Chapter 290

After a few words, the hearts of everyone who listened were chilled.And the clamoring master of the Zhang family shut up at this time.Scared.Because he really didn't know what method Chen Hao used to beat his right hand away.

With Chen Hao's strength, it is impossible to crush his arm silently.Even if it is smashed, there will be some traces, won't it?
Regarding this, except for Chen Hao, I am afraid that no one will find out.

In fact, the aura of extreme cold and extreme heat that those people vaguely felt just now was not their illusion.Instead, Chen Hao sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.

Yin and Yang fire, extreme cold and extreme heat!Possesses a terrifying power no less than that of the Black Tribulation Thunder.Moreover, for Chen Hao at this stage, the yin and yang fire is more terrifying than the black robbery thunder.

At the moment of the shot, Chen Hao sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and his palm.And at the moment when the fists of the two sides collided, the yin and yang fire suddenly broke out, directly burning half of the Zhang family's master's arm.

Of course, after that, Chen Hao only knew about it himself, and he would not say it.This is one of his trump cards.

"If you want to fight, fight, what nonsense? If you don't fight, we will go back." Chen Hao's indifferent eyes swept over the three families one by one.

Seeing Chen Hao's eyes, these people couldn't help but shiver in their hearts.This guy is really weird, fight with him?Maybe when the whole person suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Ao had fully recovered after swallowing a large amount of Huiyuan Pill, and walked over to stand with Chen Hao, looking coldly at the Zhang family and the others.

Because of Chen Hao's weirdness, he frightened the masters of the three Zhang family families.However, after all, the three families were used to running rampant in Luoxing City, and although they didn't dare to make another move, they did not disperse.

"It seems that the deterrence is not enough." Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and cold lights flashed across his brows.

"It's just a small ant in the out-of-body period. It uses weird methods to scare people! I don't believe you can handle it well." At this time, a young man walked out of the crowd at the Su's side, looking at Chen Hao. sneered, with a look of disdain.

"This idiot." Chen Hao's eyes flickered coldly: "Although it is only a distraction period, it should be enough to shake the mountain."

"Come out, I will kill you." The young man pointed at Chen Hao and said disdainfully.

Zhang Ao was about to make a move, but was stopped by Chen Hao.And he walked out, looked at the young man, said with a smile on his face: "Are you really going to kill me?"

The young man looked at Chen Hao with eyes like an idiot, the meaning was obvious.

"But, I want to tell you that I seem to have killed anyone who tried to kill me. Are you sure you want to kill me?" Chen Hao smiled, as if talking to a friend.

The young man was furious, "I want to see what you have to be able to enter the top [-] in the dragon and phoenix list." While speaking, the young man had already rushed forward, and in the process, he had already slashed at Chen Hao with his sword. And down.

The sword energy soared to the sky, as if the void was also torn apart by this terrifying sword energy, it was very terrifying.But Chen Hao just smiled faintly, and pointed out to the young man.


The moment Chen Hao pointed it out, a black thunderbolt as thick as a bucket appeared out of thin air above the young man's head.

A black thunderbolt as thick as a bucket appeared out of nowhere above the boy's head, and at the same time, a shocking coercion descended, shocking the heavens and the world.


There was an explosion, which made everyone's eardrums hurt.And that black tribulation thunder still tore through the void, and struck down fiercely on the young man.

Feeling the terrifying coercion coming down from the sky above his head, a breath of death rose from the bottom of his heart.Immediately, he looked up.

Immediately, an extremely huge black thunderbolt struck down fiercely carrying the aura of death.

At this moment, the young man was terrified, and immediately increased his strength to the limit, and was about to flee towards the distance while shaking his body, trying to avoid this terrifying black lightning.

However, although the young man's reaction was not slow, the speed of the black lightning was even faster!At the moment when the young man's heart moved, the black lightning struck fiercely and landed on the young man.

At the moment when everyone's eardrums were hurting, they saw a shocking scene again - the black thunderbolt slammed down, and slammed on the young man.

With a sound of "Bang!", the young man was smashed into powder by the black lightning without even reacting, and disappeared into the sky and the earth.Even after chopping the young man into powder, the black lightning hadn't disappeared yet.It continued to chop down fiercely, and finally chopped a huge pothole out of the extremely hard street.

A breath-taking coercion spread far and wide, making everyone's souls shudder.

Seeing this scene, everyone who saw it felt terrified... How could this black lightning have such terrifying power?It's just too scary.

Even those cultivators in the tribulation period felt terrified when they saw the power of the black lightning.After all, the sky thunder is the force that all monks fear the most.

"act recklessly."

Ignoring everyone's dull eyes, Chen Hao clapped his hands and said disdainfully.But his disdainful voice woke up the stunned crowd.

"Could it be that this black tribulation thunder was summoned by Chen Hao? If that's the case, it would be really terrifying." Someone was thinking in his heart, and the eyes that looked at Chen Hao were full of fear.

Even those monks who were relatively close to Chen Hao and others involuntarily retreated far away, as if they were afraid that there would be another black thunderbolt hitting them.

As for the three families of the Zhang family, they all looked at Chen Hao with ashen faces.Want to do it?But no one dared to do anything, just leave like this?The face of the three major families cannot be lost.

"Let's go, let's go back." Seeing that the people from the three major families had been shocked by him, Chen Hao turned around and was about to leave.

"Hold on."

When Chen Hao was about to leave, someone from the three major families shouted, apparently not wanting Chen Hao to leave just like that.

Chen Hao's face suddenly became gloomy, and he turned to look at the members of the three major families with a murderous look on his face.

"Chen Hao, you kill people from my three major families and you want to leave like this? If you don't give us a satisfactory explanation today, you don't have to leave."

"Confession? I need to explain to you when I kill someone? Besides, what if it's members of your three families? No matter how dare you babble, I'll kill you too." Chen Hao's eyes flickered coldly, and his body was filled with murderous aura. Said.

Meeting Chen Hao's gaze, the members of the three major families couldn't help but take a step back.

"What three bullshit families? I never take it seriously. I just let the word out today. I am in Luoxing City. If the members of your three families have the ability, then come and take my life. But I I warn you, before you come to kill me, you'd better take care of the aftermath, I don't care about killing me!" Chen Hao's voice was cold, killing intent filled the air, and his whole person was like a killing god.

After speaking, they turned around and left regardless of the members of the three major families.

The members of the three major families looked at each other, intending to keep Chen Hao, but they were not Chen Hao's opponents at all.He was shocked by the methods Chen Hao revealed.

But if Chen Hao is let go like this, the face of the three families will be completely humiliated.Once this matter gets out, the members of the three major families will definitely be ridiculed.

It's just that they didn't dare to do it.

"Leave a few people to monitor Chen Hao's whereabouts. Let's go back and ask the family masters to come out and deal with this beast." A master of the Su family said with a sullen face.

Chen Hao's method is really too weird.Ordinary cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Stage may not be his hands.Then, the only way to do it is to invite the strong in the metamorphosis period.

However, even though there are not many metamorphosis monks in the entire cultivation world, although the three major families also have metamorphosis masters, these people have been cultivating latently, and no major events will generally occur.

After all, after entering the metamorphosis period, it may not necessarily appear.Every minute is precious to them.If you can't transform your body into an immortal body within your limited time, then wait until your life energy is exhausted and die.

"Is this Chen Hao who is ranked number [-] on the Dragon and Phoenix List?"

It wasn't just the onlookers who witnessed this incident, there were countless people nearby, and many of them were masters on the dragon and phoenix list.

"This Chen Hao should be more than a hundred people."

At a window on the third floor of Luoxing Building, a woman in a white shirt with a white veil covering her face looked at Chen Hao on the street. After witnessing the whole process, the masked woman couldn't help sighing.

There are quite a few people who think the same as this masked woman.According to the legend, Chen Hao's strength is not very strong, and the reason why he was able to enter the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking is entirely because he has many treasures on him.

But looking into it, Chen Hao's own strength is even more terrifying!The ability to control lightning is the ability to make the arms of monks in the Tribulation Period disappear out of thin air.

If you add the many treasures on him, Chen Hao's combat power is much stronger than many young masters on the dragon and phoenix list.

However, it seems that until now, no one has forced Chen Hao to reveal all his hole cards.In fact, as long as Chen Hao is willing, there is really no such person in the cultivation world.At least not yet.

"It's just relying on weird means. As long as we are prepared in advance, what can he do to me?" Hearing that the goddess in his heart actually made a move to praise Chen Hao, a young man next to the woman in white showed a hint of sinisterness in his eyes, and then dismissed it with disdain Said.

"That's right, no matter how powerful Chen Hao is, he's still just a small out-of-body monk? Could it be that he can turn the world upside down?" Someone immediately spoke up, and his tone was full of disdain.

"Yeah, how can he enter the Dragon and Phoenix list with his strength? I don't know how this list was made." Several handsome young people around showed expressions of disdain.

In fact, these people are not empty talk.If anyone knows them, they will find that all these young heroes are on the Dragon and Phoenix List.And the ranking is not as low as that of Chen Hao, each of them is in the top dozens of existences.

With their strength, they are naturally qualified to say that about Chen Hao.But, is Chen Hao really that unbearable?

The woman in white with her face covered had flat eyes and was noncommittal to these comments.But her brows still furrowed imperceptibly.Although these people are all young heroes on the Dragon and Phoenix List, they have surrounded her since she appeared...

How could she not know the intentions of these people?But with her personality, it's not easy to drive these people away directly.

"Mr. Murong, our young lady welcomes you." Just as Chen Hao stepped onto the third floor of Luoxing Building, a young woman walked over and said respectfully to Chen Hao.

Seeing this woman, a gleam of light flashed across Chen Hao's eyes.This woman looks like she is seventeen years old, but she is already in the realm of distraction.

The most important thing is that this woman looks soft and charming, and a sense of seductiveness emanates from her body.This is not any kind of exercise, it is entirely from her.

This is just a maid, but her beauty is also excellent.In particular, the vaguely foxy charm added to her infinite style, making people feel like moving around.

"Your lady? Do I know you?" Chen Hao said with a slight frown.

"Hee hee, the young master passed by, didn't you know each other? Please trouble the young master to go over, otherwise it will be difficult for the maidservant to explain to the young lady." The young woman said with a smile.

Who is it?Even the maid is so beautiful and charming, so she should also be a stunning beauty, right?Do you invite beautiful women?There is no reason to refuse.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Chen Hao smiled slightly.

The young woman smiled slightly, touching her heart, and then walked over with Chen Hao.

In fact, apart from a hall, Luoxing Building also has countless private rooms.The young woman walked into a private room with Chen Hao.

As soon as he stepped into the private room, Chen Hao saw a woman in Tsing Yi who was looking out of the window with her back to him and others.At the same time, a faint fragrance came over the nostrils.

Although I didn't see the woman's appearance, just her back was already graceful and graceful, with an excellent figure.

"Miss, I have already invited Mr. Murong." The maid stepped forward and said.

Hearing this, the woman in Tsing Yi slowly turned around.

When he saw the appearance of the woman in Tsing Yi, Chen Hao was instantly stunned!

For a moment, only these three words appeared in Chen Hao's mind, and there were no other words.

About twenty years old, with an extremely beautiful face, and those big watery eyes, looking around, they are extremely moving.

Chen Hao was stunned for a moment, but it was only for a moment, and soon he calmed to say?Although this woman is extremely beautiful, she is about the same as Zhao Zhiqing.

It should be known that Zhao Zhiqing is the third most beautiful woman in the Hundred Flowers List, second only to Yinxian Valley and Xutianzong Saintess.Moreover, because Zhao Zhiqing was too young, her beauty didn't stop there.

Although the beauty in front of her looks very young, she already has a mature look.Compared with Zhao Zhiqing, she is a little bit seductive, while Zhao Zhiqing is more pure.

Chen Hao, who is used to seeing beauties, naturally has a high immunity to beauties.Therefore, Chen Hao only reacted after being dazed for a moment.

Seeing that Chen Hao recovered his clarity so quickly, Hu Tong's eyes flashed with surprise.She is very confident in her beauty, and all along, everyone who sees her has been deeply shocked and obsessed with her beauty.Even the women were stunned by her beauty.

At this time, seeing that Chen Hao was not indulging in his own beauty, Hu Tong felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Murong, please sit down." Hu Tong looked at Chen Hao with a smile and said.

Chen Hao didn't sit down, but looked at the other party suspiciously, and said in a deep voice: "May I ask, I don't seem to be very familiar with the girl, right? What is it that the girl invited me to come?"

Not only unfamiliar, but never seen.

"This little girl is being presumptuous. In fact, the little girl has been admiring Mr. Murong for a long time. Just now I saw the young master displaying his supernatural power, which really makes the little girl admire. Since everyone is in the Luoxing Tower, it also represents the little girl. The girl and the young master are predestined, so I specially invite the young master to come and have a gathering, the young master will not mind?" Hu Tong looked at Chen Hao, smiling as brightly as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom.

The so-called reaching out and not slapping people with smiling faces is an invitation from a beautiful woman. Although Chen Hao was a little noncommittal in his heart, at least he would not leave without grace.

"Please ask for advice." Chen Hao smiled and cupped his hands.

Hu Tong smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, little girl Hu Tong."

"Hu Tong? This name seems familiar." Chen Hao frowned slightly. He really remembered this name, but he didn't expect to hear or read it somewhere.

Hearing Chen Hao's words and expressions, Hu Tong couldn't help feeling a little depressed.He has already said his name, but Chen Hao still doesn't know?

This made Hu Tong feel that he had failed.

"Hu Tong? The Hu Tong who is number four on the Hundred Flowers List?" At this time, Wu Feng, who was originally in a daze, exclaimed.

"Oh, I just remembered, so you are that Hu Tong. No wonder you are so familiar, I just read the Hundred Flowers List this morning, and I forgot it for a while, I'm sorry." Chen Hao patted his head and said with a smile.

At the same time, he turned around and glared at Wu Feng and Zhang Ao behind him.These two guys really embarrassed Chen Hao, and he looked at Hu Tong with a perverted look on his face.

Fortunately, Hu Tong was used to this kind of scene, otherwise Chen Hao would have died of embarrassment.

Good guy, I watched all the beauties of my level in the morning, but I forgot all about them in the afternoon.Does this guy really not pay much attention to these?

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Hu Tong's heart shattered.Chen Hao has no impression of a beauty of her level. Could it be said that she has failed too much in life?

At the moment, she couldn't help looking at Chen Hao with resentful eyes: "Mr. Murong, you make the little girl so sad that you don't have any impression of me. But it's no wonder that you are always accompanied by beautiful women. I am very confident, but I am still only ranked fourth. I heard that the little beauty who is ranked third has a very close relationship with Mr. Murong."

Chen Hao felt awe in his heart. Although he could not hide his relationship with Zhao Zhiqing, not many people knew about it.This Hu Tong knew so much about her affairs, so she must have investigated herself a lot beforehand.

I'm afraid inviting me over this time doesn't seem to be as simple as meeting by chance.As for admiration, it is even more impossible for Chen Hao to believe nonsense such as admiration.

Chen Hao's face darkened, and he said, "Miss Hu Tong, I'm afraid it's not just a simple exchange of greetings this time, is it? Just talk about it if you have anything to say."

Although Hu Tong is the fourth most beautiful woman on the Hundred Flowers list.But Chen Hao didn't want to get too close to her.In addition to causing a lot of trouble because of this, there is also Hu Tong's identity.

Hu Tong, the beauty ranked fourth in Hundred Flowers List.And it is the strongest of the younger generation who ranks seventh on the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, with unfathomable strength.Moreover, this woman is also one of the ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain, the Nine-tailed King, who has an extraordinary relationship.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Although Chen Hao didn't have anything against monsters and alien races, it was better to keep a distance.Otherwise, I don't know when, I will be bullied by others.

"Is it necessary to have something to invite you to get together? I just want to make friends with Mr. Murong." Hu Tong said with a smile that didn't mind.

In fact, at this moment, Hu Tong was so depressed that he was about to die.This Chen Hao is really too calm.Usually those people break their heads and want to get closer to themselves.But when he personally invited Chen Hao over, this guy looked impatient.You should know that she, Hu Tong, has never invited other men.

Moreover, Hu Tong is more interested in Chen Hao, a well-known person in the cultivation world.Inviting Chen Hao over this time, he really just wanted to get acquainted, and had no other intentions.

Of course, Chen Hao didn't think so.

"Haha..." Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere, Chen Hao laughed, and then said: "It is my wish to be able to become friends with you, girl."

Hu Tong gave Chen Hao a white look: "Young Master, it's too unfair to say that about me. If you don't mind, you can call me by my name directly."

"it is good."

Chen Hao sat down and laughed.He also let go, since Hu Tong didn't have any malice, Chen Hao didn't want to be unmannered, and being with a beautiful woman was also a pleasure to watch.

Although it will not be beautiful and delicious, beautiful women are also a beautiful landscape.

Therefore, Chen Hao did not leave the private room in a hurry, and chatted and laughed happily with Hu Tong here.

After a long time, Hu Tong said: "You just offended the three major families of Luoxing City, aren't you worried?"

"What's there to worry about? It's just the three major families, and they're not in my eyes." Chen Hao said casually.

Hearing this, Hu Tong was taken aback.Although the three major families are not very good, they are also families with masters in the transformation period.

Such a family is not in Chen Hao's eyes. Does Chen Hao have any trump card or some power behind it?
"As far as I know, although there are not many masters in the transformation stage in the three major families, each family has masters in the transformation stage. You have to be careful." Hu Tong reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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