The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 294 The first thing

Chapter 294 The First Thing
Wu Dong laughed: "Thanks to my brother, my brother is now the director of the Falling Star City branch."

Chen Hao was taken aback. This guy has become the supervisor here?It seems that it is already on the rise.

The Bada Chamber of Commerce, apart from the headquarters located in Yunshuijian, the chambers of commerce in the remaining four major cities in the cultivation world are the largest and best-selling branches of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

And this guy Wu Dong has already become a branch of Falling Star City, so it's not an exaggeration to say that he is on the rise.Being able to become the director of the Falling Star City Branch, Wu Dong may have truly entered the core circle of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

However, this guy turned out to be the director of the branch here, which made Chen Hao's plan go more smoothly this time.

"Haha, it's because of your outstanding ability, brother, that you can be promoted so quickly." Chen Hao said with a complimenting smile.

"Haha, thanks to you, brother. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd still be struggling in Shangqingcheng. Now that the game is coming, why don't we have a few drinks at the back?" Wu Dong invited.

In fact, what he said was not polite.The reason why he was able to become a branch here in just a few years is largely related to Chen Hao.

If it wasn't for Chen Hao, he wouldn't have been appreciated by Great Elder Qi Yang.Without the appreciation of Great Elder Qi Yang, he would not have been able to complete a few big deals in the past few years, and he would not have been able to sit in this position.

"Then I'll be disrespectful." Chen Hao smiled and walked in with Wu Dong.

When old friends meet, they naturally have something to say.After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Chen Hao's face suddenly became serious.

"Brother, you also know what happened more than a month ago."

Wu Dong nodded: "I've heard that, brother, you are so amazing that you escaped the pursuit of the masters of the Su family's metamorphosis." Wu Dong looked at Chen Hao in surprise and said, he was still very surprised by Chen Hao's strength .

"It's just luck. Those old people in the Su family dare to attack me, and I, Chen Hao, are not easy to bully."

Wu Dong frowned slightly: "Brother, I didn't pour cold water on you. Although you are strong, you are not an opponent of the Su family, and there are also the Zhang family and the Zhu family. The so-called gentleman's revenge is not too late, you don't want it." Recklessly."

Chen Hao sneered, "Although I am not their opponent, but I have this." While speaking, Chen Hao held a purple token in his hand. "

Seeing this token, Wu Dong's expression changed dramatically!

Wu Dong's face changed drastically in an instant. When he saw the purple gold made into a token, he already knew what Chen Hao was going to do.

That's right, what Chen Hao held was the Octal Order of the Octal Chamber of Commerce.A token with great effect owned by absolutely no more than ten people.

With Octopus, not only will there be a permanent [-]% discount on consumption in Octopus Chamber of Commerce, but token holders can ask Octopus Chamber of Commerce to do three things for free.

Three things that only the Bada Chamber of Commerce can do.

Now that Chen Hao took out the Octopus Order, it might be time to ask the Octopus Chamber of Commerce to exchange the promise.

"Although I am not the Su family, I am the opponent of the three major families. However, it should be no problem for you, the Bada Chamber of Commerce, right?" Chen Hao looked at Wu Dong and said with a smile.

Wu Dong nodded. For the Bada Chamber of Commerce, it is indeed no problem to eliminate the three Su family families.It's just that Chen Hao is going to waste an opportunity just to surround and destroy the three major families?
"The three chances on the Badaling Order are extremely precious, brother, I hope you will think about it carefully and don't waste it on unnecessary things." Wu Dong said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao shook his head: "The Su family must be destroyed. And I don't think it would be a waste to do so. Well, brother, don't try to persuade me, can you arrange it?"

Seeing Chen Hao's determined expression, Wu Dong sighed, and then said, "I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to ask for instructions. It may take three to five days."

As a friend, although Wu Dong didn't want Chen Hao to waste an extremely precious opportunity like this.But he is the director of the Badal Chamber of Commerce after all, and from the moment Chen Hao took out the Badalling, he had no choice but to shirk.

Chen Hao nodded.

"I'm going to ask for instructions, brother, you can live in the chamber of commerce for a few days." Before leaving, Wu Dong said.

Chen Hao nodded in agreement, but did not leave.

And not long after, Wu Dong came back again: "Brother, I have already asked for instructions. The masters of our chamber of commerce will be here within three days. At that time, do you want to destroy the Su family or the three major families together?" ?”

Seeing Wu Dong's calm expression on whether he wanted to destroy the three major families, Chen Hao was taken aback.Although these three families are not very good, after all, there are several masters in the transformation period.

The Bada Chamber of Commerce looked completely dismissive, one can imagine how terrifying the power of the Bada Chamber of Commerce is.

"This time I'm just going to destroy the Su family, and I don't need your masters to take action. You just need to block the transformational masters of the Su family for me, as well as the masters from the Zhu family and the Zhang family who came to help. The rest, I Take care of it yourself." Chen Hao said with a murderous look in his eyes, his eyes flickering.

If it weren't for the fact that he was no match for a master in the metamorphosis stage, he wouldn't have wasted this precious opportunity from the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

As for the Zhang family and the Zhu family?Chen Hao has no plans to destroy them for the time being - as long as he has the strength to deal with the masters in the metamorphosis period, he will destroy these two families without hesitation. Now is not the time.

"That's good. However, although these three families are not very good, you should be more careful about the City Lord of Luoxing City." Wu Dong warned Chen Hao with a serious face.

Chen Hao looked at Wu Dong in astonishment. With the strength of the Bada Chamber of Commerce, is he so cautious of the Lord of Falling Star City?Could it be the Lord of Falling Star City?
Puzzled in his heart, Chen Hao asked immediately.

Wu Dong just shook his head, and then said: "I don't know the details, but the Lord of Falling Star City is definitely not a weak force! I can only tell you that even the ten three major families are not the opponent of the Lord of Falling Star City." Not only Luoxing City, but the city lords of the five major cities in the cultivation world are not a simple force."

Chen Hao was surprised, and remembered Wu Dong's words in his heart.


Three days passed quickly.All the masters from the Bada Chamber of Commerce have arrived.However, they were very secretive and did not show up, even Chen Hao couldn't see them.

this night.

"Brother, your people only need to block those metamorphosis masters for me, and you don't need to intervene in the rest." Chen Hao said again.

At the same time, Chen Hao had already soared into the air, rushed out of the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and shot towards the Su family.

The moment Chen Hao soared into the sky, dozens of figures rose up from the Bada Chamber of Commerce one after another.

Under the shaking of the figure, these figures have disappeared in place, and all of them have disappeared in a teleport.

The Su family, an incomparably luxurious mansion countless times larger than the secular palace.

At this time, a figure appeared out of thin air in the void outside the Su family.

"Who is it? They spied on the Su family at night and left quickly!" The moment this figure appeared, it was discovered by the patrolling experts in the Su family. He got up and rushed towards the figure that had just appeared.

It was Chen Hao who just appeared.

At this time, Chen Hao looked at the person coming with a cold face and a murderous look on his face, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Endless tribulation thunder, blast and kill everything for me!"

Chen Hao suddenly growled and pointed with his big hand!Immediately, the sky above the entire Su family was enveloped by endless clouds of calamity.At the same time, endless tribulation thunder appeared out of thin air, covering the entire sky, covering the entire Su family, suppressing and killing them.

Rumble! Rumble!
The moment the endless tribulation thunder appeared, the dazzling thunder light instantly illuminated the entire dark night sky, just like daytime.And the endless and terrifying coercion spread out like a tide, suppressing the heavens and worlds, it was very terrifying.

Many masters of the Su family, who were the first to bear the brunt, reacted immediately.However, when they saw the lightning strike that filled the entire void, their faces suddenly changed.

"Damn it, what's going on here?" The masters of the Su family came out one after another, looking at the tribulation thunder in the void, they kept growling and cursing.Many people have even started to leave the Su family.

"Endless Tribulation Thunder, destroy it for me." Chen Hao grinned, controlling the Endless Tribulation Thunder to engulf everything swiftly and devour everything.

This void was filled with dazzling tribulation thunder, exuding a destructive aura.

The first to bear the brunt were the few masters who soared into the sky. Under the terrifying power of the endless tribulation thunder, they didn't even have time to scream, and they were already smashed into powder by the sky thunder.

Several experts in the metamorphosis stage of the Su family were also alarmed. When they saw the sky full of tribulation and thunder crashing down, their faces immediately turned blue.

However, a master in the metamorphosis period is a master in the metamorphosis period after all, and he is not chaotic in times of danger.Several masters in the metamorphosis period roared angrily, and teamed up to set up a shield over the Su family to prevent the endless thunderstorms from falling.

At the same time, the entire Fallen Star City was startled by the thunderstorm and terrifying coercion.Countless monks jumped into the air one after another, and rushed towards the Su family.The masters of the Zhang family and the Zhu family also dispatched one after another, shooting in the direction of the Su family.

Even in the city lord's mansion far away, it was startled by the endless tribulation and thunder at this time.

"Chen Hao, it's you, you little bastard!"

After several masters of the Su family teamed up to arrange a protective shield, they temporarily withstood the strikes of the endless thunder and saved the Su family from being destroyed.

At this time, an old man among the metamorphosis masters saw Chen Hao not far away, and roared involuntarily.Immediately, he rose into the air and rushed towards Chen Hao.

"Is it you, an old man?" Chen Hao gritted his teeth suddenly when he saw the old man who came rushing forward.This old guy is exactly the metamorphosis master who attacked him that day.

"Today the Su family will definitely be uprooted by me, and all the culprits are because of you, an old man, haha!" Chen Hao laughed wildly, but he didn't pay attention to this master of transformation at all.

"Then you will die for me first." The old man grinned grimly, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Chen Hao fiercely.

However, the moment the old man made a move, another big hand shattered the void and came across from a distance, intercepting the old man's attack.

"Your opponent is me."

A phantom flashed, and a man in black with his face covered blocked the old man's attack.

"Who are you?" The pupils of the old man of the Su family shrank sharply.Because he was horrified to find that the aura on the opponent's body was stronger than his.

"If you don't want to die, don't meddle in this matter, or I will kill you." The man in black looked at the old man of the Su family and said coldly.

At the same time, phantoms flickered continuously in the void, and several black-clothed men exuding an extremely powerful and terrifying aura appeared in the sky.

"Break it for me!"

Several men in black shot at the same time, and slammed down on the protective shield that several experts in the metamorphosis period of the Su family had jointly arranged below.

Obviously, the strength of the man in black is much stronger than the strength of the masters of the Su family's metamorphosis period.With just one blow, the shield they jointly arranged was smashed to pieces.

Immediately, the men in black swayed, and each faced a master in the metamorphosis period. The terrifying coercion broke out, making the masters in the metamorphosis period of the Su family feel desperate.

"It's best for those of you who are in the metamorphosis stage to leave here, otherwise, I can guarantee that after tonight, your Su family will not have a master in the metamorphosis stage." A man in black said lightly.

"Nonsense, give it to me, kill these bastards." The moment their shields were broken, endless tribulation thunder struck down, and some members of the Su family were directly killed.

If they hesitate any longer, the Su family will really be wiped out today.

With a roar, the old man of the Su family who once attacked Chen Hao disappeared in a teleport, and when he reappeared, he had avoided the man in black standing in front of him and appeared in front of Chen Hao.

This guy actually wanted to kill Chen Hao.

"You are courting death!"

The man in black was obviously very angry at the behavior of the old man of the Su family. With a low drink, he stepped out, crushing the void, flipping his hands, and smashing countless barriers of time and space. Blast to the head of the old man of the Su family!


The man in black arrived first, and with a punch, he directly blew the head of the old man of the Su family!

With just one punch, the master who was also in the metamorphosis period was killed.The man in black is so powerful!Could it be that he is a fairy?No matter how weak the old man of the Su family is, he is still a master of transformation.

Scarlet blood splashed, but Chen Hao was shocked just watching this scene.At the same time, the many monks who heard the news were also gasped in shock.

It's just that those people in the Su family don't think so.

Seeing that one of the masters in the transformation period of the family was bombarded and killed like this, the remaining monks in the transformation stage became angry immediately.One by one roared, frantically attacking and killing the men in black who stopped them.

Tribulation thunder billowed, filling this space, bombarding it continuously, destroying everything.The endless coercion spread out, suppressing the heavens and the world.

(End of this chapter)

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