Chapter 289 Sorcery?

"Don't come here, you can't kill me, I'm a child of the Zhang family!" Zhang Hong shouted angrily, trying to use the power of the family to suppress Chen Hao.

"The Zhang family?" Chen Hao kept walking, but still walked towards Zhang Hong slowly.

"Yes, the Zhang family, one of the three major families in Luoxing City, if you let me go, I guarantee that our Zhang family will not only not pursue it, but will also give you a lot of benefits."

Seeing Chen Hao's face, Zhang Hong sensed something was going on, and immediately said loudly.However, his heart is full of resentment: "Hmph, as long as I return to the family, both of you will die, all of you will die! No one will be left!"

The flash of resentment in Zhang Hong's eyes did not hide from Chen Hao.Besides, Chen Hao never thought about letting go of the Zhang family.

"The Zhang family? What the hell? I, Chen Hao, are not even afraid of the top ten sects. I am afraid of you, a little Zhang family? I really don't know why." With a sneer, Chen Hao thrust out his big hand.

Although it is in the same state as Chen Hao, it has reached the out-of-body stage.But Zhang Hong didn't even have the strength to fight back in front of Chen Hao.Immediately, he was detained by Chen Hao, and after sealing his strength, he was thrown at Wu Feng's feet.

"This person just wanted to kill you, and now I'll leave it to you." Chen Hao ignored Zhu Jie and Su Li's hatred, resentment and fear, just looked at Wu Feng and said.

"If you dare to kill me, you will definitely not be able to leave Fallen Star City." Zhang Hong looked at Wu Feng ferociously, and said through gritted teeth.

"Damn it, you're still yelling and yelling when you're about to die. Go to hell." Who knows that Wu Feng is also a ruthless person.The reason why he didn't dare to do it before was just because of his lack of strength.

At this time, seeing a person who was powerless to fight back even threatened him, Wu Feng couldn't help being angry from his heart, shouted loudly, and slashed down with the long sword in his hand.

Blood spattered and rose into the sky.A big head soared into the sky.

Zhang Hong was beheaded by Wu Feng and killed directly.

Seeing Wu Feng's boldness and viciousness, Chen Hao nodded involuntarily.If this guy didn't even dare to kill Zhang Hong, Chen Hao would turn around and leave.What is the use of such a cowardly person?
"How to deal with the two of them?" Chen Hao pointed at Zhu Jie and said indifferently.

"They're all going to die!" After killing someone, Wu Feng not only didn't have any fear, on the contrary, he was full of murderous intent.Because the three of them insulted him just now, they even wanted to kill him.

If Chen Hao hadn't rescued him in time, then Wu Feng would have died instead of Zhang Hong.

"Very good, then I'll take them down." Chen Hao walked towards Zhu Jie and the others with an indifferent expression.

"Chen Hao, you have already killed Zhang Hong and offended the Zhang family. Could it be that you are also offending the Zhu family and the Su family?" The two guards stood in front of the two masters, looking gloomy as they walked slowly Chen Hao.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" Chen Hao shouted coldly, not paying attention to them at all.

"court death!"

The two guards were both monks in the fusion stage. Although Chen Hao shot and killed Zhang Yuan, who was in the same realm, which made them fearful, but at this time, they had no way to back down.

With a roar of anger, the two burst out with extreme strength, and killed Chen Hao.

Chen Hao just looked at the two people rushing over calmly, with a look of disdain on his face, and didn't make any moves.

"The opponent of the two of you is me." At this moment, there was an angry shout from the crowd, and then two figures rose into the air, stopping the two guards.

The people who came from the crowd were a man and a woman, they were Zhang Ao and Yang Man.

In fact, after discovering Wu Feng, Chen Hao had released Zhang Ao and Yang Man from the system red envelopes and hid them in the crowd.

Therefore, when the guards of the Zhu family and the Su family were about to confront Chen Hao, Zhang Ao immediately rushed out and stopped them.

Although these two bodyguards in the state of fusion were not in the eyes of Chen Hao.But killing them also takes some time, and the most important thing is Wu Feng.

If the delay is too much, people from these three families will be attracted, and then Zhu Jie and Su Li cannot be killed.

Although the guards of Zhu Jie and Su Li are both monks at the fusion stage, the ones with the highest strength are only at the middle stage of fusion.After all, these three bastards have been in Luoxing City all along, who would dare to touch them?
The guards around them are just symbolically following them.

And Zhang Ao and Yang Man are both at the peak of the fusion stage.Moreover, in the system red envelope world, using thunderstorms to refine their bodies has already made their physical bodies very strong.

Although they don't have the perverted strength of Chen Hao, they still have the strength to leapfrog the challenge.What's more, dealing with two people who are not as good as him?

A shot is the strongest attack!
Zhang Ao doesn't care who the opponent is, his purpose of attacking is to kill.Facing the last person who was a small realm higher than himself, and whose strength was unknowingly how many times stronger, this guard of the Su family didn't even have the strength to resist.

A sword light tore through, and then a big head flew high!With a slash of the sword, the guard of the Su family was beheaded directly.

As for Yang Man, they are still fighting at this time.With Yang Man's strength, he could have easily killed the Zhu family's guard, but Yang Man was not as cruel as Zhang Ao.

With a cold snort, Zhang Ao charged forward with a flying sword at the level of a spirit weapon, and slashed out with a single strike!
The guard of the Zhu family didn't even have time to yell out the screams before he was split into two pieces by Zhang Ao's sword.

Seeing this scene, the people around were still in shock and hadn't reacted yet.

After beheading the two of them, Zhang Ao strode up without changing his face, and walked up to the two bastards Zhu Jie and Su Li. He came back and threw it at Chen Hao's feet.

At this time, Zhu Jie and Su Li were still dizzy, almost fainted from fright.

"Don't kill me, our family will give you whatever you want, you can't kill me." Su Li looked at Chen Hao with fear.He knew that Chen Hao was the leader of these people.

A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Hao's face.What else do these trash, dandy disciples do besides relying on the power of the family to run amok?
Without the family behind them, they're just a bunch of trash, trash.

"Wu Feng, I'll leave it to you." Chen Hao said with a sneer.

Wu Feng licked his lips, and ran up excitedly, then the flying sword in his hand flew up, and the next moment, two good heads flew up like this.

Since then, there have been three less domineering bastards in Luoxing City.

Seeing that Chen Hao directly killed the bastards of these three families.Everyone was shocked but a little happy.After all, these three bastards are dead, and they will never be bullied by them again in the future.

"People from the Zhang family should be coming soon, you should leave quickly." At this time, a person in the crowd reminded him.

Chen Hao looked over, nodded, and then led Wu Feng and Zhang Ao towards Luoxing Tower.For the three families of the Zhang family?

So what if they are local snakes?Chen Hao didn't take them seriously at all.

Therefore, they didn't leave Luoxing City just like that, they just walked towards Luoxing Tower calmly.

Not long after the group of them left, several figures rushed over quickly.When they saw the corpse lying on the ground, these people turned pale with fright.

Someone actually killed their family members here.These people were immediately angry.Soon, they passed the matter back to the family.

After learning of this, the three families were suddenly furious.Although they have always heard about what the three bastards did, they just turned a blind eye.

However, today he was killed.

Someone who kills me on my turf?Really courting death!
With their abilities, they quickly learned the whole story.So, all of a sudden, countless masters from the three major families flew towards the Luoxing Tower, intending to take down Chen Hao and kill him.

At this time, the four of Chen Hao had already taken their seats on the third floor of Luoxing Building, and Chen Hao looked at the menu in his hand with a heartache.

He fucks, is this the menu?An ordinary dish costs [-] yuan pills, and a jar of wine is even more expensive, even [-] yuan pills.

This is not to eat, but to eat Yuandan.

These foods are useless after eating, but Huiyuan Pill can still replenish the true energy.

However, although Chen Hao was in pain, he still ordered a table full of various dishes, anyway, he is rich now.Well, not bad for money.

When the masters of the three families of the Zhang family came to the front of Luoxing Tower, the four of them were eating and drinking.Especially the two bastards Wu Feng and Zhang Ao, who seemed to be reincarnated from starvation, ate most of the dishes on the table.

"Chen Hao, get out!"

At this moment, an angry student came from the front of Luoxing Tower.

"Chen Hao?" Hearing that angry cry, everyone on the third floor of Jufu Building looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although few people have seen Chen Hao, Chen Hao has long been famous in the cultivation world.Not to mention the various "feats" before, even now he is also a figure on the dragon and phoenix list, although he is only the last one.

But it's also a character on the dragon and phoenix list, isn't it?
"Boss, I'll get rid of them." Zhang Ao wiped his mouth, then stood up, and was about to fly out.

"You are not their opponent." Chen Hao's next sentence made Zhang Ao's figure stagnate: "In this case, I'd better continue my business of eating." Eat up.

As the captain of the chaotic Qinglong team, Zhang Ao naturally knew something about Chen Hao.Although he didn't know about the system's red envelopes, he knew that Chen Hao would be fine.

"This bastard." Chen Hao was a little speechless, this guy is really straightforward.I really don't have the slightest awareness of being a subordinate.

"Boss Murong, are you okay?" Wu Feng looked at Chen Hao worriedly.Although Chen Hao is a figure on the Longfeng list, he is only one person after all.But the opponent is three families, three local snakes, how to fight?
"It's okay, let's eat your meal." Chen Hao waved his hand indifferently.But there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes.These three families, others may not dare to do anything to them, but he...

"Perhaps we should prepare a big gift for them." Chen Hao's eyes flickered coldly.

"Chen Hao, get out of here."

Experts from the Zhang family, the Zhu family and the Su family surrounded Luoxinglou from a distance, but they didn't dare to rush in just like that.Although they are local tyrants of Falling Star City, the real rulers of Falling Star City are not their three families.

Lord of Falling Star City!
The Lord of Falling Star City is the ruler of Falling Star City.That is a very powerful force, even if the three major families add up, they are not their opponents.

The Luoxing Building is obviously the property of the city lord's forces.Although the three of them are domineering in Luoxing City, they also secretly target the city lord, wanting to bring down the city lord. They really control Luoxing City.

However, at least on the surface, their four forces have not yet torn their faces.If they dared to go straight to the Luoxing Tower now, they would undoubtedly have directly clashed with the city lord.

They are still not the opponents of the city lord.Therefore, they didn't dare to rush into the Luoxing Tower directly. What if they sat in another place?I'm afraid the whole restaurant will be demolished by them.

"Go ahead, I'll go out and have a look." Chen Hao said, then got up and went downstairs, and walked out slowly.But, how dare the three of Zhang Ao still eat here?They all followed Chen Hao down.

"Which dog is barking here?" Chen Hao walked out, and saw dozens of murderous people standing in front of Luoxing Tower.

Seeing Chen Hao walking out, all the members of the three major families looked over with murderous intent.

"You are Chen Hao?" A middle-aged man strode out and looked at Chen Hao with murderous intent.

"Is it you who are barking?" Chen Hao frowned and asked without answering.

"you wanna die!"

Zhang Yang suddenly became furious. This guy not only killed his own family members, but also humiliated himself.The angry Zhang Yang let out a low growl, and took a step forward.

As soon as he stepped out, the ground shattered, and shocking cracks were suddenly created by his foot on the extremely hard street, which crazily split open in all directions.

However, Zhang Yang had turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Chen Hao. In the process, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed Chen Hao with his paw.

"I come."

Zhang Ao let out a low growl, took a step forward, and stood in front of Chen Hao.At the same time, Zhang Ao instantly raised his strength to the limit, and the phantom of the fifty-horned dragon hovered above his head.

The power of the fifty-horned dragon!It is still the dragon power of ordinary monks in the realm of crossing the catastrophe.Although the physical body is getting stronger day by day, Zhang Ao's dragon power has also surpassed the fusion period.

Holding the sword in both hands, pouring extreme power into the flying sword of the spirit weapon level.With a roar, he slashed out with his sword at Zhang Yang who was rushing towards him!

A huge sword glow shot out from the long sword, carrying terrifying coercion, tore open a huge crack in the void, and quickly killed Xiang Zhangyang with lightning speed.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing the huge sword glow coming from the sky, Zhang Yang just shouted angrily, and quickly blasted out with a fist, smashing hard on the huge sword glow.


The powerful and terrifying forces from both sides collided rapidly, and then exploded violently.After the loud noise, Zhang Ao's sword light "clicked", and it actually exploded.

Although Zhang Yang's huge fist didn't shatter, it was also weakened.However, it is obvious that Zhang Yang's strength is somewhat stronger than Zhang Ao's.

The sword glow was shattered, and Zhang Ao's body shook violently.With a muffled grunt, he crushed the ground with one foot, and he had already used his strength to rise into the air. In the void, he grasped the flying sword of the spirit weapon level with both hands, and slashed down!

The shocking sword light tore out, directly smashing the huge fist transformed by Zhang Yang's power.Immediately, Zhang Ao's figure swayed, turning into a flash of light and rushing towards Zhang Yang.

A look of disdain appeared on Zhang Yang's face, and he disappeared in a flash.


A supernatural power that can only be mastered by monks during the tribulation period.

When he reappeared, Zhang Yang had already appeared behind Zhang Ao, and then punched Zhang Ao's back fiercely.

Zhang Ao snorted coldly, and slashed out with a backhand sword.

With a loud sound of "Bang!", Zhang Aoru was hit hard, and a terrifying force quickly poured into his body from the long sword in his hand.Immediately, he was knocked into the air.As for Zhang Yang, he was also slashed by Zhang Ao's sword and took a few steps back.


Zhang Ao let out a low growl, rubbed his body and rushed forward again.On the other side, Zhang Yang's expression became serious.His realm is higher than Zhang Ao.Moreover, he can teleport, originally thought that killing Zhang Ao would be as easy as a backhand, but Zhang Ao's strength was beyond his expectation.

Although Zhang Ao's strength is not as good as his own, but this guy's physical body seems to be very powerful.

boom! boom! boom!
The two hit it off and started fighting.


Relying on his strong physical body, although he was suppressed and beaten by Zhang Yang, Zhang Ao would not be defeated for a while.However, it is impossible for Zhang Yang to kill him.

All of a sudden, without knowing when, Zhang Ao's true energy actually began to flicker like lightning.

As soon as the sword was struck out, there was even a trace of electric light in the huge sword light, and a terrifying coercion burst out.


Zhang Yang once again shattered the sword light that Zhang Ao had slashed with his fist.In front of him, Zhang Ao's attack could not hurt him at all.It's just that under this blow, an electric current poured into his arm from the sword light, and quickly spread throughout his body.

Zhang Yang's whole body trembled violently.The whole body was surrounded by a layer of thunder.Bursts of numbness appeared on Zhang Yang's body.

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that his body was paralyzed.And his clothes had already been reduced to ashes under the raging thunder and lightning.And the hair on the top of his head stood up ferociously, very terrifying.

At this moment, Zhang Yang's hair and heels stood up, his whole body was surrounded by lightning, and his body exuded bursts of meaty fragrance.

Thunderbolt not only has a very violent attack power, but also has a paralyzing effect!
At this moment, a thunder and lightning force was raging in Zhang Yang's body, trying to smash his meridians and even his body.And he himself was directly paralyzed by lightning and stopped in the void.

"Great opportunity." Zhang Ao roared, jumped up high, grasped the spirit-level flying sword tightly with both hands, poured all the power of the fifty-horned dragon into the long sword in his hand, and then slashed fiercely at Zhang Yang. Down!

Seeing Zhang Ao's shocking strike, Zhang Yang's eyes widened in shock.At this moment, he wanted to escape, but his whole body was paralyzed by lightning, so he couldn't escape at all.

Blood splattered!

Like a divine soldier from heaven, the long sword in Zhang Ao's hand slashed directly from the top of Zhang Yang's head to the end.Straight to split Zhang Yang in half.

Even the fast masters of the three families didn't have time to make a move.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.What he couldn't get rid of for a long time was Zhang Ao's shocking sword.It wasn't until the sound of Zhang Yang's body being split in half and falling to the ground sounded that everyone woke up.

A cultivator in the transcending tribulation period was killed just like that?
The onlookers all looked at Zhang Ao with strange eyes.However, a master of the Zhang family roared angrily, and rushed towards Zhang Ao.

Zhang Ao's face was a little pale, just after the first battle, his strength had already been consumed too much, at this time Zhang family's master made a move, he couldn't resist Wanwan.

"court death."

Chen Hao sneered, his figure flickered, and he rushed forward with his feet on the soldiers.During this process, Chen Hao quickly bombarded Zhang Ao with a punch.

At this moment, a very strange breath appeared in the hearts of everyone.At this moment, the world seemed to become extremely hot, but it became extremely cold.

This feeling only appeared instantly, and everyone didn't even realize that they had felt these two extreme forces.

But at this time, Chen Hao and the master of the Zhang family still collided fiercely.

As if being hit hard, with a powerful force, Chen Hao's whole body suddenly flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

After all, Chen Hao is just a monk at the out-of-body stage, while the master of the Zhang family is a strong man at the stage of crossing the catastrophe, the two are not at the same level of master at all.

Chen Hao was blown away, which was expected by everyone.

However, after Chen Hao was blown out, the master of the Zhang family uttered a shrill scream.Everyone suddenly felt strange, this guy has already punched Chen Hao flying, what the hell is he calling?Could it be that Chen Hao still hurt him?

"Chen Hao, what demon method did you use!" The master of the Zhang family who fought against Chen Hao looked at Chen Hao with a livid face and resentful eyes at this time, but he didn't dare to pursue him.

Everyone looked over, but they saw this guy. At some point, the hand he collided with Chen Hao disappeared.

Yes, it just disappeared, not being cut off at all.

Because no one found his severed arm.But his original right arm was no longer in front of everyone, only half of it was left.

Hearing this guy's angry and shrill roar, everyone finally understood why this guy screamed like a ghost.It turned out that his right arm was actually lost by Chen Hao.

With the strength of Chen Hao's physical body, although the masters of the Zhang family blasted him away, they couldn't hurt him at all.At this time, he had already flown back Shi Shiran.

Hearing the words of the masters of the Zhang family, Chen Hao showed a disdainful expression on his face: "The skills are not as good as others, what is the name of the ghost here? Believe it or not, I also beat your head off?"

(End of this chapter)

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