Chapter 291 Trouble
"It's just a master in the metamorphosis period, and they can't do anything to me. If you can't beat me, run away, it's no big deal." Chen Hao said indifferently.

Run if you can't beat it.

Hu Tong couldn't help laughing, she found Chen Hao more and more interesting.Ordinary masters, especially those famous masters, such as those on the dragon and phoenix list, who doesn't care about their own face?
Run away if you can't beat it, maybe only Chen Hao can say it so casually, right?

For some, death in battle is no escape!
However, this is different from Chen Hao's philosophy. It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.If the strength is not as good as others, it is not as good as others. What's so embarrassing?
"Chen Hao, come out for me!"

At this moment, a roar came from afar.The terrifying roar made the entire Luoxing Building vibrate even more.

"I'm afraid people from the three major families are here to make trouble." Hu Tong looked at Chen Hao, and she wanted to see how Chen Hao would deal with it.

"Go out and have a look." Chen Hao flew out of the window of the private room with a very calm expression.Immediately, Zhang Ao, even Hu Tong and others flew out.

Unlike Chen Hao's imagining that he was surrounded by a large group of people, there was only one person in the distant void at this time.Seeing Chen Haofei coming out, the man shot his gaze over, full of murderous intent.

"This person is a genius-level expert from the Su family. He is ranked 85th in the dragon and phoenix. His name is Su Shanyu, and his strength is not bad." Seeing this person, Chen Hao frowned, but Hu Tong explained.

After explaining briefly for a year, Hu Tong looked at Chen Hao and laughed: "If you can defeat this person, then you can take his place instead of being at the bottom of the dragon and phoenix list."

"Alright, it's really embarrassing at the end of the ranking, I'll kill him." Chen Hao smiled lightly, then flew into the air, and flew towards Su Shanyu.

"You are Chen Hao?" Su Shanyu looked at Chen Hao with disdainful eyes. Looking left and right, he didn't think Chen Hao was so powerful.

"You're here to die, right? If you're looking for death, let it come. I don't have much time to talk nonsense with you." Chen Hao said with a shrug.

Su Shanyu was furious: "Don't use your tongue, I will definitely kill you today and tell the world that my Su family cannot be offended."

While speaking, Su Shanyu's body flickered and disappeared in place.


Except for Chen Hao, almost all the masters on the dragon and phoenix list are monks in the tribulation period.And the higher the ranking, the higher the strength.This Su Shanyu is ranked 85th, and his strength is much stronger than Zhou Xuhulin who is ranked 91th and [-]st.

With a teleportation, Su Shanyu appeared in front of Chen Hao, and then a huge fist shattered the world like a mountain, carrying extremely terrifying power like ten thousand horses galloping, and the momentum was mighty and amazing. , wanting to smash Chen Hao into pieces with one blow.

Although teleportation is fast, Chen Hao is not slow either.

Bingzi Jue is known as the fastest exercise in the world. Although Chen Hao has not practiced it to perfection yet, the speed is not slow.

As soon as he stepped out, Chen Hao's figure flickered, and he disappeared in place.


Just when Chen Hao's figure disappeared in place, Su Shanyu's fist like a mountain smashed the void there.The terrible impact is like a torrent sweeping in all directions, which is very astonishing.

Looking at the feet, the ground is full of densely packed buildings and countless monks.It's not a place for fighting.

While his figure was swaying, Chen Hao turned into a streak of light and shot out of the city.

"If you are not afraid of death, fight outside the city." When Chen Hao's voice came, he had disappeared into the distant sky.

Su Shanyu snorted coldly, started teleporting, and caught up within a few flashes.

At the same time, countless monks rose into the air one after another, and chased after the two of them.This is a battle between two masters on the dragon and phoenix list, can they miss this opportunity?
After thousands of miles away from Luoxing City, Chen Hao finally stopped, turned around and looked indifferently at Su Shanyu who had charged up.

"Give me death!"

Before getting close to Chen Hao, Su Shanyu had already let out a low growl, bursting out with terrifying power, stretched out his big hand to slap Chen Hao hard.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, took the Hundred Birds Chaohuang Spear that was carried on his back with his backhand, and stabbed it out.

A huge crack was pierced in the void by Chen Hao's shot.A huge black gun light with traces of electric light tore out, shredded the void, tore through the obstacles of billions of time and space, and stabbed fiercely on the big hand that Su Shanyu patted.

The two terrifying forces collided instantly, and after the loud noise, the terrifying impact instantly swept in all directions.The void was like paper, it was directly torn open a huge and hideous crack.

However, after all, Su Shanyu's power was stronger, and after the two contacted, Chen Hao's spear light was instantly shattered.However, Su Shanyu's big hand was only slightly smaller, but it still slapped Chen Hao with terrifying power.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, and the spear pierced the sky.A shot pierced out, it seemed to pierce the sky, it seemed to pierce the sky!

A series of terrifying gun lights were pierced by Chen Hao!
After several shots in a row, Su Shanyu's big hand was finally smashed into pieces.But Chen Hao was hit by a huge force and kept retreating hundreds of miles away.

Su Shanyu grinned grimly, strode across the air, shattered the void, rushed up directly, and slapped down with palm after palm.The powerful and terrifying power poured out like a vast ocean, shattered the void, shook the sky, and instantly enveloped Chen Hao's entire body, intending to smash it to pieces.

And Chen Hao just growled repeatedly, stabbing out one after another, constantly smashing the strength of Su Shanyu's attack.It's just that, obviously, Chen Hao was at a disadvantage and kept retreating under Su Shanyu's attack like a storm.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers in the distance couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Although they are both on the dragon and phoenix list, there is a difference of more than ten places in the ranking, and the gap in strength is also huge." A monk shook his head and smiled.

"No, it's just a few places difference, but with a difference of more than ten places, Chen Hao is definitely not Su Shanyu's opponent."

Of course, there are quite a few people who don't think so.After all, it seemed that although Chen Hao was at a disadvantage, there was no sign of defeat.

The most important thing is that Chen Hao is not attacking now, it seems that he is just blindly defending passively.

"This Chen Hao has not revealed his strength at this time." Looking at the battle in the distance, Hu Tong frowned slightly.Then she looked at Zhang Ao and the others not far away.

"Aren't you all worried about Chen Hao?" Hu Tong couldn't help asking when he saw Zhang Ao and the others' expressions were calm and peaceful.

"That Su Shanyu is not Murong's opponent." Yang Man said lightly.

Zhang Ao also nodded, agreeing with Yang Man's statement.

"Are you so confident? Su Shanyu is No. 80 on the Dragon and Phoenix List." Hu Tong became interested and continued to ask.

"The two Su Shanyu are no match for him, we trust him." Zhang Ao replied.

Hu Tong is really interested now, why do Zhang Ao and others have so much confidence in Chen Hao?Does this Chen Hao really have a hole card that has not been revealed?
However, Hu Tong never expected that the reason why Zhang Ao and others had full confidence in Chen Hao was not because Chen Hao was really powerful, but because Chen Hao had a system red envelope.

Although they don't know the existence of system red envelopes yet, Zhang Ao and the others know that Chen Hao has a treasure that can make him leave at any time.

As long as that treasure is there, Chen Hao at least has the power to protect himself.Of course they have nothing to worry about.

"Great Vajra wheel print!"

Just when Hu Tong was about to continue asking questions, Chen Hao growled from afar.Then, at this moment, everyone saw Su Shanyu's head above Su Shanyu's head, appearing out of thin air, a huge black handprint that looked like a sacred mountain, and the black body was surrounded by black thunder.

At the moment when this handprint appeared, a vicissitudes of life, grandeur and overwhelming aura of supreme coercion spread out, sweeping in all directions, shocking the soul.


The moment the Great Vajra Wheel Seal appeared, it shattered the void and the sky, and ruthlessly suppressed Su Shanyu like a sacred mountain.

A sense of danger rose from Su Shanyu's heart, and when he looked up, an extremely huge handprint was suppressing him with terrifying coercion.

Seeing the handprint that looked like a sacred mountain, Su Shanyu's heart trembled.With a low growl, he punched hard.


The huge handprints like a sacred mountain contain amazing power.Su Shanyu's strength was directly shattered.But the Great Vajra wheel print seemed to tremble slightly, and then quickly suppressed it.

Su Shanyu was taken aback, and immediately yelled: "Potian!"

The power of 65 horned dragons hovered in the void above his head.And Su Shanyu concentrated his ultimate strength on his fist, and then punched fiercely.

With a punch, the sky seemed to be broken.The berserk power surged out crazily, it could be said to be earth-shattering and earth-shattering.


The two terrifying forces collided swiftly and then shattered violently.


Under the impact of the ocean-like impact, the void with a radius of hundreds of miles was instantly torn apart!Su Shanyu, who was the first to bear the brunt, let out a low growl, and was immediately sent flying.

During this process, he spurted blood even more, and he was already seriously injured.

boom! boom! boom!
Terrible impact swept in all directions!Some monks who were closer were immediately blasted out.Even some weaker monks couldn't bear such a terrible force, and were directly blown up and died.

"Su Shanyu was injured!"

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd of onlookers.And what shocked them was Chen Hao's so-called Great Vajra wheel print.

"Great Vajra Wheel Seal? What kind of cultivation technique is this?" Hu Tong's beautiful eyes shone brightly, and he fell into deep thought as he looked at the void that had returned to normal.

On the other side, the white-clothed woman with her face covered in Luoxing Building was also lost in thought at this moment.In addition, some strong people also reacted in the same way.

The Great Vajra Wheel Seal is the supporting hand print of the Bing Zi Jue, which is extremely powerful!A long time ago, the Great Vajra Wheel Seal had extraordinary power.And as Chen Hao's strength gradually increased, the power of this handprint became more and more terrifying.

This is the first time in many years that Chen Hao has used the great diamond wheel seal.However, the power of the Great Vajra Wheel Seal was beyond his expectation.

"Kill! Great Vajra Wheel Seal!"

Although Chen Hao was a little surprised by the power of the Great Vajra Wheel Seal today, the movements in his hands were not slow.With a low growl, the second Great Vajra wheel print reappeared and killed Su Shanyu who was flying upside down.

Su Shanyu was very angry when he was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.But he also knew the terrifying power of the great vajra wheel print.

With a flash of his figure, he stood firm.Immediately, he drew out a treasured sword, poured the ultimate power into the treasured sword, let out a low growl, and pierced the sky.

"Break it for me!"

A huge sword light tore upwards, trying to split the sky in half, and wanted to split the Great Vajra Wheel Seal into pieces.

It's just that he suffered a loss and was injured just now, and his strength is no longer as good as it was at his peak.

After the loud bang, although the huge blade slashed on the Great Vajra Wheel, no one smashed it, they just slowed down the Great Vajra Wheel.

However, the sword light that Su Shanyu slashed out has been shattered, and the Great Vajra Wheel Seal has been severely suppressed.

Su Shanyu roared angrily, and slashed out continuously with one knife after another, instantly slashing out hundreds of sword lights, slashing towards the wheel seal of the Great Vajra.


At this time, Chen Hao's indifferent voice full of killing intent rang in his ears.

Su Shanyu was taken aback, and without looking at it, he slashed out with his backhand.

There was a huge sound of gold and iron clashing, followed by a "click", which shook the eardrums, and the precious knife in Su Shanyu's hand was actually broken.

However, it also sent Chen Hao flying.

Stepping on the Bingzi Jue, stepping out with one foot, the void shattered, and Chen Hao had already turned into a black streamer, stabbing at Su Shanyu with a spear in his hand.

At this time, the Great Vajra wheel imprint suppressed by the void was finally shattered under Su Shanyu's crazy attack.But Su Shanyu also appeared in the distance within a few flashes, avoiding Chen Hao's attack.

However, Chen Hao had already made up his mind to kill Su Shanyu, so he stepped on the Bing Jue and held the fairy-level Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear, turning into a ball of black streamer, and quickly chased after him.

During this process, Chen Hao hit several huge King Kong wheel marks in succession, attacking Su Shanyu fiercely.

At this time, Su Shanyu's face was gloomy and terrifying.After all, he is also a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period, three realms higher than Chen Hao.Moreover, he is the No.80 young master on the Dragon and Phoenix List.

(End of this chapter)

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