one punch, there would still be broken arms and limbs, and blood would fly.

This is completely the terrifying power of the black tribulation thunder. Of course, if Chen Hao didn't use the power of chaos, he might also cause this effect.That is to use the Yin-Yang Fire of Qian Kun Yin-Yang Cauldron.

Wei Xing, who will definitely find a fire, doesn't even have scum left.

And this shocking effect is exactly what Chen Hao needs, and it is also the final result he wants to create.

Seeing that everyone around him was shocked by him, Chen Hao was very satisfied.But on the surface, he was indifferent.A pair of eyes swept the crowd with a sharp cold light.

"Anyone who wants to challenge me must first be prepared to be killed." While speaking, Chen Hao had already soared into the sky and flew towards Luoxing City.

No one spoke, just watched Chen Hao's figure quickly disappear in front of him.

After a long time...

"Damn it, none of the people on the dragon and phoenix list is the simplest. Even Chen Hao, who is at the bottom of the list, is so terrifying." A person suddenly let out a low growl, tearing the quiet atmosphere apart.

"Yeah, even though Chen Hao is only in the out-of-body stage, he is too powerful."

"I used to think that Chen Hao was on the list only because of the many treasures in his hands, but now it seems that is not the case." The description of Chen Hao on the dragon and phoenix list is precisely because he has a lot of treasures.

However, none of them knew that Chen Hao's combat power was actually very powerful.In the past, it was just because his realm was too low.As his realm continues to improve, it will become easier and easier to kill more powerful experts.

"It's just that in the reincarnation stage, he can use various treasures to kill the masters of the transcending tribulation stage like butcher dogs. Now Chen Hao wonders if he can kill the masters of the metamorphosis stage?" Someone speculated.

"Let the metamorphosis masters of your sect try it, and you'll know?" Someone said with a loud laugh.


But no matter what, Chen Hao's strength is beyond doubt.

At this time, Chen Hao had already entered Luoxing City.

After wandering around Luoxing City for a long time, and admiring the scenery of one of the five major cities in the cultivation world, Chen Hao walked towards the largest restaurant in Luoxing City - Luoxing Tower.

No matter where it is, restaurants are the most lively places.Here you can not only get a lot of information for free, but also a real treat.Therefore, whenever Chen Hao goes to a place, he will go there to taste the food.

The so-called people regard food as their heaven, although Chen Hao has long been bigu, but eating is a habit for decades, even if it is no longer needed, it still cannot be changed.

"You are deceiving too much!"

On the way to Luoxing Tower, when Chen Hao just passed a street, he saw a group of people in front of him, and a voice of grief and indignation came from the crowd.

Chen Hao didn't care about this at all, because this kind of thing happened all the time, no matter in the secular world or in the cultivation world.It's the same even if this is Falling Star City.

What's more, Falling Star City has no prohibition against fighting in the city.Except for those extremely destructive battles that are forbidden, Falling Star City will ignore the rest of the fights.

Just when Chen Hao was about to go through the crowd to Luoxing Tower, he couldn't help but glanced at the crowd.Immediately, his face wrinkled slightly, turned around and walked towards the crowd.

Because he saw an acquaintance, and at this moment, that acquaintance seemed to be being bullied.

At this moment, Wu Feng looked at the three people in front very angrily, with a fire-breathing look, wishing he could rush up and kill those three people.

However, he also knows his abilities. He is just a little monk in the foundation establishment period, so how can he be the opponent of the three of them?I can't even see their realm.

However, the other party was too much.

"One million Yuan Dan, or die!"

A young man looked at Wu Feng coldly, and a strong murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"It's too deceiving. Yours is just an ordinary piece of clothing, and you want 100 million yuan pills back? You might as well grab the money." Wu Feng said angrily.

Although Wu Feng is a disciple of the Xutian Sect, he also came to this legendary Falling Star City when he came out to practice this time, and wanted to see the majesty of one of the five great cities in the cultivation world.

It's just that he hasn't been in the city for a long time, it's just that he accidentally rubbed against these three people.But the other three insisted that they had broken their high-grade magic weapon-level treasure clothes, which were worth 100 million yuan pills.

This is definitely a scam!

Not to mention Wu Feng, it is impossible to break the treasure clothes of the high-grade magic weapon with the garbage low-grade magic weapon in his hand, and as Wu Feng said, the clothes on the three guys are ordinary clothes, not even worth a return pill .

This is clearly trying to cheat people.

However, Wu Feng was wrong.These three bastards are not trying to cheat people.Of course they could see that Wu Feng didn't have so many Huiyuan Pills, and they just wanted to have fun by framing Wu Feng like this.

As a self-cultivation world, people have a much longer life than ordinary people. If they don't enjoy themselves in time, such a life will be too ordinary.

What's more, what Wu Feng didn't know was that these three bastards had a lot of power in Luoxing City.What happened to him, I don't know how many times it happened.

"Poor kid, you actually got into trouble with these three bastards, and your life is at risk." In the crowd, a monk who was familiar with Falling Star City looked at Wu Feng sympathetically and said.

Although the three chaos themselves were not very strong, they were three famous families in Luoxing City——Zhang, Su, and Zhu.

Although these three families are only ordinary forces in the cultivation world.But Falling Star City is their territory, and here, they are local snakes.Even other sects here dare not do anything to them.

And these three bastards are the dandies of these three families, and it is common for them to run rampant here and oppress good people.

Although Wu Feng is a disciple of Xutianzong, he is wearing the clothes of an outer disciple.Even if such disciples were killed by them, Xu Tianzong would not do anything to them.

After all, the Xutian Sect would not break skin with these three families because of a mere foundation-building disciple.

"I'll give you two choices, take out 100 million yuan pills immediately, or kill yourself." Zhu Jie said with a sneer.

As an outer disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage, Wu Feng can only receive five Huiyuan Pills from Xutianzong every month.Although Chen Hao gave him 100 yuan pills before... how could he have [-] million yuan pills?
Even if he had Huiyuan Pill, he would not give it to Zhu Jie and the others. This is obviously a scam.

"If you don't have Huiyuan Pill, you have a life. If you have the ability, take my life!" Wu Feng roared.

Zhang Hong took a step forward, a cold light flashed in his eyes, this is what you said, not that I want to kill you for no reason. "While speaking, Zhang Hong stretched out his big hand fiercely, and slapped Wu Feng down.

Zhang Hongnai is a monk at the out-of-body stage, even a hundred Wu Fengs are not enough to kill him.However, his speed is not fast, he just sends out a powerful breath to suppress the opponent.

Just as he had expected, although Wu Feng was not afraid of death, he also showed a terrified expression in the face of the approaching death.

Seeing Wu Feng's terrified look, Zhang Hong, Zhu Jie and Su Li all burst out laughing.I don't know why, every time they kill like this, they feel very happy.

Seeing that Zhang Hong's hand was about to slap Wu Feng's head, the moment he was about to slap Wu Feng to death...

An almost inaudible sound of breaking through the air suddenly shot out from the crowd.Then a faint light flashed away.

At this moment, Zhang Hong suddenly let out a terrifying scream.But the hand he patted on Wu Feng had been severed at some point.

A cloud of blood sprayed out violently, spraying Wu Feng across the face.However, Zhang Hong's severed hand had also fallen to the ground.

How is this going?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.Including four parties.

"Ah! Which bastard cut off my hand." Zhang Hong roared angrily, with a grim expression, which was painful.

At this moment, several figures rose into the air from the nearby streets and rushed over.When one of them saw that Zhang Hong's hand had been cut off, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Who is it, who is it!" An incomparably terrifying aura emanated from the middle-aged man, covering the void, and a fierce killing intent permeated the air, which was very terrifying.

He is Zhang Hong's guard.Although he also disdains Zhang Hong in his heart, he is his master after all.Now his master's hand has been cut off, how can he explain the family?How do you tell him not to be angry?
"Kill them all, kill them all!" Zhang Hong roared angrily, sweating profusely in pain.

kill them all?
Hearing Zhang Hong's words, the onlookers involuntarily took a few steps back and looked at Zhang Hong with terrified eyes.Of course, there are also many masters who just sneer with disdain.

Zhang Yuan frowned slightly, killing all the people here?Although this was Zhang Hong's order, Zhang Yuan was unable to follow his request.

After all, if it was just killing a few people, it would be nothing with the power of the Zhang family.But if you kill dozens or even hundreds of people here, you are really courting death.

This is the outrage of the public, and the Zhang family will not be able to protect themselves at that time.But now that one of Zhang Hong's arms has been abolished, it seems that he is having a hard time.

With a cold face and an indifferent expression, Zhang Yuan, who had a state of fusion, slowly flashed through the crowd with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

"Who is it, get out!" Zhang Yuan shouted angrily.

Zhang Hong was angry: "Zhang Yuan, you humble servant, I told you to kill them all, kill them all, how dare you disobey your orders?"

Zhang Yuan's face was very ugly, he would never dare to kill so many people.But Zhang Hong's anger was hard to calm down.

At this time, Zhu Jie and Su Li finally woke up.But everyone looked at the surrounding crowd with fear on their faces.The guards of the two of them also firmly protected the two of them.

For a long time, relying on the guards around him and the power of the family, he ran amok in Luoxing City.Not to mention being cut off by an arm, I dare not even move it.

After all, no one dared to mess with these three bullies!The most important thing is that these three bastards usually have bright eyes, and they just bully those who are not powerful.

Even if he is a disciple of a big force, he is just like Wu Feng.

Therefore, when they saw Zhang Hong's miserable appearance, Zhu Jie and the two were shocked.But in his heart, he was secretly lucky. Fortunately, he was not the one who did it, otherwise it would not be Zhang Hong but himself who had broken his arm.

Wu Feng was sprayed all over his head and face with the blood from Zhang Hong's severed hand. This scene caught him off guard and shocked him.He couldn't figure it out, who would help him?Aren't you afraid of offending these three bastards?
Zhang Yuan hesitated in his heart, he would never dare to take action against these people.But the one who cut off Zhang Hong's arm never showed up. In the end, he could only slap Wu Feng with a slap.

Since the opponent rescued Wu Feng, as long as he did something to Wu Feng, he would do it again.

The moment Zhang Yuan made a move against Wu Feng, the void shattered, and a huge black fist tore through the void from the crowd.

After the loud noise, the huge fist hit directly.The terrifying power exploded violently, and Zhang Yuan's big hand that was slapping Wu Feng was instantly shattered.

At the same time, a figure slowly walked out from the crowd.

With a black spear on his back, with an indifferent expression, he looked at Zhang Hong and his party with a murderous look, with indescribable killing intent permeating the air.The terrifying murderous intent made the nearby air even colder, forcing the people around to keep backing away.

"It's you!" Zhang Yuan, especially Zhang Hong, looked at Chen Hao with extremely resentful eyes.If eyes could kill, Chen Hao would have been delayed countless times by Zhang Hongling.

"Boss Murong, is that you?" A surprised voice came from Wu Feng's mouth.

When he saw Chen Hao, Wu Feng was so excited.Today's Chen Hao is the top [-] master in the dragon and phoenix list.Moreover, he had already known Wu Feng when he joined Xutianzong.

Therefore, Wu Feng has always regarded Chen Hao as his idol.I have always admired Chen Hao in my heart.

This time Wu Feng left the school to practice outside, one of the reasons was because he wanted to meet Chen Hao again.At the beginning, Chen Hao's gift to him was still vivid in Wu Feng's memory.

However, he hadn't had time to repay the kindness that day, and now such a thing happened again.This really made Wu Feng extremely depressed.

It turned out to be Boss Murong who came to the rescue!

The excitement in Wu Feng's heart.

Chen Hao nodded to Wu Feng, then looked at Zhang Hong and the others ahead, his eyes were cold and murderous.

"It's you, kill!"

Seeing the Lord's appearance, Zhang Yuan immediately let out a low growl, rubbed his body, and threw himself at Chen Hao.He didn't dare to kill the people around him, but that didn't mean he didn't dare to kill Chen Hao.

He has done a lot of this kind of thing.

"you wanna die."

While watching, Chen Hao had already seen the bastards of Zhang Hong and others.Seeing that Zhang Yuan dared to attack him at this time, Chen Hao's murderous intent was immediately aroused.

It's just a mere body-fit monk, and it's not in Chen Hao's eyes.He snorted coldly, reached out and took out the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear that was carried on his back.

With a shake of his big hand, the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear burst out with a soaring black divine light, and a terrifying aura immediately emanated from the spear, which was breathtaking.And above the long spear is black lightning flashing, terrifying coercion emanating from it.


With a shock of the spear, it immediately turned into a black dragon. With a roar, it tore through the void, shattered hundreds of millions of time and space, and stabbed directly at the oncoming Zhang Yuan's fist.

The spear and the fist collided swiftly.Time stood still for a moment at this moment, and then everyone saw that Zhang Yuan's fist, which was in contact with the spear, was shattered in an instant.

The spear was only slightly blocked, and then drove straight in.Wherever he passed, Zhang Yuan's entire arm was quickly shattered under the terrifying force of the spear.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan let out a shrill scream.At this moment, the long spear pierced into Zhang Yuan's body with a "poof".

The spear shook, and immediately, the black thunder light above the spear exploded violently, annihilating Zhang Yuan in an instant.

The black tribulation thunder is the most powerful force in the world!Although Zhang Yuan has reached the fusion stage, his physical body can't even reach the level of a high-grade magic weapon.

How can it resist the power of the black thunder?

After the explosion, Zhang Yuan was bombarded by the black lightning before he even had time to scream.


Seeing this scene, the onlookers were shocked.However, compared to the shocked crowd, Zhang Hong and the other three, especially Zhang Hong, felt extremely terrified.

At this time, Zhang Hong's severed arm had stopped bleeding.Seeing Chen Hao walking towards him with a murderous look, Zhang Hong kept backing away, his eyes full of fear.

 happy National Day

(End of this chapter)

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